Claire Edwards and Barrie Trower: "5G is a Weapon!"
Friday, 16 September 2022
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Claire Edwards et Barrie Trower : "La 5G est une arme !"
Vendredi, le 16 septembre 2022
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This is a deliberate genocide
The man who originally set the electromagnetic radiation exposure guidelines in 1953 was a Nazi scientist called Herman P. Schwan, who had previously worked for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics.
His guideline was adopted by the so-called International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is a private club. Its technical recommendation excludes the biological effects and states that there are only heating effects, that is, people can be exposed without coming to harm for a total of only six minutes in a 24-hour period.
This six-minute guideline does not take into account that electrical and magnetic fields change all of the electric and magnetic processes in the body. That means that it does not take into account the biological effects.
Microwaves cook from the inside out. That’s how microwave ovens work. But your brain does not have pain or heat sensors in the middle so you can’t feel too warm in those six minutes.
Jerry Flynn, former captain in the Canadian army, has predicted that around 2 billion people would be dead or dying by the end of 2022. That is 28 times the number of people who died and suffered in the whole of World War II. The death of these 2 billion people is connected with what is called “covid”.
Babies in the womb are electrical conductors. The wavelength of the microwaves is the same size as the zygote or foetus so it becomes an electrical conductor. The microwaves go into the foetus, the foetus acts as an aerial and then the current goes to ground through the mother, so the foetus is a personal receiver of all the microwaves going through the mother to ground.
If the maternal mitochondrial DNA is damaged, it can never be repaired and all the genetic damage will be passed on through female offspring forever.
Within two generations, only 1 in 8 children will be born healthy. Within five generations, there will be 100% sterility.
Wireless technology, including 5G, is a weapon
Wireless technology, including 5G, is a weapon that has been used, inter alia, for mind control, crowd control, and against dissidents. The UK government used microwaves against Catholics in Northern Ireland, the Americans used them on the women protesting against cruise missiles at Greenham Common in the 1980s, [1] and the Soviets used them on American diplomats. Joe Biden has just authorised compensation for American diplomats who were microwaved, which caused symptoms that came to be known as “Havana Syndrome”.
The American military spent two decades collecting Soviet research papers on the biological effects of exposure to microwave radiation in order to develop microwave weapons.
A since declassified American military document from 1976 gives two reasons for endorsing the so-called thermal hypothesis (in other words, excluding the biological effects): their need to be able to develop microwave weapons and protecting the profits of industry. Barrie says that it was also to prevent legal claims from military personnel.
Microwave weapons masquerading as cell phones should not be given to children as toys.
Components of the 5G weapon grid
The perpetrators of this genocide intend to use the whole of the atmosphere and sky (the ionosphere, which is an electrical conductor) as a transmitter. They are turning the whole planet into a microwave oven. Barrie says that one of the big telecommunications industries, possibly Google, has claimed the atmosphere and sky over the whole of the Amazon rainforest.
The ground part of this grid consists of “smart” meters, which communicate with about 20 things in each house and transmit 190 thousand times per day. All these meters form a blanket mesh of microwaves, inside which people are being electrified all the time.
A European Union Briefing for parliamentarians published in February 2020 stated, inter alia, that nothing is known about the interference effects from exposing people to different frequencies and power levels all at once.
Effects of the 5G/wireless technology weapon
Microwaves slowly attack and reduce and destroy all of your immune systems. When people sleep in a microwave field, their immune system can be up to 40% reduced by that night-time irradiation. When the immune system is depressed, then all these opportunistic pathogens get an opportunity to multiply.
Bacteria and viruses [2] thrive when they are microwaved, and they multiply much more quickly – they can absorb the energy. The viruses that attack cattle and trees are now rife around the world. Microwaves kill the micro-organisms in the soil.
One Soviet study on what is now called 5G showed that exposure to half the permitted level of the ICNIRP guidelines for 15 minutes per day over 60 days caused life-destroying, neurological and physiological damage in every part of the body of all of the animals and people studied.
Protection from this weapon is impossible
No one can hope to protect themselves from this genocide by shielding with clothing or bed canopies or anything else. Campaigners who lead people to believe that they can protect themselves are lying in order to make money. There is only one option for our survival and that is to stop the onslaught from microwaves by turning it all off. We can still have telecommunications by cabling our computers, plugging in our cell phones and connecting fibre-optic cable to our homes or offices.
John Kitson: All right. Today we have Claire Edwards interviewing Barrie Trower on 5G and the very latest on 5G, so Claire, please go ahead.
CE: Barrie, it’s a great privilege finally to meet you.
BT: It’s my pleasure.
CE: We’ve talked on the phone and finally I’m getting to meet you. So, just to introduce myself to the audience a little bit. I was working for the United Nations for 18 years as an editor and in December 2015, they put public access points on the ceiling. I tried to alert everybody I could at the UN but nobody listened, so finally I took that to the Secretary-General and I warned him about the public access points and the health of the staff, and about 5G. After that, I was invited to participate in the production of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, which was then published about four or five months later, in 2018, so basically for the last five years I have been a campaigner to stop 5G. That’s basically my background.
BT: I’ll tell you about me. I started studying microwaves in 1959 to get into the military. I’m military trained in microwave warfare. My first degree, I specialised in nuclear and atomic physics. My dissertation was written on absorption of the far end of the microwave scale. I have another degree, a higher degree, studying environmental influences on the brain. I also have a university diploma in what you would call fitness and health, well-being. I’m the author of the TETRA report for the Police Federation, the confidential report and the higher confidential, secret report for the senior officers in the police. [3] I’ve been lecturing on the dangers of this since they came out in 1972 and I’m still doing it now.
CE: So how are you enjoying your retirement?
BT: I haven’t started … Yesterday I was thinking that it’s 18 years now and I haven’t actually started my retirement. I should have retired 18 years ago. I’m 78 now. I planned to retire when I was 60. I haven’t started yet, but I’m hoping to soon.
CE: Ditto, but I’ve only done five years. So I’m looking forward to my retirement at some stage. So, to start off with I’d like to touch on the paper that you produced last year on the dangers to babies and foetuses of 5G.
BT: That’s this one here, the zygote paper. [4]
CE: Yes. I have very recently moved to England and I have been looking at houses. And I have been going into houses with my meter. And I have my EMF meter on red, maximum, screaming, and I can see that there are babies and children living in this house. This has happened more than once and it just leaves me devastated.
BT: Funnily enough, when you write these papers, whether it’s spiritual, I don’t know. But you start to get a nagging thought, and then people ask questions like when you phoned. People ask questions and it all - sort of - merges in your brain and you think “I’ve got to write a paper on this”. Last year I banned my wife from the room and spread all my 2,000 papers out there and sat down for four months and just did it. The same with the [paper on the] brain. What I found scared me was this. It’s that, after intercourse, when the sperm meets the egg, the lady doesn’t know she’s pregnant from that stage up until 6-8 weeks, when she goes to the GP and the GP says, “Congratulations! You’re pregnant”. In those 6-8 weeks, she’s not taking any sensible precautions that she would take if she had known that she was pregnant. And that is the most dangerous area for the zygotes, is those 6-8 weeks, because it is the size of the 5G waves and the zygote, being in fluid, is wet. And anyone who has studied physics will know that, if you have an electrical conductor, as people are, if you have an electrical conductor that is the size of the wave, it will act as an aerial.
CE: So the electrical conductor is the water?
BT: No, the electrical conductor is the baby!
CE: The baby itself?
BT: Yes!
CE: The foetus. The size of the foetus at that time ...
BT: Yes. Because it is the zygote, the size of the foetus or the embryo, that is the conductor. But it gets worse than this. Anybody who knows aerials, the microwaves are the same size, so in other words that baby acts as an electrical conductor, so the microwaves go into the baby, the baby acts as an aerial and then the current goes to ground through the mother, so the baby is a personal receiver of all the microwaves going through the mother to ground, but the water is a very good thing you brought up. The water – because water – people don’t know this but, I think it was 1745 it was known, water acts as a battery, the very first batteries were made out of water. So you’ve got the water storing charge within the womb, and the baby acting as an aerial to pass this charge down through the mother. And we reckon that the miscarriages, stillbirths, genetically damaged child rate will be, within two generations it’s hereditary, there’s only 1 in 8 children will be born healthy. 1 in 8.
CE: I know that you’ve said in previous interviews that within – and this was way before 5G – you said that within five generations you would have 100% sterility. [5] How has that changed with the advent of 5G?
BT: That is published. The editor of a science journal published it himself. He said that, when you look at the number of species that are dying, and Australia is a good point [to keep] in mind here because you have the two big mountain ranges in Australia where they put the transmitters up. The whole area is dead. The trees are dying, everything has left, even the soil is dead, and that is going everywhere.
CE: Because it kills the soil biome.
BT: It does. It kills the micro-organisms in the soil.
CE: And we know this anyway from the Cold War and the radar that was on the East German border, which totally wiped out everything. So we know this from long history.
