Investigative Report on the Covid-19 Pandemic & its Relationship to SARS-Cov-2 & Other Factors
Below is a summary of this immensely valuable report, which was drafted by a team of French Army Reserve Officers and published on 13 May 2020. To my knowledge, it is the only such investigative report that has been written on the Covid hoax. Readers who take the trouble to read the entire report from cover to cover, as well as delve into the equally valuable references, will gain a full understanding of almost every aspect of the Covid global putsch. Such an understanding is vital if we are to take measures to reverse it and protect ourselves and our families. The full report also offers extensive advice on health protection.
The full report can be downloaded below in both the original French and in English translation.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé en anglais de ce rapport d'une immense valeur, rédigé par une équipe d'officiers de réserve de l'armée française et publié le 13 mai 2020. A ma connaissance, c'est le seul rapport d'enquête de ce type qui ait été rédigé sur le canular Covid. Les lecteurs qui prendront la peine de lire le rapport dans son intégralité, de bout en bout, ainsi que de se plonger dans les références tout aussi précieuses, acquerront une compréhension complète de presque tous les aspects du putsch mondial Covid. Cette compréhension est essentielle si nous voulons prendre des mesures pour l'inverser et nous protéger, ainsi que nos familles. Le rapport complet offre également de nombreux conseils sur la protection de la santé.
Le rapport complet peut être téléchargé ci-dessous en version originale française et en traduction anglaise.
The full report can be downloaded below in both the original French and in English translation.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé en anglais de ce rapport d'une immense valeur, rédigé par une équipe d'officiers de réserve de l'armée française et publié le 13 mai 2020. A ma connaissance, c'est le seul rapport d'enquête de ce type qui ait été rédigé sur le canular Covid. Les lecteurs qui prendront la peine de lire le rapport dans son intégralité, de bout en bout, ainsi que de se plonger dans les références tout aussi précieuses, acquerront une compréhension complète de presque tous les aspects du putsch mondial Covid. Cette compréhension est essentielle si nous voulons prendre des mesures pour l'inverser et nous protéger, ainsi que nos familles. Le rapport complet offre également de nombreux conseils sur la protection de la santé.
Le rapport complet peut être téléchargé ci-dessous en version originale française et en traduction anglaise.
27 August 2020
Translator’s summary of the most significant content of the report
27 August 2020
Translator’s summary of the most significant content of the report
This is a unique and precious document. It is both:
I urge you to read this document in its entirety and not just this summary. It may save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
To my knowledge, it is the only official report written on the Covid scamdemic and it makes horrifying reading. It was written by a group of French Army Reserve Officers and their conclusions are unequivocal.
The person who passed it to me has checked its origins and has provided credible assurances of its genuineness. It was banned from publication, but the Officers wanted it to be in public hands and therefore redacted it to suppress their names, professions, ranks and affiliation, and passed it on to those who could publicize it.
I have faithfully translated all 156 pages of it, and provided equivalent English references to the French references included. I have also added some relevant supplementary information and indicated clearly where I have done so.
When you read this document, you will understand that it could have been written only by professional, well-informed and educated people. In my view, they include doctors, lawyers and army officers. They clearly had access to people who are aware of the “unavowable” purposes of the perpetrators of this scamdemic.
I acknowledge and thank the Association of French Reserve Army Officers for their invaluable contribution and call upon all humans serving in the army and the police everywhere to join the side of the people.
I warn you in advance that, when I was translating this document, I was sometimes nauseated and sometimes had to leave the computer to weep over the information it contains. You may have a similar reaction. If you are a normal human being and not a psychopath, many emotions will arise as you hear this information: shock, horror, anger, rage, grief, sorrow.
But do not run away from this. Feel it. Remember that we who understand the situation have a duty to inform ourselves and others at this unique time in the whole of human history. All the more so because the situation now is urgent. Having looked at the legal arrangements put in place in different countries under the so-called Covid emergency measures, and the rollout of 5G and WiGig at 60 GHz during the lockdown, I am satisfied that the so-called second wave will consist of an attack on our children. I know from my discussions with Lena Pu that the WiGig weapon has already been deployed against at least one school in the US. The French Officers tell us:
Our body is more resilient than we think, and we are full of unexpected strength, provided we keep a positive mindset.
Whatever the scale of our challenges, let us remember that a small flame is enough to dispel the darkness of a room. And that little flame is in us.
In the darkest hours of human history, hope has always stood as a bulwark against defeatism. Today, this hope is called trust in life.
Findings of the Investigative Report[1] On The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 and Other Factors
The Investigation Group formally advocates the creation of a permanent "CBRN Study Group" [chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear], aimed at studying biological agents and pathological electromagnetic radiation, for the purpose of giving populations the means to protect themselves from the possible widespread use of 5G technologies which, once in place and turned up to high power, would inevitably result in carnage, especially if they are combined with pathogenic injections in vaccine form and aerial spraying (chemtrails) of endocrine disruptors or viral agents.
Thus, while deaths caused by Covid-19 could have been amplified by 5G trials increasing the pathogenic potency of the virus, conversely deaths caused by a sudden power surge from 5G antennas could have been attributed to Covid-19.
After fifty days of investigation and in terms of risk study, the Investigation Group recommends that an urgent analysis by a Threat Study Group should be carried out on:
For individuals, the Investigation Group recommends that they:
If we add to this the risk of intercommunal clashes being encouraged to destabilize and destroy nation states for the purpose of leading people towards unelected and totalitarian global governance, as well as the risks of CBRN conflicts, the future situation may well require considerable vigilance and solidarity, in a spirit of brotherhood and complementarity. Certain people seem to have decided to open Pandora's box.
There is treason in the air.
The statistics of the "pandemic" have been completely distorted, justifying measures under "health emergency laws" leading to:
Panic was stoked among the population through:
Everything seems to have been done deliberately and at the highest level to:
Covid-19 is only the first salvo of an ongoing operation involving:
A Fumigation Operation? Electromagnetic Weapons For A Silent War
Dr. Andrew Kaufmann took photos of exosomes under a microscope and compared them with photos of what is claimed to be COVID-19. These two photos were exactly the same. He then examined the genetic composition of the exosomes and that claimed for COVID-19, and it turned out that these two compositions are identical in all respects. Each attaches on the same cellular receptors. They are the same thing.
Thus one notes that the total number of deaths did not increase compared to the previous year during the same period, but this total figure includes the presumed deaths by COVID-19, which are the majority. This means that there is no increase in the number of people dying, but that their death is attributed to COVID-19, while they actually died from something else.
