Health pass or suicide pass? "We have just filed complaints about criminal acts in several parts of France." link here
Rough translation, 7 August 2021
INTERVIEW - Me Jean-Pierre Joseph, lawyer, dean of the Grenoble Bar
France Soir: On 23 September 2020, you published an article in "Profession Gendarme" entitled "When will we stop being sheep?" in which you wrote that neither the mask nor the confinement would prevent the second wave. Hasn't history proved you right?
Jean-Pierre Joseph: Not only has history proved me right, but it has continued, because I had announced to my entourage that if we didn't react, there would be a second, then a third, then a fourth wave, etc. And increasingly liberal measures would be taken. And increasingly liberticidal measures, which would have no effect on curbing the epidemic. In fact, at the time, people believed that if they obeyed, it would stop, and I told them "It's precisely because you obey that it will never stop...".
In reality, the contradictions in the measures were so obvious, that it is difficult for me to accept that a large part of the population, frozen with terror in front of a virus that no one has ever seen, was so obedient, and that the big media did not denounce these contradictions more:
- The mask was useless, then a month later became indispensable,
- Containment would "speed up the epidemic", then a month later "slow it down".
- At the first containment, only essential activities were allowed. But at the same time, thousands of 5G antennas were installed. Why was this so essential?
- More recently "children don't get the disease and are not contagious" and then "they have to be vaccinated".
- In restaurants, as soon as you got up, you had to put on a mask, as if the virus only hit high up. Did you have to crawl to the toilet?
- During the curfews, people would do their shopping in a hurry, crammed into the shops, but as soon as 6pm. the virus would strike, as if it worked at night like the nurses..."
You have denounced what you call the "Scientocracy". How do you define that?
What I call the Scientocracy is a phenomenon that arrived gradually: a group of "scientists", most of whom have not seen patients for a long time, most of whom have important links of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, and who are a minority, have been saying since the beginning that we had to confine ourselves, to wear the mask practically day and night, not to treat ourselves if we got sick, because "there was no treatment", and that only the "vaccine" would save us.
Like sheep, we accepted this, while thousands of doctors in France signed petitions saying "let us prescribe", because whoever prescribed one of the four world-famous but forbidden therapies, if he was denounced (as in the past, France has many collabos), he was subject to disciplinary proceedings. This minority has imposed its so-called knowledge on the government. Yet we continue to listen to these people who have demonstrated the ineffectiveness of their "knowledge". Unfortunately, all the others, who could demonstrate the health scandal resulting from these positions, are never invited on the television. Let us ask ourselves why.
The white coat has replaced the cassock.
You mention "world-renowned therapeutics". Can you be more specific?
As I have already explained, at least four therapies have been known for decades for the treatment of an influenza virus:
1- hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin,
2- high-dose infusion of vitamin C,
3- Artemisia annua
4- Ivermectin.
Numerous publications have shown us that these therapies are extremely effective, with few side effects, provided that they are used at the first symptoms. Our scientocrats were aware of this information and (as if on purpose) stood up against it, basing themselves on the only case studies in which the patient's condition had not deteriorated significantly, to say that these therapies "didn't work..."
In short, everything was done to make us believe that only the "vaccine" could save us.
This position, in all logic, is inexplicable, especially since many doctors had informed the Ministry of Health, which did not want to hear anything.
But can't vaccines against AIDS stop the epidemic?
I am not a doctor, but I am obliged to say what I see: in a recent article entitled "Covid 19: transgenic chimeric injection - the vaccine hecatomb spreads throughout the world", Dr Gérard Delépine, surgeon, oncologist and statistician, shows that the death curves have been rising sharply in all countries since the beginning of mass vaccination. The case of the English, who were the first in Europe to vaccinate, is characteristic: as soon as these mass injections began, the English variant appeared... Then the death curve rose dramatically. Naturally, none of the major media reported on this. Yet they had the official curves in front of their eyes. It seems they are chloroformed. Now Israeli doctors, living in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, tell us that in their country, more than 51% of those hospitalized with the diagnosis of covid-19, are vaccinated, and that the mortality curve among young people has increased by 20% between 2020 and today.
I have the impression that not only does this "vaccine" not protect much, but it also makes many people sick. The more people are "vaccinated", the more sick people there are!
