Watch here (Credits to Freedom One-on-One with Jeff Dornik)
War on humanity
The end game with the masks is submission
Effective treatments are being purposefully suppressed
The end game with the vaccine may be depopulation
Side effects
Conspiracy fact
Stay healthy
Interviewer: Okay, everybody. Welcome to this episode of Freedom One on One. Thank you so much, guys, for tuning in. This is a show where I’m bringing on different thought leaders, talking about the important issues that we’re facing today. I’m really excited about our guest today is Dr. Lee Merritt and we’re going to be talking about all the craziness going on with Covid-19. Dr. Merritt, thank you so much for joining me. Glad we could sit down here and chat for a little bit.
Dr. Merritt: Glad to be here. I love your name: freedom.
Interviewer: Exactly. That’s the thing that we’re facing today. It seems like we don’t have freedom, or at least it’s being taken away left and right, especially by both Democrats and a lot of Republicans, too, unfortunately. So it’s not like a partisan issue. But I think one of the things specifically is in relation to a lot of the lockdowns, the face-mask requirements, and now we’re getting into the vaccines and all of that. It seems like it’s getting crazier. On a big, general scale, what’s your feeling on where we’re heading right now as a country in response to Covid-19?
Dr. Merritt: Well, I spent 10 years in the military and I served on a Navy research advisory committee where I was the doctor on a congressional subcommittee that basically looked at defense technology for the military. And I was married to a senior Marine officer for 30 years. And so some of this rubbed off on me. I’m just sorry to say that I can’t look at this … When I hear my colleagues in medicine, who are very smart, academic guys talking about this, they all know that this is scientifically not sound what we’re doing. And they’ll talk about – you know, Dr McCullough talks about, “Why are they not using the hydroxychloroquine? Why are they not using the Ivermectin? What’s all this nonsense about masks? It doesn’t work.” We all know this stuff is not scientific.
On the other hand, nobody seems – then I have to periodically raise my hand and say, “Hey, guys, it makes sense if you think it’s a purposeful takedown of our society”. And I’m not blaming the Chinese – I think they’re the proximate weaponization arm, but I don’t think they’re behind this whole thing, but the thing of it is, 30 years ago, the Chinese generals said, they can’t take us out militarily, they’ve looked at it and they saw what we did in Iraq, for example, and they know that they can’t take us on. But this is unconventional warfare.
And unconventional multidimensional warfare are things like psychological warfare, cyber warfare, things that are behind the scenes. So that, not only do you not know who your enemy is necessarily, you don’t appreciate that you’re actually at war.
You can talk it away and say – so, for example, it’s easy to think … When I first brought this up as it being a bioweapon and that we were being purposefully attacked, I just got – even by my colleagues – they thought I was nuts but they’re coming around to my position because the evidence definitely shows that this was a man – up-regulated virus, there’s no question. It doesn’t come out of a pangolin (I had to look that up), and snakes and all of the things that they came and – there’s no evidence. There are some classic things we look at to see if things come from one species to another and this meets none of those criteria. This was purposefully engineered, up-regulated, they took a coronavirus, engineered it in a lab to do this to us.
Now, having said that, the virus is not the biggest problem here. It’s our response to the virus that’s damaging the world. And one of the reasons I got into this [was] when they started talking about masks and I said, “Are you crazy?” I mean, I’m a surgeon and I’ve worn masks for 40 years and I will tell you that nobody before 2020 ever talked about this making a difference against small particle, airborne viruses. That doesn’t mean that masks don’t work, but they don’t work in this way. I actually fell asleep in front of Tony Fauci one time in a lecture hall of four people so I think I probably wasn’t a stellar student to him, but anyway I was an intern and I’d been up all night or two nights. These guys are not dumb. These guys are very bright and they know the science. And when I hear somebody who is specifically in virology, they’re an infectious disease expert, either they are completely uneducated in their own field or they’re just lying through their teeth about masks. I’ve concluded that doctors who believe in masks are either being paid or they’re being played or they should go back and get re-educated – because they should not have passed their boards. It doesn’t make sense. The way you put this together in a big picture is that there really is a concerted effort and we are being victimized by this thing.
So how we deal with it really depends on your worldview, but the first thing you have to say is don’t just trust what the people being paid to do this tell you. That’s my opening salvo.
Interviewer: And it seems specifically when we’re dealing with a lot of this, these required face masks and the lockdowns, I think a lot of people – I’m up here in communist California and everything is in lockdown and we had curfew up until recently. There’s this craziness but people are buying into a lot of these narratives of “we have to do something”. And that would be everything from the vaccines, and the face masks. And then the thing that I keep hearing from people is: “Why would these experts – what motivation would Fauci have to require us to wear face masks if they don’t actually help?”
Dr. Merritt: Well, let me just tell you what that is. First of all, Fauci is a paid man. Whether he is a psychopath and evil, that’s up to somebody else to determine. But I can tell you for absolute sure that he is a paid man and he’s paid very well by Bill Gates who is the biggest vaccine supplier in the world, the biggest contributor to the WHO, and you have to say that he is connected to this whole – whatever that is. So Fauci’s not free to say, possibly, the truth. Whether he feels bad about it or not is up to him, but he’s being paid.
I will start with the masks because this is, like I say, the first thing I noticed where I said this can’t be right. And I reviewed the mask science. And I went back and I found out that before 2020 no literature supports wearing a mask by asymptomatic people. And they don’t support that it even cuts down the transmission of small particle viruses through N95 medical masks. Those were called “tuberculosis masks”. They were never used for viruses.
We didn’t use them in flu season, for example. Flu can kill people. We never did that. Because flu is a 0.2-micron virus. And these things, if you don’t cough and sneeze, they screen out 95% – not 100% – 95% of 0.3-micron particles. Now, here’s the problem: when they’ve really looked at this … We have OSHA [US Occupational Safety and Health Administration], we have environmental services people. We’ve done real studies on these things. And when they put people … A talk that I gave in Las Vegas, which is on my website, but they put people in these N95 masks, which are so much better. Forget the little ear-loop masks, they do nothing. Cloth masks we’ll talk about, they do nothing. But if you put these things on that are N95 masks, and then you put somebody in like a hermetically sealed device that actually can collect what goes out of the mask, what they found – they registered some surprise about this – this is within the last 10-15 years. They said, “Oh, my gosh, even an N95 mask doesn’t screen out these small viruses”. And then, beyond that, they said, “And when you culture things, it’s not the stuff you catch in the masks that cultures [?] positive for viruses, it’s the stuff that sneaks out.”
I will tell you that – when we get to motive, ultimately, maybe, I’ll just start with this. I read an article called “Psychopathology and the Origins of Totalitarianism”.[1] Real people are not going to become slaves to a dictator. People would not choose that voluntarily. But they give up their freedom if they’re afraid. They can be manipulated to give up their freedom. And if you look at what’s going on, we’re being manipulated to give up our basic freedoms. That’s my conclusion in all this. And the way it’s happening is this. There was a guy named Albert Biderman.[2] He looked at the Korean War victims because the government said, “What’s wrong? How could they get these guys to give up their patriotism and go against their country?” There was the Manchurian candidate, brainwashing – those terms came out of the Korean War. And Biderman actually interviewed these guys and researched them, and said, “No, just standard psychological techniques to get people to bend to your will.” And this is where the mask comes in – I’m going to get to the masks.
But the first thing he said you do is, you isolate the victim. And what do we have? And you guys are still in isolation but in the mid-west, we’re not. Sorry about that, guys, but stand up and get rid of them. So you isolate the victim so they have no other human support. It’s not just about not being able to touch people, it’s about also that you don’t have anybody who convinces you that you’re not crazy, tell you the truth, who will keep you on the straight and narrow. The second thing is, you monopolize the perception. So they put us in lockdown in our houses, and then nightly news – if people are just used to watching mainstream media, they heard over and over this misrepresentation of the facts. “Oh, we're all dying, oh, it’s blah, blah, blah.”
Your chance of surviving between January and August in 2020 with Covid was 99.991% worldwide. The chance of surviving the previous flu season during the same period of time was 99.992%. Where’s the pandemic in that? Again, we had a few more deaths. This is a little different deal, this Covid. But it’s not that dramatic. Why are we doing this?
And the other thing I’ve decided in all this is: if people are censoring you, if they’re criticizing you, if they’re coming after you … Again, I hung out with Marine pilots most of my life. The pilots’ maxim: “If you’re catching flak, it means you’re over the target.” And I’ve actually expanded that maxim to say “And if you’re catching a lot of flak, you’re over a target they really don’t want you to win against, a very important target.“
Now, I’m nobody these days. I’m just a small-town doc. I once was a big spine surgeon, I was at a university. I could have had a chair of dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. I was offered all these jobs. But I’m not there. I’m just a nobody in the middle of nowhere. Why is, for example, McGill University, a big, famous university in Toronto, Canada. They’ve got a whole department full of PhDs who wrote this article called “Science and Nonsense”. Very cute title. And they try to debunk things they don’t want us to believe. So they wrote an article recently called “Walk Away from America’s Frontline Doctors”, of which I am one. But then they say, the big subtitle, of all the America’s Frontline Doctors, they don’t pick on the pediatric psychiatrist or the ophthalmologist. They said, “Lee Merritt might be a good orthopedic surgeon, but she doesn’t know about the science of masks.”
Why pick about masks? Because masks are a symbol. It is a symbol of cooperation and subservience. And that’s – one of the things that they have you do in this whole Biderman’s Chart of Coercion is trivial demands. Like having a little, stupid piece of plastic in front of you when you play poker in Las Vegas. As if that’s going to make a difference.
Wearing a mask that you have to wear six feet into the restaurant, but then you can take it off to sit down at a table or the bar. And then you can put your dirty mask on the table, put your phone on it, touch everything. You can’t wash your hands because then you’d have to put it back on. It would just be useless, you’d put it back on, touch it. Because your mask is accreted with all this stuff you’ve been breathing in all the time, especially these cloth masks. That’s not contagion control.
And then if you want to go to the bathroom you have to stand up and put your mask on, Because now I’m standing up, I’m not safe. Sitting down, I’m fine, but standing up I’m not safe. I put the mask on so I can walk by tables with people with no masks to go to the bathroom. That’s nonsense. The guys at McGill think that’s science and what I’m saying is nonsense. And so you have to ask why are they dong it?
I was reminded by a very smart guy, he’s a professor at Princeton, and he made this point. And I live near Omaha, Nebraska, where this happened. The Chinese came over to work the railroads. The men who came over in the last 1800s, they wore that big braid down their back. It was called the Manchu queue. But they weren’t Manchu Chinese, they were Han Chinese. The Han had been captured by the Manchu. The Manchu dynasty then demanded that all Han men wear that braid on penalty of death. This was just a symbol, but it was a symbol of submission to the Manchu.
And I will tell you, that’s why they are so exercised about this mask: it’s a symbol of subservience. This may sound crazy but let me just tell you – I’ve looked it up. In occult rituals, specifically in satanic occult rituals, guess what they do? They wear masks. It’s a sign of transformation. It means, “I will become what you want me to be. I will be silent, I will obey.”
They wash their hands and they – get this: they stand six feet apart in a circle. I didn’t make that up. Who knows how that plays here? But it is a sign of submission. And that’s going to be … They’re going to divide us into two classes: the people who resist and the people who go along with this.