WHO and Ghebreyesus
Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as "the most corrupt organization in the world" whose director, the Eritrean Adhanom Ghebreyesus, seems closely linked to Bill Gates, himself very concerned to "get seven billion human beings vaccinated" with this chip that he designed not with health as the goal, but population control for extremely dubious political purposes - it is difficult to fail to mention this without betraying our humanity.
Indeed, Bill Gates is notorious for having paid huge sums of money to WHO, which many claim helped appoint in 2017 – with the support of China – someone with a genocidal past in his own country, who was a member of the political bureau of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPFL), an organization listed on the Department of US Homeland Security’s list of terrorist organizations.
In 2017, an Amhara ethnic rights organization, the Amhara Professional Union (APU), accused Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of carrying out a full-fledged genocidal policy through forced vaccination, chemical sterilization and abortion, when holding the post of Ethiopian Minister of Health between 2005 and 2012.
The population of this ethnic group fell by 2.5 million between the 1997 and 2007 censuses. At the same time, the other major Eritrean ethnic groups reportedly saw their population grow by 2.6 per cent annually.
The TPFL was also accused of plundering Ethiopia and using the 3.5 billion dollars in aid received by Ethiopia (amounting to 60% of the national budget) for political repression of opponents (belonging to two majority ethnic groups). This extraordinary WHO director, who seems to be devoted to the goals of Bill Gates and his Chinese friends, served as Ethiopia's Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012, while at the same time serving as director – from 2009 to 2011 – of of an AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programme funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Good reason perhaps to question the surprising position of WHO regarding its oft-repeated recommendation not to use anti-inflammatory drugs against Covid-19 and the oft-repeated statement of this world body that "there is no treatment to date" but that a vaccine is being studied.
The WHO Director, who as minister of health was caught red-handed covering up three cholera outbreaks, will do what he is told. This is the driving force behind this policy. WHO was, notably, established by the Rockefellers. WHO tells you the procedure to follow and you follow it. You follow the protocol.
In the light of the history of the vaccine’s promoters, God save us from it!
On Dr. Fauci
This troubled character is also a member of the board of directors of the Global Alliance for Vaccination (GAVI), an organization that works for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry to impose multi-vaccination with RFID chips on the whole earth.
On old people
The French government issued a government directive on 19 March 2020 to stop accepting "frail" people over the age of 75 in hospitals, which condemns our elderly to death in EHPADs [residental care homes for the elderly], while at the same time this same government forbids the application of Professor Raoult's protocol in the care homes and authorizes by decree the administration of a very strong drug to sedate the elderly (exactly the drug contraindicated for lung diseases). Treating them is forbidden, but a treatment that will give rise to death is authorized.
Which means that we will let them die and no resuscitation will be attempted. And when they die, without having been resuscitated, they will be part of the losses due to COVID-19. "We are undoubtedly going to have to make choices, to decide who we are going to treat as a priority, and as far as the elderly are concerned, we are going to have to make more difficult choices" – we are going to kill or allow these elderly people to die, who are asked to sign non-resuscitation forms, or who are targeted by government directives not to accept them in hospitals, not to apply treatment that can cure them, but for whom an injection deemed to be lethal is authorized.
This means that, to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people "likely to be affected" by Covid-19 (therefore in respiratory distress, thanks to SARS), they will be injected on instructions from the executive with products having the effect of death by suffocation. We emphasize that euthanasia is not allowed in France, but that murder (intentional homicide with premeditation) is punishable by life imprisonment, and that the accomplice is punishable by the same penalties as the main perpetrator. Complicity consists of acts of provocation, instructions given, and provision of means, help and assistance. Reference to a decree will not protect the perpetrators and accomplices from criminal proceedings. Both criminally and morally, these are none other than murders.
"It is at best dangerous, and then constitutive of the crime of endangering the life of others or of manslaughter (with the aggravating circumstance of premeditation), at worst criminal – which is obviously the case in such a context" (Dr. Nicole Delépine, Dr. Joseph Hardy).
Certain decision-makers seem disposed to abuse these elderly people in the vilest way, elderly people who are told that the lockdown is there to protect them.
On 5G
5G is a much larger power of electromagnetic energy than what we have seen before. It is not just an update of 3G or 4G, which are already harmful enough, but a whole new part of the electromagnetic spectrum, millimetre waves, more powerful than anything we have seen before.
The human body is an electromagnetic field.
The brain communicates with the rest of the body, and the cells process thoughts, information, electrically. When this electromagnetic field is in equilibrium, we are healthy. When in imbalance or disharmony, we feel malaise, we suffer from diseases, which are manifested in the form of what we call physical or psychological diseases.
We are now bombarded 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by electromagnetic fields generated by technology and WiFi. And in this period of restriction justified by this "virus", we see 5G being installed in more and more places.
Each rise in the level of radiation results in an epidemic.
Doctors and scientists from 41 countries signed a petition calling for a ban on 5G. The impact of 5G on health has not been studied, otherwise it would never have seen the light of day. 5G satellites are irradiating every square centimetre of the Earth.
Certain people want this to happen because they seek to manipulate humanity. 5G poisons the cells; they are poisoned by the electromagnetic field. The cells release the exosomes, and they will test you positive for COVID-19.
What was the first Chinese city to install 5G, just before the appearance of this "virus"? Wuhan. The city that had the most 5G mobile phone antennas in the world is the one in which a Covid-19 bloodbath took place.
During this lockdown, 5G antennas are being deployed at breakneck speed.
Everywhere around the world, 5G antennas are being installed in large numbers.
And while all these antennas are being installed, of course people cannot demonstrate, since they are under house arrest.
Week after week, Elon Musk (a very sick person – he is perfectly aware of the reason why 5G is being set up) is sending more and more satellites into low-Earth orbit, which will irradiate the Earth with 5G. His target is to send up 42,000. Astronomers can no longer observe the night sky. He received permission to install one and a half million terrestrial antennas [groundstations?] in America, which will connect to satellites through the electromagnetic field. He is creating an augmented reality thanks to 5G technology, which he calls the smart network.
These people are creating an umbilical cord thanks to which the human mind will be connected via artificial intelligence. And you are even given the year in which it will start in earnest: 2030.
What if exosomes (alias "COVID-19") were not the cause of Covid-19, but in fact the consequence of the use of an electromagnetic weapon?
On the proposed vaccine
Some people – and this includes a UNESCO publication of 256 pages freely available on UNESDOC, which we strongly recommend reading – raise the disturbing feature of some vaccines containing nano chips and liquid crystals that can influence human behaviour, without concern for political ethics:
UNESCO: Nanotechnologies, ethics and politics
Listening to the actual statements of the "decision-makers" and their "advisers", the objective of the current operation may indeed be to inoculate populations with a very special vaccine.
