End of the Road for the Germ Theory
The world is said to be in the middle of a global coronavirus pandemic, but is it really? The idea that a “virus” causes a “disease” is based on the “germ theory” of disease, a deceptive oversimplification that was promoted in the 1870s by Louis Pasteur in France.
The main idea of the germ theory is that a certain “pathogen” (bacteria, virus, etc.) causes a discrete disease with recognizable symptoms. That is, a “flu virus” causes “flu”, |
along with its usual symptoms that we can see and therefore say, “Oh, you have the flu.” That’s what we have been taught at home, in school and at the local hospital or clinic, so we believe it.
Around the same time Pasteur was hatching his dubious theories, another French researcher, Antoine Béchamp, was reaching very different conclusions. Using a microscope with a magnification of around 1,000 times, Béchamp discovered minute granules in cells. He called them “microzymas” (or little ferments) and found them everywhere he looked in organic material. Through observation and experimentation, Béchamp came to believe that microzymas were the primary anatomical elements of all living beings. He found that when an organ dies, the cells disappear but the microzymas continue to exist and are imperishable.[1] They are immortal and indestructible. Béchamp also claimed that microzymas frequently altered their shape to transform into what were known as bacteria, and that the bacteria could also revert back to microzymas. This became known as the principle of “pleomorphism”, which was in stark contrast with the theory of “monomorphism” supported by Pasteur, which asserts that microorganisms always take the same form and never change. Unfortunately, it was the monomorphic view that came to be the accepted scientific paradigm.
Monomorphism gave rise to the idea that, if some weakened form of a disease were introduced into a healthy person, that person would somehow develop an immunity to that disease without becoming ill. Louis Pasteur did not originate this idea, but by a simplistic synthesis of the research of Antoine Béchamp and others, he was able to produce and apply “vaccines” that appeared to work, i.e. prevent people or animals from contracting diseases. They didn’t work, but they brought Pasteur fame and wealth, and this was what caught the interest of pharmaceutical companies, which have been reaping the profits while harming and killing people ever since.
The fraud of the germ theory and Pasteur’s use of vaccines are explained in Béchamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel D. Hume and R. B. Pearson. The book documents how Florence Nightingale published an attack on the germ theory in 1860, 17 years before Pasteur proposed the idea, which means that he could not have invented it. Nightingale denounced the germ theory, saying, “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
According to the theory of monomorphism, “pathogens” are discrete, unchanging entities. The bacteria or virus that is said to cause a certain disease is always the same one and always looks the same under a microscope. This has to be true for modern pharmaceutical agents to work. A certain drug is said to act in a certain way to somehow prevent a certain “pathogen” from causing a certain disease in a person (or animal or plant). The action of the drug often depends on the shape of the “pathogen”. That is, the drug is said to “fit” onto a certain part of the “pathogen” to block its action. Or a weakened form of the “pathogen” is introduced into the body to stimulate antibodies, which “remember” the “pathogen” so that if that “pathogen” appears again, the antibodies will know how to deal with it. If, in fact, the bacteria or viruses changed shape, i.e. they were pleomorphic, how would this be possible? For microorganisms do change shape; they are pleomorphic, but modern medicine almost completely denies the idea of pleomorphism.
Not only do microzymas transform into bacteria and vice versa, but bacteria themselves change shape, that is, they appear to become “different bacteria” and have complex life cycles that may also include viruses. The trigger for this morphological change is said to be environmental change inside the body, known as the “terrain”. When there is a change inside the body (a “disease”), cells begin to degrade and die, and it is then the job of bacteria to clean up this decaying material, and they change shape to fit the function they need to perform. Thus bacteria (and other microorganisms) are always associated with diseased and dying tissue, but far from being the cause of it, they are helping to rectify the problem! Does it make sense, then, to be attempting to kill bacteria and other microorganisms using petrochemical-derived drugs and/or antibiotics, as is done in the current medical paradigm? The short answer is no – it is simply destroying our friends who are trying to clear up the problem!
How can we be so sure that these microzymas exist and that bacteria and other microorganisms are pleomorphic? Firstly, because many researchers observed microzymas besides Béchamp: Virginia Livingston called them “progenitor cryptocides,” Wilhelm Reich called them “bions”, zoologist Gunther Enderlain called them “protits”, dermatologist Alan Cantwell called them “scintillating corpuscles”, biologist Gaston Naessens called them “somatids” and pharmacist Wilhelm Von Brehner called them “siphonospora polymorpha”.[2] Secondly, because they can actually be observed living, moving and transforming from one shape to another, whereas conventional medicine looks at samples of only dead and stained microorganisms.