But all this has been – the biggest thing that blew my head open, last year in February, over a year ago was when I discovered that we knew about hydroxychloroquine and its ability to treat viruses almost 40 years ago. So think about this. You just have to consider – and that I can prove to you absolutely. I can show you the papers going back to 1974. There was a paper in 2004 that specifically mentioned chloroquine, which is a precursor of hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine and influenza A. It was a Chinese author, but it was published in Virology, which is a high-powered journal, and it said that chloroquine inhibits influenza A in vitro. In other words, in a Petri dish, they could show that chloroquine could stop the virus getting into cells.
Now, what this means is that, for the last how many years that they’ve been telling us, “Oh, take your flu vaccine because 60,000 people died last year!” We were letting them die! They were letting them die for what? To support a 69-billion dollar vaccine industry? I really think it’s more than that.
And that’s what gets me to the end game of the vaccine is – if you look – we have treatments – there is so much evidence. Don’t let them tell you that there’s no evidence. There is so much evidence that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin work. I just got off the phone. I was just treating -- telemedicine – I do that out of my office now. Telemedicine of Covid cases in my own state, it’s not all over the country, but Iowa, Nebraska.
There is so much evidence, and anybody who’s actually treated people with Covid knows that it takes it down. Especially if you treat it early. The worst death rate in the world by August of 2020: New York State. They had a 0.17% mortality, death per capita. On the other hand, guess who the best one was. Uganda. We think of it as a third-world, dictatorial nightmare over there. It turns out they’re freer than we are because they can walk … their death rate was 0.00003%. Same in Nigeria, same in Senegal.
And in general, all those countries that you could walk down and over-the-counter get hydroxychloroquine had a much lower death count. And even in those countries where it isn’t over-the-counter … So it’s not just all about the about the latitude and the heat and all that stuff. If you had a country that uses -- that is frequently using hydroxychloroquine, they use the drug early and often, or chloroquine, their death rate from Covid went down by 78%. So essentially – and trust me, I’m not a virologist, but the guys like Fauci and these guys, they had to know. And if all the CDC didn’t know this literature, they should be summarily fired, every last one of them.
So if people like me and my ophthalmologist friend, and my psychiatrist friend, and my ER doctor friend and all these doctors … My friend who’s an ER doc out in central California (I used to be close to there when I was in practice), he has treated … by October of last year, he had screened 20,000 people, he had treated 2,000, and he had zero deaths and one minor hospitalization.
Now, that’s a heck of a lot better than all the fancy doctors and hospitals in New York State. Why were they not paying attention? He’s a small-town doctor. He figured this out for himself by reading the medical literature. Something is going on here that isn’t right. So what I’m concluding from this is: they really, really, really, really don’t want us to have treatment. They really, really, really, really want us to have this vaccine. I can’t come to another conclusion. It gets even worse when you think about the falsification of the literature that they got caught doing and had to retract. They literally made up a database and claimed it was a company and that company turned out to be run by a science fiction writer and a porn star! Are you kidding me?
And then, we’ve had an explosion recently that burned down the Taiwanese, number 2 biggest hydroxychloroquine factory in the world. And we had two other plants, if you remember, in 2020 that burned down in Illinois and Mexico almost the same time that were precursor plants for hydroxychloroquine. So they really don’t want us to have this treatment. And I don’t think it’s just about maintaining a vaccine industry. I think it’s because, in the world, they could not terrorize populations with these designer viruses if we have a treatment in our back pocket. I think it’s as simple as that. You don’t need a vaccine if you have a treatment.
Here’s the other – and again, people can choose – the scientists will say, “Oh, that’s not true. We have no evidence of that … blah blah blah”. But they know this works like this: if you have a drug that stops the virus – or anything – cold. The way we killed smallpox in the wild is, we basically got rid of it because it was – human smallpox is only in humans – it can’t go into animals, and this can’t go back into bats. It doesn’t go anywhere except us. This is a human-only disease at this point. If you get rid of it all at the same time in humans, the disease goes away.
But these vaccines don’t do that. They don’t stop transmission, these Moderna, Pfizer stuff. They admit that in their EUA. But hydroxychloroquine does: it stops the transmission. So what the deal is, is they had last year, say in February or March last year when they knew it was coming around, they had given every man, woman and child over the age of 17, 24 hydroxychloroquine and they said take two a week for the next 12 weeks, it would have been over. We wouldn’t have had our country – you wouldn’t have been, in California, just completely laid out, just completely under control here. We wouldn’t have had our economy crash. This is a war against us! And it’s got to be purposeful because, again, if small-town doctors can figure this out and all the great university boys can’t, there is something really going on here. I really believe that a lot of people are being paid.
And back to the Biderman thing, the psychological operation is to get the majority of people on their side. You terrorize people – I asked a friend of mine. He is a pediatric psychiatrist in Los Angeles. And I said to him, “Tell me who these people are who are in a mask by themselves in a car. Even if they believe in masks, it can’t work this way. Tell me who these people are.” And now I have some sympathy with them, he said, “Those people are Stockholm syndrome people. They basically, they are so afraid”. Because they don’t have the ability, maybe, to read the scientific papers, or they are just bought into the history of listening to mainstream media. I don’t know, but for me, it was crazy from the get-go. But if they really are this afraid, what happens is, they’re going to do everything to the nth degree. They’re going to wash their hands and wear the masks, and wear 10 masks on top of each other if they want to. And they’re going to wear them in the car, and they’re going to be the ones bragging that they got the vaccine because you stupid anti-vaxxers, and conservatives and Trump-supporters, and whatever they call us who are concerned about the safety here. Just concerned about the safety and the efficacy, we’re going to show you we’re right and you’re wrong and unfortunately, I think there are going to be some devastating consequences of that.
Interviewer: Oh, absolutely, and I think, too, I remember having this conversation with Dr. Michael Shure at the very beginning of Covid-19 and we were talking about China and the outbreak and all that stuff. And he said, this is all pointing towards the vaccine one of the things this is all pointing towards the vaccine. I don’t know what the vaccine is, I don’t know what’s in it, but he’s like, there’s something that’s in that that they are trying to inject into the American people. And that was going back in April of last year. And now here we are – and I remember, interestingly, with Governor Gavin Newsom out here in California, from the very beginning, he’s like “We are never going to get back to normal until we have a vaccine and the majority of Californians have taken it.” And clearly, they’re rolling it out. All my friends are posting on Instagram “I got my vaccine today. Everything’s great.” Everybody’s in tears and happy that they’re getting it. But what’s your concern with the vaccine? And what’s in it?
Dr Merrit: Right, quite frankly Gavin Newsom saying that is word for word what Gates says. Word for word what the mainstream media says. Word for word from Fauci. They’ve got talking points and that’s it. We’ll never go back to normal. Klaus Schwab says “We’ll never go back to normal, period. This is the Great Reset. This is the new normal.”
Okay, here are the concerns with any drug. I took vaccines, I took vaccines in the military. It’s not crazy to demand transparency, meaning understanding what you’re getting, informed consent, and safety from any drug you take. We’re not getting any of that. This stuff was rolled out into depositories even before (at least in my area) the FDA approved it. The approval came and they were injecting people the next day, practically. So it was already out here.
If you read the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization],[3] they do not claim that this stops transmission. A real vaccine stops transmission. Secondly is, they claim, although they claimed on ABC News that it was 95% effective, when independent researchers looked at the numbers in the Emergency Use Authorization paperwork from Pfizer, specifically Dr. Doshi [?] in the British Medical Journal. He concluded, using their own numbers, it’s actually less than 1% absolute risk reduction, meaning that it doesn’t stop transmission. And it’s less than 30% relative risk reduction, which is all they claim is that, if you take the vaccine and you get Covid, you’re going to get less sick than if you didn’t take the vaccine. Slightly. They don’t even tell you it will decrease hospitalization or death. What they say is “slightly less”.
That’s a lot of “ifs” for something that is unknown. Now, here’s what people don’t know about it. They don’t know what’s in it. Even your doctor doesn’t know what’s in it. You can read what’s on there, but it tells you basically nothing because you’re dealing with three-dimensional, stereo chemistry here, and that’s not communicated in this thing. It’s really not telling you what’s in it, but just makes it look like it is. But nobody really knows from that. Even Judy Mikovits, I’ve talked to her and she did this kind of research. They don’t know what’s in it and they don’t know how it works.
This doesn’t work like a standard vaccine. This works by genetic manipulation. They don’t know that all the animals, or most of the animals died and it never successfully passed animal studies when they looked at SARS, which is a coronavirus-type disease, and MERS, which is another coronavirus-type disease that came out and was more deadly in humans. So it’s never passed animal safety tests, and this time they truncated the animal safety tests – basically didn’t do any long-term testing.
Back in 2004, when this was tried on SARS, and it killed the animals very convincingly through this immune enhancement where you get this hyper-immune response when you’re exposed to the virus it’s supposed to protect you against. Reno Rapoli [?], who actually is a Pfizer guy, who is a researcher for Pfizer. “Never, ever bypass animal tests when you’re doing this.” And yet that’s what we did. And then they don’t know – the VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] data, and they don’t know the history of vaccine companies lying to us in the past. I do, and that’s one of the things I tell people. The vaccine that gave – I was in the military when this happened and I was in the research – ENRAC [?] when I found out and talked to my colleague in the military about this.
It turned out that the guys that went over and got Gulf War syndrome. Our troops who went over and got Gulf War syndrome, when it all rolled out, at first – it took them a while to figure this all out, it took a number of years. But they found out it was squalene, which was the adjuvant in the anthrax vaccine. Squalene.[4] And people raised a hoo and holler about this and said, we don’t want this in our vaccines. And they told us officially, the CDC and everyone, “Oh, no, it’s not in any American vaccine.” And four or five years ago, they put it in the flu ad [?]. They put it in the flu vaccine! And they didn’t even label it as squalene. They labeled it as MF59. It sounds like an El Salvadorian drug gang. It doesn’t sound like anything that you’d recognize. And your doctor doesn’t know about it. And most people don’t even know the story of squalene. So every time you take a vaccine, you’re basically trusting these guys unless you do a lot of research ahead of time.
And I don’t think they’re worthy of that trust because we’ve seen over and over they’ve lied to us. That’s a big lie because guess what. Those guys with Gulf War syndrome, they come down with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is a fatal neurologic disease at four times the rate of the background noise. So there’s that.
So moving on, so what do we know about the vaccine? What we know is that this is RNA technology, and one of the things you’re always asked is – or I’m always asked – does it get into your DNA? And initially I thought it couldn’t because it’s not really – RNA doesn’t go into DNA unless it’s a part of a retrovirus. That isn’t the way it works. But Judy Mikovits made me aware of something and this is the real kicker.
Messenger RNA in your body is used to control DNA. It’s called “epigenetic controlling”. So it doesn’t get intercalated, it doesn’t get stuck into the DNA like retroviruses do and become part of your genome. But it can control your DNA. So I can give you mRNA that would turn on your cancer genes, or turn off a gene that does methylation, or does – that could be devised. These are synthetic mRNA that we make. Now what they tell us that they’ve made is an mRNA that produces the pathogen of SARS-COV-2 in your cells. Maybe. That may be exactly what it is. We don’t know the complete, 3-dimensional confirmation. We don’t know if it’s the RNA to the benign spike protein, and the old coronavirus, or the new pathogen in this virus. We don’t know. They say it’s to the pathogen and we’ll presume that it is. So that’s the concern that I have is that this is novel technology that’s never been tried before and we’re wanting to vaccinate the whole world. There’s no long-term trial in humans before we vaccinate the whole world. And specifically people who have been burned by vaccines like the RSV vaccine in the past that killed a bunch of kids. They have all said, “No matter what you think the emergency is, never roll out vaccines in a rush because we have to test them over time.” It acts differently in different people; it acts differently in different age groups. And you’re right, that’s a big risk factor here that’s an unknown risk factor.