Thus, the fear created by the "pandemic" would aim to "force" populations into a "vaccine" that UNESCO has provided warnings about and which is known to actually include nano chips, means of biometric identification, and liquid crystals.
Mass vaccination is part of a first step towards this agenda, which has been enacted and is called ID2020.
This ID2020 Alliance was formalized in May 2016, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, and brings together for the ID2020 agenda a private and public collective of governments, non-profit organizations, universities, more than 150 private sector companies and 11 United Nations agencies, which have collaborated to develop and provide a unique digital identity for all humans, by 2030, with "political unity", "global connectivity", an "emerging technology" and a "new model of identity" closely interlocking this digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems.
Translation: those who refuse to be implanted will no longer be able to sell or buy anything and will be completely marginalized.
Thus, this biometric "marking" will be such as to establish total control of populations, an acknowledged goal of the "New World Order" touted in recent years by many political figures (see sources).
This is clearly an electronic enslavement of humanity. It is clear that the "pandemic" will be used initially to implant "coronavirus tests to permit people to work" or to "guarantee vaccination, with chips being implanted during vaccination".
Bill Gates’ pronouncements clearly indicate this intention (see sources).
The "bio-chip" subcutaneous electronic chip has very worrying aspects:
Civil disobedience may well now be the only avenue to salvation.
I have reorganized here the interview with Valérie Bugault included in the report because it provides very clear insights into the background to the scamdemic and its solution. I have adapted the contents of the interview and added some supplementary explanatory information.
Valérie Bugault is a doctor of private law from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a lawyer. Since 2009, she has ceased her activities as a lawyer to devote herself to disseminating the results of her extensive research work to the public. Today she is an analyst in geopolitics (economic, legal and monetary) and a lecturer. Her research subjects are institutions – national and international – currency, business, law and the functioning of the global economy.
Since the early 20th century, the US and its allies have been governed by a cartel of companies led by the main global investment banks, which have their headquarters in the City of London. Western states were privatized when the control of their currencies fell into the hands of private bankers, which explains the emergence of European institutions, which are only the political formalization of this capture of the rules of organization of peoples by private interests.[4]
We are dealing globally with an unprecedented situation, in which a small group of people, hidden behind the anonymity of capital and international institutions and led by a few private bankers, organize shocks or take advantage of shocks[5] in order to advance their global agenda of taking political control of the world by instituting a "global government".
Most countries see no further justification for the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Having been taken off the gold standard in 1971 and made into a fiat currency, the dollar is now being delinked from oil. This is why President Trump has merged the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. The aim is to create two types of dollar on the model of the Chinese Yuan and Renminbi: an internal dollar and a currency dollar that will circulate in international markets. The global debt is about $4 quadrillion. The best way to write off that amount of money is what is called force majeure.[6] The monetary reset is upon us; hence the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”.[7] The arrival of the “coronavirus” therefore appears somewhat fortuitous.
The end of the dollar as an international currency is the sine qua non for a sustainable world currency, at least according to the criteria of economic and monetary functioning imposed by international bankers. The end of the dollar world currency presupposes the end of the hegemony of the American empire.
A sustainable world currency, controlled by the bankers, will soon be able to emerge in the form of a basket of currencies, which will circulate completely digitally. Brexit was initiated by the bankers of the City of London in order to have full freedom of action, free of the institutional burdens of the EU, to drive the change in world currency.
The coronavirus is a case of social engineering and governance through chaos. It is the same modus operandi as with the "terrorist threat": a mixture of real and fiction, combined with two well-known stratagems:
1. The pyromaniac firefighter.
2. The Karpman triangle or the role-playing persecutor / victim / rescuer.
Power allows the crisis situation to happen, or even helps it happen, purposefully or accidentally. Power occupies the place of the pyromaniac, therefore the persecutor. Then, once the crisis has happened and is in progress, power presents itself as the rescuer, who will therefore save us from the crisis that it arranged itself.
We are facing a kind of global cognitive dissonance because we are given contradictory official explanations about what we are facing, which prevent our understanding the whole phenomenon. Hannah Arendt has described how totalitarian regimes take “total" power over individuals by showering them with contradictory information until they have no way of knowing where the truth lies. “Coronavirus” is a psychological operation using the “Alice in Wonderland” interrogation technique.[8] Knowledge is compartmentalized so that everyone looks in the wrong direction.
In order to be able to make sense of the situation, you need to bring order to the facts of the case, which are as follows:
If one takes the trouble to take into account all these elements, a clear picture emerges. The World Health Organization (WHO), government and media actions are contrary to the stated aim of protecting populations. They are playing the role of pyromaniac firefighters. They:
The media – and most of the alternative media – are owned and controlled by the power elite.[9] They:
Two things are clear:
A pandemic was foreseen, if not expected, by certain institutions and figures:
In order to achieve global government, the “elites” needed to persuade populations that events need to be regulated on a global scale. Hence the “global warming/climate change” narrative initiated and propagated by the Club of Rome/Club of Budapest/Club of Madrid/Worldshift and the UN,[11],[12] which persuades people that there are too many people on earth and the situation is unsustainable. The eugenics/depopulation agenda has been in progress since the end of the nineteenth century and is currently promoted through environmentalism[13] and Agenda 21/2030.[14],[15] A pandemic is the phenomenon that best meets this type of need.
Thus, the state is held by private interests that ban successful treatments, pending the arrival of the compulsory vaccine.
Either citizens will give in to fear, or they will reflect and understand that fear is itself maintained and controlled by their leaders, who are making all the decisions that enable the coronavirus to spread not only undeterred, but easily. They are doing it by denying their populations access to treatments and drugs that are useful in containing the contamination process while they put people in lockdown long enough to be able to impose on them – this is the implementation of "voluntary serfdom" – a future miracle vaccine.
This vaccine, in addition to its profitability, will undoubtedly be enhanced with aluminium salts (which has become the mandatory adjuvant), RNA messengers (which will genetically modify humans for all future generations),[16],[17] and especially RFID chips,[18] which will allow everyone to receive their salaries and have access to their bank account. This stage of compulsory vaccination will be absolutely decisive in ensuring that globalists (bankers, Big Pharma and others) have direct control over populations. Each person will thus have to obey on pain of being deprived of access to all his or her means of subsistence.