There is talk of undesirable effects, do you have any information on this subject?
On the European pharmacovigilance site "EUDRAVigilance", it mentions 19,791 deaths as of 24 July 2021 and more than 2,000,000 undesirable effects, 800,000 of which are serious or even irreversible (excluding Switzerland and the UK), which is extremely alarming compared to all the vaccination campaigns we have seen in the past.
Even the website of the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) indicates that on 1 July 2021, out of 62,000 declarations, 31,000 cases were officially classified as adverse reactions, including 8,689 serious cases, and 900 deaths, for the Pfizer product alone! And 11,200 serious cases at the end of July.
It should be noted that, according to many scientists, pharmacovigilance data generally represent only 5% on average of real cases and that clinical trials are normally stopped immediately if deaths are observed (one example among many: in July 2020, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stopped the clinical trials of the company Cellectis for the product UCARTCS1 for only one death).
Professor Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and Senior Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, said in an interview that: "The cut-off point for stopping a vaccine programme is 25 to 50 deaths. Swine flu, 1976, 26 deaths, they stopped. - COVID: "The vaccine is the deadliest, most toxic biological agent ever injected into a human body. We are at 900 deaths in France, over 19,000 in Europe, and the media and the few scientocrats continue to tell us that "there are very few adverse effects! Why are they lying to us in this way?
At this point, I am forced to conclude that we are facing a collective poisoning. Just because this health scandal is not mentioned by the "mainstream" media does not mean it does not exist. In fact, scientists in several parts of Europe have analysed the products on the market, and are very worried about what they have found!
And what is even more incredible is that we are about to witness the publication of a law, contrary to several international conventions, because we are still in a clinical trial period until 2022 or even 2023.
The Oviedo Convention prohibits forcing a citizen to participate in an experiment. But many of us may be forced to receive an injection of an experimental product, which is not even a vaccine, but an experimental gene product.
Let's talk about these complaints: what is your aim?
This slaughter must stop! The 19,000 deaths and 800,000 serious cases unfortunately represent part of the reality, which is all the more shameful because our authorities deny their existence and act as if they don't exist.
For the past few days, I and other colleagues have been receiving daily phone calls from nurses and firemen who are stunned to see "vaccinated" people coming to the emergency room every day. For the past few days, many health professionals, noticing the damage caused by these injections, have been asking us what to do to avoid them: "Should I risk death or lifelong disability to keep my job?
Several American and European experts are warning us that these injections risk blocking all our immune defences, which will put us in permanent danger, notably Mr Van den Boosch, who had important responsibilities within the Pfizer and Novartis laboratories, and who is warning us by advising us to stop this whole "vaccination" campaign.
How did it come to this without anyone reacting?
"You can make a population accept anything when it is afraid".
1- The figures for deaths due to Covid have been enormously inflated. For example, road accident victims and cancer patients were officially dying "from Covid"! Hospitals were instructed to declare as many as possible (several hospital carers told me that some hospitals would receive a subsidy for each declaration, which makes it easier to understand the reasons for this incredible situation). At the same time, for several years, thousands of hospital beds had been cut, which would inevitably lead to saturation. And, contrary to promises, this process continued even during the epidemic.
2- All effective therapies were banned.
3- The mask that had to be worn even in the open air, even on certain beaches, was not for the purpose of public health, but to maintain fear, by muzzling everyone. Any doctor in the field will tell you that wearing a mask at the seaside, dozens of metres away from other walkers, is grotesque! Even children, who were spared by this disease and therefore not contagious, had to act as if they were dangerous for others!
4- The various confinements were aimed especially at places where ideas were exchanged: bars, restaurants, theatres. But not the metro, supermarkets, etc. Like chloroformed sheep, we accepted these aberrations!
Everything was done to leave people in terror, with the help of advertising slogans, posters etc.
5- Then came these products that would allow us to live "as before"... Except that these products are decimating a lot of people, and do not seem to be as effective as they say.
Won't some people be able to escape this with a certificate of contraindication?
The text does indeed provide for the possibility of the attending physician issuing a certificate of contraindication.
However, the text has already limited the cases in which this certificate can be accepted: certain previous pathologies, and allergies "to the components of the vaccine...".