BT: Yes. So at least within a few generations, 60% of the world’s population will be very, very sick or dead, or on the way to being dead. At least 60%. In fact, the figures have been published by a captain who is the Canadian version of me over here. Jerry Flynn. He’s written two books on this and he was a captain in microwave warfare and he did the figures that showed that around 2 billion people would be dying or about to die or working up to dying by the end of this year. [6] It would be around the world, the figure will be 2 billion. I’m a university mathematician and I thought, “That’s a lot. I think I’ll check this”. I was checking India and China and all the countries, all of their scientific reports on stillbirths, genetically damaged children, all the clinics that have opened up. I went right round the world just adding up my own figures from peer-reviewed documents. And in fact, Jerry – and he’s a very close friend of mine – he didn’t get the number quite right because there are more than 2 billion. I got much more than 2 billion, and then my simple brain – I need to put things into context. That is 28 times the number of people who died and suffered in the whole of World War II. So this industry is going to cause 28 times the damage of WWII, and that can be shown on paper.
CE: But it’s not a future thing. You’ve just said it’s happening now! It’s present tense. You said that Jerry Flynn said that 2 billion people would be dead by the end of this year.
BT: Certainly by the end of this year, yes. Or on the way to being dead.
CE: Now these 2 billion people, does that have anything to do with what’s called “covid”?
BT: Yes. [7[ There’s been a lot of misrepresentation here. And I have a paper here – I think it’s – there are something like 50 references to covid and 5G, and all the other Gs and WiFi. The truth of the matter, to my knowledge, there are only three living organisms that can either survive 5G and all the other waves, or benefit from the energy coming in. There are only three things living that I know and those are bacteria, viruses and scorpions. Now the bacteria and viruses, they thrive when they are microwaved, and they multiply much more quickly – they can absorb the energy.
CE: I have to stop you there, Barrie, and say that there is a lot of controversy about whether viruses exist. Dr. Andrew Kaufman says that viruses are actually exosomes and they are produced when the cells are assaulted by microwaves. [8]
BT: Can I finish my point?
CE: It’s just that mentioning viruses is very controversial now.
BT: Whether viruses are dead or alive, but on every living thing other than those three, what microwaves do – and this has always been known and I was taught it in 1960 – and this applies to viruses now. Because microwaves very slowly attack and reduce and destroy all of your immune systems. [9] Now, whether the viruses are picked up by – pick up the microwaves and they have the extra energy, but they can multiply more because our immune systems are crashing, and for some people they’re crashing at an alarming rate, when they sleep in a microwave field because their immune system can be up to 40% reduced over that night-time irradiation …
CE: Because it’s at night that the body repairs itself with melatonin from the pineal gland.
BT: And it slowly – and this is why, 18 months after the transmitters go up, you start to get the epidemiological studies on all of the people getting the new symptom illnesses. And this is where the viruses come in, because we have viruses resident in our bodies. The chicken pox, the herpes, the streptococcus and all those …
CE: So when the immune system is depressed, then all these opportunistic pathogens get an opportunity to multiply.
BT: Yes. So bacteria and viruses cannot travel – it’s against the law of physics. They cannot travel with the waves or with the microwaves – that can’t be done. But microwaves lower the immune system, the bacteria will thrive on microwaves and multiply faster, but you’re laying an open door, especially with cattle and trees, and animals, and we’re getting this now because the viruses that attack cattle and trees are now rife around the world. We’re getting vast areas where whole plantations of crops are now not ready for consumption and the animals are being destroyed because they’re picking up the viruses that have gone wild inside the animals and they can’t be eaten. So the viruses are taking advantage of it, but not because they absorb the microwaves, but because our immune systems are low. So it is a three-pronged attack, but the other thing there, when you said the high power, with the microwaves, it has been shown by Professors Schwartz [?], Provnic [?], Henry Lai and Neil Cherry, and those four, they have shown that a low dose of microwaves is certainly as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than a high dose. [10]
CE: Yes.
BT: Because, when you have a high dose, the protein 53 and the nuclear pore complex of the cellular structures, they are trained to repair the body and defend it from microwaves or any waves. We developed those when we were living in caves to protect us from electric storms, things like that. But they have a trigger point that they need to activate them and when you have long, continuous, low-level microwaves, they do not reach the activation point of protein 53 and the nuclear pore so they come in very slowly, and I liken it to, if a lady didn’t like her husband and wanted to get rid of him in Victorian times, she would put a little bit of arsenic in his food every day, which is rat poison, and over the years, the husband would get more and more sick and it was generally put down to pneumonia or consumption, something like that. To me, it’s like that. It’s like – I liken low-level microwaves from the whole industry to what I would call “lead arsenide poisoning” because it slowly attacks the brain, and I know that, and it slowly attacks the immune system. So when you take all this into account and the numbers of children that are addicted, and there are clinics now for two-year-olds in China, who are addicted to microwaves, and it is addictive, I have the proof here.
CE: And you see so many parents with very small children, even babies, and they just give them “smart” phones to play with.
BT: Yes, absolutely! And this is the problem because the communications industry, they control what the public reads and hears. They control the media so, if you say to somebody next door, “You shouldn’t really have that phone on for that length of that time”, they will say, “Well, if it was dangerous, we would have been told about it”. But you’re not told about it.
CE: Yes, exactly. I have told people about the airpods that people have in their ears, which are putting microwaves straight through their brain.
BT: Absolutely!
CE: And one person said to me, “Oh, but the government would have warned us. The government takes care of that”. But the government doesn’t because the government is using the cover of the so-called International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection. If you go to Public Health England, they will also cite the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection as cover, but I wanted to ask you about this. The ICNIRP guidelines from 1998 talk about six minutes of exposure, so for the general public, their guidelines are based on six minutes of exposure. Now, is that the same for their more recent, revised guidelines? Are we still talking about six minutes of exposure?
BT: Absolutely! If somebody says – INCIRP is about 20 self-appointed, self-governing men. I don’t know that there’s a female in there. It’s 20 people. They act as a symposium, in other words they only employ like-minded people.
CE: That’s right, yes. It’s a private club! [11]
BT: And they are funded by the industry, mostly, and the American military. If you say to them, “Is it safe?”, they will say “Yes”. Simple as that. What they don’t say is that it’s only safe for six minutes. They leave that bit out. But it is only safe for six minutes and that is still the standard.
CE: So basically, what we’re saying here is that, if you get up in the morning and you say, “I can be exposed to electromagnetic radiation today for six minutes”.
BT: Cumulative, over the 24 hours.
CE: Yes. So, in the entire 24-hour period, you could be exposed for six minutes and that would be deemed safe by ICNIRP?
BT: Yes. So it could be one minute, and then an hour later … but not more than six minutes over 24 hours.
CE: Not more than six minutes over 24 hours. So here we have a situation – so let’s just make it clear that the ICNIRP guidelines are based on science that precedes the advent of the “smart” phone.
BT: Yes.
CE: So our exposure, compared to those times, our exposure now is uncountably greater … so people now are going to spend all day – and as you’ve said possibly all night if they bring the “smart” phone into their bedroom - not only are they possibly sitting in WiFi at home or at work, they’re holding their “smart” phone to their head for half the day, they may be sleeping in a bedroom with a cell phone, they may be using it as an alarm clock, so how is it moral for ICNIRP, this so-called International commission, and for the telecommunications companies to continue with this fraud? Genocide, actually. [12]
BT: It is genocide. I mentioned the six minutes. They also have one which is 30 minutes, ICNIRP, but again, what they’re not saying for the 30 minutes is that it is time-averaged. Again, if you see the 30 minutes, somewhere in that document, there’ll be a little asterisk, and they’ll say the 30 minutes is time-averaged. What that means, because you’re going back to 1953, which was Schwan, an engineer called Schwan, and he worked out how much heat would be safe for the body absorbing all this radiation. And it came out as six minutes. So this six minutes is nothing to do with the electrical and magnetic fields changing all of the electric and magnetic processes in the body ...
CE: In other words, it’s nothing to do with the biological effects.
BT: No, it’s purely heat.
CE: He completely discounted all the biological effects. And he said it was only the heating effects that we had to worry about. And I just want to point out here that we are talking about Herman P. Schwan, who was a Nazi scientist who had previously worked for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Heredity and Eugenics! And this is the person who is responsible for our exposure guidelines that are basically in operation right now all these years later.
BT: Well, I don’t know that he’s responsible. ICNIRP took his documentation and they said, “We will use this”. So the microwave safety level is only based on thermal ... in other words the temperature of your body, that’s it.
CE: Exactly. So all the biological effects have been ignored and this takes me to another question ...
BT: Can I just finish where you are there for a second? Where this falls down, as well, is that microwaves cook from the inside out. That’s how microwave ovens work. But your brain does not have pain sensors or heat sensors in the middle so you can’t feel too warm in those six minutes because most of our heat sensors are on the outside of the skin. There are no pain sensors inside the brain so it would be impossible for you to feel too warm in six minutes anyway. We don’t have the physiology in our bodies to do that.
CE: So the major fraud here is that – or I would call it a conspiracy actually – is to have us believe that there are only heating effects and there are NO biological effects. So in that case, how do we account for the fact that the US military spent a couple of decades at least putting together all the Soviet research on the biological effects? [13] Tell me, was the American military just doing that, the way you might collect stamps or coins, they just collected a few research papers on the biological effects or actually did they have a purpose in collecting that information?