As a result of the economic collapse, there is a great danger of the means of subsistence being ultimately not connected in any way with productive individual work but rather with a universal subsidy received from the puppet state entirely at the orders of the financial powers. Spain has already announced that it is introducing a universal basic income and wants it to be permanent. It is a form of insurance for the elite against social uprisings, especially if millions of jobs never come back. China has had a social crediting system since 2014 and has already blacklisted 13 million people.[19] Before the end of 2020, every Chinese citizen will be assigned his/her own credit score – a de facto “dynamic profile”, developed with extensive use of Artifical Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), including ubiquitous facial recognition technology. This implies, of course, 24/7 surveillance, complete with Blade Runner-style roving robotic birds.[20]
We are collectively on a tightrope and things can go either way, depending on the ability of citizens to react, either in the direction of full globalism with world government or in that of a political takeover of countries by their nationals.
Only a political takeover of the organization of states by their nationals can lead to a favourable outcome for the populations. Otherwise, we will see the general shift desired by the supranational oligarchy towards a world government in the hands of the financial powers, with populations being destined to be sharply reduced and then the survivors enslaved.
This is why some decision-making members of this empire violently oppose this project, which will result in the disappearance of their dominant situations. The American leaders who are opposed can be called patriots. These patriots have as their worst internal enemies the stateless globalists, the head of whom resides in the city of London, and who work underhandedly for the advent of a world government under cover of socialism.[21]
This distinction between patriotic leaders and stateless leaders also exists in China and Russia, where the civilian government seems to be led by supporters of stateless globalists, while the army seems to be in the hands of patriotic leaders, Putin making the junction between the two opposing factions. In recent years, China has been cleansing its system to purge the state apparatus of the elite compradores,[22] who may be linked to stateless leaders with headquarters in the City of London. This opposition between patriotic leaders and compradore leaders also exists in countries such as Iran.
Victory would be crushing for the patriots, provided that they ally with their population and do not seek to dominate it, as was instilled in them by their former compradore allies.
Nothing could withstand the alliance between patriotic leaders and local populations and this is why it is so feared by the globalist powers. The measures restricting freedom ordered by the various governments to combat the spread of the coronavirus run counter to this natural alliance that would enable the victory of the patriots over the globalists.
The cards are currently in the hands of the civilian populations who have, for the first time in history, the possibility of taking their destiny back into their own hands. They have the possibility of reinstating political governments instead of the current puppet governments, which are entirely controlled by the financial powers.
We are beginning to see that populations understand this, with common law initiatives emerging from Australia, Canada[23], the US[24] and Britain.[25]
Please read the full document. It is available in PDF version on this website.
English translation: Investigative Report on the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Relationship to SARS-Cov-2 and Other Factors
Original document (French): Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs
[1] French original: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs.
[2] NASA CR 166661 Electromagnetic field interactions with the human body observed effects and theories – Jeremy K. Raines.
[3] This article consists mainly of an abbreviated translation by the author of an interview conducted by Strategika with Valérie Bugault, together with some supplementary information.
[4] UK Common law—A lawful rebellion; Governments are corporations; The “Corporate Coup d’État”; Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Corporatism is using vaccines to turn Americans into commodities; PLANDEMIC: COVID-19 and the Corporate Coup d’État.
[5] Naomi Klein. Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. 2007.
[6] Daniel Estulin: 90% of businesses will fail. 90% of people won’t have a job. Forbidden Knowledge.
[7] Spiro Skouras. The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order.
[8] Alice in Wonderland Technique: The Power of Applied Confusion.
[9] George Soros: Media mogul: executive summary. Top journalists that serve on Soros-funded boards of directors or advisers.
[10] Rockefeller Foundation. Scenarios for the Future of Technology.
[11] “Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines”, by Denis G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2019-1, April 2019,
[12] The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary.
[13] Hidden Agendas. Planetary Association for Clean Energy, submission to United Nations Human Rights Council, 2019.
[14] Agenda 21: The Plan to Depopulate the World by 2030. Lukas Magnuson. 2017.
[15] Forbidden Knowledge. UN Agenda 21 and Modern Monetary Theory. (video deleted).
[16] Peter Koenig. Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. “Genetically Modified Humanity”.
[17] Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine.
[18] Microsoft Patent 060606: Body interfaced digital currency (patented on 26 March 2020:
[19] Breitbart. China: Social Credit System Has ‘Restored Morality’ by Blacklisting over 13 Million People.
[20] Pepe Escobar: Who profits from the pandemic? - Pepe Escobar looks at a frightening future that might follow the already terrifying Covid-19 global outbreak.
[21]UN Secretary General initiates new global deal for fairer world order. UN Chief calls for global leaders to “use pandemic recovery” to deindustrialize west, transition to green energy. Guterres is a member of Club of Madrid, sister organization to the depopulationist Club of Rome.
[22] Compradore = person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation.
[23] Police State measures outlawed by Common Law Peoples' Assembly as people empowered to resist.
[24] Judge Anna von Reitz.
[25] New Chartist Movement.
- A guide to the silent and hidden war that has been launched on humanity, and
- A survival handbook.
I urge you to read this document in its entirety and not just this summary. It may save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
To my knowledge, it is the only official report written on the Covid scamdemic and it makes horrifying reading. It was written by a group of French Army Reserve Officers and their conclusions are unequivocal.
The person who passed it to me has checked its origins and has provided credible assurances of its genuineness. It was banned from publication, but the Officers wanted it to be in public hands and therefore redacted it to suppress their names, professions, ranks and affiliation, and passed it on to those who could publicize it.
I have faithfully translated all 156 pages of it, and provided equivalent English references to the French references included. I have also added some relevant supplementary information and indicated clearly where I have done so.
When you read this document, you will understand that it could have been written only by professional, well-informed and educated people. In my view, they include doctors, lawyers and army officers. They clearly had access to people who are aware of the “unavowable” purposes of the perpetrators of this scamdemic.
I acknowledge and thank the Association of French Reserve Army Officers for their invaluable contribution and call upon all humans serving in the army and the police everywhere to join the side of the people.
I warn you in advance that, when I was translating this document, I was sometimes nauseated and sometimes had to leave the computer to weep over the information it contains. You may have a similar reaction. If you are a normal human being and not a psychopath, many emotions will arise as you hear this information: shock, horror, anger, rage, grief, sorrow.
But do not run away from this. Feel it. Remember that we who understand the situation have a duty to inform ourselves and others at this unique time in the whole of human history. All the more so because the situation now is urgent. Having looked at the legal arrangements put in place in different countries under the so-called Covid emergency measures, and the rollout of 5G and WiGig at 60 GHz during the lockdown, I am satisfied that the so-called second wave will consist of an attack on our children. I know from my discussions with Lena Pu that the WiGig weapon has already been deployed against at least one school in the US. The French Officers tell us:
Our body is more resilient than we think, and we are full of unexpected strength, provided we keep a positive mindset.
Whatever the scale of our challenges, let us remember that a small flame is enough to dispel the darkness of a room. And that little flame is in us.