In the late 1920s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a microscope called the Rife Universal Microscope,3 with which he was not only able to see microzymas, but was also able to observe the life cycles of microorganisms:[3]
A major upshot of Rife’s work was his ability, through several pleomorphic stages, to transform a virus he found in cancer tissue into a fungus, plant the fungus in an asparagus-based medium, and produce a bacillus E. coli, the type of microform indigenous to the human intestine. This was repeated hundreds of times. By this accomplishment, Rife showed that the pleomorphic capacity of microforms goes beyond the bacterial level to the fungal level. Dr. Young* has observed this cycle, and is suggesting that its progression to the last stage – mold – is critical. And he includes in this cycle the very important stages intermediate to microzymas and bacteria, the protein complexes usually referred to as viruses, and their immediate descendants, the cell-wall deficient forms detailed by Lida Mattman, Ph.D.
* R. O. Young, S. R. Young (2010) The pH Miracle. Hachette Publishing, New York, USA.
Inventing a superb microscope was not Rife’s only achievement. He also invented a radio frequency beam ray machine that could cure cancers and other diseases. The drug industry was not happy about this because it threatened to bring about huge losses in profits made from synthetic drugs. This is what happened to Rife and his astonishing electronic therapy:
First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work. Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr. Millbank Johnson, President of the Southern California American Medical Association. He died hours before a press conference where he was to announce to the world that Rife's electronic therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical study supervised by the University of Southern California. (First thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson's body was exhumed). Dr. Nemens, who had duplicated some of Rife's work just 40 miles from Rife's lab, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed his lab. Rife himself was finally killed at Grossmont Hospital by an accidental lethal dose of Valium.[4]
This evidence explodes the assertion that we are in the middle of a global coronavirus pandemic. According to Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, viruses and exosomes are one and the same thing.[5] Exosomes perform a detoxification function in a similar way to bacteria, in that they package up and carry out of the cell any toxins that may have somehow appeared in the cell. They also act as messengers, warning other cells that there is a problem. The terrain theory tells us that it is not that the “virus” is invading the body and the cell from outside, causing an infection, but that there is an environmental problem having an effect on the inside of the body and the cell, and the exosome is working to clear it up and warn other cells about what is happening.
Even modern medical science admits that, if you want to prove that a certain “pathogen” is causing a certain “disease”, you have to isolate the virus (get a pure sample of it and nothing else) and then infect a human or an animal with it and get the same “disease”. If you cannot do this, as required by the generally accepted Koch’s postulates dating from 1884, you cannot prove causation. So where are these isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus? They don’t exist, and cannot exist. Why is that?
Firstly, as evidence that pure, isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus do not exist, a Japanese source has provided us with responses to Freedom of Information requests showing that 10 countries, plus Pfizer itself, do not hold an isolate of SARS-COV-2 (see appendix).
Thus, the virus does not exist in reality; it exists only in a computer program. For an example, let’s look at the paper entitled “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States” by Harcourt et al. on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.[6] Under the heading “Whole Genome Sequencing,” the authors say “We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”
Critiquing this CDC paper, Dr. Tom Cowan says: [7]
To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. (emphasis added)
Around the same time Pasteur was hatching his dubious theories, another French researcher, Antoine Béchamp, was reaching very different conclusions. Using a microscope with a magnification of around 1,000 times, Béchamp discovered minute granules in cells. He called them “microzymas” (or little ferments) and found them everywhere he looked in organic material. Through observation and experimentation, Béchamp came to believe that microzymas were the primary anatomical elements of all living beings. He found that when an organ dies, the cells disappear but the microzymas continue to exist and are imperishable.[1] They are immortal and indestructible. Béchamp also claimed that microzymas frequently altered their shape to transform into what were known as bacteria, and that the bacteria could also revert back to microzymas. This became known as the principle of “pleomorphism”, which was in stark contrast with the theory of “monomorphism” supported by Pasteur, which asserts that microorganisms always take the same form and never change. Unfortunately, it was the monomorphic view that came to be the accepted scientific paradigm.