But here’s some real numbers. In Israel, they’re really pushing everybody to get the vaccine. And of course, they came out with the same bogus number, that 95%. That’s like the six-feet number, stand six feet apart, it’s some magic number. That’s just a made-up number. Real research doesn’t show you six feet. And I don’t think real research showed them 95%. It’s just too convenient and everybody’s got the same number – except J&J, which seems to be a little more honest about that.
In Israel, what happened, really, there was a Dr Seligman, and this is no lightweight. He’s a biologist, he’s a researcher and he’s in the department of epidemiology and infectious diseases in Marseilles, France. But he holds dual citizenship in Israel and France, and his kids are in Israel. So he has a proprietary interest in this. But he said, “I’m not being paid by any government or any pharmaceutical industry” and that’s important.
He and his partner, who’s an engineer, they looked at the numbers the government put out.[5] And they concluded – and some of this is very obvious to the casual observer, if you really watch – in Palestine and in Israel, the disease numbers, the deaths from Covid, were going down. Palestinians didn’t get any vaccines and the death rate continued to go down. In Israel, they got the vaccine, now the death rate from Covid is going back up. And it’s specifically they looked at, in the middle of February, when they had vaccinated 12.5% of the population, 51% of the Covid deaths were in vaccinated people. Now if it were just – if the vaccine didn’t make you more at risk, it should be 12.5% in both groups, but it isn’t.
So what’s going on? Well, then they broke it down by age group, and they showed that, if you’re over the age of 60, I think, and you take the vaccine – this is the Pfizer vaccine – your risk of dying of Covid – now this doesn’t even look at side effects in the vaccine that are unrelated to Covid – this is Covid deaths, went up by 40 times in the people over 60. And in the young people, these are lesser numbers, but since young people are at such rare chance of dying from this, any risk for somebody under the age of 39 is probably too much, it went up by 260 times. Your risk of dying of Covid was 260 times worse if you took the vaccine than if you didn’t. It’s insane to vaccinate with those numbers. It is insane. We have a treatment, we have prevention, and this doesn’t work very well, and is potentially very harmful. I can’t come up with another reason. And I don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry.
So that’s really what’s going on. And I think in this country, I mean in America, what I’m starting to see – and around the world, actually. Now we’ve just seen Norway and some of the Scandinavian countries … 20 countries have stopped the rollout of AstraZeneca. Why? Bleeding problems. Platelet problems. Well, as a physician, it’s not that I just care about doctors, but when I heard about that doctor … The first doctor I heard die was down in Florida. He was an OBGYN [obstetrician-gynecologist] doctor. He got the vaccine and he was dead in four days of no platelets. Now, one of the problems you get into when you start talking about the numbers and vaccine risks and who dies … They can always say, “Well, we’ve rolled out this – we’ve vaccinated 41 million people and you’re talking about 1, or you’re talking about 10, and that’s nothing.” It also matters what the problem was. If you start … if somebody gets a vaccine and four days later drops dead of a disease that you’ve never seen or heard about in your life, somebody ought to pay attention.
Now, we have a disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP.[6] It’s where people’s platelets – their bone marrow gets depressed for sometimes unknown reasons – that's what “idiopathic” means: we don’t know the reasons. Their bone marrow gets depressed, their platelets drop down below 50,000, and they start having bruising – that’s what purpura is. Well, we know what that disease is, but people don’t die in four days. Either we figure out what’s causing it, we take you off the drug and your bone marrow comes back, or, even if you’ve got a fatal case of this and we never find out what causes it, we can support you with platelets for a long period of time before you die. But this was not that.
And I heard from Dr McCullough [?] that at the time when this happened, he said “I believe that it’s an autoimmune clumping of the platelets”. And he said it in such a way that he’d heard it from someplace. He’s a big – he’s at [?] and he’s a big guy and he gets this information. So I’ve been watching this. What we’re seeing now is – we’ve had over 40 cases of that now, which is what caused the Norwegians to stop. They only had a few cases but that was enough for them. Who knows how many we’re going to allow before we stop it in America? But not only that but we’re seeing these weird bleeds. So I – as a doctor, people come and they talk to me about things. And I’ve had a nurse say to me – she does home health care, she said, “My 72-year-old patient, she was in good health, I mean, she just needs a little help. I was going in with her diabetes or something.” And she took the vaccine and two days later had a brain bleed and died. And she said, “They don’t think it’s related.” And I said, “Well, we’ll see.”
And then I’ve heard of three or four others, actually five others of that. These are not my patients, I’ve just heard about them, and some of these are showing up in VAERS now. So people are having bleeding problems. We hear in Israel pregnant women laying in bed with bleeding problems. So there are two things we’re seeing: bleeding and this hyper-immune response.
Interviewer: No. It’s one of those things, too, where I’m looking at this and I’m like – at a certain point, we have to get down to, what is the end game here? And I think this might be the best way to close this show out, too. What is the end game, because when you think about – we were talking earlier about the face masks, and we were talking about the end game with that essentially is submission. We’ve had the lockdowns, we’ve had the required face masks, businesses are shut down, people are going bankrupt and all that kind of stuff. And we have the hydroxychloroquine. This could fix the problem, but they won’t let us for all different kinds of reasons. It’s all pointing towards the vaccine. They told us from the beginning – it’s all about the vaccine. So what’s the end game with the vaccine? Is it money? Is it power? Is it something more sinister? What are we getting down to here?
Dr Merritt: Well, here’s a good point that a non-medical friend of mine made. They said, “If it’s all about money, why not just put a cheap placebo in these vaccines? Why go to all the trouble of putting a very expensive product together?” And I said, “I hadn’t thought of that. That’s really smart because if it is about money, they could do that. Why take the risk of having side effects? They could put some harmless thing in there – we’ve got the whole world convinced that this is very dangerous. If I put some harmless thing in there that looks good, that I could convince people on paper that it looked pretty good, and show you that it does something, then even if it’s not very effective, at least I’m not hurting anybody. People would take it, I’d make a lot of money and walk away, right?
They didn’t do that, did they? So there’s got to be more than money. And I have to say it’s hard not to mention the fact that the billionaires’ club – of which I’m not a member and you’re not a member probably – that they constantly talk about population control. It’s just a fact – you can look in the Rockefeller Foundation documents, you can look at speeches that John D Rockefeller gave, you can look at Henry Kissinger’s speeches, Bill Gates’, Klaus Schwab, you can go on and on. You can name these guys. They talk about population control. We have the Georgia guidestones: whoever put that up spent a lot of money. They put up this weird thing in the middle of nowhere in Georgia that says we should have 500 million people on the earth, to sustain the earth. Prince Philip says, “Oh, If I die, I want to come back reincarnated as a germ so I can kill 90% of the world’s population”, to make the earth pure again, and safe and good and sylvan, I guess.
But the problem is there really are people who’ve believed that, and we’ve caught already WHO vaccines, GAVI vaccines actually,[7] with the Bill Gates signature on them essentially – the guy who funded them. … that were unrecognized abortofactants and birth control things. They had HCG in them. Those vaccines were given to the Philippines, they were given to Africa, they were given to South America. And they were targeting – they were tetanus vaccines – and they were targeting young women, who aren’t the big problem for tetanus – it’s young men. But they had to give them to young women. How many times do you take a tetanus vaccine? Once every decade at the most? I mean, I probably haven’t had one for 15 years. The point is that you don’t take them very often.
But they were getting a series of 3 or 5 vaccines, and then they were having a couple of yearly updates, and finally these women started asking, “How come we have to this? This doesn’t seem right. And by the way, my friend can’t get pregnant.” And these people who are taking these vaccines can’t get pregnant and I had a miscarriage. They started reporting this to the doctors and the Kenyan doctors’ association took some samples. The Catholic doctors’ association and they found HCG in this vaccine! There is no possible contaminant that could put that in there.
And a sister, a nun, a Catholic sister, minister, a nurse in the Philippines found the same thing, that 20% or 40% of the vials had HCG. So there are just a lot of little factors here that you have to say, “What’s the point if it’s not depopulation?” And so then the other issue is, we’re hearing – and this is again, this is not just me and conspiracy theory and all that – you can read about this. You can read Klaus Schwab talking about AI, and merging with AI, and leaving behind – “We’ll leave behind humans who won’t do this, just as we left the chimpanzees behind.” That’s what he actually says.
Well, okay, what does it mean to merge with AI? How about our DNA? What are they …? It seems like, over my lifetime, there are so many things they could have told us, like in this thing, take vitamin D to protect yourself, that’s clearly shown to be a huge deal in not getting sick and die with this. Simple. Why don’t you tell us that? Why didn’t the CDC tell us that? Why didn’t some world government tell us that? Well, but instead they’re telling us to take this vaccine.
There are lots of things that they have done that seem to make our immune system worse. For example, it’s admitted by even some of the most ardent pediatrician vaccinators that the side effects of the vaccine program in children is increased autoimmunity, increased asthma. That says that we’re doing something bad to people’s immune systems. Now we have a device that could be an epigenetic controller of our DNA. Now you have to kind of get through the immune system to do that first. I’m just throwing out food for thought.
I don’t know the end game because I’m not in the mind of … I don’t run in those circles, but I do believe – you know, years ago, in 2011, [the ETH Zurich study] looked at the world’s – all the lists of corporations in the world.[8] And there are lots and lots of them, probably millions. But when they put it in a super computer to run for commonalities, they found that you could really boil that down to 3,000 or some corporations. Then when they manually looked at those further and reran it, it boiled down to another smaller group. And finally they realized that there were 10 corporations that essentially owned all the world’s corporations. Chase Bank was the one I remember, but there are others. And of that, who’s really owning those 10 corporations boils down to about 100 people. So essentially, in this world today, which again, my mind is completely – my reality, I think, has shifted back to what probably is normal but has been pushed over to this matrix of disinformation over here for years. There are about 100 people who control 70% of the world’s wealth. If you don’t think you can do some stuff with that and get your agendas out there whatever they may be. And it just seems to be – we need to look at this, and people need to quit dismissing this as crazy talk and crazy conspiracy theory because it doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense scientifically. And you don’t have to just take my word for it: more and more doctors are waking up.
The problem, by the way, is: science doesn’t proceed because we take a vote. It proceeds because somebody is right and it’s reproducible and it predicts the future. If masks worked, we would have predicted the cases and the deaths and the hospitalizations would have gone down but they actually went up after we instituted masks. So that’s not science. This is censorship and convincing us of things to do something – you’re right.
There’s an end game here and it’s not scientifically sound so you have to come up – you ought to start looking at other motives. And I’ll just quit with this quote, but this is a quote – I just want to point this out – I don’t know if people know about the PNAC, but the Policy for the New American Century was written in September of 2000 and it was written by our military,[9] people like Cheney and Wolfowitz – the deep insider military people who sit on military boards. And they were looking at what we should do to be ready militarily for the 21st century. And this is what they wrote and this is a direct quote and this is shocking:[10]
“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
Think about that. These are our guys.4 Saying that they’re willing to use bioweapons for politics. So don’t put anything past what’s happening here. Don’t take it off the table. If it makes sense to you, it might be sensible.