In the darkest hours of human history, hope has always stood as a bulwark against defeatism. Today, this hope is called trust in life.
Findings of the Investigative Report[1] On The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 and Other Factors
- Glaring inconsistencies and inexplicable "lacunae" invalidate the official theory
- The management of the health “crisis" seems to be a pretext for a totalitarian global takeover
- Totalitarian machinations: intention to impose a global cryptocurrency, a vaccine with nano-chips and a subcutaneous electronic chip
- There is massive corruption at the heart of WHO and the most unavowable intentions
- 5G is implicated in Covid-19, with electromagnetic radiation having possibly highly potentiated:
- The pathogenic power of the virus, or
- The Prevotella bacterium that caused the cytokine shock
- Similarity between the lung damage observed by all emergency doctors and damage caused by the use of an electromagnetic weapon (plus permanent headaches, fatigue, burning sensations in the lungs, thrombosis and loss of sensitivity to smell and taste, also cited as symptoms of COVID-19)
- Many antennas were installed thanks to the lockdown, without concern for the "precautionary principle", despite it being otherwise widely cited, in particular to hobble medical treatment
- "Covid-19" is a biological and electromagnetic war supported by a vast "smoke-and-mirrors" operation, which is sowing confusion among the ranks of medical and hospital personnel
- "Covid-19" could be the preparation for a much larger-scale joint operation combined with a smokescreen to conceal large-scale tests of the 5G weapon, for criminal ends that remain to be clarified
- 5G installations, both terrestrial and aerial (Elon Musk's satellites in low-Earth orbit), are clearly part of this "total war" project
- Dr. Jeremy K. Raines,[2] an authoritative electromagnetic field engineer, reports that signals are used by the human body to regulate its processes, and warns that external electromagnetic signals can seriously interfere in this process.
- No investigation has been carried out on the reaction of the Earth to the massive use of 5G technology despite it having been established that industrial activities (mining activities, oil and gas extraction, geothermal) can induce earthquakes
- Unusual earthquakes have taken place in France and municipalities have been declared to be in a state of emergency.
The Investigation Group formally advocates the creation of a permanent "CBRN Study Group" [chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear], aimed at studying biological agents and pathological electromagnetic radiation, for the purpose of giving populations the means to protect themselves from the possible widespread use of 5G technologies which, once in place and turned up to high power, would inevitably result in carnage, especially if they are combined with pathogenic injections in vaccine form and aerial spraying (chemtrails) of endocrine disruptors or viral agents.
Thus, while deaths caused by Covid-19 could have been amplified by 5G trials increasing the pathogenic potency of the virus, conversely deaths caused by a sudden power surge from 5G antennas could have been attributed to Covid-19.
After fifty days of investigation and in terms of risk study, the Investigation Group recommends that an urgent analysis by a Threat Study Group should be carried out on:
- The sociological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on civil liberties and the economy
- The content of the mandatory vaccine under preparation, including the presence of nanotechnologies (electronic chips and population control)
- The intended abolition of physical currency and its impact on civil liberties (population chipping, which has already started in Europe)
- The impact on civil liberties and health of the widespread deployment of 5G, and the deployment and precise role of HAARP and SURA
- The precise nature of chemtrails and their objectives: heavy metals as endocrine disruptors (aluminium, barium), the spraying of ethnic viruses
- The risk of intercommunal clashes as a tool for the destruction of nations
- The risk of world war (widespread CBRN conflict).
For individuals, the Investigation Group recommends that they:
- Develop their autonomy:
- Natural water point nearby
- Food
- Vegetable garden
- Chicken coop
- Beehives (if possible)
- Essential oils, green clay, quercetin
- Not submit to a vaccine (French and international law prohibits treatment without the informed consent of the patient)
- Keep their distance from operational 5G installations
- Beware of aerial spraying (chemtrails)
- They should not go out.
If we add to this the risk of intercommunal clashes being encouraged to destabilize and destroy nation states for the purpose of leading people towards unelected and totalitarian global governance, as well as the risks of CBRN conflicts, the future situation may well require considerable vigilance and solidarity, in a spirit of brotherhood and complementarity. Certain people seem to have decided to open Pandora's box.
There is treason in the air.
The statistics of the "pandemic" have been completely distorted, justifying measures under "health emergency laws" leading to:
- Confiscation of public freedoms
- Government decisions to shorten the suffering of older patients by injections of notoriously lethal substance to "avoid crowding intensive care beds"
Panic was stoked among the population through:
- The epidemic
- The absence of tests except for VIPs
- The lockdown of the whole healthy population
- The organized shortage of masks and tests
- The government's ban on chloroquine treatment (available over-the-counter for 70 years without anyone worrying about the "precautionary principle" now used as an objection to confiscate this treatment) except for "severe forms” (translation: near death and when lung damage is irreversible)
- Media pressure supporting death-counts
Everything seems to have been done deliberately and at the highest level to:
- Spread a false medical paradigm
- Destabilize the emergency services
- Distorted the numbers:
- By the way the tests are done
- By the way the diagnoses are made
- By the way cases are counted
- Expose law enforcement,
- Promote the spread of the epidemic (including reopening elementary schools while a danger persists since public institutions remain closed at the same time
- Hamper by any and all means the reduction of the viral load of infected people.
Covid-19 is only the first salvo of an ongoing operation involving:
- Mass vaccination
- The "chipping" of humanity
- The installation of 5G antennas
- Aerial spraying of new viruses.
A Fumigation Operation? Electromagnetic Weapons For A Silent War
Dr. Andrew Kaufmann took photos of exosomes under a microscope and compared them with photos of what is claimed to be COVID-19. These two photos were exactly the same. He then examined the genetic composition of the exosomes and that claimed for COVID-19, and it turned out that these two compositions are identical in all respects. Each attaches on the same cellular receptors. They are the same thing.
Thus one notes that the total number of deaths did not increase compared to the previous year during the same period, but this total figure includes the presumed deaths by COVID-19, which are the majority. This means that there is no increase in the number of people dying, but that their death is attributed to COVID-19, while they actually died from something else.
- It has “a murky background”
- Was passive in this pandemic
- Causing serious disarray among medical services by the dissemination of wrong protocols
- Is notoriously corrupt
- Has intentions that seem to be much more closely related to:
- Totalitarian ideology
- Eugenics
- Criminality
- Is not concerned about the well-being of populations.
WHO and Ghebreyesus
Some do not hesitate to characterize WHO as "the most corrupt organization in the world" whose director, the Eritrean Adhanom Ghebreyesus, seems closely linked to Bill Gates, himself very concerned to "get seven billion human beings vaccinated" with this chip that he designed not with health as the goal, but population control for extremely dubious political purposes - it is difficult to fail to mention this without betraying our humanity.