Monomorphism gave rise to the idea that, if some weakened form of a disease were introduced into a healthy person, that person would somehow develop an immunity to that disease without becoming ill. Louis Pasteur did not originate this idea, but by a simplistic synthesis of the research of Antoine Béchamp and others, he was able to produce and apply “vaccines” that appeared to work, i.e. prevent people or animals from contracting diseases. They didn’t work, but they brought Pasteur fame and wealth, and this was what caught the interest of pharmaceutical companies, which have been reaping the profits while harming and killing people ever since.
The fraud of the germ theory and Pasteur’s use of vaccines are explained in Béchamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel D. Hume and R. B. Pearson. The book documents how Florence Nightingale published an attack on the germ theory in 1860, 17 years before Pasteur proposed the idea, which means that he could not have invented it. Nightingale denounced the germ theory, saying, “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
According to the theory of monomorphism, “pathogens” are discrete, unchanging entities. The bacteria or virus that is said to cause a certain disease is always the same one and always looks the same under a microscope. This has to be true for modern pharmaceutical agents to work. A certain drug is said to act in a certain way to somehow prevent a certain “pathogen” from causing a certain disease in a person (or animal or plant). The action of the drug often depends on the shape of the “pathogen”. That is, the drug is said to “fit” onto a certain part of the “pathogen” to block its action. Or a weakened form of the “pathogen” is introduced into the body to stimulate antibodies, which “remember” the “pathogen” so that if that “pathogen” appears again, the antibodies will know how to deal with it. If, in fact, the bacteria or viruses changed shape, i.e. they were pleomorphic, how would this be possible? For microorganisms do change shape; they are pleomorphic, but modern medicine almost completely denies the idea of pleomorphism.
Not only do microzymas transform into bacteria and vice versa, but bacteria themselves change shape, that is, they appear to become “different bacteria” and have complex life cycles that may also include viruses. The trigger for this morphological change is said to be environmental change inside the body, known as the “terrain”. When there is a change inside the body (a “disease”), cells begin to degrade and die, and it is then the job of bacteria to clean up this decaying material, and they change shape to fit the function they need to perform. Thus bacteria (and other microorganisms) are always associated with diseased and dying tissue, but far from being the cause of it, they are helping to rectify the problem! Does it make sense, then, to be attempting to kill bacteria and other microorganisms using petrochemical-derived drugs and/or antibiotics, as is done in the current medical paradigm? The short answer is no – it is simply destroying our friends who are trying to clear up the problem!
How can we be so sure that these microzymas exist and that bacteria and other microorganisms are pleomorphic? Firstly, because many researchers observed microzymas besides Béchamp: Virginia Livingston called them “progenitor cryptocides,” Wilhelm Reich called them “bions”, zoologist Gunther Enderlain called them “protits”, dermatologist Alan Cantwell called them “scintillating corpuscles”, biologist Gaston Naessens called them “somatids” and pharmacist Wilhelm Von Brehner called them “siphonospora polymorpha”.[2] Secondly, because they can actually be observed living, moving and transforming from one shape to another, whereas conventional medicine looks at samples of only dead and stained microorganisms.
In the late 1920s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a microscope called the Rife Universal Microscope,3 with which he was not only able to see microzymas, but was also able to observe the life cycles of microorganisms:[3]
A major upshot of Rife’s work was his ability, through several pleomorphic stages, to transform a virus he found in cancer tissue into a fungus, plant the fungus in an asparagus-based medium, and produce a bacillus E. coli, the type of microform indigenous to the human intestine. This was repeated hundreds of times. By this accomplishment, Rife showed that the pleomorphic capacity of microforms goes beyond the bacterial level to the fungal level. Dr. Young* has observed this cycle, and is suggesting that its progression to the last stage – mold – is critical. And he includes in this cycle the very important stages intermediate to microzymas and bacteria, the protein complexes usually referred to as viruses, and their immediate descendants, the cell-wall deficient forms detailed by Lida Mattman, Ph.D.
* R. O. Young, S. R. Young (2010) The pH Miracle. Hachette Publishing, New York, USA.