This is absurd, or in bad faith! How can we already know which previous pathologies are likely to contraindicate products still in the clinical trial phase?
As for the components of the vaccine, it's even worse! It seems that no one (doctors, pharmacists...) is able to give us the list of all the components of the products.
So :
1- They try to force us to inject a product we don't know.
2- To find out if you are allergic to one of the components, there is only one solution: have it injected, then say from your deathbed, "Now I know I'm allergic...".
To stop this process, doctors and individuals have asked you to go to court. What did you do?
We filed two collective complaints:
I- A first collective complaint was filed in Grenoble for :
- Attempted poisoning, (art 221-5 C. Pénal)
- Endangerment of the person, (art. 223-1 C. Pénal)
- Endangerment of minors by persons in authority. (art. 227-15 C. Pénal)
a) Attempted poisoning:
Last week, the leaders of several Isère collectives, through me, filed a complaint against X for attempted poisoning, in the hands of the Doyen des Juges d'instruction du Tribunal Judiciaire de Grenoble. They believe that certain public health officials continue to encourage the French to receive a dangerous product, which is not a vaccine, but an experimental drug, which they falsely call a "vaccine", the effectiveness of which is not at all proven, and is even contradicted by official figures from many foreign countries, and the danger of which is becoming more and more apparent. They believe that the fact of continuing to encourage the French to receive these injections, while hiding the innumerable post-vaccination accidents, and by falsely declaring that serious undesirable effects "are very rare", proceeds from a deliberate criminal will.
It is therefore a question of an attempt at collective poisoning, because at the outset, the six plaintiffs had the firm intention of receiving one of the products currently on offer, but have just given up, in the face of the multitude of alarming and indisputable information of which they have become aware.
b) Endangerment of the person :
Many scientists have told us that they are completely flabbergasted by what they call a "muzzling of the population". Dozens of them explain to us the uselessness and the danger of wearing a mask. The one who sums up all the others is perhaps Professor Laurent Toubiana, epidemiologist and director general of the Irsan, who writes: "In the same way as the generalized confinement of a population, the generalized wearing of a mask in an open space has no scientific basis and seems to me to be completely delusional and mind-boggling...".
Thus, the same people in charge of the Isère collective also filed a complaint for endangering the person.
c) Endangerment of minors by persons in authority:
The Rector of the Grenoble Academy gave instructions concerning the wearing of masks, against all common sense, since the health authorities themselves said that :
a-) The children did not contract the disease,
b-) The children were not contagious, if at all.
Knowing from the beginning that these measures would be useless and highly harmful for these children, but by giving instructions to the heads of the academy to wear masks for children in schools, colleges and high schools, he was guilty, as well as other civil servants, of endangering minors by a person with authority, insofar as forcing children not to breathe normally, thus compromising their physical and mental health in the long term, and forcing them, by wearing masks, to live without seeing the expression on the faces of their peers and adults, has led to hundreds of psychiatric pathologies and numerous suicide attempts by children.
The leaders of the collectives with school-age children added to the previous grievances in their complaint, the endangerment of minors by persons in authority.
II- A second collective complaint was sent on Thursday 29 July 2021 to the Doyen des Juges d'instruction du Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris, against the President of the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins (National Council of the Medical Association) for neglect leading to the death of persons who were not able to protect themselves because of their age or their physical or mental state (art. 223-3 and 223-4 C.P.)
This complaint brings together doctors who were unable to treat patients and individuals whose relatives died or were seriously ill because they could not be treated in time.
These people believe that in most cases, doctors who wanted to prescribe a therapy that had just been banned were called to order by the Conseil National de l'Ordre, which told them that their prescription did not correspond to "acquired scientific data" and threatened them with disciplinary proceedings in the event of a repeat offence, merely advising them to tell their patients
a) either, if their condition did not seem too serious, to stay at home and "take some Doliprane",
b) or to go to the hospital emergency room.
As a result, private doctors could not prescribe anything, and could only wait for the patient's condition to deteriorate, and have him hospitalised.
This explains why the Covid 19 patients who died were very often only a few days after their hospitalisation, because they were patients who could not be treated and who therefore arrived too late at the hospital.