Indeed, Bill Gates is notorious for having paid huge sums of money to WHO, which many claim helped appoint in 2017 – with the support of China – someone with a genocidal past in his own country, who was a member of the political bureau of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPFL), an organization listed on the Department of US Homeland Security’s list of terrorist organizations.
In 2017, an Amhara ethnic rights organization, the Amhara Professional Union (APU), accused Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of carrying out a full-fledged genocidal policy through forced vaccination, chemical sterilization and abortion, when holding the post of Ethiopian Minister of Health between 2005 and 2012.
The population of this ethnic group fell by 2.5 million between the 1997 and 2007 censuses. At the same time, the other major Eritrean ethnic groups reportedly saw their population grow by 2.6 per cent annually.
The TPFL was also accused of plundering Ethiopia and using the 3.5 billion dollars in aid received by Ethiopia (amounting to 60% of the national budget) for political repression of opponents (belonging to two majority ethnic groups). This extraordinary WHO director, who seems to be devoted to the goals of Bill Gates and his Chinese friends, served as Ethiopia's Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012, while at the same time serving as director – from 2009 to 2011 – of of an AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programme funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Good reason perhaps to question the surprising position of WHO regarding its oft-repeated recommendation not to use anti-inflammatory drugs against Covid-19 and the oft-repeated statement of this world body that "there is no treatment to date" but that a vaccine is being studied.
The WHO Director, who as minister of health was caught red-handed covering up three cholera outbreaks, will do what he is told. This is the driving force behind this policy. WHO was, notably, established by the Rockefellers. WHO tells you the procedure to follow and you follow it. You follow the protocol.
In the light of the history of the vaccine’s promoters, God save us from it!
On Dr. Fauci
This troubled character is also a member of the board of directors of the Global Alliance for Vaccination (GAVI), an organization that works for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry to impose multi-vaccination with RFID chips on the whole earth.
On old people
The French government issued a government directive on 19 March 2020 to stop accepting "frail" people over the age of 75 in hospitals, which condemns our elderly to death in EHPADs [residental care homes for the elderly], while at the same time this same government forbids the application of Professor Raoult's protocol in the care homes and authorizes by decree the administration of a very strong drug to sedate the elderly (exactly the drug contraindicated for lung diseases). Treating them is forbidden, but a treatment that will give rise to death is authorized.
Which means that we will let them die and no resuscitation will be attempted. And when they die, without having been resuscitated, they will be part of the losses due to COVID-19. "We are undoubtedly going to have to make choices, to decide who we are going to treat as a priority, and as far as the elderly are concerned, we are going to have to make more difficult choices" – we are going to kill or allow these elderly people to die, who are asked to sign non-resuscitation forms, or who are targeted by government directives not to accept them in hospitals, not to apply treatment that can cure them, but for whom an injection deemed to be lethal is authorized.
This means that, to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people "likely to be affected" by Covid-19 (therefore in respiratory distress, thanks to SARS), they will be injected on instructions from the executive with products having the effect of death by suffocation. We emphasize that euthanasia is not allowed in France, but that murder (intentional homicide with premeditation) is punishable by life imprisonment, and that the accomplice is punishable by the same penalties as the main perpetrator. Complicity consists of acts of provocation, instructions given, and provision of means, help and assistance. Reference to a decree will not protect the perpetrators and accomplices from criminal proceedings. Both criminally and morally, these are none other than murders.
"It is at best dangerous, and then constitutive of the crime of endangering the life of others or of manslaughter (with the aggravating circumstance of premeditation), at worst criminal – which is obviously the case in such a context" (Dr. Nicole Delépine, Dr. Joseph Hardy).
Certain decision-makers seem disposed to abuse these elderly people in the vilest way, elderly people who are told that the lockdown is there to protect them.
On 5G
5G is a much larger power of electromagnetic energy than what we have seen before. It is not just an update of 3G or 4G, which are already harmful enough, but a whole new part of the electromagnetic spectrum, millimetre waves, more powerful than anything we have seen before.
The human body is an electromagnetic field.
The brain communicates with the rest of the body, and the cells process thoughts, information, electrically. When this electromagnetic field is in equilibrium, we are healthy. When in imbalance or disharmony, we feel malaise, we suffer from diseases, which are manifested in the form of what we call physical or psychological diseases.
We are now bombarded 24 hours a day and 7 days a week by electromagnetic fields generated by technology and WiFi. And in this period of restriction justified by this "virus", we see 5G being installed in more and more places.
Each rise in the level of radiation results in an epidemic.
Doctors and scientists from 41 countries signed a petition calling for a ban on 5G. The impact of 5G on health has not been studied, otherwise it would never have seen the light of day. 5G satellites are irradiating every square centimetre of the Earth.
Certain people want this to happen because they seek to manipulate humanity. 5G poisons the cells; they are poisoned by the electromagnetic field. The cells release the exosomes, and they will test you positive for COVID-19.
What was the first Chinese city to install 5G, just before the appearance of this "virus"? Wuhan. The city that had the most 5G mobile phone antennas in the world is the one in which a Covid-19 bloodbath took place.
During this lockdown, 5G antennas are being deployed at breakneck speed.
Everywhere around the world, 5G antennas are being installed in large numbers.
And while all these antennas are being installed, of course people cannot demonstrate, since they are under house arrest.
Week after week, Elon Musk (a very sick person – he is perfectly aware of the reason why 5G is being set up) is sending more and more satellites into low-Earth orbit, which will irradiate the Earth with 5G. His target is to send up 42,000. Astronomers can no longer observe the night sky. He received permission to install one and a half million terrestrial antennas [groundstations?] in America, which will connect to satellites through the electromagnetic field. He is creating an augmented reality thanks to 5G technology, which he calls the smart network.
These people are creating an umbilical cord thanks to which the human mind will be connected via artificial intelligence. And you are even given the year in which it will start in earnest: 2030.
What if exosomes (alias "COVID-19") were not the cause of Covid-19, but in fact the consequence of the use of an electromagnetic weapon?
On the proposed vaccine
Some people – and this includes a UNESCO publication of 256 pages freely available on UNESDOC, which we strongly recommend reading – raise the disturbing feature of some vaccines containing nano chips and liquid crystals that can influence human behaviour, without concern for political ethics:
UNESCO: Nanotechnologies, ethics and politics
Listening to the actual statements of the "decision-makers" and their "advisers", the objective of the current operation may indeed be to inoculate populations with a very special vaccine.
Thus, the fear created by the "pandemic" would aim to "force" populations into a "vaccine" that UNESCO has provided warnings about and which is known to actually include nano chips, means of biometric identification, and liquid crystals.