Inventing a superb microscope was not Rife’s only achievement. He also invented a radio frequency beam ray machine that could cure cancers and other diseases. The drug industry was not happy about this because it threatened to bring about huge losses in profits made from synthetic drugs. This is what happened to Rife and his astonishing electronic therapy:
First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work. Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr. Millbank Johnson, President of the Southern California American Medical Association. He died hours before a press conference where he was to announce to the world that Rife's electronic therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical study supervised by the University of Southern California. (First thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson's body was exhumed). Dr. Nemens, who had duplicated some of Rife's work just 40 miles from Rife's lab, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed his lab. Rife himself was finally killed at Grossmont Hospital by an accidental lethal dose of Valium.[4]
This evidence explodes the assertion that we are in the middle of a global coronavirus pandemic. According to Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, viruses and exosomes are one and the same thing.[5] Exosomes perform a detoxification function in a similar way to bacteria, in that they package up and carry out of the cell any toxins that may have somehow appeared in the cell. They also act as messengers, warning other cells that there is a problem. The terrain theory tells us that it is not that the “virus” is invading the body and the cell from outside, causing an infection, but that there is an environmental problem having an effect on the inside of the body and the cell, and the exosome is working to clear it up and warn other cells about what is happening.
Even modern medical science admits that, if you want to prove that a certain “pathogen” is causing a certain “disease”, you have to isolate the virus (get a pure sample of it and nothing else) and then infect a human or an animal with it and get the same “disease”. If you cannot do this, as required by the generally accepted Koch’s postulates dating from 1884, you cannot prove causation. So where are these isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus? They don’t exist, and cannot exist. Why is that?
Firstly, as evidence that pure, isolated samples of the Covid-19 coronavirus do not exist, a Japanese source has provided us with responses to Freedom of Information requests showing that 10 countries, plus Pfizer itself, do not hold an isolate of SARS-COV-2 (see appendix).
Thus, the virus does not exist in reality; it exists only in a computer program. For an example, let’s look at the paper entitled “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States” by Harcourt et al. on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.[6] Under the heading “Whole Genome Sequencing,” the authors say “We designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”
Critiquing this CDC paper, Dr. Tom Cowan says: [7]
To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. (emphasis added)
Figure. An imaginary Covid, cobbled together from disparate bits and pieces, some real, some invented |
You might want to envision this as shown in the figure to the left.
The authors also say they made the final decision about which of the computer-generated virus genome versions was the “real” one by consensus. The existence of the so-called virus variants is “established” in the same way. Later in the paper, it is stated that: |
Because research has been initiated to study and respond to SARS-CoV-2, information about cell lines and types susceptible to infection is needed. Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [Vero cells are kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey]. We also examined an available big brown bat kidney cell line (EFK3B) for SARS-CoV-2 replication capacity. Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24 h postinfection (Figure 3, panel A). No [cytopathic effects or effects harmful to the cell were] observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells, which grew to >107 PFU at 24 h postinfection. (emphasis added)
In short, the researchers inoculated six types of cell lines: three human cell lines, two Vero cell lines and a big brown bat kidney cell line. Please look at the emphasized part. Dr. Cowan explains: [Whatever it was that the researchers were calling “SARS-CoV-2”] “is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.” The drugs might explain why the Vero cells were “infected”. As the three human cell lines were not affected, the so-called “SARS-CoV-2”, or whatever it was, is not infective to any of the three human tissue cultures the CDC tested. The “SARS-CoV-2” virus is therefore harmless to human beings, though Harcourt et al. – strangely – forget to mention that in their conclusion.
It looks very much as if there is, in fact, no “SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus”. That doesn’t necessarily mean that “viruses” don’t exist. If you believe the conventional “germ theory” paradigm to be correct, then please explain why it is so difficult to isolate a pure sample of pathogenic viruses and to prove their infectiveness by re-infecting an animal or another person.
If, however, you take the terrain/pleomorphism paradigm to be largely correct, the above is explained by the fact that microzymas transform into viruses and/or bacteria when, where and in the form needed to solve some problem inside the body – in the terrain. Pleomorphism explains why it is so hard to isolate and purify a virus sample. Attempting to isolate them into a different environment would cause them to transform into something else. Imagine that you have some marbles on the floor and you are picking them up and placing them in a dish, but as soon as you do so they turn into mosquitoes and fly away. Seen this way, viruses are very hard to pin down, that is, it’s very hard to get a pure sample of them.
There is simply no such thing as an infective or contagious “pathogenic virus”. Whatever it is, a virus is much more likely to be doing you a favour than giving you a disease. Viruses/exosomes are also present inside your body, but are highly unlikely to be transmissible from one person to another through the air. What this means is that everything we have been told to do since around March 2020 – stay home, wear a mask, wash our hands, self-isolate, social distance, etc. – has been a complete fraud.