The President of the Conseil National de l'Ordre was perfectly aware of the situation, and knew that by threatening doctors and forbidding them to prescribe one of the above-mentioned therapies, and even bringing disciplinary proceedings against those who did not obey, he was going to contribute to numerous hospitalisations and suffering, and deaths.
So he knowingly contributed to the worsening of the health of thousands of people.
How do you see the future of this health crisis?
Since the announcement on 12 July, I have received dozens of calls from nurses, doctors and firemen who have two concerns:
- Concern for the people: They tell me that every day they hear of people being hospitalised in emergency after a "vaccination". They speak to me of a hecatomb. They are scandalized by the total silence of the big media.
- They are worried for themselves, because they ask me how to escape this poisoning which, for them, will be compulsory. We think we have solutions.
The future will depend on all of us. Everyone (or almost everyone) has understood that the more we confine, the more we mask, the more we "vaccinate", and the more the curves rise. Why does this happen?
When one learns that in both Israel and Great Britain, a large proportion of people hospitalised with the diagnosis "Covid" had been "vaccinated", one is entitled to wonder whether the "vaccine" did not transmit the disease.
Of course, the authorities will reply that the product "did not have time to take effect", as if we were to assume that the person would have "caught it" even without the product.
What pollutes any discussion is that in the collective mind, for a century, the vaccine has been considered a sacrament. Thus, the aluminium removed from cosmetic products, even from animal vaccines, has remained in human vaccines, as if a divine breath removed its harmfulness.
For the left, this is a social achievement, a progress for humanity. It is true that I believed in it for a long time. This is so ingrained in our heads that the obvious and common sense have totally disappeared: for a child who suffers convulsions just after a vaccination, even experts will claim in court that it is a coincidence!
This explains why the figures given by pharmacovigilance are to be multiplied by at least 10, because they are deaths or undesirable effects officially declared by this organisation, which only collects what it has been sent.
In this case, this explains why elected officials, heads of department, school directors, act as if they don't understand why the candy they force us to eat upsets us so much... Because when we talk to them, they answer us as if the "vaccine" were a simple, totally harmless candy.
So our great scientists, and even our journalists, are becoming ideologues, and no longer objective people who simply describe what they see. This is why, after the demonstration on Saturday 24 July, in a town where many photos showed more than a kilometre of procession along a four-lane avenue, the local newspaper wrote "A few hundred demonstrators...".
Everything that goes against the single thought is denied, minimised, caricatured.
The mainstream media bear a heavy responsibility, because in this case, this denial leads to deaths.
No one ever talks about the HLA typing discovered in 1980 by Jean Dausset, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, which shows that we all belong to an immune group, and that depending on the group to which we belong, we will not react in the same way to a vaccine, or even to a virus. This information is so disturbing that no one talked about it for 30 years, even though Jean Dausset said in 1980: "Mass vaccination will soon be a thing of the past...".
I'm convinced that if we continue to let ourselves go, there will be a fourth, a fifth, a sixth wave, and it will never stop. There will have to be a third dose, then a fourth, there will be new confinements, because, as many virologists or doctors have explained, the more you confine, the more you mask, the more you "vaccinate", the more sick people there are.
This has never happened before.
As everything will be done to make us believe that this new wave of "It's the fault of the non-vaccinated", it is quite possible that in many hospitals, nobody will ask all the new covid or variant patients "Are you vaccinated?" And even if the caregivers in the field who ask and report it, the information will not come up, because the goal is to inject us with these products.
It should be remembered that the contracts signed between the laboratories and the European Commission specify that the parties acknowledge that they are unaware of the effectiveness and adverse effects. And another clause specifies that even if an effective therapy were to be known, this would not cancel the contracts...
I suggest that when a person who has received one or more injections is hospitalised, that the families systematically report what the person has received. I suggest that they also report it directly to pharmacovigilance. Otherwise, this will continue: every death will officially be "death from Covid" (and not from the injection)
I also suggest that my colleagues file complaints in their respective departments, and above all, that everyone asks themselves what are the reasons for this Covid hysteria. When everyone is aware of all the information held by a number of French, German, Italian, Belgian, Spanish, American, etc. lawyers, we will have a clear idea. But we will have to calm the anger of many.