Mass vaccination is part of a first step towards this agenda, which has been enacted and is called ID2020.
This ID2020 Alliance was formalized in May 2016, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, and brings together for the ID2020 agenda a private and public collective of governments, non-profit organizations, universities, more than 150 private sector companies and 11 United Nations agencies, which have collaborated to develop and provide a unique digital identity for all humans, by 2030, with "political unity", "global connectivity", an "emerging technology" and a "new model of identity" closely interlocking this digital identity with access to commerce and secure access systems.
Translation: those who refuse to be implanted will no longer be able to sell or buy anything and will be completely marginalized.
Thus, this biometric "marking" will be such as to establish total control of populations, an acknowledged goal of the "New World Order" touted in recent years by many political figures (see sources).
This is clearly an electronic enslavement of humanity. It is clear that the "pandemic" will be used initially to implant "coronavirus tests to permit people to work" or to "guarantee vaccination, with chips being implanted during vaccination".
Bill Gates’ pronouncements clearly indicate this intention (see sources).
The "bio-chip" subcutaneous electronic chip has very worrying aspects:
- Ability to influence the behaviour of the chip-bearer (manipulate and control crowds)
- Ability to eliminate categories of people (reduce the world population)
- Ability to permanently locate the bearer (exit civil liberties).
Civil disobedience may well now be the only avenue to salvation.
I have reorganized here the interview with Valérie Bugault included in the report because it provides very clear insights into the background to the scamdemic and its solution. I have adapted the contents of the interview and added some supplementary explanatory information.
Valérie Bugault is a doctor of private law from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a lawyer. Since 2009, she has ceased her activities as a lawyer to devote herself to disseminating the results of her extensive research work to the public. Today she is an analyst in geopolitics (economic, legal and monetary) and a lecturer. Her research subjects are institutions – national and international – currency, business, law and the functioning of the global economy.
Since the early 20th century, the US and its allies have been governed by a cartel of companies led by the main global investment banks, which have their headquarters in the City of London. Western states were privatized when the control of their currencies fell into the hands of private bankers, which explains the emergence of European institutions, which are only the political formalization of this capture of the rules of organization of peoples by private interests.[4]
We are dealing globally with an unprecedented situation, in which a small group of people, hidden behind the anonymity of capital and international institutions and led by a few private bankers, organize shocks or take advantage of shocks[5] in order to advance their global agenda of taking political control of the world by instituting a "global government".
Most countries see no further justification for the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Having been taken off the gold standard in 1971 and made into a fiat currency, the dollar is now being delinked from oil. This is why President Trump has merged the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. The aim is to create two types of dollar on the model of the Chinese Yuan and Renminbi: an internal dollar and a currency dollar that will circulate in international markets. The global debt is about $4 quadrillion. The best way to write off that amount of money is what is called force majeure.[6] The monetary reset is upon us; hence the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”.[7] The arrival of the “coronavirus” therefore appears somewhat fortuitous.
The end of the dollar as an international currency is the sine qua non for a sustainable world currency, at least according to the criteria of economic and monetary functioning imposed by international bankers. The end of the dollar world currency presupposes the end of the hegemony of the American empire.
A sustainable world currency, controlled by the bankers, will soon be able to emerge in the form of a basket of currencies, which will circulate completely digitally. Brexit was initiated by the bankers of the City of London in order to have full freedom of action, free of the institutional burdens of the EU, to drive the change in world currency.
The coronavirus is a case of social engineering and governance through chaos. It is the same modus operandi as with the "terrorist threat": a mixture of real and fiction, combined with two well-known stratagems:
1. The pyromaniac firefighter.
2. The Karpman triangle or the role-playing persecutor / victim / rescuer.
Power allows the crisis situation to happen, or even helps it happen, purposefully or accidentally. Power occupies the place of the pyromaniac, therefore the persecutor. Then, once the crisis has happened and is in progress, power presents itself as the rescuer, who will therefore save us from the crisis that it arranged itself.
We are facing a kind of global cognitive dissonance because we are given contradictory official explanations about what we are facing, which prevent our understanding the whole phenomenon. Hannah Arendt has described how totalitarian regimes take “total" power over individuals by showering them with contradictory information until they have no way of knowing where the truth lies. “Coronavirus” is a psychological operation using the “Alice in Wonderland” interrogation technique.[8] Knowledge is compartmentalized so that everyone looks in the wrong direction.
In order to be able to make sense of the situation, you need to bring order to the facts of the case, which are as follows:
- Wuhan – appearance of the virus
- Alarmist news reports
- The virus spreads around the world
- Populations are locked down
- Hospital services “choke” under the influx.
If one takes the trouble to take into account all these elements, a clear picture emerges. The World Health Organization (WHO), government and media actions are contrary to the stated aim of protecting populations. They are playing the role of pyromaniac firefighters. They:
- Ban proposed and successful, long-existing treatments
- Lock down populations instead of encouraging herd immunity (as in Sweden), but ignore areas of lawlessness, migrant camps, Black Lives Matter riots
- Destroy the world economy, thereby promoting unemployment, social disintegration and poor mental health
- Ban people from leaving home or going far from home to exercise, thereby damaging their health
- Promote ventilators through financial subsidies, which kill the patients
- Issue orders to triage the elderly to their deaths
- Falsify statistics by attributing all deaths to “Covid”,
- Put out confusing information about masks being useless, and then masks being compulsory
- Refuse authorizations to researchers offering tests to detect coronavirus infection
- Refuse help from industrialists willing to manufacture respirators
- Empty prisons (UN directive) but threaten with imprisonment lawful citizens leaving home without authorization.
The media – and most of the alternative media – are owned and controlled by the power elite.[9] They:
- Terrify the public with false statistics, images of coffins and fake stories about overwhelmed hospitals
- Promote rent-a-doctors connected to the pharmaceutical lobbies
- Censor information from frontline doctors about treatments, and information about the dangers of the proposed vaccine
- Censor all dissenting views on the cause of “pandemic”, the nature of the “virus”, and potential cures
- Promote expensive, ineffective treatments and the Bill Gates/GAVI vaccine.
Two things are clear:
- Behind the apparent commitment to protect populations hides a duplicitous desire to engineer them into a state of shock and mass-monitor them
- The developing social anarchy is deliberately organized by the public authorities themselves, under the false pretext of stopping an epidemic.
