This section is about explanations - when you understand what is happening, you are better equipped to deal with it - and prevent it.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
MUST-READ: Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school rules the world? You ought to see who’s been to his school …, 7.1.22 |
US companies have contributed or promised nearly $1 billion to BLM and/or social justice groups, 22.2.22 |
Video: sovereign money is the answer, 11.2.22 |
La Quinta Columna: 5G technology, graphene oxide and neuro-rights, 13.6.21 |
Video: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind |
The Great Reset explained in 5 minutes, 2021 |
10 insights from 2021 that give us hope, 25.1.22 |
Bill Binney on Biden votes: Biden claims 13 milion more votes than there were eligible voters who voted in 2020 election, 20.12.20 |
How power created, shaped, manipulates & controls techno-human society: a synthesis: the power hierarchy by Peter Tocci, 21.9.21 |
How power created, shaped, manipulates and controls techno-human society: a synthesis: tentacles of power by Peter Tocci, 22.9.21 |
How power created, shaped, manipulates & controls techno-human society: a synthesis: vibration diet by Peter Tocci, 23.9.21 |
How power created, shaped, manipulates & controls techno-human society: a synthesis: dénouement by Peter Tocci, 24.9.21 |
100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom, 6.1.22 |
Millions in Covid-19 test contracts & pandemic plans signal escalating build-up of testing, vaxxine, pandemic industry in treasonous DARPA/WEF hybridizing humans agenda: reject the tests & vaxxines, 10.1.22 |
The Haystack Project: the Lumen app helps you to identify privacy leaks inflicted by your apps |
Anna von Reitz: Read the Words (history, gold and the present), 10.1.22 |
Boris Johnson once argued for “population control”, 7.1.22 |
Concerned about your privacy? 6 Ways to reduce the amount of Internet data that has been collected on you, 5.1.22 |
Centre de formation en permaculture et lieu de vie familial menacés, 28.12.21 |
We are the 99% The Daz Band
97 seconds of brilliance (and truth) by Dr. Amandha Vollmer, 21.12.21 |
Regulatory capture is killing us, % we are 2 steps away from the totalitarian fascist regulatory States of America, James Lyon-Weiler, 24.12.21 |
China's insidious wooing of the world through the BRI, 24.12.21 |
Footprints in the sand

Archbishop Vigano: "Those who resist the New World Order will have the help and protection of God", 5.12.21
"The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the “ordo christianus” (“the Christian order”) with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn’t want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a “New Order” obtained by means of a global coup d’état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency."
"The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the “ordo christianus” (“the Christian order”) with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn’t want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a “New Order” obtained by means of a global coup d’état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency."

An aboriginal message
"My people are not threatened by silence. They are completely at home in it. They have lived for thousands of years with Nature’s quietness. My people today recognise and experience in this quietness the great Life-Giving Spirit, the Father of us all. It is easy for me to experience God’s presence. When I am out hunting, when I am in the bush, among the trees, on a hill or by a billabong; these are the times when I can simply be in God’s presence. My people have been so aware of Nature. It is natural that we will feel close to the Creator. Our Aboriginal culture has taught us to be still and to wait. We do not try to hurry things up. We let them follow their natural course – like the seasons. We watch the moon in each of its phases. We wait for the rain to fill our rivers and water the thirsty earth…
When twilight comes, we prepare for the night. At dawn we rise with the sun.
We watch the bush foods and wait for them to ripen before we gather them. We wait for our young people as they grow, stage by stage, through their initiation ceremonies. When a relation dies, we wait a long time with the sorrow. We own our grief and allow it to heal slowly.
We wait for the right time for our ceremonies and our meetings. The right people must be present. Everything must be done in the proper way. Careful preparations must be made. We don’t mind waiting, because we want things to be done with care.
We don’t like to hurry. There is nothing more important than what we are attending to. There is nothing more urgent that we must hurry away for.
We wait on God, too. His time is the right time. We wait for him to make his word clear to us. We don’t worry. We know that in time and in the spirit of dadirri (that deep listening and quiet stillness) his way will be clear.
We are river people. We cannot hurry the river. We have to move with its current and understand its ways.
We hope that the people of Australia will wait. Not so much waiting for us – to catch up – but waiting with us, as we find our pace in this world.
If you stay closely united, you are like a tree, standing in the middle of a bushfire sweeping through the timber. The leaves are scorched and the tough bark is scarred and burnt; but inside the tree the sap is still flowing, and under the ground the roots are still strong. Like that tree, you have endured the flames, and you still have the power to be reborn.
Our culture is different. We are asking our fellow Australians to take time to know us; to be still and to listen to us."
~ Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann
(Aboriginal activist, educator, artist and 2021 Senior Australian of the year)
"My people are not threatened by silence. They are completely at home in it. They have lived for thousands of years with Nature’s quietness. My people today recognise and experience in this quietness the great Life-Giving Spirit, the Father of us all. It is easy for me to experience God’s presence. When I am out hunting, when I am in the bush, among the trees, on a hill or by a billabong; these are the times when I can simply be in God’s presence. My people have been so aware of Nature. It is natural that we will feel close to the Creator. Our Aboriginal culture has taught us to be still and to wait. We do not try to hurry things up. We let them follow their natural course – like the seasons. We watch the moon in each of its phases. We wait for the rain to fill our rivers and water the thirsty earth…
When twilight comes, we prepare for the night. At dawn we rise with the sun.
We watch the bush foods and wait for them to ripen before we gather them. We wait for our young people as they grow, stage by stage, through their initiation ceremonies. When a relation dies, we wait a long time with the sorrow. We own our grief and allow it to heal slowly.
We wait for the right time for our ceremonies and our meetings. The right people must be present. Everything must be done in the proper way. Careful preparations must be made. We don’t mind waiting, because we want things to be done with care.
We don’t like to hurry. There is nothing more important than what we are attending to. There is nothing more urgent that we must hurry away for.
We wait on God, too. His time is the right time. We wait for him to make his word clear to us. We don’t worry. We know that in time and in the spirit of dadirri (that deep listening and quiet stillness) his way will be clear.
We are river people. We cannot hurry the river. We have to move with its current and understand its ways.
We hope that the people of Australia will wait. Not so much waiting for us – to catch up – but waiting with us, as we find our pace in this world.
If you stay closely united, you are like a tree, standing in the middle of a bushfire sweeping through the timber. The leaves are scorched and the tough bark is scarred and burnt; but inside the tree the sap is still flowing, and under the ground the roots are still strong. Like that tree, you have endured the flames, and you still have the power to be reborn.
Our culture is different. We are asking our fellow Australians to take time to know us; to be still and to listen to us."
~ Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann
(Aboriginal activist, educator, artist and 2021 Senior Australian of the year)
Pam Gregory: Thoughts about Now (valuable tips for keeping your energy high) |
Spike proteins decoded, god gene frequencies revisited with Sharry Edwards, 19.6.21 |
DMT: The Spirit Molecule (2010 documentary) |
Scientists discover 145 alien genes In DNA. We are not 100% human, 13.4.15 |
Reptilian beings emerged during government-funded psychedelic studies, 6.11.21 |
Wirritjin is an ancient prophecy that a white man would come to these lands and there would be great suffering for a period of time. One day the Black and White would stand together to create a positive direction together. That time has come and United, we are the Wirritjin, Nov. 2021 |
Absolutely surreal: Situation update, - vaxxines now altering personalities & activating the reptilian brain stem, 7.11.21 |
Ice Age Farmer: farmers panic, can't get supplies to grow food, 3.11.21 |
The Green Agenda or how this energy crisis is different from all others by F. William Engdahl, 11.10.21 |
Spiritual psyops: A logical explanation, 22.10.21 |
US billionaires got 62% richer during pandemic: now up $1.8 trillion, 30.10.21 |
USA: San Diego citizen blasts county board for crimes against humanity, 20.10.21 |
Primary water: Oceans of water are beneath our feet, and new technologies are extracting it economically without ecological damage, 3.10.21 |
Message from Elohim, 2.10.21 |
Graham Hood, former Qantas pilot, has a powerful message to all Australians, 8.10.21 |
The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World, 1.10.21 |
Documentary: The Money Masters |
Spiritual warriors rise up with Julian Rose, 13.9.21 |
Secrets of the field: human hair as an antenna & transmitter of energy and information, 16.9.21 |
New Clif High special report: white hats vs deep state – forecasts the Great Awakening, 12.9.21 |

Valérie Bugault: Appeal to the French law enforcement agencies, 3.8.21
Good evening everyone. I wanted to bring to your attention something which seems to me to be absolutely vital, that today - and everyone, all the French people must be aware of this, especially the law enforcement agencies - today, everything that concerns strategic decisions at the level of communication, at the level of politics, at the level of public health, also at the military level, everything that concerns health strategy has escaped the control of the French law enforcement agencies.
It is about globalist control which takes several forms, but especially it can be considered to be behind the secret armies of NATO, that is to say, an organisation that has developed in parallel with the official NATO, which has been totally disconnected from the legal and official law enforcement agencies of states from the beginning, and which is serving the globalist forces, i.e. in the service of the multinationals and the banks in the service of the New World Order. So these forces are in the process of soon taking official apparent control of our states in the form of a terrible dictatorship. And French law enforcement agencies, military or civilian, really have to be aware that their mission has been hijacked for the benefit of this international mafia, which is working against the best interests of the people and states, and the official political structures.