Interviewer: Yeah, and on that note, I have one last question that came up as you were talking right there. So we’re talking – the end game may be depopulation, right? With Covid-19 and we’ll go down that route. So if somebody’s watching this, and again, I would say a vast majority of people that I know out here in California have already gotten the vaccine. If they’re watching this and like – “Crap! We’re talking depopulation and I’ve already had this injected into my arm twice.” Is there anything that can be done – what do people do now?
Dr. Merritt: Right, and I get that question a lot. Because I was asked to go down to the villages in Florida and give a talk about this, and I just said, “Look, I never tell people not to take the vaccine, but I’m just going to tell you what I know about it.” And I had a lot of people who said afterwards “I’ve taken the first one. Should I take the second one?” And I’m like, did you not hear what I just said for the last hour? And then, what can I do? And I’ve got a lot of stories, by the way, of what happened after they took the first one, too.
But here’s the thing. We don’t know. Unfortunately, some of this may be irreversible, but if it were me, here’s what I would do. Here’s what would I do. This is not official medical advice.
One of the ways the animals died was not from the vaccine and the test groups, it was re-exposure to the pathogen. So I would get online and I’d get some Ivermectin, and some hydroxychloroquine – you can get them overseas, from other pharmacies outside of America.[11] I used to work on the Mexican border, people use drugs from down there all the time. I never saw a problem. Can’t certify them, but I’m just saying that that was my observation.
If I’d had the vaccine – in fact, I think probably everybody should do what I just said anyway. If we had this in our back pocket, it’s going to make us – this is not over. And they – what we’ve learned is that there are bioweaponeers all over the world and they can ping us with this whenever they want to now. And talk to Judy Mikovits: she says they’ve got vials of worse things so they can do this any time they want to. So I would do that.
Number 2: we should be paying attention about the things that really make a difference. I have a website called the”.[12] And you can go on it and we go through the supplements that actually make a difference. So for example, in the Indonesian hospitals 700 patients, they showed that if your vitamin D level was above was above 30, your chance of going to the ICU or dying was less than 4%. So vitamin D was the biggest thing they found as a risk factor. Now, people think they can get it from the sun. Even in [?] Arizona, the sunniest city in America where I used to live, you can’t get it from the sun. I know that from golfers who had D levels of 20 playing golf every day of the week. You can’t do it. So you have to take a supplement. And I take 10,000 units per day. Nobody overdoses from that if you’re not on dialysis. And then some time get a level. We tell you about that on our handout.[13]
And the other thing is that zinc is critical for this. 50% of the people dead didn’t take zinc. So I would maximize everything we know to keep your immune system healthy against viruses. That is actually the ultimate answer here. It’s not wearing a mask for decades of our lives. It’s not taking a million vaccines because we’re afraid of every little virus that comes around. It’s making ourselves so healthy that we don’t go down easily. Okay?
And there is a time to go to the basement, and that’s when smallpox, or something that’s 60% fatal comes around, and that we can’t save ourself from. The only thing is isolation. But it doesn’t mean that you put on a mask and you isolate until you go to the grocery store. No, no! Isolation really means isolation. That’s what they did in the pandemic of 1918, which the farmers around me here remember. Their grandparents went through that and the neighbors all died because they went to church. They were told, don’t go to church – stay on your farm. The ones who went to church, some of them, the whole family was dead. That’s the kind of bad disease you don’t want to trust to a mask – you have to isolate.
Don’t be overweight. Being overweight inflames the body. Inflammation is the pathway to death here. Get the weight off, exercise, eat healthy, don’t eat junk food. I think I would be as far away from a 5G transmitter as I could be. You’ve got to optimize your envelope and just hope this thing goes away. We can only hope that this mRNA is short-lived and won’t do long-term autoimmune damage. That’s what I really pray for all the people who have taken it. But some of my colleagues feel like in three months the dying is going to start. We don’t know. That we don’t know.
Interviewer: It’s pretty scary, especially dealing with the unknown.
Dr. Merritt: We don’t have to deal with the unknown because we have the known. We know we can treat this. We know if you treat it early, you don’t do down as hard. We know that vitamin D works. Let’s deal with what we know and get on with our lives, because this, really, this virus is a nothing burger. It really isn’t.
Interviewer: No, absolutely. Now, if people want more information about what you’re talking about and all that kind of stuff, what’s the best way for them to do that?
Dr. Merritt: Well, go to the website. It’s I’ve got videos. I’m putting more stuff up all the time. We didn’t expect the big – I didn’t expect to be in this war. I expected to be in the operating room doing orthopedic surgery right now. But the problem is that didn’t work out. Now I’m in this war and I think this is why I’m here on earth so that’s okay. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to start … My son’s going to help me because he’s a computer guy. Build up things.
We’ll keep adding things, but right now you can get on there and it’s got what supplements you need to take, it’s got the federal registry telling you what the law is against forcing you to mandate you to have an experimental drug, which is important.[14] It shouldn’t be allowed. You shouldn’t be forced into this for any reason. And it’s got a lot of other things. It has my talk on – the biggest talk I have there is SARS-COV-2 and the rise of medical technocracy. It’s a talk I gave in Las Vegas last year and it goes through all the lies of Covid. There are four lies and it goes through all of that. So there’s a lot of information on there.
Interviewer: Dr. Merritt, I really appreciate you coming on. I had a blast talking to you and picking your brain. I feel like I’m always learning something new. So I really appreciate you taking the time to come on.
Dr. Merritt: Well, thank you and good luck to you out in California.
Interviewer: I know, it’s crazy out here. And then everybody else, make sure you go to her website, get the information, get educated. That’s the best thing you can do. And then also, too, if you guys can go over and subscribe to the show on Apple podcasts, surprisingly we’re still available over there. Or if you can find us over on Rumble or, you can check out all the rest of our shows. Definitely check that out. Thank you so much for tuning in and we shall catch you guys next time.
[1] Psychopathology and the Origins of Totalitarianism.
[2] Biderman’s Chart of Coercion:
[3] Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA. Dr. Amanda Cohn, the executive secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, was asked if Covid-19 vaccination can be required, said that under an EUA, “vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won’t be able to be mandatory.”
[4] Vaccine Adjuvant, Suspect in Gulf War Syndrome, Added to Influenza Vaccine. [See also Bearden, Oblivion, p. 47, The True Cause of Gulf War Disease. It is possible to trick the immune system of each person in the targeted populace area so that it erroneously "detects" invasion by, say, two dozen different pathogens at once. This is done by simply placing the EM [electromagnetic] … "shadow precursor engines" … for those specific pathogenic conditions in weak EM radiation … the deceived immune system desperately spreads its finite assets across those "detected" two dozen invading "shadow" pathogens. … Such a "spread" immune system is then just about totally vulnerable to any real attack by any normal opportunistic real pathogen in the area … In a bizarre way, this is a new form of asymmetric biological warfare, designed to pre-disable the immune systems of the targeted populace, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of the real BW pathogen being introduced.]
[5] A study emanating from the Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University has revealed that Pfizer's vaccine killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people” (200 of 100,000 as compared to 4.91) and “260 times more of the young” (50 of 100,000 compared to 0.19) than “what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame”.
[6] Reports of Bleeding and Thrombocytopenia following vaccination for COVID-19, Lee D. Merritt MD.
[7] GAVI is called “the Vaccine Alliance” and was previously called the GAVI Alliance, and before that the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. It is a public–private global health partnership with the goal of increasing access to immunization in poor countries.
GAVI brings together the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, civil society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
[8] Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world (ETH Zurich Study). In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network. … Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.
[9] Dr. Merritt is wrong in saying that the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was an initiative of the US military. It was, in fact, established in 1997 by William Kristol and Robert Kagan as a neoconservative think tank. Of the 25 people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, 10 went on to serve in the administration of US President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
[10] Policy for the New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century.
[11] Information (for US citizens) on where hydroxychloroquine can be obtained: It is also available from America’s Frontline Doctors at
[12] Dr. Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel:
[13] The Nine Supplements Everyone Should Take.
[14] Federal Regulation Against Mandates. Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states that Americans in a clinical study must give their written consent to any medical treatment such as vaccination. Since vaccines gain licensure from the FDA by passing through 3 out of 4 safety trials, the side effect ratio is never truly known till the vaccine is used widely by millions. All Americans who receive the vaccine will still be enrolled in surveillance studies (Stage-4) and subject to the CFR protections. According to Title 21:50B of the CFR, informed consent requires candidates for vaccination to be given the right to refuse vaccination; have the right to confidentiality (privacy) that their vaccination data will not be shared with other parties without their consent; and have the right to know if there are any alternatives to vaccination.
- Science proceeds because somebody is right and it’s reproducible. None of this makes sense scientifically.
- More and more doctors are waking up. They all have to know that this is scientifically not sound.
- The chance of surviving Covid between January and August 2020 was 99.991% worldwide, while the chance of surviving the previous flu season was 99.992%.
War on humanity
- It only makes sense if it’s a purposeful takedown of our society.
- This is unconventional warfare on humanity, like psychological warfare, cyber warfare.
- The evidence shows that this was a purposefully lab-engineered, up-regulated virus.
- It’s our response to the virus that’s damaging the world, not the virus itself.
- We’re being manipulated to give up our basic freedoms. We are subject to standard psychological techniques to get us to bend to their will: you isolate the victim, you monopolize the perception.
- You terrorize people. People are suffering from Stockholm syndrome. They are doing everything to the nth degree, washing their hands, wearing multiple masks, and uselessly wearing them alone in their cars.
- Judy Mikovits says they have many vials of bioweapons.
- Dr. Merritt believes she is here on earth to protect people in this war on humanity.
The end game with the masks is submission
- Masks are not for contagion control.
- Nobody before 2020 ever talked about masks making a difference against small-particle, airborne viruses, including N95 masks, and no literature supported the wearing of a mask by asymptomatic people.
- Little ear-loop masks and cloth masks do nothing.
- They’re lying about masks.
- Masks are a symbol of cooperation and subservience. In satanic occult rituals, masks are worn as a symbol of transformation, meaning “I will be silent and I will obey.”
Effective treatments are being purposefully suppressed
- We have effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin but they don’t want us to have treatments. We knew about hydroxychloroquine and its ability to treat viruses almost 40 years ago.
- Hydroxychloroquine stops transmission. Chloroquine stops the virus getting into cells.
- An explosion burned down the world’s second biggest hydroxychloroquine factory in Taiwan. Two other precursor plants for hydroxychloroquine burned down in 2020, in Illinois and Mexico.
- They could not terrorize populations with these designer viruses if we had a treatment.
- You don’t need a vaccine if you have a treatment.
- The highest death rate in the world by August of 2020 was in New York State, while the lowest was in Uganda. In Africa, hydroxychloroquine is widely used.
- They got caught falsifying the literature.
- They suppress the treatments because they want us to have the vaccine.
The end game with the vaccine may be depopulation
- The vaccines’ Emergency Use Authorizations do not claim that they stop transmission or decrease hospitalization or death. They simply claim you will be slightly less sick.
- A real vaccine stops transmission.
- They claim a 95% risk reduction, whereas the true level is less than 1% absolute risk reduction.
- These Covid vaccines do not work like standard vaccines. They work by genetic manipulation.
- Messenger RNA in your body is used to control DNA. It’s called “epigenetic controlling”. The vaccines are a device that could be an epigenetic controller of our DNA.
- These vaccines are using synthetic mRNA.