Jean-Pierre Joseph is the author of "Vaccines : on nous aurait menti ? (5th edition 2020)
The association informs that it has given its full support to these complaints.
France Soir: On 23 September 2020, you published an article in "Profession Gendarme" entitled "When will we stop being sheep?" in which you wrote that neither the mask nor the confinement would prevent the second wave. Hasn't history proved you right?
Jean-Pierre Joseph: Not only has history proved me right, but it has continued, because I had announced to my entourage that if we didn't react, there would be a second, then a third, then a fourth wave, etc. And increasingly liberal measures would be taken. And increasingly liberticidal measures, which would have no effect on curbing the epidemic. In fact, at the time, people believed that if they obeyed, it would stop, and I told them "It's precisely because you obey that it will never stop...".
In reality, the contradictions in the measures were so obvious, that it is difficult for me to accept that a large part of the population, frozen with terror in front of a virus that no one has ever seen, was so obedient, and that the big media did not denounce these contradictions more:
- The mask was useless, then a month later became indispensable,
- Containment would "speed up the epidemic", then a month later "slow it down".
- At the first containment, only essential activities were allowed. But at the same time, thousands of 5G antennas were installed. Why was this so essential?
- More recently "children don't get the disease and are not contagious" and then "they have to be vaccinated".
- In restaurants, as soon as you got up, you had to put on a mask, as if the virus only hit high up. Did you have to crawl to the toilet?
- During the curfews, people would do their shopping in a hurry, crammed into the shops, but as soon as 6pm. the virus would strike, as if it worked at night like the nurses..."
You have denounced what you call the "Scientocracy". How do you define that?
What I call the Scientocracy is a phenomenon that arrived gradually: a group of "scientists", most of whom have not seen patients for a long time, most of whom have important links of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, and who are a minority, have been saying since the beginning that we had to confine ourselves, to wear the mask practically day and night, not to treat ourselves if we got sick, because "there was no treatment", and that only the "vaccine" would save us.
Like sheep, we accepted this, while thousands of doctors in France signed petitions saying "let us prescribe", because whoever prescribed one of the four world-famous but forbidden therapies, if he was denounced (as in the past, France has many collabos), he was subject to disciplinary proceedings. This minority has imposed its so-called knowledge on the government. Yet we continue to listen to these people who have demonstrated the ineffectiveness of their "knowledge". Unfortunately, all the others, who could demonstrate the health scandal resulting from these positions, are never invited on the television. Let us ask ourselves why.
The white coat has replaced the cassock.
You mention "world-renowned therapeutics". Can you be more specific?
As I have already explained, at least four therapies have been known for decades for the treatment of an influenza virus:
1- hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin,
2- high-dose infusion of vitamin C,
3- Artemisia annua
4- Ivermectin.
Numerous publications have shown us that these therapies are extremely effective, with few side effects, provided that they are used at the first symptoms. Our scientocrats were aware of this information and (as if on purpose) stood up against it, basing themselves on the only case studies in which the patient's condition had not deteriorated significantly, to say that these therapies "didn't work..."
In short, everything was done to make us believe that only the "vaccine" could save us.
This position, in all logic, is inexplicable, especially since many doctors had informed the Ministry of Health, which did not want to hear anything.
But can't vaccines against AIDS stop the epidemic?
I am not a doctor, but I am obliged to say what I see: in a recent article entitled "Covid 19: transgenic chimeric injection - the vaccine hecatomb spreads throughout the world", Dr Gérard Delépine, surgeon, oncologist and statistician, shows that the death curves have been rising sharply in all countries since the beginning of mass vaccination. The case of the English, who were the first in Europe to vaccinate, is characteristic: as soon as these mass injections began, the English variant appeared... Then the death curve rose dramatically. Naturally, none of the major media reported on this. Yet they had the official curves in front of their eyes. It seems they are chloroformed. Now Israeli doctors, living in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, tell us that in their country, more than 51% of those hospitalized with the diagnosis of covid-19, are vaccinated, and that the mortality curve among young people has increased by 20% between 2020 and today.
I have the impression that not only does this "vaccine" not protect much, but it also makes many people sick. The more people are "vaccinated", the more sick people there are!
There is talk of undesirable effects, do you have any information on this subject?