There is still a lot to be learned about the terrain/pleomorphism paradigm. Not enough is known about the bacteria and other microorganisms, including viruses/exosomes, that are said to be part of the life cycle of the microzymas. This is because the study of microzymas and pleomorphism, begun in the latter half of the 19th century, has been taboo since Pasteur announced his germ theory, which became the basis for trillions of dollars of profits once the pharmaceutical industry realized how this overly simplistic theory could be used for the fraudulent sale of synthetic drugs and vaccines. This monstrous deception, in place for nearly 150 years, is now being used in an attempt to kill or enslave the entire human race.
Pasteur is said to have made a deathbed confession in which he admitted that “the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”.8 The deception must now be exposed, the coronavirus/vaccine agenda must be stopped, the perpetrators must be brought to justice, and medical science must be put back on the tracks from which it was derailed at the end of the 19th century.
Thankfully, it’s the end of the road for the germ theory.
In short, the researchers inoculated six types of cell lines: three human cell lines, two Vero cell lines and a big brown bat kidney cell line. Please look at the emphasized part. Dr. Cowan explains: [Whatever it was that the researchers were calling “SARS-CoV-2”] “is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.” The drugs might explain why the Vero cells were “infected”. As the three human cell lines were not affected, the so-called “SARS-CoV-2”, or whatever it was, is not infective to any of the three human tissue cultures the CDC tested. The “SARS-CoV-2” virus is therefore harmless to human beings, though Harcourt et al. – strangely – forget to mention that in their conclusion.
It looks very much as if there is, in fact, no “SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus”. That doesn’t necessarily mean that “viruses” don’t exist. If you believe the conventional “germ theory” paradigm to be correct, then please explain why it is so difficult to isolate a pure sample of pathogenic viruses and to prove their infectiveness by re-infecting an animal or another person.
If, however, you take the terrain/pleomorphism paradigm to be largely correct, the above is explained by the fact that microzymas transform into viruses and/or bacteria when, where and in the form needed to solve some problem inside the body – in the terrain. Pleomorphism explains why it is so hard to isolate and purify a virus sample. Attempting to isolate them into a different environment would cause them to transform into something else. Imagine that you have some marbles on the floor and you are picking them up and placing them in a dish, but as soon as you do so they turn into mosquitoes and fly away. Seen this way, viruses are very hard to pin down, that is, it’s very hard to get a pure sample of them.
There is simply no such thing as an infective or contagious “pathogenic virus”. Whatever it is, a virus is much more likely to be doing you a favour than giving you a disease. Viruses/exosomes are also present inside your body, but are highly unlikely to be transmissible from one person to another through the air. What this means is that everything we have been told to do since around March 2020 – stay home, wear a mask, wash our hands, self-isolate, social distance, etc. – has been a complete fraud.
There is still a lot to be learned about the terrain/pleomorphism paradigm. Not enough is known about the bacteria and other microorganisms, including viruses/exosomes, that are said to be part of the life cycle of the microzymas. This is because the study of microzymas and pleomorphism, begun in the latter half of the 19th century, has been taboo since Pasteur announced his germ theory, which became the basis for trillions of dollars of profits once the pharmaceutical industry realized how this overly simplistic theory could be used for the fraudulent sale of synthetic drugs and vaccines. This monstrous deception, in place for nearly 150 years, is now being used in an attempt to kill or enslave the entire human race.
Pasteur is said to have made a deathbed confession in which he admitted that “the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”.8 The deception must now be exposed, the coronavirus/vaccine agenda must be stopped, the perpetrators must be brought to justice, and medical science must be put back on the tracks from which it was derailed at the end of the 19th century.
Thankfully, it’s the end of the road for the germ theory.
Appendix: Freedom of Information requests showing that 10 countries, plus Pfizer itself, do not hold an isolate of SARS-COV-2
Article added here 20 September 2022: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (210 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
The following responses to Freedom of Information requests made to authorities in 10 countries, as well as to Pfizer, were compiled by the Japanese authorities and contain annotations in Japanese characters in red font. Each consists of a brief translation of the original English content and therefore a translation is provided only where the language of the response is not English.
Article added here 20 September 2022: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (210 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
The following responses to Freedom of Information requests made to authorities in 10 countries, as well as to Pfizer, were compiled by the Japanese authorities and contain annotations in Japanese characters in red font. Each consists of a brief translation of the original English content and therefore a translation is provided only where the language of the response is not English.