- Doctors don’t know what’s in the vaccines, nor how they work.
- Earlier, similar vaccines for SARS and MERS caused nearly all animals tested to die, and no animal testing has been done for the Covid vaccines.
- We are vaccinating the whole world without any long-term trials at all.
- Even in an emergency, vaccines should never be rolled out in a rush because they have to be tested over time.
- There is a long history of vaccine companies lying in the past.
- Some of Dr. Merritt’s colleagues believe that the dying is going to start in three months’ time.
- Judy Mikovits says they have many vials of bioweapons.
- If the aim was simply to make money, they could have made harmless vaccines, but they did not do so.
- The billionaires’ club constantly talk about population control: Rockefeller Foundation documents, speeches by John D Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, who also talked about humans merging with AI.
- WHO and GAVI vaccines, funded by Bill Gates and used in the Philippines and Africa, contained abortofactants and birth control things such as HCG: 20-40% of vials contained HCG.
- They have done many things already that seem to make our immune system worse.
- The children’s vaccine program increases autoimmunity and asthma.
Side effects
- In Israel, after 12.5% of the population had been vaccinated, 51% of Covid deaths were in vaccinated people. After Israelis over the age of 60 took the Pfizer vaccine, their death rate went up 40 times. After young people took the vaccine, their death rate was 260 times higher.
- 20 countries stopped the rollout of AstraZeneca because of bleeding/platelet problems.
- People suffering from the rare disease ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura don’t die in four days as is the case with these vaccines.
- Dr. Merritt is hearing many reports of injuries after people took the vaccines.
- The effects of these vaccines may be irreversible.
- Some of Dr. Merritt’s colleagues believe that the dying is going to start in three months’ time.
Conspiracy fact
- The ETH Zurich study of 2011 found that 10 corporations essentially owned all the world’s corporations and that those 10 corporations boiled down to about 100 people, who control 70% of the world’s wealth.
- There is a concerted effort and we are being victimized.
- Effective treatments have been suppressed.
- Covid vaccines do not stop transmission or decrease hospitalization or death.
- Fauci is paid by Bill Gates, who is the biggest vaccine supplier in the world, and the biggest contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Deaths and hospitalizations actually went up after we instituted masks.
- They are trying to inject something into the American people.
- There is a long history of vaccine companies lying in the past.
- The billionaires’ club constantly talk about population control.
- The Policy for the New American Century (PNAC) document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” of 2000 posited that advanced forms of biological warfare ‘targeting’ specific genotypes might transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
- WHO and GAVI vaccines, funded by Bill Gates and used in the Philippines and Africa, contained abortofactants and birth control things such as HCG: 20-40% of vials contained HCG.
- They have done many things already that seem to make our immune system worse.
- The children’s vaccine program increases autoimmunity and asthma.
Stay healthy
- Protect yourself from viruses by keeping your immune system healthy.
- Eat healthy, don’t eat junk food.
- Take vitamin D. Dr. Merritt takes 10,000 units of vitamin D per day.
- Take Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
- Supplement with zinc.
- Lose weight. Being overweight inflames the body and inflammation is the pathway to death.
- Stay as far away from a 5G transmitter as possible.
Interviewer: Okay, everybody. Welcome to this episode of Freedom One on One. Thank you so much, guys, for tuning in. This is a show where I’m bringing on different thought leaders, talking about the important issues that we’re facing today. I’m really excited about our guest today is Dr. Lee Merritt and we’re going to be talking about all the craziness going on with Covid-19. Dr. Merritt, thank you so much for joining me. Glad we could sit down here and chat for a little bit.
Dr. Merritt: Glad to be here. I love your name: freedom.
Interviewer: Exactly. That’s the thing that we’re facing today. It seems like we don’t have freedom, or at least it’s being taken away left and right, especially by both Democrats and a lot of Republicans, too, unfortunately. So it’s not like a partisan issue. But I think one of the things specifically is in relation to a lot of the lockdowns, the face-mask requirements, and now we’re getting into the vaccines and all of that. It seems like it’s getting crazier. On a big, general scale, what’s your feeling on where we’re heading right now as a country in response to Covid-19?
Dr. Merritt: Well, I spent 10 years in the military and I served on a Navy research advisory committee where I was the doctor on a congressional subcommittee that basically looked at defense technology for the military. And I was married to a senior Marine officer for 30 years. And so some of this rubbed off on me. I’m just sorry to say that I can’t look at this … When I hear my colleagues in medicine, who are very smart, academic guys talking about this, they all know that this is scientifically not sound what we’re doing. And they’ll talk about – you know, Dr McCullough talks about, “Why are they not using the hydroxychloroquine? Why are they not using the Ivermectin? What’s all this nonsense about masks? It doesn’t work.” We all know this stuff is not scientific.
On the other hand, nobody seems – then I have to periodically raise my hand and say, “Hey, guys, it makes sense if you think it’s a purposeful takedown of our society”. And I’m not blaming the Chinese – I think they’re the proximate weaponization arm, but I don’t think they’re behind this whole thing, but the thing of it is, 30 years ago, the Chinese generals said, they can’t take us out militarily, they’ve looked at it and they saw what we did in Iraq, for example, and they know that they can’t take us on. But this is unconventional warfare.
And unconventional multidimensional warfare are things like psychological warfare, cyber warfare, things that are behind the scenes. So that, not only do you not know who your enemy is necessarily, you don’t appreciate that you’re actually at war.
You can talk it away and say – so, for example, it’s easy to think … When I first brought this up as it being a bioweapon and that we were being purposefully attacked, I just got – even by my colleagues – they thought I was nuts but they’re coming around to my position because the evidence definitely shows that this was a man – up-regulated virus, there’s no question. It doesn’t come out of a pangolin (I had to look that up), and snakes and all of the things that they came and – there’s no evidence. There are some classic things we look at to see if things come from one species to another and this meets none of those criteria. This was purposefully engineered, up-regulated, they took a coronavirus, engineered it in a lab to do this to us.
Now, having said that, the virus is not the biggest problem here. It’s our response to the virus that’s damaging the world. And one of the reasons I got into this [was] when they started talking about masks and I said, “Are you crazy?” I mean, I’m a surgeon and I’ve worn masks for 40 years and I will tell you that nobody before 2020 ever talked about this making a difference against small particle, airborne viruses. That doesn’t mean that masks don’t work, but they don’t work in this way. I actually fell asleep in front of Tony Fauci one time in a lecture hall of four people so I think I probably wasn’t a stellar student to him, but anyway I was an intern and I’d been up all night or two nights. These guys are not dumb. These guys are very bright and they know the science. And when I hear somebody who is specifically in virology, they’re an infectious disease expert, either they are completely uneducated in their own field or they’re just lying through their teeth about masks. I’ve concluded that doctors who believe in masks are either being paid or they’re being played or they should go back and get re-educated – because they should not have passed their boards. It doesn’t make sense. The way you put this together in a big picture is that there really is a concerted effort and we are being victimized by this thing.
So how we deal with it really depends on your worldview, but the first thing you have to say is don’t just trust what the people being paid to do this tell you. That’s my opening salvo.
Interviewer: And it seems specifically when we’re dealing with a lot of this, these required face masks and the lockdowns, I think a lot of people – I’m up here in communist California and everything is in lockdown and we had curfew up until recently. There’s this craziness but people are buying into a lot of these narratives of “we have to do something”. And that would be everything from the vaccines, and the face masks. And then the thing that I keep hearing from people is: “Why would these experts – what motivation would Fauci have to require us to wear face masks if they don’t actually help?”
Dr. Merritt: Well, let me just tell you what that is. First of all, Fauci is a paid man. Whether he is a psychopath and evil, that’s up to somebody else to determine. But I can tell you for absolute sure that he is a paid man and he’s paid very well by Bill Gates who is the biggest vaccine supplier in the world, the biggest contributor to the WHO, and you have to say that he is connected to this whole – whatever that is. So Fauci’s not free to say, possibly, the truth. Whether he feels bad about it or not is up to him, but he’s being paid.
I will start with the masks because this is, like I say, the first thing I noticed where I said this can’t be right. And I reviewed the mask science. And I went back and I found out that before 2020 no literature supports wearing a mask by asymptomatic people. And they don’t support that it even cuts down the transmission of small particle viruses through N95 medical masks. Those were called “tuberculosis masks”. They were never used for viruses.
We didn’t use them in flu season, for example. Flu can kill people. We never did that. Because flu is a 0.2-micron virus. And these things, if you don’t cough and sneeze, they screen out 95% – not 100% – 95% of 0.3-micron particles. Now, here’s the problem: when they’ve really looked at this … We have OSHA [US Occupational Safety and Health Administration], we have environmental services people. We’ve done real studies on these things. And when they put people … A talk that I gave in Las Vegas, which is on my website, but they put people in these N95 masks, which are so much better. Forget the little ear-loop masks, they do nothing. Cloth masks we’ll talk about, they do nothing. But if you put these things on that are N95 masks, and then you put somebody in like a hermetically sealed device that actually can collect what goes out of the mask, what they found – they registered some surprise about this – this is within the last 10-15 years. They said, “Oh, my gosh, even an N95 mask doesn’t screen out these small viruses”. And then, beyond that, they said, “And when you culture things, it’s not the stuff you catch in the masks that cultures [?] positive for viruses, it’s the stuff that sneaks out.”
I will tell you that – when we get to motive, ultimately, maybe, I’ll just start with this. I read an article called “Psychopathology and the Origins of Totalitarianism”.[1] Real people are not going to become slaves to a dictator. People would not choose that voluntarily. But they give up their freedom if they’re afraid. They can be manipulated to give up their freedom. And if you look at what’s going on, we’re being manipulated to give up our basic freedoms. That’s my conclusion in all this. And the way it’s happening is this. There was a guy named Albert Biderman.[2] He looked at the Korean War victims because the government said, “What’s wrong? How could they get these guys to give up their patriotism and go against their country?” There was the Manchurian candidate, brainwashing – those terms came out of the Korean War. And Biderman actually interviewed these guys and researched them, and said, “No, just standard psychological techniques to get people to bend to your will.” And this is where the mask comes in – I’m going to get to the masks.
But the first thing he said you do is, you isolate the victim. And what do we have? And you guys are still in isolation but in the mid-west, we’re not. Sorry about that, guys, but stand up and get rid of them. So you isolate the victim so they have no other human support. It’s not just about not being able to touch people, it’s about also that you don’t have anybody who convinces you that you’re not crazy, tell you the truth, who will keep you on the straight and narrow. The second thing is, you monopolize the perception. So they put us in lockdown in our houses, and then nightly news – if people are just used to watching mainstream media, they heard over and over this misrepresentation of the facts. “Oh, we're all dying, oh, it’s blah, blah, blah.”
Your chance of surviving between January and August in 2020 with Covid was 99.991% worldwide. The chance of surviving the previous flu season during the same period of time was 99.992%. Where’s the pandemic in that? Again, we had a few more deaths. This is a little different deal, this Covid. But it’s not that dramatic. Why are we doing this?