On the European pharmacovigilance site "EUDRAVigilance", it mentions 19,791 deaths as of 24 July 2021 and more than 2,000,000 undesirable effects, 800,000 of which are serious or even irreversible (excluding Switzerland and the UK), which is extremely alarming compared to all the vaccination campaigns we have seen in the past.
Even the website of the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) indicates that on 1 July 2021, out of 62,000 declarations, 31,000 cases were officially classified as adverse reactions, including 8,689 serious cases, and 900 deaths, for the Pfizer product alone! And 11,200 serious cases at the end of July.
It should be noted that, according to many scientists, pharmacovigilance data generally represent only 5% on average of real cases and that clinical trials are normally stopped immediately if deaths are observed (one example among many: in July 2020, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stopped the clinical trials of the company Cellectis for the product UCARTCS1 for only one death).
Professor Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and Senior Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, said in an interview that: "The cut-off point for stopping a vaccine programme is 25 to 50 deaths. Swine flu, 1976, 26 deaths, they stopped. - COVID: "The vaccine is the deadliest, most toxic biological agent ever injected into a human body. We are at 900 deaths in France, over 19,000 in Europe, and the media and the few scientocrats continue to tell us that "there are very few adverse effects! Why are they lying to us in this way?
At this point, I am forced to conclude that we are facing a collective poisoning. Just because this health scandal is not mentioned by the "mainstream" media does not mean it does not exist. In fact, scientists in several parts of Europe have analysed the products on the market, and are very worried about what they have found!
And what is even more incredible is that we are about to witness the publication of a law, contrary to several international conventions, because we are still in a clinical trial period until 2022 or even 2023.
The Oviedo Convention prohibits forcing a citizen to participate in an experiment. But many of us may be forced to receive an injection of an experimental product, which is not even a vaccine, but an experimental gene product.
Let's talk about these complaints: what is your aim?
This slaughter must stop! The 19,000 deaths and 800,000 serious cases unfortunately represent part of the reality, which is all the more shameful because our authorities deny their existence and act as if they don't exist.
For the past few days, I and other colleagues have been receiving daily phone calls from nurses and firemen who are stunned to see "vaccinated" people coming to the emergency room every day. For the past few days, many health professionals, noticing the damage caused by these injections, have been asking us what to do to avoid them: "Should I risk death or lifelong disability to keep my job?
Several American and European experts are warning us that these injections risk blocking all our immune defences, which will put us in permanent danger, notably Mr Van den Boosch, who had important responsibilities within the Pfizer and Novartis laboratories, and who is warning us by advising us to stop this whole "vaccination" campaign.
How did it come to this without anyone reacting?
"You can make a population accept anything when it is afraid".
1- The figures for deaths due to Covid have been enormously inflated. For example, road accident victims and cancer patients were officially dying "from Covid"! Hospitals were instructed to declare as many as possible (several hospital carers told me that some hospitals would receive a subsidy for each declaration, which makes it easier to understand the reasons for this incredible situation). At the same time, for several years, thousands of hospital beds had been cut, which would inevitably lead to saturation. And, contrary to promises, this process continued even during the epidemic.
2- All effective therapies were banned.
3- The mask that had to be worn even in the open air, even on certain beaches, was not for the purpose of public health, but to maintain fear, by muzzling everyone. Any doctor in the field will tell you that wearing a mask at the seaside, dozens of metres away from other walkers, is grotesque! Even children, who were spared by this disease and therefore not contagious, had to act as if they were dangerous for others!
4- The various confinements were aimed especially at places where ideas were exchanged: bars, restaurants, theatres. But not the metro, supermarkets, etc. Like chloroformed sheep, we accepted these aberrations!
Everything was done to leave people in terror, with the help of advertising slogans, posters etc.
5- Then came these products that would allow us to live "as before"... Except that these products are decimating a lot of people, and do not seem to be as effective as they say.
Won't some people be able to escape this with a certificate of contraindication?
The text does indeed provide for the possibility of the attending physician issuing a certificate of contraindication.
However, the text has already limited the cases in which this certificate can be accepted: certain previous pathologies, and allergies "to the components of the vaccine...".
This is absurd, or in bad faith! How can we already know which previous pathologies are likely to contraindicate products still in the clinical trial phase?