BT: I’ve got the document that answers that. There was a document published where the American military and government together, they advised all Western governments – what are known as “Five Eyes” … Are you familiar with Five Eyes?
CE: Yes, the “Five Eyes” countries, yes.
BT: The Five Eyes [countries] were advised by the American government and the American military to basically employ this six-minute rule, which, as you say, does not explain anything. It is misleading to the public and not explanatory at all. And the reason they said that “You’ve got to come out with this” to the Five Eyes [countries], there were two reasons, and I’ve got it written down. One is to protect industrial output, which is profit. The other is to prevent legal claims by the military [personnel]. And I’ve got that in writing. [14]
CE: That’s … If I can just explain. You’ve referred to that before, and I regularly cite that. That’s a 1976 military document, subsequently declassified, and it actually says, “We cannot allow the public to be warned about their exposure to electromagnetic radiation because it would impede the profits of industry and it would prevent us developing the weapons that we want to develop”. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s basically what it says.
BT: Oh, that’s right. And the military people, and I’ve had several and I’ve been involved in several of their cases. The military … they can die. The number of military people who will get brain tumours and become ill, they can die because it protects the industry’s profits and there are always new people to come into the military. So, as they get older and more experienced, and their pay goes up, they are now dying so you save money because you’re getting in new recruits who only live for half the pay. And, as it says in the document, the military [personnel] cannot take the American government to court firstly because they’re dead, and secondly because they don’t know to take them to court. So they’re getting a nice, profitable run through the military. But this isn’t happening in Russia, China, North Korea, some of the Indonesian countries [sic], they are actually taking steps to safeguard this. So you’re actually getting an imbalance of populations. And what’s going to happen – and it’s already started happening – is that the countries where you’ve got now lots of people ill, lots of people dying, which are the Five Eyes [countries], and for the people listening to this, the Five Eyes are America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where we’ve got lots of people dying of this now. And I think brain tumours in children is now the biggest killer here, in children. We’ve got plenty of people to come in at the moment to take over, but that’s going to run out. And you’re also getting the population build up of these other countries, and they are starting to come in to these countries …
CE: to immigrate ..
BT: … to immigrate, and that’s happening a lot. I gave a talk to a minister in Australia. And when I was there talking to some of the people out in Australia, they have now got so many immigrants in Australia from Indonesia, that they have to tax things because all of these immigrants are not paying tax and they can’t afford to run the infrastructure of the [country] on the money they’re getting in in taxes. So they’ve had to rearrange their tax system in Australia to cover all of the immigrants. So they’ve now taxed everything that the immigrants use and do. They’ve taxed, for example, bus fares, food, petrol, anything you drink, water, that’s all taxed so that they can actually get the revenue in.
CE: Well, this brings me to perhaps the most important question that I want to ask you.
BT: Okay.
CE: We’ve talked about the military collecting up all these Soviet research papers on the biological effects. We haven’t mentioned that in 1973 the World Health Organization actually held a symposium that was called “The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Exposure to Microwave Radiation”. [15] So that was actually held in 1973. So we should know – the public doesn’t know, but the military and the telecommunications companies all know that this is going to cause a genocide, effectively. They know about the biological effects. So my question to you, Barrie, is: “Is wireless technology and 5G a weapon?”
BT: Yes.
CE: Thank you. Thank you very much. Because too many people, Barrie, too many scientists will not say that this is a weapon.
BT: It is. It’s called “The Growler”. G – R – O – W – L – E – R. It’s used for mind control, it’s used for crowd control, it’s used on dissidents. We used the microwaves on Catholics in Northern Ireland, the Americans used them on the women at Greenham Common, the Russians used them on the Americans, you’ve got the “Havana Syndrome” at the moment. [16] It is both – and this was my argument when I started this research. Going back to the sixties. My very first question to the government was: “How can you have something which is an appropriate, dangerous and used weapon that is also an appropriate and used communications system that you can give to children?”
CE: And what was the answer?
BT: I haven’t had an answer yet. I’m still waiting.
CE: Right, okay, yeah. So basically, what we’re saying here is that 5G is being rolled out over the entire world and the actual word that is, perhaps most commonly used in the UN documentation … Now, I worked for the UN so I can say that, all these agendas, they are fed through the UN and they go into every single programme and project of the UN. So this is how it’s disseminated around the world. So the word that is used in the UN literature on 5G is their intention to “blanket” the entire world with 5G, from satellite, over the oceans, over the rainforest, there would be basically absolutely no escape from it anywhere, whatsoever …
BT: Yes, you’re right.
CE: So this is going to kill all life on Earth.
BT: No. Coming back to the document. The World Health Organization document I have …
CE: The 1973 [document]?
BT: Yes. In Warsaw. There’s a huge great, in red, “top secret” stamp on the front cover. I have my own copy that I had sent to me. I think there are hundreds, there are 300 pages I think, and I think there are something like 150 life-changing illnesses they came to. It was marked “top secret” and still is to this day. For the same reason: to protect industrial profit and to prevent lawsuits. The [term] “blanket” – you’re absolutely correct. I know that, I think it’s Google, one of the big telecommunications industries has claimed the atmosphere and sky over the whole of the Amazon rainforest. They say “That bit’s going to be mine”. So the thousands, tens of thousands of satellites going up, they will be interlinked – you’ve got high-level, medium-level, low-level balloons that will stay there, controlled balloons, permanent drones which are controlled by photoelectric cells that will just continue going in a circle around a beam ... The whole of the atmosphere and sky is going to be a transmitter, the whole atmosphere around the planet.
CE: Using the ionosphere.
BT: That’s an electrical conductor. Yes. The whole of the atmosphere around the planet is going to be a microwave fishbowl. The ground bit are “smart” meters. When they say “smart” meters only work, or will only transmit six times a day, that’s incorrect. The cumulative effect of the number of transmissions they make in a day, when you squeeze them down, is six minutes, but in that six minutes, it’s something like 190 thousand transmissions.
CE: Yes, that’s what I’ve read, too. This is why “smart” meters are killing people.
BT: Yes, And they will communicate with about 20 things in each house. The television, the light bulbs, they will communicate continuously with those, and they collect the data in. So if you’re in an area, “smart” meters work in blocks. You have hundreds of “smart” meters, so if you have, say, 3 thousand people in a block, depending on the population, you’ll have “smart” meters dotted around. They all synchronize with each other, they all synchronize with the 20 or so things in the house. It is a mesh, a blanket mesh of microwaves. As you walk through this mesh, you’re giving yourself electric shocks because it’s how electricity is generated, and any schoolchildren, any schoolchild will say, “If you want to make electricity, you hold up a magnet, you hold up a piece of wire, you pass the magnet and the wire has electricity running through it. It’s how dynamos work. Wire, pass the magnet. As it goes through the magnetic field, the electrons move – that’s electricity. So as you walk through this mesh, all the time, whether you’re a toddler or a grown-up, you’re giving yourself an electric shock because you’re generating an electric current through your body all of the time. And every time you touch a cold tap – like getting out of a car on a hot day, you’re going to get a static thing … And that’s what’s killing off the animals in the fields
CE: There was a document, a European Union Briefing for parliamentarians, which was published in February 2020, and it was quite horrific to read it. [17] They have done NO studies on 5G, it stated in this document, they know NOTHING about the interference effects, so in other words, what intrigues me is that, one scientist who looks at electromagnetic radiation might study one frequency, and maybe he will spend years on studying one frequency, so we know a little tiny bit about particular frequencies and their effects, but we know nothing at all about the interference effects now that the whole planet is saturated with all these different frequencies.
BT: In fact, 5G, I’ve known 5G since the seventies. 5G’s not new. The wavelength that 5G is using is not new. The name is new. But the Soviets looked into 5G in the seventies. [18] They were very – they were the world leaders, probably still are, on microwave technology, – that was Yuri Grigoriev. [19] They looked into 5G in the seventies and they got – whether they were volunteers or not I don’t know, being out there. But they had farm animals, small animals and people, and they exposed them to 15 hours of radiation, 5G irradiation over 60 days, which is 15 minutes a day. So they had all of the cattle, all of the people, 15 minutes a day, and a grand total of 15 hours over 60 days. So the grand total is 15 hours. And the level of microwave irradiation, the 5G, is less than half of what ICNIRP says you can get, It is less than half they used in the Soviet experiment and they found that, in those 15 hours with less than a half of the [ICNIRP] radiation, it caused life-destroying, life-changing, life-altering for the worse, neurological and physiological damage in all of the animals and all of the people. There was nobody, not a single animal and not a single person that was not affected by life-changing illness. And it affected every part of the body. (We’ve got five minutes left.)
John Kitson: I’ve got a quick question, Barrie. The last two and a half years have been revolutionary in history. A lot of the country has been locked down. The immune system obviously, the spread of viruses, and I completely agree with you with the proliferation of electromagnetic fields and 5G. There was a doctor in the South of France who was actually following the epicentre of “covid” outbreaks, and he found that at these epicentres were phone masts. [20] And I just want to ask, there’s been no mention of electromagnetic fields, 5G and the connection with “covid”, I want to ask you, obviously there’s been a very hurried mass vaccination campaign. In the history of vaccines, doctors have spoken about metal adjuvants in the vaccines. [21] Claire and I have had a discussion on it. Do you think that the [“covid”] vaccines are safe and effective and do you think that the ingredients can be affected by electromagnetic fields and 5G?