And the other thing I’ve decided in all this is: if people are censoring you, if they’re criticizing you, if they’re coming after you … Again, I hung out with Marine pilots most of my life. The pilots’ maxim: “If you’re catching flak, it means you’re over the target.” And I’ve actually expanded that maxim to say “And if you’re catching a lot of flak, you’re over a target they really don’t want you to win against, a very important target.“
Now, I’m nobody these days. I’m just a small-town doc. I once was a big spine surgeon, I was at a university. I could have had a chair of dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. I was offered all these jobs. But I’m not there. I’m just a nobody in the middle of nowhere. Why is, for example, McGill University, a big, famous university in Toronto, Canada. They’ve got a whole department full of PhDs who wrote this article called “Science and Nonsense”. Very cute title. And they try to debunk things they don’t want us to believe. So they wrote an article recently called “Walk Away from America’s Frontline Doctors”, of which I am one. But then they say, the big subtitle, of all the America’s Frontline Doctors, they don’t pick on the pediatric psychiatrist or the ophthalmologist. They said, “Lee Merritt might be a good orthopedic surgeon, but she doesn’t know about the science of masks.”
Why pick about masks? Because masks are a symbol. It is a symbol of cooperation and subservience. And that’s – one of the things that they have you do in this whole Biderman’s Chart of Coercion is trivial demands. Like having a little, stupid piece of plastic in front of you when you play poker in Las Vegas. As if that’s going to make a difference.
Wearing a mask that you have to wear six feet into the restaurant, but then you can take it off to sit down at a table or the bar. And then you can put your dirty mask on the table, put your phone on it, touch everything. You can’t wash your hands because then you’d have to put it back on. It would just be useless, you’d put it back on, touch it. Because your mask is accreted with all this stuff you’ve been breathing in all the time, especially these cloth masks. That’s not contagion control.
And then if you want to go to the bathroom you have to stand up and put your mask on, Because now I’m standing up, I’m not safe. Sitting down, I’m fine, but standing up I’m not safe. I put the mask on so I can walk by tables with people with no masks to go to the bathroom. That’s nonsense. The guys at McGill think that’s science and what I’m saying is nonsense. And so you have to ask why are they dong it?
I was reminded by a very smart guy, he’s a professor at Princeton, and he made this point. And I live near Omaha, Nebraska, where this happened. The Chinese came over to work the railroads. The men who came over in the last 1800s, they wore that big braid down their back. It was called the Manchu queue. But they weren’t Manchu Chinese, they were Han Chinese. The Han had been captured by the Manchu. The Manchu dynasty then demanded that all Han men wear that braid on penalty of death. This was just a symbol, but it was a symbol of submission to the Manchu.
And I will tell you, that’s why they are so exercised about this mask: it’s a symbol of subservience. This may sound crazy but let me just tell you – I’ve looked it up. In occult rituals, specifically in satanic occult rituals, guess what they do? They wear masks. It’s a sign of transformation. It means, “I will become what you want me to be. I will be silent, I will obey.”
They wash their hands and they – get this: they stand six feet apart in a circle. I didn’t make that up. Who knows how that plays here? But it is a sign of submission. And that’s going to be … They’re going to divide us into two classes: the people who resist and the people who go along with this.
But all this has been – the biggest thing that blew my head open, last year in February, over a year ago was when I discovered that we knew about hydroxychloroquine and its ability to treat viruses almost 40 years ago. So think about this. You just have to consider – and that I can prove to you absolutely. I can show you the papers going back to 1974. There was a paper in 2004 that specifically mentioned chloroquine, which is a precursor of hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine and influenza A. It was a Chinese author, but it was published in Virology, which is a high-powered journal, and it said that chloroquine inhibits influenza A in vitro. In other words, in a Petri dish, they could show that chloroquine could stop the virus getting into cells.
Now, what this means is that, for the last how many years that they’ve been telling us, “Oh, take your flu vaccine because 60,000 people died last year!” We were letting them die! They were letting them die for what? To support a 69-billion dollar vaccine industry? I really think it’s more than that.
And that’s what gets me to the end game of the vaccine is – if you look – we have treatments – there is so much evidence. Don’t let them tell you that there’s no evidence. There is so much evidence that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin work. I just got off the phone. I was just treating -- telemedicine – I do that out of my office now. Telemedicine of Covid cases in my own state, it’s not all over the country, but Iowa, Nebraska.
There is so much evidence, and anybody who’s actually treated people with Covid knows that it takes it down. Especially if you treat it early. The worst death rate in the world by August of 2020: New York State. They had a 0.17% mortality, death per capita. On the other hand, guess who the best one was. Uganda. We think of it as a third-world, dictatorial nightmare over there. It turns out they’re freer than we are because they can walk … their death rate was 0.00003%. Same in Nigeria, same in Senegal.
And in general, all those countries that you could walk down and over-the-counter get hydroxychloroquine had a much lower death count. And even in those countries where it isn’t over-the-counter … So it’s not just all about the about the latitude and the heat and all that stuff. If you had a country that uses -- that is frequently using hydroxychloroquine, they use the drug early and often, or chloroquine, their death rate from Covid went down by 78%. So essentially – and trust me, I’m not a virologist, but the guys like Fauci and these guys, they had to know. And if all the CDC didn’t know this literature, they should be summarily fired, every last one of them.
So if people like me and my ophthalmologist friend, and my psychiatrist friend, and my ER doctor friend and all these doctors … My friend who’s an ER doc out in central California (I used to be close to there when I was in practice), he has treated … by October of last year, he had screened 20,000 people, he had treated 2,000, and he had zero deaths and one minor hospitalization.
Now, that’s a heck of a lot better than all the fancy doctors and hospitals in New York State. Why were they not paying attention? He’s a small-town doctor. He figured this out for himself by reading the medical literature. Something is going on here that isn’t right. So what I’m concluding from this is: they really, really, really, really don’t want us to have treatment. They really, really, really, really want us to have this vaccine. I can’t come to another conclusion. It gets even worse when you think about the falsification of the literature that they got caught doing and had to retract. They literally made up a database and claimed it was a company and that company turned out to be run by a science fiction writer and a porn star! Are you kidding me?
And then, we’ve had an explosion recently that burned down the Taiwanese, number 2 biggest hydroxychloroquine factory in the world. And we had two other plants, if you remember, in 2020 that burned down in Illinois and Mexico almost the same time that were precursor plants for hydroxychloroquine. So they really don’t want us to have this treatment. And I don’t think it’s just about maintaining a vaccine industry. I think it’s because, in the world, they could not terrorize populations with these designer viruses if we have a treatment in our back pocket. I think it’s as simple as that. You don’t need a vaccine if you have a treatment.
Here’s the other – and again, people can choose – the scientists will say, “Oh, that’s not true. We have no evidence of that … blah blah blah”. But they know this works like this: if you have a drug that stops the virus – or anything – cold. The way we killed smallpox in the wild is, we basically got rid of it because it was – human smallpox is only in humans – it can’t go into animals, and this can’t go back into bats. It doesn’t go anywhere except us. This is a human-only disease at this point. If you get rid of it all at the same time in humans, the disease goes away.
But these vaccines don’t do that. They don’t stop transmission, these Moderna, Pfizer stuff. They admit that in their EUA. But hydroxychloroquine does: it stops the transmission. So what the deal is, is they had last year, say in February or March last year when they knew it was coming around, they had given every man, woman and child over the age of 17, 24 hydroxychloroquine and they said take two a week for the next 12 weeks, it would have been over. We wouldn’t have had our country – you wouldn’t have been, in California, just completely laid out, just completely under control here. We wouldn’t have had our economy crash. This is a war against us! And it’s got to be purposeful because, again, if small-town doctors can figure this out and all the great university boys can’t, there is something really going on here. I really believe that a lot of people are being paid.
And back to the Biderman thing, the psychological operation is to get the majority of people on their side. You terrorize people – I asked a friend of mine. He is a pediatric psychiatrist in Los Angeles. And I said to him, “Tell me who these people are who are in a mask by themselves in a car. Even if they believe in masks, it can’t work this way. Tell me who these people are.” And now I have some sympathy with them, he said, “Those people are Stockholm syndrome people. They basically, they are so afraid”. Because they don’t have the ability, maybe, to read the scientific papers, or they are just bought into the history of listening to mainstream media. I don’t know, but for me, it was crazy from the get-go. But if they really are this afraid, what happens is, they’re going to do everything to the nth degree. They’re going to wash their hands and wear the masks, and wear 10 masks on top of each other if they want to. And they’re going to wear them in the car, and they’re going to be the ones bragging that they got the vaccine because you stupid anti-vaxxers, and conservatives and Trump-supporters, and whatever they call us who are concerned about the safety here. Just concerned about the safety and the efficacy, we’re going to show you we’re right and you’re wrong and unfortunately, I think there are going to be some devastating consequences of that.
Interviewer: Oh, absolutely, and I think, too, I remember having this conversation with Dr. Michael Shure at the very beginning of Covid-19 and we were talking about China and the outbreak and all that stuff. And he said, this is all pointing towards the vaccine one of the things this is all pointing towards the vaccine. I don’t know what the vaccine is, I don’t know what’s in it, but he’s like, there’s something that’s in that that they are trying to inject into the American people. And that was going back in April of last year. And now here we are – and I remember, interestingly, with Governor Gavin Newsom out here in California, from the very beginning, he’s like “We are never going to get back to normal until we have a vaccine and the majority of Californians have taken it.” And clearly, they’re rolling it out. All my friends are posting on Instagram “I got my vaccine today. Everything’s great.” Everybody’s in tears and happy that they’re getting it. But what’s your concern with the vaccine? And what’s in it?
Dr Merrit: Right, quite frankly Gavin Newsom saying that is word for word what Gates says. Word for word what the mainstream media says. Word for word from Fauci. They’ve got talking points and that’s it. We’ll never go back to normal. Klaus Schwab says “We’ll never go back to normal, period. This is the Great Reset. This is the new normal.”
Okay, here are the concerns with any drug. I took vaccines, I took vaccines in the military. It’s not crazy to demand transparency, meaning understanding what you’re getting, informed consent, and safety from any drug you take. We’re not getting any of that. This stuff was rolled out into depositories even before (at least in my area) the FDA approved it. The approval came and they were injecting people the next day, practically. So it was already out here.
If you read the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization],[3] they do not claim that this stops transmission. A real vaccine stops transmission. Secondly is, they claim, although they claimed on ABC News that it was 95% effective, when independent researchers looked at the numbers in the Emergency Use Authorization paperwork from Pfizer, specifically Dr. Doshi [?] in the British Medical Journal. He concluded, using their own numbers, it’s actually less than 1% absolute risk reduction, meaning that it doesn’t stop transmission. And it’s less than 30% relative risk reduction, which is all they claim is that, if you take the vaccine and you get Covid, you’re going to get less sick than if you didn’t take the vaccine. Slightly. They don’t even tell you it will decrease hospitalization or death. What they say is “slightly less”.
That’s a lot of “ifs” for something that is unknown. Now, here’s what people don’t know about it. They don’t know what’s in it. Even your doctor doesn’t know what’s in it. You can read what’s on there, but it tells you basically nothing because you’re dealing with three-dimensional, stereo chemistry here, and that’s not communicated in this thing. It’s really not telling you what’s in it, but just makes it look like it is. But nobody really knows from that. Even Judy Mikovits, I’ve talked to her and she did this kind of research. They don’t know what’s in it and they don’t know how it works.
This doesn’t work like a standard vaccine. This works by genetic manipulation. They don’t know that all the animals, or most of the animals died and it never successfully passed animal studies when they looked at SARS, which is a coronavirus-type disease, and MERS, which is another coronavirus-type disease that came out and was more deadly in humans. So it’s never passed animal safety tests, and this time they truncated the animal safety tests – basically didn’t do any long-term testing.