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Canada, Health Canada
Denmark, Statens Serum Institut
Translation of Japanese annotation: (Upper) “We request reference documents that show that SARS-COV-2 has been isolated and purified.” (Lower) “The requested documents were not found.”
Translation of Japanese annotation: (Upper) “We request reference documents that show that SARS-COV-2 has been isolated and purified.” (Lower) “The requested documents were not found.”
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Ireland, Health Service Executive
New Zealand, Institute of Environmental Science and ResearchJapan, paper withdrawn
Translation of Japanese annotation: “Deleted!!”
Translation of Japanese annotation: “Deleted!!”
New Zealand, Institute of Environmental Science and Research
New Zealand, Ministry of Health
Slovenia, University of Ljubljana Medical Faculty
UK, Government office for Science
UK, Department of Health and Social Care
UK, Health and Safety Executive, 3.11.20
US, Centers for Disease Control 2.11.20
US, Centers for Disease Control 10.12.20
US, Centers for Disease Control 3.3.21
1. Bioregulatory Medical Institute (BRMI), History – Antoine Béchamp
2. Ayoade S. (2017) Koch’s Postulates and Germ Terrain Dualism; Cellular Dust as Yet Another Term for Microzymas. J Mol Genet Med 11: 297 doi:10.4172/1747-0862.1000297
3. Details in: Young, Robert O., Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life - Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur? International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination, September 2016, https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/who-had-their-finger-on-the-magic-of-life---antoine-bechamp-or-louis-pasteur.html and Trebing, p. 152.
4. Hidden Mysteries: The Health Archive, Who was this Man? Why is the Drug Industry so Afraid of Him? Royal Raymond Rife
5. The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease, Simon & Schuster, 2020, e-book, p. 132.
6. Harcourt, J., Tamin, A., Lu, X., Kamili, S., Sakthivel, S. K., Murray, J. Thornburg, N. J. (2020). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(6), 1266-1273.
7. Tom Cowan, Only Poisoned Monkey Cells ‘Grew’ the Virus, 15 October 2020
8. Martin Oliver, Biological Dissent, Wellbeing, Issue 186
Other publications
Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, ISBN: 1673104037Ethel D. Hume, Béchamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2 November 2011. Includes R. B. Pearson, Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter – The Germ Theory Exploded as a preface.
Barry Lynes, The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression [About Royal Raymond Rife]
Janine Roberts, Fear of the Invisible [About viruses and vaccines]Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Koehnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio, Virus Mania [About “virus epidemics” in recent years]
Dr. William P. Trebing, Goodbye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud, 6th Edition
R. O. Young, S. R. Young (2010) The pH Miracle. Hachette Publishing, New York, USA.
1. Bioregulatory Medical Institute (BRMI), History – Antoine Béchamp
2. Ayoade S. (2017) Koch’s Postulates and Germ Terrain Dualism; Cellular Dust as Yet Another Term for Microzymas. J Mol Genet Med 11: 297 doi:10.4172/1747-0862.1000297
3. Details in: Young, Robert O., Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life - Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur? International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination, September 2016, https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/who-had-their-finger-on-the-magic-of-life---antoine-bechamp-or-louis-pasteur.html and Trebing, p. 152.
4. Hidden Mysteries: The Health Archive, Who was this Man? Why is the Drug Industry so Afraid of Him? Royal Raymond Rife
5. The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease, Simon & Schuster, 2020, e-book, p. 132.
6. Harcourt, J., Tamin, A., Lu, X., Kamili, S., Sakthivel, S. K., Murray, J. Thornburg, N. J. (2020). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(6), 1266-1273.
7. Tom Cowan, Only Poisoned Monkey Cells ‘Grew’ the Virus, 15 October 2020
8. Martin Oliver, Biological Dissent, Wellbeing, Issue 186
Other publications
Dawn Lester and David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, ISBN: 1673104037Ethel D. Hume, Béchamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2 November 2011. Includes R. B. Pearson, Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter – The Germ Theory Exploded as a preface.
Barry Lynes, The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression [About Royal Raymond Rife]
Janine Roberts, Fear of the Invisible [About viruses and vaccines]Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Koehnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio, Virus Mania [About “virus epidemics” in recent years]
Dr. William P. Trebing, Goodbye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud, 6th Edition
R. O. Young, S. R. Young (2010) The pH Miracle. Hachette Publishing, New York, USA.