BT: Whether there are metals in the vaccine, I don’t know. It’s out of my field. Can vaccines be affected by 5G or microwave irradiation? Yes, they can, just as everything in the body can. Because, if you think about it, our body is water-based, and vaccines are water-based. If you spread the vaccines out, there has to be a certain amount of water in them, in the molecules, in the compounds, in the vaccine. They will be water-based, and anything that contains water will be affected by microwaves because microwaves are attracted to water and – as I proved in my document here – the water acts – it will absorb the microwaves cumulatively and the damage with water is cumulative. So as the microwaves go into the water, into the cells, into the body, into the water in the vaccines, you are changing whatever the function [of the vaccine] is supposed to be. And this is one of the things about the foetus, and one of the things that scared me most with this, with water being able to change the water-based molecules here is that a baby .. In the womb, a baby can develop cancer on the fifteenth day of pregnancy through the water being changed in the molecular structure forming the baby, helping to make the baby. On the fifteenth day, the mother doesn’t even know that she is pregnant and the baby can already be born now with cancer on the fifteenth day and the other scarier thing is that, if the mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal ... as you know, the maternal line, for genetics, if the maternal DNA is damaged, then maternal mitochondrial DNA can never be repaired. And what you’re saying here is that the water can give the baby cancer on the fifteenth day of pregnancy within its molecular structure and, if it is the mitochondria, then that will be passed on through the maternal line. In other words, if the baby is a girl, she can pass on that genetic fault to her daughter, to her daughter, to her daughter, and until that genetic line is broken, every child in that maternal line will develop whatever the genetic … whether it’s cystic fibrosis, Down’s syndrome, whatever, each child will get that.
CE: Final question because we have to wrap up now, is: this threat from wireless technology and 5G is so massive. You’ve described how they’re actually taking over the very ionosphere and turning the entire planet into a microwave oven.
BT: Right.
CE: Now, I understand that people are in cognitive dissonance. They simply can’t deal with the scale of this threat. And so they’re trying to ignore it and they are encouraged by a lot of campaigners who promote or sell shielding clothing, shielding bed canopies and shungite pendants and all sorts of things. And those campaigners encourage people to believe that they’re going to be able to protect themselves from this massive onslaught. What do you think about that? Do you think that people can protect themselves?
BT: No.
CE: No. So the only possible option that we have is to stop wireless technology and 5G?
BT: Yes.
CE: If we want to survive, we have to stop this.
BT: Yes.
CE: Yes. As I always say, we are presented with this threat and, if you’re listening to the alternative media, every day there’s something new. Oh, they’re going to do this, the social crediting, oh, there’s going to be that, there’s going to be something else, and it’s horrific. But then I think to myself, hey, there’s an “off” switch. Just switch it off and then the whole nightmare is completely over. And people seem to miss this point.
BT: The thing is that it is unnecessary. You needn’t have this. You can have all of your microwave systems, you can have them safe. We don’t need to microwave the whole environment around the planet, we don’t need this mesh. If we have fibre-optic cable from transmitter to source … so if you have a computer, you plug it into a plug in your house.
CE: Yes, you cable your computer.
BT: If you have a cell phone, you plug it into a little knob in your wall.
CE: Sure.
BT: You can have everything. It is more secure, it’s faster, it carries more messages, more everything …
CE: And it’s completely safe and healthy.
BT: It’s safe. It’s as safe as we need it.
CE: But that assumes, Barrie, that we’re looking at a telecommunications system. But we’re NOT looking at … The reason that that is NOT happening is that this is not a telecommunications system. It’s a massive weapon, and not just a single weapon, it’s a whole hydra of weapons.
BT: It is a weapon that is used as a weapon today and it is used as a toy by children.
CE: Yes. Thank you. Barrie, it’s a great pleasure.
BT: It’s my pleasure. If I can do anything else for you, just let me know.
CE: Thank you.
* * * * * * * * * *
1. “The Women of Greenham Common and Their Legacy 40 Years On.” The Week. 17 September 2021. Available at
2. The existence of viruses has been disputed. Doctors such as Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan and Mark Bailey, among others, say that they are exosomes. Discussion posted 22 September 2022 at Dr. Bailey’s paper entitled “A Farewell to Virology” is available to download on the same page.
3. Barrie Trower. Confidential Report on the TETRA communications system commissioned by the Police Federation of England and Wales. September 2001. Available at
4 Barrie Trower. “From zygote to foetus there is no hiding place from the electrically induced phase transition from 5G with its accompanying support and carrier waves.” February 2021. Available at
5. Barrie Trower. “WiFi - A Thalidomide in the Making: Who Cares?” 2013. Available at
6. Capt. Jerry G. Flynn. Hidden Dangers 5G: How governments, telecom and electric power utilities suppress the truth about the known hazards of electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation. November 2019. Available at
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: “2 billion will die by the Covid vaccines.” 30 April 2022. Available at—2-Billion-People-Will-Die-by-the-COVID-Vaccines:6.
7. Papers on the connection between “covid” and 5G:
Dr. Ilana Nurpi. “Questioning Covid.” 19 July 2021. Available at
Beverley Rubik & Robert R. Brown. “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.” 29 September 2021. Available at
Angela Tsiang and Magda Havas. “Covid-19 attributed cases & deaths are statistically higher in states & counties with 5G mm wave wireless telecoms in the US.” European Society of Medicine. 3 April 2021. Available at
Carmen I. Rios and others. “Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury.” Radiation Research Journal, 16 October 2020. Available at
Professor Emeritus Martin Pall. “Argument for a 5G – COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism”. 20 March 2020. Available at
Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. “Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks.” March 2020. Available at
Video interview. Dr. Robert O. Young. What is a virus?. 5 April 2020. Available at
8. K. Witwer K and J. Lötvall. “Is COVID-19 virus an exosome?” Exosome RNA. 17 April 2020. Available at
9. Microwaves destroy the immune system. See search results at EMF Portal:
10. Low-dose studies.
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space [N.B. DO NOT SIGN – HIJACKED]. 18 September 2018. “Biological effects occur even at near-zero power levels. Effects that have been found at 0.02 picowatts (trillionths of a watt) per square centimetre or less include altered genetic structure in E. Coliand in rats, altered EEGin humans, growth stimulationin bean plants,and stimulation of ovulation in chickens.”Available at
In 2001, Dr. Neil Cherry explained that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: “…. whose frequencies, harmonics and sub-harmonics coincide with the range of frequencies used by our brains, hearts and cells. Subtly and at extremely low intensities, they strongly interact, through resonant absorption, with primary functions of our bodies with significant elevations in depression, sickness and death.” He also said: “We need absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems. We have it! The key is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE – I repeat CUMULATIVE! It can take 10 – 20 – 30 or even more years for the damage to become apparent. It can even be handed down through generations. These things we know.” Cited in "Evidence that Electromagnetic fields from high voltage powerlines and in buildings, are hazardous to human health, especially to young children" by Jerry Flynn, at
11. Klaus Buchner, MEP, and Michèle Rivasi, MEP. "The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Conflicts of Interest, corporate capture and the push for 5G." June 2020. Available at
Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD. “The ICNIRP Cartel and the 5G Mass Experiment.” 11 February 2019. Available at
12. Claire Edwards. "The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020." Video. 23 October 2020. Available at
13. Zory Glaser. “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (“Effects”) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation.” Bethesda, MD: Naval Medical Research Institute, Oct. 4, 1971.
14. R.L. Adams and R.A. Williams. “Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) – Eurasian Communist Countries (U).” 1976. Prepared by U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and was released by the Defense Intelligence Agency. 34 pp. Unclassified. Excerpt: “If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military function.” Available at
15. WHO symposium: “The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Exposure to Microwave Radiation”. This 350-page document is the result of a symposium, which was held in Warsaw from 15 to 18 October 1973, with the participation of 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans. This document describes primarily the adverse effects of microwave radiation on neurological, vascular and cardiac systems, as well as on the thyroid and thrombocytes; it also reports that microwaves can cause Type II diabetes, sleep issues, cataracts, opacification of the ocular lens, and behavioural disorders, among others. Available at
16. Activist Post. “Biden Signs Bill for ‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims ‘who’ve suffered from directed energy attacks’”. 9 October 2021. Available at
17. European Parliamentary Research Service. “European Parliament Briefing: Effects of 5G Wireless communication on Human Health.” February 2020. Available at
18. Soviet research document from 1977, declassified by the CIA in 2012. “Biological effect of Millimetre Radiowaves (mmWaves).” Studies with rats and 97 persons working with generators of the mmWave range on the basis of systematic conducting of biological analyses. Available at
19. Yuri Grigoriev. Frequencies Used in Telecommunications: An Integrated Radiobiological Assessment (translated from the original Russian). 2021. Available at
20. Dr Jose Luis Sevillano. “Dr. Sevillano was right about covid pandemic as an acute radiation syndrome.” Posted 21 January 2022. Available at
21. Compilation of Information on Graphene Oxide in the “covid” “vaxxines”. Available at
This is a deliberate genocide
The man who originally set the electromagnetic radiation exposure guidelines in 1953 was a Nazi scientist called Herman P. Schwan, who had previously worked for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics.