Back in 2004, when this was tried on SARS, and it killed the animals very convincingly through this immune enhancement where you get this hyper-immune response when you’re exposed to the virus it’s supposed to protect you against. Reno Rapoli [?], who actually is a Pfizer guy, who is a researcher for Pfizer. “Never, ever bypass animal tests when you’re doing this.” And yet that’s what we did. And then they don’t know – the VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] data, and they don’t know the history of vaccine companies lying to us in the past. I do, and that’s one of the things I tell people. The vaccine that gave – I was in the military when this happened and I was in the research – ENRAC [?] when I found out and talked to my colleague in the military about this.
It turned out that the guys that went over and got Gulf War syndrome. Our troops who went over and got Gulf War syndrome, when it all rolled out, at first – it took them a while to figure this all out, it took a number of years. But they found out it was squalene, which was the adjuvant in the anthrax vaccine. Squalene.[4] And people raised a hoo and holler about this and said, we don’t want this in our vaccines. And they told us officially, the CDC and everyone, “Oh, no, it’s not in any American vaccine.” And four or five years ago, they put it in the flu ad [?]. They put it in the flu vaccine! And they didn’t even label it as squalene. They labeled it as MF59. It sounds like an El Salvadorian drug gang. It doesn’t sound like anything that you’d recognize. And your doctor doesn’t know about it. And most people don’t even know the story of squalene. So every time you take a vaccine, you’re basically trusting these guys unless you do a lot of research ahead of time.
And I don’t think they’re worthy of that trust because we’ve seen over and over they’ve lied to us. That’s a big lie because guess what. Those guys with Gulf War syndrome, they come down with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is a fatal neurologic disease at four times the rate of the background noise. So there’s that.
So moving on, so what do we know about the vaccine? What we know is that this is RNA technology, and one of the things you’re always asked is – or I’m always asked – does it get into your DNA? And initially I thought it couldn’t because it’s not really – RNA doesn’t go into DNA unless it’s a part of a retrovirus. That isn’t the way it works. But Judy Mikovits made me aware of something and this is the real kicker.
Messenger RNA in your body is used to control DNA. It’s called “epigenetic controlling”. So it doesn’t get intercalated, it doesn’t get stuck into the DNA like retroviruses do and become part of your genome. But it can control your DNA. So I can give you mRNA that would turn on your cancer genes, or turn off a gene that does methylation, or does – that could be devised. These are synthetic mRNA that we make. Now what they tell us that they’ve made is an mRNA that produces the pathogen of SARS-COV-2 in your cells. Maybe. That may be exactly what it is. We don’t know the complete, 3-dimensional confirmation. We don’t know if it’s the RNA to the benign spike protein, and the old coronavirus, or the new pathogen in this virus. We don’t know. They say it’s to the pathogen and we’ll presume that it is. So that’s the concern that I have is that this is novel technology that’s never been tried before and we’re wanting to vaccinate the whole world. There’s no long-term trial in humans before we vaccinate the whole world. And specifically people who have been burned by vaccines like the RSV vaccine in the past that killed a bunch of kids. They have all said, “No matter what you think the emergency is, never roll out vaccines in a rush because we have to test them over time.” It acts differently in different people; it acts differently in different age groups. And you’re right, that’s a big risk factor here that’s an unknown risk factor.
But here’s some real numbers. In Israel, they’re really pushing everybody to get the vaccine. And of course, they came out with the same bogus number, that 95%. That’s like the six-feet number, stand six feet apart, it’s some magic number. That’s just a made-up number. Real research doesn’t show you six feet. And I don’t think real research showed them 95%. It’s just too convenient and everybody’s got the same number – except J&J, which seems to be a little more honest about that.
In Israel, what happened, really, there was a Dr Seligman, and this is no lightweight. He’s a biologist, he’s a researcher and he’s in the department of epidemiology and infectious diseases in Marseilles, France. But he holds dual citizenship in Israel and France, and his kids are in Israel. So he has a proprietary interest in this. But he said, “I’m not being paid by any government or any pharmaceutical industry” and that’s important.
He and his partner, who’s an engineer, they looked at the numbers the government put out.[5] And they concluded – and some of this is very obvious to the casual observer, if you really watch – in Palestine and in Israel, the disease numbers, the deaths from Covid, were going down. Palestinians didn’t get any vaccines and the death rate continued to go down. In Israel, they got the vaccine, now the death rate from Covid is going back up. And it’s specifically they looked at, in the middle of February, when they had vaccinated 12.5% of the population, 51% of the Covid deaths were in vaccinated people. Now if it were just – if the vaccine didn’t make you more at risk, it should be 12.5% in both groups, but it isn’t.
So what’s going on? Well, then they broke it down by age group, and they showed that, if you’re over the age of 60, I think, and you take the vaccine – this is the Pfizer vaccine – your risk of dying of Covid – now this doesn’t even look at side effects in the vaccine that are unrelated to Covid – this is Covid deaths, went up by 40 times in the people over 60. And in the young people, these are lesser numbers, but since young people are at such rare chance of dying from this, any risk for somebody under the age of 39 is probably too much, it went up by 260 times. Your risk of dying of Covid was 260 times worse if you took the vaccine than if you didn’t. It’s insane to vaccinate with those numbers. It is insane. We have a treatment, we have prevention, and this doesn’t work very well, and is potentially very harmful. I can’t come up with another reason. And I don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry.
So that’s really what’s going on. And I think in this country, I mean in America, what I’m starting to see – and around the world, actually. Now we’ve just seen Norway and some of the Scandinavian countries … 20 countries have stopped the rollout of AstraZeneca. Why? Bleeding problems. Platelet problems. Well, as a physician, it’s not that I just care about doctors, but when I heard about that doctor … The first doctor I heard die was down in Florida. He was an OBGYN [obstetrician-gynecologist] doctor. He got the vaccine and he was dead in four days of no platelets. Now, one of the problems you get into when you start talking about the numbers and vaccine risks and who dies … They can always say, “Well, we’ve rolled out this – we’ve vaccinated 41 million people and you’re talking about 1, or you’re talking about 10, and that’s nothing.” It also matters what the problem was. If you start … if somebody gets a vaccine and four days later drops dead of a disease that you’ve never seen or heard about in your life, somebody ought to pay attention.
Now, we have a disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP.[6] It’s where people’s platelets – their bone marrow gets depressed for sometimes unknown reasons – that's what “idiopathic” means: we don’t know the reasons. Their bone marrow gets depressed, their platelets drop down below 50,000, and they start having bruising – that’s what purpura is. Well, we know what that disease is, but people don’t die in four days. Either we figure out what’s causing it, we take you off the drug and your bone marrow comes back, or, even if you’ve got a fatal case of this and we never find out what causes it, we can support you with platelets for a long period of time before you die. But this was not that.
And I heard from Dr McCullough [?] that at the time when this happened, he said “I believe that it’s an autoimmune clumping of the platelets”. And he said it in such a way that he’d heard it from someplace. He’s a big – he’s at [?] and he’s a big guy and he gets this information. So I’ve been watching this. What we’re seeing now is – we’ve had over 40 cases of that now, which is what caused the Norwegians to stop. They only had a few cases but that was enough for them. Who knows how many we’re going to allow before we stop it in America? But not only that but we’re seeing these weird bleeds. So I – as a doctor, people come and they talk to me about things. And I’ve had a nurse say to me – she does home health care, she said, “My 72-year-old patient, she was in good health, I mean, she just needs a little help. I was going in with her diabetes or something.” And she took the vaccine and two days later had a brain bleed and died. And she said, “They don’t think it’s related.” And I said, “Well, we’ll see.”
And then I’ve heard of three or four others, actually five others of that. These are not my patients, I’ve just heard about them, and some of these are showing up in VAERS now. So people are having bleeding problems. We hear in Israel pregnant women laying in bed with bleeding problems. So there are two things we’re seeing: bleeding and this hyper-immune response.
Interviewer: No. It’s one of those things, too, where I’m looking at this and I’m like – at a certain point, we have to get down to, what is the end game here? And I think this might be the best way to close this show out, too. What is the end game, because when you think about – we were talking earlier about the face masks, and we were talking about the end game with that essentially is submission. We’ve had the lockdowns, we’ve had the required face masks, businesses are shut down, people are going bankrupt and all that kind of stuff. And we have the hydroxychloroquine. This could fix the problem, but they won’t let us for all different kinds of reasons. It’s all pointing towards the vaccine. They told us from the beginning – it’s all about the vaccine. So what’s the end game with the vaccine? Is it money? Is it power? Is it something more sinister? What are we getting down to here?
Dr Merritt: Well, here’s a good point that a non-medical friend of mine made. They said, “If it’s all about money, why not just put a cheap placebo in these vaccines? Why go to all the trouble of putting a very expensive product together?” And I said, “I hadn’t thought of that. That’s really smart because if it is about money, they could do that. Why take the risk of having side effects? They could put some harmless thing in there – we’ve got the whole world convinced that this is very dangerous. If I put some harmless thing in there that looks good, that I could convince people on paper that it looked pretty good, and show you that it does something, then even if it’s not very effective, at least I’m not hurting anybody. People would take it, I’d make a lot of money and walk away, right?
They didn’t do that, did they? So there’s got to be more than money. And I have to say it’s hard not to mention the fact that the billionaires’ club – of which I’m not a member and you’re not a member probably – that they constantly talk about population control. It’s just a fact – you can look in the Rockefeller Foundation documents, you can look at speeches that John D Rockefeller gave, you can look at Henry Kissinger’s speeches, Bill Gates’, Klaus Schwab, you can go on and on. You can name these guys. They talk about population control. We have the Georgia guidestones: whoever put that up spent a lot of money. They put up this weird thing in the middle of nowhere in Georgia that says we should have 500 million people on the earth, to sustain the earth. Prince Philip says, “Oh, If I die, I want to come back reincarnated as a germ so I can kill 90% of the world’s population”, to make the earth pure again, and safe and good and sylvan, I guess.
But the problem is there really are people who’ve believed that, and we’ve caught already WHO vaccines, GAVI vaccines actually,[7] with the Bill Gates signature on them essentially – the guy who funded them. … that were unrecognized abortofactants and birth control things. They had HCG in them. Those vaccines were given to the Philippines, they were given to Africa, they were given to South America. And they were targeting – they were tetanus vaccines – and they were targeting young women, who aren’t the big problem for tetanus – it’s young men. But they had to give them to young women. How many times do you take a tetanus vaccine? Once every decade at the most? I mean, I probably haven’t had one for 15 years. The point is that you don’t take them very often.
But they were getting a series of 3 or 5 vaccines, and then they were having a couple of yearly updates, and finally these women started asking, “How come we have to this? This doesn’t seem right. And by the way, my friend can’t get pregnant.” And these people who are taking these vaccines can’t get pregnant and I had a miscarriage. They started reporting this to the doctors and the Kenyan doctors’ association took some samples. The Catholic doctors’ association and they found HCG in this vaccine! There is no possible contaminant that could put that in there.
And a sister, a nun, a Catholic sister, minister, a nurse in the Philippines found the same thing, that 20% or 40% of the vials had HCG. So there are just a lot of little factors here that you have to say, “What’s the point if it’s not depopulation?” And so then the other issue is, we’re hearing – and this is again, this is not just me and conspiracy theory and all that – you can read about this. You can read Klaus Schwab talking about AI, and merging with AI, and leaving behind – “We’ll leave behind humans who won’t do this, just as we left the chimpanzees behind.” That’s what he actually says.