As for the components of the vaccine, it's even worse! It seems that no one (doctors, pharmacists...) is able to give us the list of all the components of the products.
So :
1- They try to force us to inject a product we don't know.
2- To find out if you are allergic to one of the components, there is only one solution: have it injected, then say from your deathbed, "Now I know I'm allergic...".
To stop this process, doctors and individuals have asked you to go to court. What did you do?
We filed two collective complaints:
I- A first collective complaint was filed in Grenoble for :
- Attempted poisoning, (art 221-5 C. Pénal)
- Endangerment of the person, (art. 223-1 C. Pénal)
- Endangerment of minors by persons in authority. (art. 227-15 C. Pénal)
a) Attempted poisoning:
Last week, the leaders of several Isère collectives, through me, filed a complaint against X for attempted poisoning, in the hands of the Doyen des Juges d'instruction du Tribunal Judiciaire de Grenoble. They believe that certain public health officials continue to encourage the French to receive a dangerous product, which is not a vaccine, but an experimental drug, which they falsely call a "vaccine", the effectiveness of which is not at all proven, and is even contradicted by official figures from many foreign countries, and the danger of which is becoming more and more apparent. They believe that the fact of continuing to encourage the French to receive these injections, while hiding the innumerable post-vaccination accidents, and by falsely declaring that serious undesirable effects "are very rare", proceeds from a deliberate criminal will.
It is therefore a question of an attempt at collective poisoning, because at the outset, the six plaintiffs had the firm intention of receiving one of the products currently on offer, but have just given up, in the face of the multitude of alarming and indisputable information of which they have become aware.
b) Endangerment of the person :
Many scientists have told us that they are completely flabbergasted by what they call a "muzzling of the population". Dozens of them explain to us the uselessness and the danger of wearing a mask. The one who sums up all the others is perhaps Professor Laurent Toubiana, epidemiologist and director general of the Irsan, who writes: "In the same way as the generalized confinement of a population, the generalized wearing of a mask in an open space has no scientific basis and seems to me to be completely delusional and mind-boggling...".
Thus, the same people in charge of the Isère collective also filed a complaint for endangering the person.
c) Endangerment of minors by persons in authority:
The Rector of the Grenoble Academy gave instructions concerning the wearing of masks, against all common sense, since the health authorities themselves said that :
a-) The children did not contract the disease,
b-) The children were not contagious, if at all.
Knowing from the beginning that these measures would be useless and highly harmful for these children, but by giving instructions to the heads of the academy to wear masks for children in schools, colleges and high schools, he was guilty, as well as other civil servants, of endangering minors by a person with authority, insofar as forcing children not to breathe normally, thus compromising their physical and mental health in the long term, and forcing them, by wearing masks, to live without seeing the expression on the faces of their peers and adults, has led to hundreds of psychiatric pathologies and numerous suicide attempts by children.
The leaders of the collectives with school-age children added to the previous grievances in their complaint, the endangerment of minors by persons in authority.
II- A second collective complaint was sent on Thursday 29 July 2021 to the Doyen des Juges d'instruction du Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris, against the President of the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins (National Council of the Medical Association) for neglect leading to the death of persons who were not able to protect themselves because of their age or their physical or mental state (art. 223-3 and 223-4 C.P.)
This complaint brings together doctors who were unable to treat patients and individuals whose relatives died or were seriously ill because they could not be treated in time.
These people believe that in most cases, doctors who wanted to prescribe a therapy that had just been banned were called to order by the Conseil National de l'Ordre, which told them that their prescription did not correspond to "acquired scientific data" and threatened them with disciplinary proceedings in the event of a repeat offence, merely advising them to tell their patients
a) either, if their condition did not seem too serious, to stay at home and "take some Doliprane",
b) or to go to the hospital emergency room.
As a result, private doctors could not prescribe anything, and could only wait for the patient's condition to deteriorate, and have him hospitalised.
This explains why the Covid 19 patients who died were very often only a few days after their hospitalisation, because they were patients who could not be treated and who therefore arrived too late at the hospital.
The President of the Conseil National de l'Ordre was perfectly aware of the situation, and knew that by threatening doctors and forbidding them to prescribe one of the above-mentioned therapies, and even bringing disciplinary proceedings against those who did not obey, he was going to contribute to numerous hospitalisations and suffering, and deaths.