His guideline was adopted by the so-called International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is a private club. Its technical recommendation excludes the biological effects and states that there are only heating effects, that is, people can be exposed without coming to harm for a total of only six minutes in a 24-hour period.
This six-minute guideline does not take into account that electrical and magnetic fields change all of the electric and magnetic processes in the body. That means that it does not take into account the biological effects.
Microwaves cook from the inside out. That’s how microwave ovens work. But your brain does not have pain or heat sensors in the middle so you can’t feel too warm in those six minutes.
Jerry Flynn, former captain in the Canadian army, has predicted that around 2 billion people would be dead or dying by the end of 2022. That is 28 times the number of people who died and suffered in the whole of World War II. The death of these 2 billion people is connected with what is called “covid”.
Babies in the womb are electrical conductors. The wavelength of the microwaves is the same size as the zygote or foetus so it becomes an electrical conductor. The microwaves go into the foetus, the foetus acts as an aerial and then the current goes to ground through the mother, so the foetus is a personal receiver of all the microwaves going through the mother to ground.
If the maternal mitochondrial DNA is damaged, it can never be repaired and all the genetic damage will be passed on through female offspring forever.
Within two generations, only 1 in 8 children will be born healthy. Within five generations, there will be 100% sterility.
Wireless technology, including 5G, is a weapon
Wireless technology, including 5G, is a weapon that has been used, inter alia, for mind control, crowd control, and against dissidents. The UK government used microwaves against Catholics in Northern Ireland, the Americans used them on the women protesting against cruise missiles at Greenham Common in the 1980s, [1] and the Soviets used them on American diplomats. Joe Biden has just authorised compensation for American diplomats who were microwaved, which caused symptoms that came to be known as “Havana Syndrome”.
The American military spent two decades collecting Soviet research papers on the biological effects of exposure to microwave radiation in order to develop microwave weapons.
A since declassified American military document from 1976 gives two reasons for endorsing the so-called thermal hypothesis (in other words, excluding the biological effects): their need to be able to develop microwave weapons and protecting the profits of industry. Barrie says that it was also to prevent legal claims from military personnel.
Microwave weapons masquerading as cell phones should not be given to children as toys.
Components of the 5G weapon grid
The perpetrators of this genocide intend to use the whole of the atmosphere and sky (the ionosphere, which is an electrical conductor) as a transmitter. They are turning the whole planet into a microwave oven. Barrie says that one of the big telecommunications industries, possibly Google, has claimed the atmosphere and sky over the whole of the Amazon rainforest.
The ground part of this grid consists of “smart” meters, which communicate with about 20 things in each house and transmit 190 thousand times per day. All these meters form a blanket mesh of microwaves, inside which people are being electrified all the time.
A European Union Briefing for parliamentarians published in February 2020 stated, inter alia, that nothing is known about the interference effects from exposing people to different frequencies and power levels all at once.
Effects of the 5G/wireless technology weapon
Microwaves slowly attack and reduce and destroy all of your immune systems. When people sleep in a microwave field, their immune system can be up to 40% reduced by that night-time irradiation. When the immune system is depressed, then all these opportunistic pathogens get an opportunity to multiply.
Bacteria and viruses [2] thrive when they are microwaved, and they multiply much more quickly – they can absorb the energy. The viruses that attack cattle and trees are now rife around the world. Microwaves kill the micro-organisms in the soil.
One Soviet study on what is now called 5G showed that exposure to half the permitted level of the ICNIRP guidelines for 15 minutes per day over 60 days caused life-destroying, neurological and physiological damage in every part of the body of all of the animals and people studied.
Protection from this weapon is impossible
No one can hope to protect themselves from this genocide by shielding with clothing or bed canopies or anything else. Campaigners who lead people to believe that they can protect themselves are lying in order to make money. There is only one option for our survival and that is to stop the onslaught from microwaves by turning it all off. We can still have telecommunications by cabling our computers, plugging in our cell phones and connecting fibre-optic cable to our homes or offices.
John Kitson: All right. Today we have Claire Edwards interviewing Barrie Trower on 5G and the very latest on 5G, so Claire, please go ahead.
CE: Barrie, it’s a great privilege finally to meet you.
BT: It’s my pleasure.
CE: We’ve talked on the phone and finally I’m getting to meet you. So, just to introduce myself to the audience a little bit. I was working for the United Nations for 18 years as an editor and in December 2015, they put public access points on the ceiling. I tried to alert everybody I could at the UN but nobody listened, so finally I took that to the Secretary-General and I warned him about the public access points and the health of the staff, and about 5G. After that, I was invited to participate in the production of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, which was then published about four or five months later, in 2018, so basically for the last five years I have been a campaigner to stop 5G. That’s basically my background.
BT: I’ll tell you about me. I started studying microwaves in 1959 to get into the military. I’m military trained in microwave warfare. My first degree, I specialised in nuclear and atomic physics. My dissertation was written on absorption of the far end of the microwave scale. I have another degree, a higher degree, studying environmental influences on the brain. I also have a university diploma in what you would call fitness and health, well-being. I’m the author of the TETRA report for the Police Federation, the confidential report and the higher confidential, secret report for the senior officers in the police. [3] I’ve been lecturing on the dangers of this since they came out in 1972 and I’m still doing it now.
CE: So how are you enjoying your retirement?
BT: I haven’t started … Yesterday I was thinking that it’s 18 years now and I haven’t actually started my retirement. I should have retired 18 years ago. I’m 78 now. I planned to retire when I was 60. I haven’t started yet, but I’m hoping to soon.
CE: Ditto, but I’ve only done five years. So I’m looking forward to my retirement at some stage. So, to start off with I’d like to touch on the paper that you produced last year on the dangers to babies and foetuses of 5G.
BT: That’s this one here, the zygote paper. [4]
CE: Yes. I have very recently moved to England and I have been looking at houses. And I have been going into houses with my meter. And I have my EMF meter on red, maximum, screaming, and I can see that there are babies and children living in this house. This has happened more than once and it just leaves me devastated.
BT: Funnily enough, when you write these papers, whether it’s spiritual, I don’t know. But you start to get a nagging thought, and then people ask questions like when you phoned. People ask questions and it all - sort of - merges in your brain and you think “I’ve got to write a paper on this”. Last year I banned my wife from the room and spread all my 2,000 papers out there and sat down for four months and just did it. The same with the [paper on the] brain. What I found scared me was this. It’s that, after intercourse, when the sperm meets the egg, the lady doesn’t know she’s pregnant from that stage up until 6-8 weeks, when she goes to the GP and the GP says, “Congratulations! You’re pregnant”. In those 6-8 weeks, she’s not taking any sensible precautions that she would take if she had known that she was pregnant. And that is the most dangerous area for the zygotes, is those 6-8 weeks, because it is the size of the 5G waves and the zygote, being in fluid, is wet. And anyone who has studied physics will know that, if you have an electrical conductor, as people are, if you have an electrical conductor that is the size of the wave, it will act as an aerial.
CE: So the electrical conductor is the water?
BT: No, the electrical conductor is the baby!
CE: The baby itself?
BT: Yes!
CE: The foetus. The size of the foetus at that time ...
BT: Yes. Because it is the zygote, the size of the foetus or the embryo, that is the conductor. But it gets worse than this. Anybody who knows aerials, the microwaves are the same size, so in other words that baby acts as an electrical conductor, so the microwaves go into the baby, the baby acts as an aerial and then the current goes to ground through the mother, so the baby is a personal receiver of all the microwaves going through the mother to ground, but the water is a very good thing you brought up. The water – because water – people don’t know this but, I think it was 1745 it was known, water acts as a battery, the very first batteries were made out of water. So you’ve got the water storing charge within the womb, and the baby acting as an aerial to pass this charge down through the mother. And we reckon that the miscarriages, stillbirths, genetically damaged child rate will be, within two generations it’s hereditary, there’s only 1 in 8 children will be born healthy. 1 in 8.
CE: I know that you’ve said in previous interviews that within – and this was way before 5G – you said that within five generations you would have 100% sterility. [5] How has that changed with the advent of 5G?
BT: That is published. The editor of a science journal published it himself. He said that, when you look at the number of species that are dying, and Australia is a good point [to keep] in mind here because you have the two big mountain ranges in Australia where they put the transmitters up. The whole area is dead. The trees are dying, everything has left, even the soil is dead, and that is going everywhere.
CE: Because it kills the soil biome.
BT: It does. It kills the micro-organisms in the soil.
CE: And we know this anyway from the Cold War and the radar that was on the East German border, which totally wiped out everything. So we know this from long history.