It is important to understand also that the Fifth Republic has been dead for a very long time. We are no longer in the Fifth Republic because of the multiple reforms of the constitution that have taken place. The current constitution has nothing to do with the constitution of 1958, and even less to do with the reform of 1962 that was introduced by General de Gaulle. It's no longer a question of changing the number of the republic, but if we want to achieve a political state in which the people are involved we need to change the political regime in the sense of reformulating the political organisation of the state. This is what I've proposed to do in all my reforms of the institutions, which starts from the principle that each citizen, each element, each person living in a territory recovers by politics the total organisation in the form of interest groupings. We can discuss this further at a later date. I hope my message will be understood and that it will be shared by the law enforcement agencies because it's you, the law enforcement agencies, who could change the history of France in the sense of France or in the sense of totally dismantling France, knowing that at the geopolitical level we are in the process of a dismantling. All the major powers are eating off our backs and France is going to be in debt for the next 100 years with perhaps, certainly a dismantling of its territory. Thank you for listening and I wish you all the very best.
Good evening everyone. I wanted to bring to your attention something which seems to me to be absolutely vital, that today - and everyone, all the French people must be aware of this, especially the law enforcement agencies - today, everything that concerns strategic decisions at the level of communication, at the level of politics, at the level of public health, also at the military level, everything that concerns health strategy has escaped the control of the French law enforcement agencies.
It is about globalist control which takes several forms, but especially it can be considered to be behind the secret armies of NATO, that is to say, an organisation that has developed in parallel with the official NATO, which has been totally disconnected from the legal and official law enforcement agencies of states from the beginning, and which is serving the globalist forces, i.e. in the service of the multinationals and the banks in the service of the New World Order. So these forces are in the process of soon taking official apparent control of our states in the form of a terrible dictatorship. And French law enforcement agencies, military or civilian, really have to be aware that their mission has been hijacked for the benefit of this international mafia, which is working against the best interests of the people and states, and the official political structures.
It is important to understand also that the Fifth Republic has been dead for a very long time. We are no longer in the Fifth Republic because of the multiple reforms of the constitution that have taken place. The current constitution has nothing to do with the constitution of 1958, and even less to do with the reform of 1962 that was introduced by General de Gaulle. It's no longer a question of changing the number of the republic, but if we want to achieve a political state in which the people are involved we need to change the political regime in the sense of reformulating the political organisation of the state. This is what I've proposed to do in all my reforms of the institutions, which starts from the principle that each citizen, each element, each person living in a territory recovers by politics the total organisation in the form of interest groupings. We can discuss this further at a later date. I hope my message will be understood and that it will be shared by the law enforcement agencies because it's you, the law enforcement agencies, who could change the history of France in the sense of France or in the sense of totally dismantling France, knowing that at the geopolitical level we are in the process of a dismantling. All the major powers are eating off our backs and France is going to be in debt for the next 100 years with perhaps, certainly a dismantling of its territory. Thank you for listening and I wish you all the very best.
MUST-WATCH: The financial coup d'etat & the monetary gulag, 14.8.21 |
MUST-WATCH - scrubbed from the Internet: Knowledge NOT Sustainable! - UN Agenda 21/2030 |
A Clarion Call to the Men of our World – It is Time to Restore the Sacred Masculine! 14.8.21 |
Only two companies, Vanguard & BlackRock, control the planet while world’s richest 1% own 82% of world’s wealth, 7.8.21 |
$500 trillion lawsuit against the federal government & over 140 monopolists, 4.8.21 |
Saint Germain: Many Will See The Shattering Of This Illusion, 5.8.21 |
ETH Zurich study 2011: Fewer than 1 per cent of companies control 40 per cent of global economy |
The Light Newspaper - free download |
Everything you need to know about the tech that you're allowing to enslave you |
Huge data leak shatters the lie that the innocent need not fear surveillance, 18.7.21 |
Hypnotist reveals government brainwashing tactics, 17.7.21 |
Why Depopulation? Because of Another, Different Agenda - Anna von Reitz, 20.7.21 |
Del Bigtree speaks on the pandemic & the global conspiracy against humanity, 20.7.21 |
Big tech could control our minds with brain chips within ten years unless there are new ‘neuro laws’, scientists warn, 15.7.21 |
The illusion of money, time & ego - Alan Watts |
Modern medicine is based on the Newtonian mechanistic interpretation of cellular and bodily behaviour, whereas Newtonian physics has been discredited by quantum physics and esoteric knowledge. Warning: great book but Lipton is promoting the hijack agenda |