So he knowingly contributed to the worsening of the health of thousands of people.
How do you see the future of this health crisis?
Since the announcement on 12 July, I have received dozens of calls from nurses, doctors and firemen who have two concerns:
- Concern for the people: They tell me that every day they hear of people being hospitalised in emergency after a "vaccination". They speak to me of a hecatomb. They are scandalized by the total silence of the big media.
- They are worried for themselves, because they ask me how to escape this poisoning which, for them, will be compulsory. We think we have solutions.
The future will depend on all of us. Everyone (or almost everyone) has understood that the more we confine, the more we mask, the more we "vaccinate", and the more the curves rise. Why does this happen?
When one learns that in both Israel and Great Britain, a large proportion of people hospitalised with the diagnosis "Covid" had been "vaccinated", one is entitled to wonder whether the "vaccine" did not transmit the disease.
Of course, the authorities will reply that the product "did not have time to take effect", as if we were to assume that the person would have "caught it" even without the product.
What pollutes any discussion is that in the collective mind, for a century, the vaccine has been considered a sacrament. Thus, the aluminium removed from cosmetic products, even from animal vaccines, has remained in human vaccines, as if a divine breath removed its harmfulness.
For the left, this is a social achievement, a progress for humanity. It is true that I believed in it for a long time. This is so ingrained in our heads that the obvious and common sense have totally disappeared: for a child who suffers convulsions just after a vaccination, even experts will claim in court that it is a coincidence!
This explains why the figures given by pharmacovigilance are to be multiplied by at least 10, because they are deaths or undesirable effects officially declared by this organisation, which only collects what it has been sent.
In this case, this explains why elected officials, heads of department, school directors, act as if they don't understand why the candy they force us to eat upsets us so much... Because when we talk to them, they answer us as if the "vaccine" were a simple, totally harmless candy.
So our great scientists, and even our journalists, are becoming ideologues, and no longer objective people who simply describe what they see. This is why, after the demonstration on Saturday 24 July, in a town where many photos showed more than a kilometre of procession along a four-lane avenue, the local newspaper wrote "A few hundred demonstrators...".
Everything that goes against the single thought is denied, minimised, caricatured.
The mainstream media bear a heavy responsibility, because in this case, this denial leads to deaths.
No one ever talks about the HLA typing discovered in 1980 by Jean Dausset, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, which shows that we all belong to an immune group, and that depending on the group to which we belong, we will not react in the same way to a vaccine, or even to a virus. This information is so disturbing that no one talked about it for 30 years, even though Jean Dausset said in 1980: "Mass vaccination will soon be a thing of the past...".
I'm convinced that if we continue to let ourselves go, there will be a fourth, a fifth, a sixth wave, and it will never stop. There will have to be a third dose, then a fourth, there will be new confinements, because, as many virologists or doctors have explained, the more you confine, the more you mask, the more you "vaccinate", the more sick people there are.
This has never happened before.
As everything will be done to make us believe that this new wave of "It's the fault of the non-vaccinated", it is quite possible that in many hospitals, nobody will ask all the new covid or variant patients "Are you vaccinated?" And even if the caregivers in the field who ask and report it, the information will not come up, because the goal is to inject us with these products.
It should be remembered that the contracts signed between the laboratories and the European Commission specify that the parties acknowledge that they are unaware of the effectiveness and adverse effects. And another clause specifies that even if an effective therapy were to be known, this would not cancel the contracts...
I suggest that when a person who has received one or more injections is hospitalised, that the families systematically report what the person has received. I suggest that they also report it directly to pharmacovigilance. Otherwise, this will continue: every death will officially be "death from Covid" (and not from the injection)
I also suggest that my colleagues file complaints in their respective departments, and above all, that everyone asks themselves what are the reasons for this Covid hysteria. When everyone is aware of all the information held by a number of French, German, Italian, Belgian, Spanish, American, etc. lawyers, we will have a clear idea. But we will have to calm the anger of many.
Jean-Pierre Joseph is the author of "Vaccines : on nous aurait menti ? (5th edition 2020)
The association informs that it has given its full support to these complaints.