BT: Yes. So at least within a few generations, 60% of the world’s population will be very, very sick or dead, or on the way to being dead. At least 60%. In fact, the figures have been published by a captain who is the Canadian version of me over here. Jerry Flynn. He’s written two books on this and he was a captain in microwave warfare and he did the figures that showed that around 2 billion people would be dying or about to die or working up to dying by the end of this year. [6] It would be around the world, the figure will be 2 billion. I’m a university mathematician and I thought, “That’s a lot. I think I’ll check this”. I was checking India and China and all the countries, all of their scientific reports on stillbirths, genetically damaged children, all the clinics that have opened up. I went right round the world just adding up my own figures from peer-reviewed documents. And in fact, Jerry – and he’s a very close friend of mine – he didn’t get the number quite right because there are more than 2 billion. I got much more than 2 billion, and then my simple brain – I need to put things into context. That is 28 times the number of people who died and suffered in the whole of World War II. So this industry is going to cause 28 times the damage of WWII, and that can be shown on paper.
CE: But it’s not a future thing. You’ve just said it’s happening now! It’s present tense. You said that Jerry Flynn said that 2 billion people would be dead by the end of this year.
BT: Certainly by the end of this year, yes. Or on the way to being dead.
CE: Now these 2 billion people, does that have anything to do with what’s called “covid”?
BT: Yes. [7[ There’s been a lot of misrepresentation here. And I have a paper here – I think it’s – there are something like 50 references to covid and 5G, and all the other Gs and WiFi. The truth of the matter, to my knowledge, there are only three living organisms that can either survive 5G and all the other waves, or benefit from the energy coming in. There are only three things living that I know and those are bacteria, viruses and scorpions. Now the bacteria and viruses, they thrive when they are microwaved, and they multiply much more quickly – they can absorb the energy.
CE: I have to stop you there, Barrie, and say that there is a lot of controversy about whether viruses exist. Dr. Andrew Kaufman says that viruses are actually exosomes and they are produced when the cells are assaulted by microwaves. [8]
BT: Can I finish my point?
CE: It’s just that mentioning viruses is very controversial now.
BT: Whether viruses are dead or alive, but on every living thing other than those three, what microwaves do – and this has always been known and I was taught it in 1960 – and this applies to viruses now. Because microwaves very slowly attack and reduce and destroy all of your immune systems. [9] Now, whether the viruses are picked up by – pick up the microwaves and they have the extra energy, but they can multiply more because our immune systems are crashing, and for some people they’re crashing at an alarming rate, when they sleep in a microwave field because their immune system can be up to 40% reduced over that night-time irradiation …
CE: Because it’s at night that the body repairs itself with melatonin from the pineal gland.
BT: And it slowly – and this is why, 18 months after the transmitters go up, you start to get the epidemiological studies on all of the people getting the new symptom illnesses. And this is where the viruses come in, because we have viruses resident in our bodies. The chicken pox, the herpes, the streptococcus and all those …
CE: So when the immune system is depressed, then all these opportunistic pathogens get an opportunity to multiply.
BT: Yes. So bacteria and viruses cannot travel – it’s against the law of physics. They cannot travel with the waves or with the microwaves – that can’t be done. But microwaves lower the immune system, the bacteria will thrive on microwaves and multiply faster, but you’re laying an open door, especially with cattle and trees, and animals, and we’re getting this now because the viruses that attack cattle and trees are now rife around the world. We’re getting vast areas where whole plantations of crops are now not ready for consumption and the animals are being destroyed because they’re picking up the viruses that have gone wild inside the animals and they can’t be eaten. So the viruses are taking advantage of it, but not because they absorb the microwaves, but because our immune systems are low. So it is a three-pronged attack, but the other thing there, when you said the high power, with the microwaves, it has been shown by Professors Schwartz [?], Provnic [?], Henry Lai and Neil Cherry, and those four, they have shown that a low dose of microwaves is certainly as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than a high dose. [10]
CE: Yes.
BT: Because, when you have a high dose, the protein 53 and the nuclear pore complex of the cellular structures, they are trained to repair the body and defend it from microwaves or any waves. We developed those when we were living in caves to protect us from electric storms, things like that. But they have a trigger point that they need to activate them and when you have long, continuous, low-level microwaves, they do not reach the activation point of protein 53 and the nuclear pore so they come in very slowly, and I liken it to, if a lady didn’t like her husband and wanted to get rid of him in Victorian times, she would put a little bit of arsenic in his food every day, which is rat poison, and over the years, the husband would get more and more sick and it was generally put down to pneumonia or consumption, something like that. To me, it’s like that. It’s like – I liken low-level microwaves from the whole industry to what I would call “lead arsenide poisoning” because it slowly attacks the brain, and I know that, and it slowly attacks the immune system. So when you take all this into account and the numbers of children that are addicted, and there are clinics now for two-year-olds in China, who are addicted to microwaves, and it is addictive, I have the proof here.
CE: And you see so many parents with very small children, even babies, and they just give them “smart” phones to play with.
BT: Yes, absolutely! And this is the problem because the communications industry, they control what the public reads and hears. They control the media so, if you say to somebody next door, “You shouldn’t really have that phone on for that length of that time”, they will say, “Well, if it was dangerous, we would have been told about it”. But you’re not told about it.
CE: Yes, exactly. I have told people about the airpods that people have in their ears, which are putting microwaves straight through their brain.
BT: Absolutely!
CE: And one person said to me, “Oh, but the government would have warned us. The government takes care of that”. But the government doesn’t because the government is using the cover of the so-called International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection. If you go to Public Health England, they will also cite the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection as cover, but I wanted to ask you about this. The ICNIRP guidelines from 1998 talk about six minutes of exposure, so for the general public, their guidelines are based on six minutes of exposure. Now, is that the same for their more recent, revised guidelines? Are we still talking about six minutes of exposure?
BT: Absolutely! If somebody says – INCIRP is about 20 self-appointed, self-governing men. I don’t know that there’s a female in there. It’s 20 people. They act as a symposium, in other words they only employ like-minded people.
CE: That’s right, yes. It’s a private club! [11]
BT: And they are funded by the industry, mostly, and the American military. If you say to them, “Is it safe?”, they will say “Yes”. Simple as that. What they don’t say is that it’s only safe for six minutes. They leave that bit out. But it is only safe for six minutes and that is still the standard.
CE: So basically, what we’re saying here is that, if you get up in the morning and you say, “I can be exposed to electromagnetic radiation today for six minutes”.
BT: Cumulative, over the 24 hours.
CE: Yes. So, in the entire 24-hour period, you could be exposed for six minutes and that would be deemed safe by ICNIRP?
BT: Yes. So it could be one minute, and then an hour later … but not more than six minutes over 24 hours.
CE: Not more than six minutes over 24 hours. So here we have a situation – so let’s just make it clear that the ICNIRP guidelines are based on science that precedes the advent of the “smart” phone.
BT: Yes.
CE: So our exposure, compared to those times, our exposure now is uncountably greater … so people now are going to spend all day – and as you’ve said possibly all night if they bring the “smart” phone into their bedroom - not only are they possibly sitting in WiFi at home or at work, they’re holding their “smart” phone to their head for half the day, they may be sleeping in a bedroom with a cell phone, they may be using it as an alarm clock, so how is it moral for ICNIRP, this so-called International commission, and for the telecommunications companies to continue with this fraud? Genocide, actually. [12]
BT: It is genocide. I mentioned the six minutes. They also have one which is 30 minutes, ICNIRP, but again, what they’re not saying for the 30 minutes is that it is time-averaged. Again, if you see the 30 minutes, somewhere in that document, there’ll be a little asterisk, and they’ll say the 30 minutes is time-averaged. What that means, because you’re going back to 1953, which was Schwan, an engineer called Schwan, and he worked out how much heat would be safe for the body absorbing all this radiation. And it came out as six minutes. So this six minutes is nothing to do with the electrical and magnetic fields changing all of the electric and magnetic processes in the body ...
CE: In other words, it’s nothing to do with the biological effects.
BT: No, it’s purely heat.
CE: He completely discounted all the biological effects. And he said it was only the heating effects that we had to worry about. And I just want to point out here that we are talking about Herman P. Schwan, who was a Nazi scientist who had previously worked for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Heredity and Eugenics! And this is the person who is responsible for our exposure guidelines that are basically in operation right now all these years later.
BT: Well, I don’t know that he’s responsible. ICNIRP took his documentation and they said, “We will use this”. So the microwave safety level is only based on thermal ... in other words the temperature of your body, that’s it.
CE: Exactly. So all the biological effects have been ignored and this takes me to another question ...
BT: Can I just finish where you are there for a second? Where this falls down, as well, is that microwaves cook from the inside out. That’s how microwave ovens work. But your brain does not have pain sensors or heat sensors in the middle so you can’t feel too warm in those six minutes because most of our heat sensors are on the outside of the skin. There are no pain sensors inside the brain so it would be impossible for you to feel too warm in six minutes anyway. We don’t have the physiology in our bodies to do that.
CE: So the major fraud here is that – or I would call it a conspiracy actually – is to have us believe that there are only heating effects and there are NO biological effects. So in that case, how do we account for the fact that the US military spent a couple of decades at least putting together all the Soviet research on the biological effects? [13] Tell me, was the American military just doing that, the way you might collect stamps or coins, they just collected a few research papers on the biological effects or actually did they have a purpose in collecting that information?