Well, okay, what does it mean to merge with AI? How about our DNA? What are they …? It seems like, over my lifetime, there are so many things they could have told us, like in this thing, take vitamin D to protect yourself, that’s clearly shown to be a huge deal in not getting sick and die with this. Simple. Why don’t you tell us that? Why didn’t the CDC tell us that? Why didn’t some world government tell us that? Well, but instead they’re telling us to take this vaccine.
There are lots of things that they have done that seem to make our immune system worse. For example, it’s admitted by even some of the most ardent pediatrician vaccinators that the side effects of the vaccine program in children is increased autoimmunity, increased asthma. That says that we’re doing something bad to people’s immune systems. Now we have a device that could be an epigenetic controller of our DNA. Now you have to kind of get through the immune system to do that first. I’m just throwing out food for thought.
I don’t know the end game because I’m not in the mind of … I don’t run in those circles, but I do believe – you know, years ago, in 2011, [the ETH Zurich study] looked at the world’s – all the lists of corporations in the world.[8] And there are lots and lots of them, probably millions. But when they put it in a super computer to run for commonalities, they found that you could really boil that down to 3,000 or some corporations. Then when they manually looked at those further and reran it, it boiled down to another smaller group. And finally they realized that there were 10 corporations that essentially owned all the world’s corporations. Chase Bank was the one I remember, but there are others. And of that, who’s really owning those 10 corporations boils down to about 100 people. So essentially, in this world today, which again, my mind is completely – my reality, I think, has shifted back to what probably is normal but has been pushed over to this matrix of disinformation over here for years. There are about 100 people who control 70% of the world’s wealth. If you don’t think you can do some stuff with that and get your agendas out there whatever they may be. And it just seems to be – we need to look at this, and people need to quit dismissing this as crazy talk and crazy conspiracy theory because it doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense scientifically. And you don’t have to just take my word for it: more and more doctors are waking up.
The problem, by the way, is: science doesn’t proceed because we take a vote. It proceeds because somebody is right and it’s reproducible and it predicts the future. If masks worked, we would have predicted the cases and the deaths and the hospitalizations would have gone down but they actually went up after we instituted masks. So that’s not science. This is censorship and convincing us of things to do something – you’re right.
There’s an end game here and it’s not scientifically sound so you have to come up – you ought to start looking at other motives. And I’ll just quit with this quote, but this is a quote – I just want to point this out – I don’t know if people know about the PNAC, but the Policy for the New American Century was written in September of 2000 and it was written by our military,[9] people like Cheney and Wolfowitz – the deep insider military people who sit on military boards. And they were looking at what we should do to be ready militarily for the 21st century. And this is what they wrote and this is a direct quote and this is shocking:[10]
“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
Think about that. These are our guys.4 Saying that they’re willing to use bioweapons for politics. So don’t put anything past what’s happening here. Don’t take it off the table. If it makes sense to you, it might be sensible.
Interviewer: Yeah, and on that note, I have one last question that came up as you were talking right there. So we’re talking – the end game may be depopulation, right? With Covid-19 and we’ll go down that route. So if somebody’s watching this, and again, I would say a vast majority of people that I know out here in California have already gotten the vaccine. If they’re watching this and like – “Crap! We’re talking depopulation and I’ve already had this injected into my arm twice.” Is there anything that can be done – what do people do now?
Dr. Merritt: Right, and I get that question a lot. Because I was asked to go down to the villages in Florida and give a talk about this, and I just said, “Look, I never tell people not to take the vaccine, but I’m just going to tell you what I know about it.” And I had a lot of people who said afterwards “I’ve taken the first one. Should I take the second one?” And I’m like, did you not hear what I just said for the last hour? And then, what can I do? And I’ve got a lot of stories, by the way, of what happened after they took the first one, too.
But here’s the thing. We don’t know. Unfortunately, some of this may be irreversible, but if it were me, here’s what I would do. Here’s what would I do. This is not official medical advice.
One of the ways the animals died was not from the vaccine and the test groups, it was re-exposure to the pathogen. So I would get online and I’d get some Ivermectin, and some hydroxychloroquine – you can get them overseas, from other pharmacies outside of America.[11] I used to work on the Mexican border, people use drugs from down there all the time. I never saw a problem. Can’t certify them, but I’m just saying that that was my observation.
If I’d had the vaccine – in fact, I think probably everybody should do what I just said anyway. If we had this in our back pocket, it’s going to make us – this is not over. And they – what we’ve learned is that there are bioweaponeers all over the world and they can ping us with this whenever they want to now. And talk to Judy Mikovits: she says they’ve got vials of worse things so they can do this any time they want to. So I would do that.
Number 2: we should be paying attention about the things that really make a difference. I have a website called the”.[12] And you can go on it and we go through the supplements that actually make a difference. So for example, in the Indonesian hospitals 700 patients, they showed that if your vitamin D level was above was above 30, your chance of going to the ICU or dying was less than 4%. So vitamin D was the biggest thing they found as a risk factor. Now, people think they can get it from the sun. Even in [?] Arizona, the sunniest city in America where I used to live, you can’t get it from the sun. I know that from golfers who had D levels of 20 playing golf every day of the week. You can’t do it. So you have to take a supplement. And I take 10,000 units per day. Nobody overdoses from that if you’re not on dialysis. And then some time get a level. We tell you about that on our handout.[13]
And the other thing is that zinc is critical for this. 50% of the people dead didn’t take zinc. So I would maximize everything we know to keep your immune system healthy against viruses. That is actually the ultimate answer here. It’s not wearing a mask for decades of our lives. It’s not taking a million vaccines because we’re afraid of every little virus that comes around. It’s making ourselves so healthy that we don’t go down easily. Okay?
And there is a time to go to the basement, and that’s when smallpox, or something that’s 60% fatal comes around, and that we can’t save ourself from. The only thing is isolation. But it doesn’t mean that you put on a mask and you isolate until you go to the grocery store. No, no! Isolation really means isolation. That’s what they did in the pandemic of 1918, which the farmers around me here remember. Their grandparents went through that and the neighbors all died because they went to church. They were told, don’t go to church – stay on your farm. The ones who went to church, some of them, the whole family was dead. That’s the kind of bad disease you don’t want to trust to a mask – you have to isolate.
Don’t be overweight. Being overweight inflames the body. Inflammation is the pathway to death here. Get the weight off, exercise, eat healthy, don’t eat junk food. I think I would be as far away from a 5G transmitter as I could be. You’ve got to optimize your envelope and just hope this thing goes away. We can only hope that this mRNA is short-lived and won’t do long-term autoimmune damage. That’s what I really pray for all the people who have taken it. But some of my colleagues feel like in three months the dying is going to start. We don’t know. That we don’t know.
Interviewer: It’s pretty scary, especially dealing with the unknown.
Dr. Merritt: We don’t have to deal with the unknown because we have the known. We know we can treat this. We know if you treat it early, you don’t do down as hard. We know that vitamin D works. Let’s deal with what we know and get on with our lives, because this, really, this virus is a nothing burger. It really isn’t.
Interviewer: No, absolutely. Now, if people want more information about what you’re talking about and all that kind of stuff, what’s the best way for them to do that?
Dr. Merritt: Well, go to the website. It’s I’ve got videos. I’m putting more stuff up all the time. We didn’t expect the big – I didn’t expect to be in this war. I expected to be in the operating room doing orthopedic surgery right now. But the problem is that didn’t work out. Now I’m in this war and I think this is why I’m here on earth so that’s okay. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to start … My son’s going to help me because he’s a computer guy. Build up things.
We’ll keep adding things, but right now you can get on there and it’s got what supplements you need to take, it’s got the federal registry telling you what the law is against forcing you to mandate you to have an experimental drug, which is important.[14] It shouldn’t be allowed. You shouldn’t be forced into this for any reason. And it’s got a lot of other things. It has my talk on – the biggest talk I have there is SARS-COV-2 and the rise of medical technocracy. It’s a talk I gave in Las Vegas last year and it goes through all the lies of Covid. There are four lies and it goes through all of that. So there’s a lot of information on there.
Interviewer: Dr. Merritt, I really appreciate you coming on. I had a blast talking to you and picking your brain. I feel like I’m always learning something new. So I really appreciate you taking the time to come on.
Dr. Merritt: Well, thank you and good luck to you out in California.
Interviewer: I know, it’s crazy out here. And then everybody else, make sure you go to her website, get the information, get educated. That’s the best thing you can do. And then also, too, if you guys can go over and subscribe to the show on Apple podcasts, surprisingly we’re still available over there. Or if you can find us over on Rumble or, you can check out all the rest of our shows. Definitely check that out. Thank you so much for tuning in and we shall catch you guys next time.
[1] Psychopathology and the Origins of Totalitarianism.
[2] Biderman’s Chart of Coercion:
[3] Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA. Dr. Amanda Cohn, the executive secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, was asked if Covid-19 vaccination can be required, said that under an EUA, “vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won’t be able to be mandatory.”
[4] Vaccine Adjuvant, Suspect in Gulf War Syndrome, Added to Influenza Vaccine. [See also Bearden, Oblivion, p. 47, The True Cause of Gulf War Disease. It is possible to trick the immune system of each person in the targeted populace area so that it erroneously "detects" invasion by, say, two dozen different pathogens at once. This is done by simply placing the EM [electromagnetic] … "shadow precursor engines" … for those specific pathogenic conditions in weak EM radiation … the deceived immune system desperately spreads its finite assets across those "detected" two dozen invading "shadow" pathogens. … Such a "spread" immune system is then just about totally vulnerable to any real attack by any normal opportunistic real pathogen in the area … In a bizarre way, this is a new form of asymmetric biological warfare, designed to pre-disable the immune systems of the targeted populace, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of the real BW pathogen being introduced.]
[5] A study emanating from the Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University has revealed that Pfizer's vaccine killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people” (200 of 100,000 as compared to 4.91) and “260 times more of the young” (50 of 100,000 compared to 0.19) than “what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame”.
[6] Reports of Bleeding and Thrombocytopenia following vaccination for COVID-19, Lee D. Merritt MD.
[7] GAVI is called “the Vaccine Alliance” and was previously called the GAVI Alliance, and before that the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. It is a public–private global health partnership with the goal of increasing access to immunization in poor countries.
GAVI brings together the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, civil society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
[8] Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world (ETH Zurich Study). In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network. … Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.
[9] Dr. Merritt is wrong in saying that the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was an initiative of the US military. It was, in fact, established in 1997 by William Kristol and Robert Kagan as a neoconservative think tank. Of the 25 people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, 10 went on to serve in the administration of US President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
[10] Policy for the New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century.
[11] Information (for US citizens) on where hydroxychloroquine can be obtained: It is also available from America’s Frontline Doctors at
[12] Dr. Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel:
[13] The Nine Supplements Everyone Should Take.
[14] Federal Regulation Against Mandates. Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states that Americans in a clinical study must give their written consent to any medical treatment such as vaccination. Since vaccines gain licensure from the FDA by passing through 3 out of 4 safety trials, the side effect ratio is never truly known till the vaccine is used widely by millions. All Americans who receive the vaccine will still be enrolled in surveillance studies (Stage-4) and subject to the CFR protections. According to Title 21:50B of the CFR, informed consent requires candidates for vaccination to be given the right to refuse vaccination; have the right to confidentiality (privacy) that their vaccination data will not be shared with other parties without their consent; and have the right to know if there are any alternatives to vaccination.