A pandemic was foreseen, if not expected, by certain institutions and figures:
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- John Hopkins Centre for Health Security
- World Economic Forum
- The World Heatlh Organization (WHO)
- World Bank
- Prominent politicans
- Rockefeller document 2010[10]
In order to achieve global government, the “elites” needed to persuade populations that events need to be regulated on a global scale. Hence the “global warming/climate change” narrative initiated and propagated by the Club of Rome/Club of Budapest/Club of Madrid/Worldshift and the UN,[11],[12] which persuades people that there are too many people on earth and the situation is unsustainable. The eugenics/depopulation agenda has been in progress since the end of the nineteenth century and is currently promoted through environmentalism[13] and Agenda 21/2030.[14],[15] A pandemic is the phenomenon that best meets this type of need.
Thus, the state is held by private interests that ban successful treatments, pending the arrival of the compulsory vaccine.
Either citizens will give in to fear, or they will reflect and understand that fear is itself maintained and controlled by their leaders, who are making all the decisions that enable the coronavirus to spread not only undeterred, but easily. They are doing it by denying their populations access to treatments and drugs that are useful in containing the contamination process while they put people in lockdown long enough to be able to impose on them – this is the implementation of "voluntary serfdom" – a future miracle vaccine.
This vaccine, in addition to its profitability, will undoubtedly be enhanced with aluminium salts (which has become the mandatory adjuvant), RNA messengers (which will genetically modify humans for all future generations),[16],[17] and especially RFID chips,[18] which will allow everyone to receive their salaries and have access to their bank account. This stage of compulsory vaccination will be absolutely decisive in ensuring that globalists (bankers, Big Pharma and others) have direct control over populations. Each person will thus have to obey on pain of being deprived of access to all his or her means of subsistence.
As a result of the economic collapse, there is a great danger of the means of subsistence being ultimately not connected in any way with productive individual work but rather with a universal subsidy received from the puppet state entirely at the orders of the financial powers. Spain has already announced that it is introducing a universal basic income and wants it to be permanent. It is a form of insurance for the elite against social uprisings, especially if millions of jobs never come back. China has had a social crediting system since 2014 and has already blacklisted 13 million people.[19] Before the end of 2020, every Chinese citizen will be assigned his/her own credit score – a de facto “dynamic profile”, developed with extensive use of Artifical Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), including ubiquitous facial recognition technology. This implies, of course, 24/7 surveillance, complete with Blade Runner-style roving robotic birds.[20]
We are collectively on a tightrope and things can go either way, depending on the ability of citizens to react, either in the direction of full globalism with world government or in that of a political takeover of countries by their nationals.
Only a political takeover of the organization of states by their nationals can lead to a favourable outcome for the populations. Otherwise, we will see the general shift desired by the supranational oligarchy towards a world government in the hands of the financial powers, with populations being destined to be sharply reduced and then the survivors enslaved.
This is why some decision-making members of this empire violently oppose this project, which will result in the disappearance of their dominant situations. The American leaders who are opposed can be called patriots. These patriots have as their worst internal enemies the stateless globalists, the head of whom resides in the city of London, and who work underhandedly for the advent of a world government under cover of socialism.[21]
This distinction between patriotic leaders and stateless leaders also exists in China and Russia, where the civilian government seems to be led by supporters of stateless globalists, while the army seems to be in the hands of patriotic leaders, Putin making the junction between the two opposing factions. In recent years, China has been cleansing its system to purge the state apparatus of the elite compradores,[22] who may be linked to stateless leaders with headquarters in the City of London. This opposition between patriotic leaders and compradore leaders also exists in countries such as Iran.
Victory would be crushing for the patriots, provided that they ally with their population and do not seek to dominate it, as was instilled in them by their former compradore allies.
Nothing could withstand the alliance between patriotic leaders and local populations and this is why it is so feared by the globalist powers. The measures restricting freedom ordered by the various governments to combat the spread of the coronavirus run counter to this natural alliance that would enable the victory of the patriots over the globalists.
The cards are currently in the hands of the civilian populations who have, for the first time in history, the possibility of taking their destiny back into their own hands. They have the possibility of reinstating political governments instead of the current puppet governments, which are entirely controlled by the financial powers.
We are beginning to see that populations understand this, with common law initiatives emerging from Australia, Canada[23], the US[24] and Britain.[25]
Please read the full document. It is available in PDF version on this website.
English translation: Investigative Report on the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Relationship to SARS-Cov-2 and Other Factors
Original document (French): Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs
[1] French original: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs.
[2] NASA CR 166661 Electromagnetic field interactions with the human body observed effects and theories – Jeremy K. Raines.
[3] This article consists mainly of an abbreviated translation by the author of an interview conducted by Strategika with Valérie Bugault, together with some supplementary information.
[4] UK Common law—A lawful rebellion; Governments are corporations; The “Corporate Coup d’État”; Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Corporatism is using vaccines to turn Americans into commodities; PLANDEMIC: COVID-19 and the Corporate Coup d’État.
[5] Naomi Klein. Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. 2007.
[6] Daniel Estulin: 90% of businesses will fail. 90% of people won’t have a job. Forbidden Knowledge.
[7] Spiro Skouras. The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order.
[8] Alice in Wonderland Technique: The Power of Applied Confusion.
[9] George Soros: Media mogul: executive summary. Top journalists that serve on Soros-funded boards of directors or advisers.
[10] Rockefeller Foundation. Scenarios for the Future of Technology.
[11] “Geo-Economics and Geo-Politics Drive Successive Eras of Predatory Globalization and Social Engineering: Historical emergence of climate change, gender equity, and anti-racism as State doctrines”, by Denis G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, OCLA Report 2019-1, April 2019,
[12] The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary.
[13] Hidden Agendas. Planetary Association for Clean Energy, submission to United Nations Human Rights Council, 2019.
[14] Agenda 21: The Plan to Depopulate the World by 2030. Lukas Magnuson. 2017.
[15] Forbidden Knowledge. UN Agenda 21 and Modern Monetary Theory. (video deleted).
[16] Peter Koenig. Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. “Genetically Modified Humanity”.
[17] Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine.
[18] Microsoft Patent 060606: Body interfaced digital currency (patented on 26 March 2020:
[19] Breitbart. China: Social Credit System Has ‘Restored Morality’ by Blacklisting over 13 Million People.
[20] Pepe Escobar: Who profits from the pandemic? - Pepe Escobar looks at a frightening future that might follow the already terrifying Covid-19 global outbreak.
[21]UN Secretary General initiates new global deal for fairer world order. UN Chief calls for global leaders to “use pandemic recovery” to deindustrialize west, transition to green energy. Guterres is a member of Club of Madrid, sister organization to the depopulationist Club of Rome.
[22] Compradore = person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation.
[23] Police State measures outlawed by Common Law Peoples' Assembly as people empowered to resist.
[24] Judge Anna von Reitz.
[25] New Chartist Movement.