BT: I’ve got the document that answers that. There was a document published where the American military and government together, they advised all Western governments – what are known as “Five Eyes” … Are you familiar with Five Eyes?
CE: Yes, the “Five Eyes” countries, yes.
BT: The Five Eyes [countries] were advised by the American government and the American military to basically employ this six-minute rule, which, as you say, does not explain anything. It is misleading to the public and not explanatory at all. And the reason they said that “You’ve got to come out with this” to the Five Eyes [countries], there were two reasons, and I’ve got it written down. One is to protect industrial output, which is profit. The other is to prevent legal claims by the military [personnel]. And I’ve got that in writing. [14]
CE: That’s … If I can just explain. You’ve referred to that before, and I regularly cite that. That’s a 1976 military document, subsequently declassified, and it actually says, “We cannot allow the public to be warned about their exposure to electromagnetic radiation because it would impede the profits of industry and it would prevent us developing the weapons that we want to develop”. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s basically what it says.
BT: Oh, that’s right. And the military people, and I’ve had several and I’ve been involved in several of their cases. The military … they can die. The number of military people who will get brain tumours and become ill, they can die because it protects the industry’s profits and there are always new people to come into the military. So, as they get older and more experienced, and their pay goes up, they are now dying so you save money because you’re getting in new recruits who only live for half the pay. And, as it says in the document, the military [personnel] cannot take the American government to court firstly because they’re dead, and secondly because they don’t know to take them to court. So they’re getting a nice, profitable run through the military. But this isn’t happening in Russia, China, North Korea, some of the Indonesian countries [sic], they are actually taking steps to safeguard this. So you’re actually getting an imbalance of populations. And what’s going to happen – and it’s already started happening – is that the countries where you’ve got now lots of people ill, lots of people dying, which are the Five Eyes [countries], and for the people listening to this, the Five Eyes are America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where we’ve got lots of people dying of this now. And I think brain tumours in children is now the biggest killer here, in children. We’ve got plenty of people to come in at the moment to take over, but that’s going to run out. And you’re also getting the population build up of these other countries, and they are starting to come in to these countries …
CE: to immigrate ..
BT: … to immigrate, and that’s happening a lot. I gave a talk to a minister in Australia. And when I was there talking to some of the people out in Australia, they have now got so many immigrants in Australia from Indonesia, that they have to tax things because all of these immigrants are not paying tax and they can’t afford to run the infrastructure of the [country] on the money they’re getting in in taxes. So they’ve had to rearrange their tax system in Australia to cover all of the immigrants. So they’ve now taxed everything that the immigrants use and do. They’ve taxed, for example, bus fares, food, petrol, anything you drink, water, that’s all taxed so that they can actually get the revenue in.
CE: Well, this brings me to perhaps the most important question that I want to ask you.
BT: Okay.
CE: We’ve talked about the military collecting up all these Soviet research papers on the biological effects. We haven’t mentioned that in 1973 the World Health Organization actually held a symposium that was called “The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Exposure to Microwave Radiation”. [15] So that was actually held in 1973. So we should know – the public doesn’t know, but the military and the telecommunications companies all know that this is going to cause a genocide, effectively. They know about the biological effects. So my question to you, Barrie, is: “Is wireless technology and 5G a weapon?”
BT: Yes.
CE: Thank you. Thank you very much. Because too many people, Barrie, too many scientists will not say that this is a weapon.
BT: It is. It’s called “The Growler”. G – R – O – W – L – E – R. It’s used for mind control, it’s used for crowd control, it’s used on dissidents. We used the microwaves on Catholics in Northern Ireland, the Americans used them on the women at Greenham Common, the Russians used them on the Americans, you’ve got the “Havana Syndrome” at the moment. [16] It is both – and this was my argument when I started this research. Going back to the sixties. My very first question to the government was: “How can you have something which is an appropriate, dangerous and used weapon that is also an appropriate and used communications system that you can give to children?”
CE: And what was the answer?
BT: I haven’t had an answer yet. I’m still waiting.
CE: Right, okay, yeah. So basically, what we’re saying here is that 5G is being rolled out over the entire world and the actual word that is, perhaps most commonly used in the UN documentation … Now, I worked for the UN so I can say that, all these agendas, they are fed through the UN and they go into every single programme and project of the UN. So this is how it’s disseminated around the world. So the word that is used in the UN literature on 5G is their intention to “blanket” the entire world with 5G, from satellite, over the oceans, over the rainforest, there would be basically absolutely no escape from it anywhere, whatsoever …
BT: Yes, you’re right.
CE: So this is going to kill all life on Earth.
BT: No. Coming back to the document. The World Health Organization document I have …
CE: The 1973 [document]?
BT: Yes. In Warsaw. There’s a huge great, in red, “top secret” stamp on the front cover. I have my own copy that I had sent to me. I think there are hundreds, there are 300 pages I think, and I think there are something like 150 life-changing illnesses they came to. It was marked “top secret” and still is to this day. For the same reason: to protect industrial profit and to prevent lawsuits. The [term] “blanket” – you’re absolutely correct. I know that, I think it’s Google, one of the big telecommunications industries has claimed the atmosphere and sky over the whole of the Amazon rainforest. They say “That bit’s going to be mine”. So the thousands, tens of thousands of satellites going up, they will be interlinked – you’ve got high-level, medium-level, low-level balloons that will stay there, controlled balloons, permanent drones which are controlled by photoelectric cells that will just continue going in a circle around a beam ... The whole of the atmosphere and sky is going to be a transmitter, the whole atmosphere around the planet.
CE: Using the ionosphere.
BT: That’s an electrical conductor. Yes. The whole of the atmosphere around the planet is going to be a microwave fishbowl. The ground bit are “smart” meters. When they say “smart” meters only work, or will only transmit six times a day, that’s incorrect. The cumulative effect of the number of transmissions they make in a day, when you squeeze them down, is six minutes, but in that six minutes, it’s something like 190 thousand transmissions.
CE: Yes, that’s what I’ve read, too. This is why “smart” meters are killing people.
BT: Yes, And they will communicate with about 20 things in each house. The television, the light bulbs, they will communicate continuously with those, and they collect the data in. So if you’re in an area, “smart” meters work in blocks. You have hundreds of “smart” meters, so if you have, say, 3 thousand people in a block, depending on the population, you’ll have “smart” meters dotted around. They all synchronize with each other, they all synchronize with the 20 or so things in the house. It is a mesh, a blanket mesh of microwaves. As you walk through this mesh, you’re giving yourself electric shocks because it’s how electricity is generated, and any schoolchildren, any schoolchild will say, “If you want to make electricity, you hold up a magnet, you hold up a piece of wire, you pass the magnet and the wire has electricity running through it. It’s how dynamos work. Wire, pass the magnet. As it goes through the magnetic field, the electrons move – that’s electricity. So as you walk through this mesh, all the time, whether you’re a toddler or a grown-up, you’re giving yourself an electric shock because you’re generating an electric current through your body all of the time. And every time you touch a cold tap – like getting out of a car on a hot day, you’re going to get a static thing … And that’s what’s killing off the animals in the fields
CE: There was a document, a European Union Briefing for parliamentarians, which was published in February 2020, and it was quite horrific to read it. [17] They have done NO studies on 5G, it stated in this document, they know NOTHING about the interference effects, so in other words, what intrigues me is that, one scientist who looks at electromagnetic radiation might study one frequency, and maybe he will spend years on studying one frequency, so we know a little tiny bit about particular frequencies and their effects, but we know nothing at all about the interference effects now that the whole planet is saturated with all these different frequencies.
BT: In fact, 5G, I’ve known 5G since the seventies. 5G’s not new. The wavelength that 5G is using is not new. The name is new. But the Soviets looked into 5G in the seventies. [18] They were very – they were the world leaders, probably still are, on microwave technology, – that was Yuri Grigoriev. [19] They looked into 5G in the seventies and they got – whether they were volunteers or not I don’t know, being out there. But they had farm animals, small animals and people, and they exposed them to 15 hours of radiation, 5G irradiation over 60 days, which is 15 minutes a day. So they had all of the cattle, all of the people, 15 minutes a day, and a grand total of 15 hours over 60 days. So the grand total is 15 hours. And the level of microwave irradiation, the 5G, is less than half of what ICNIRP says you can get, It is less than half they used in the Soviet experiment and they found that, in those 15 hours with less than a half of the [ICNIRP] radiation, it caused life-destroying, life-changing, life-altering for the worse, neurological and physiological damage in all of the animals and all of the people. There was nobody, not a single animal and not a single person that was not affected by life-changing illness. And it affected every part of the body. (We’ve got five minutes left.)
John Kitson: I’ve got a quick question, Barrie. The last two and a half years have been revolutionary in history. A lot of the country has been locked down. The immune system obviously, the spread of viruses, and I completely agree with you with the proliferation of electromagnetic fields and 5G. There was a doctor in the South of France who was actually following the epicentre of “covid” outbreaks, and he found that at these epicentres were phone masts. [20] And I just want to ask, there’s been no mention of electromagnetic fields, 5G and the connection with “covid”, I want to ask you, obviously there’s been a very hurried mass vaccination campaign. In the history of vaccines, doctors have spoken about metal adjuvants in the vaccines. [21] Claire and I have had a discussion on it. Do you think that the [“covid”] vaccines are safe and effective and do you think that the ingredients can be affected by electromagnetic fields and 5G?
BT: Whether there are metals in the vaccine, I don’t know. It’s out of my field. Can vaccines be affected by 5G or microwave irradiation? Yes, they can, just as everything in the body can. Because, if you think about it, our body is water-based, and vaccines are water-based. If you spread the vaccines out, there has to be a certain amount of water in them, in the molecules, in the compounds, in the vaccine. They will be water-based, and anything that contains water will be affected by microwaves because microwaves are attracted to water and – as I proved in my document here – the water acts – it will absorb the microwaves cumulatively and the damage with water is cumulative. So as the microwaves go into the water, into the cells, into the body, into the water in the vaccines, you are changing whatever the function [of the vaccine] is supposed to be. And this is one of the things about the foetus, and one of the things that scared me most with this, with water being able to change the water-based molecules here is that a baby .. In the womb, a baby can develop cancer on the fifteenth day of pregnancy through the water being changed in the molecular structure forming the baby, helping to make the baby. On the fifteenth day, the mother doesn’t even know that she is pregnant and the baby can already be born now with cancer on the fifteenth day and the other scarier thing is that, if the mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal ... as you know, the maternal line, for genetics, if the maternal DNA is damaged, then maternal mitochondrial DNA can never be repaired. And what you’re saying here is that the water can give the baby cancer on the fifteenth day of pregnancy within its molecular structure and, if it is the mitochondria, then that will be passed on through the maternal line. In other words, if the baby is a girl, she can pass on that genetic fault to her daughter, to her daughter, to her daughter, and until that genetic line is broken, every child in that maternal line will develop whatever the genetic … whether it’s cystic fibrosis, Down’s syndrome, whatever, each child will get that.
CE: Final question because we have to wrap up now, is: this threat from wireless technology and 5G is so massive. You’ve described how they’re actually taking over the very ionosphere and turning the entire planet into a microwave oven.
BT: Right.
CE: Now, I understand that people are in cognitive dissonance. They simply can’t deal with the scale of this threat. And so they’re trying to ignore it and they are encouraged by a lot of campaigners who promote or sell shielding clothing, shielding bed canopies and shungite pendants and all sorts of things. And those campaigners encourage people to believe that they’re going to be able to protect themselves from this massive onslaught. What do you think about that? Do you think that people can protect themselves?
BT: No.
CE: No. So the only possible option that we have is to stop wireless technology and 5G?
BT: Yes.
CE: If we want to survive, we have to stop this.
BT: Yes.
CE: Yes. As I always say, we are presented with this threat and, if you’re listening to the alternative media, every day there’s something new. Oh, they’re going to do this, the social crediting, oh, there’s going to be that, there’s going to be something else, and it’s horrific. But then I think to myself, hey, there’s an “off” switch. Just switch it off and then the whole nightmare is completely over. And people seem to miss this point.
BT: The thing is that it is unnecessary. You needn’t have this. You can have all of your microwave systems, you can have them safe. We don’t need to microwave the whole environment around the planet, we don’t need this mesh. If we have fibre-optic cable from transmitter to source … so if you have a computer, you plug it into a plug in your house.
CE: Yes, you cable your computer.
BT: If you have a cell phone, you plug it into a little knob in your wall.
CE: Sure.
BT: You can have everything. It is more secure, it’s faster, it carries more messages, more everything …
CE: And it’s completely safe and healthy.
BT: It’s safe. It’s as safe as we need it.
CE: But that assumes, Barrie, that we’re looking at a telecommunications system. But we’re NOT looking at … The reason that that is NOT happening is that this is not a telecommunications system. It’s a massive weapon, and not just a single weapon, it’s a whole hydra of weapons.
BT: It is a weapon that is used as a weapon today and it is used as a toy by children.
CE: Yes. Thank you. Barrie, it’s a great pleasure.
BT: It’s my pleasure. If I can do anything else for you, just let me know.
CE: Thank you.
* * * * * * * * * *
1. “The Women of Greenham Common and Their Legacy 40 Years On.” The Week. 17 September 2021. Available at
2. The existence of viruses has been disputed. Doctors such as Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan and Mark Bailey, among others, say that they are exosomes. Discussion posted 22 September 2022 at Dr. Bailey’s paper entitled “A Farewell to Virology” is available to download on the same page.
3. Barrie Trower. Confidential Report on the TETRA communications system commissioned by the Police Federation of England and Wales. September 2001. Available at
4 Barrie Trower. “From zygote to foetus there is no hiding place from the electrically induced phase transition from 5G with its accompanying support and carrier waves.” February 2021. Available at
5. Barrie Trower. “WiFi - A Thalidomide in the Making: Who Cares?” 2013. Available at
6. Capt. Jerry G. Flynn. Hidden Dangers 5G: How governments, telecom and electric power utilities suppress the truth about the known hazards of electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation. November 2019. Available at
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: “2 billion will die by the Covid vaccines.” 30 April 2022. Available at—2-Billion-People-Will-Die-by-the-COVID-Vaccines:6.
7. Papers on the connection between “covid” and 5G:
Dr. Ilana Nurpi. “Questioning Covid.” 19 July 2021. Available at
Beverley Rubik & Robert R. Brown. “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.” 29 September 2021. Available at
Angela Tsiang and Magda Havas. “Covid-19 attributed cases & deaths are statistically higher in states & counties with 5G mm wave wireless telecoms in the US.” European Society of Medicine. 3 April 2021. Available at
Carmen I. Rios and others. “Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury.” Radiation Research Journal, 16 October 2020. Available at
Professor Emeritus Martin Pall. “Argument for a 5G – COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism”. 20 March 2020. Available at
Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. “Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks.” March 2020. Available at
Video interview. Dr. Robert O. Young. What is a virus?. 5 April 2020. Available at
8. K. Witwer K and J. Lötvall. “Is COVID-19 virus an exosome?” Exosome RNA. 17 April 2020. Available at
9. Microwaves destroy the immune system. See search results at EMF Portal:
10. Low-dose studies.
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space [N.B. DO NOT SIGN – HIJACKED]. 18 September 2018. “Biological effects occur even at near-zero power levels. Effects that have been found at 0.02 picowatts (trillionths of a watt) per square centimetre or less include altered genetic structure in E. Coliand in rats, altered EEGin humans, growth stimulationin bean plants,and stimulation of ovulation in chickens.”Available at
In 2001, Dr. Neil Cherry explained that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: “…. whose frequencies, harmonics and sub-harmonics coincide with the range of frequencies used by our brains, hearts and cells. Subtly and at extremely low intensities, they strongly interact, through resonant absorption, with primary functions of our bodies with significant elevations in depression, sickness and death.” He also said: “We need absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems. We have it! The key is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE – I repeat CUMULATIVE! It can take 10 – 20 – 30 or even more years for the damage to become apparent. It can even be handed down through generations. These things we know.” Cited in "Evidence that Electromagnetic fields from high voltage powerlines and in buildings, are hazardous to human health, especially to young children" by Jerry Flynn, at
11. Klaus Buchner, MEP, and Michèle Rivasi, MEP. "The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Conflicts of Interest, corporate capture and the push for 5G." June 2020. Available at
Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD. “The ICNIRP Cartel and the 5G Mass Experiment.” 11 February 2019. Available at
12. Claire Edwards. "The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020." Video. 23 October 2020. Available at
13. Zory Glaser. “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (“Effects”) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation.” Bethesda, MD: Naval Medical Research Institute, Oct. 4, 1971.
14. R.L. Adams and R.A. Williams. “Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) – Eurasian Communist Countries (U).” 1976. Prepared by U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and was released by the Defense Intelligence Agency. 34 pp. Unclassified. Excerpt: “If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military function.” Available at
15. WHO symposium: “The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Exposure to Microwave Radiation”. This 350-page document is the result of a symposium, which was held in Warsaw from 15 to 18 October 1973, with the participation of 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans. This document describes primarily the adverse effects of microwave radiation on neurological, vascular and cardiac systems, as well as on the thyroid and thrombocytes; it also reports that microwaves can cause Type II diabetes, sleep issues, cataracts, opacification of the ocular lens, and behavioural disorders, among others. Available at
16. Activist Post. “Biden Signs Bill for ‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims ‘who’ve suffered from directed energy attacks’”. 9 October 2021. Available at
17. European Parliamentary Research Service. “European Parliament Briefing: Effects of 5G Wireless communication on Human Health.” February 2020. Available at
18. Soviet research document from 1977, declassified by the CIA in 2012. “Biological effect of Millimetre Radiowaves (mmWaves).” Studies with rats and 97 persons working with generators of the mmWave range on the basis of systematic conducting of biological analyses. Available at
19. Yuri Grigoriev. Frequencies Used in Telecommunications: An Integrated Radiobiological Assessment (translated from the original Russian). 2021. Available at
20. Dr Jose Luis Sevillano. “Dr. Sevillano was right about covid pandemic as an acute radiation syndrome.” Posted 21 January 2022. Available at
21. Compilation of Information on Graphene Oxide in the “covid” “vaxxines”. Available at