Israel: Complaint to International Criminal Court on Corona Vaccines - Crimes Against Humanity
1 March 2021
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Tel-Aviv 6579119
TEL: 03-5663222
FAX: 03-5604914
E-Mail: [email protected]
DATE: 01/03/21
To: International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Subject of complaint: Violation of the Nuremberg Code by the
Government of Israel and additional factors
We address you in the name of the "Anshei Emet" Fellowship, a fellowship under establishment, in which the members are attorneys, physicians, public and general activists, who made a choice to exercise their democratic right not to receive the experimental medical treatment (Corona Immunization), and who feel that great pressures, hard and illegal, are exerted upon them on behalf of the Government of Israel, members of the Knesset, ministers, senior public elected representatives, heads of cities and more.
We wish to begin with basic knowledge on the subject matter:
The Corona Virus [vaccine] is an innovative medical treatment, which has only recently obtained FDA approval in the United States (in an emergency procedure only), an approval that is not final, and with details of 22 side effects to the vaccine. Additionally, it is clear to all the medical factors that the subject of the long-range influence of the treatment was not scientifically tested (testing and research), and the long-range effect and safety of the treatment on its recipients are unknown. It is important to state that never until now were administered in the entire world immunizations by this medical technology of introduction of a synthetic M-RNA to the body, and all the previous immunizations operated in a totally different manner, by the introduction of a deactivated or weakened virus and natural arousal of the immunity system against it. As detailed by a senior virologist, the risks anticipated by this innovative medical treatment are hereby enclosed as Appendix 1 to my letter.
"Nuremberg Code" – A medical ethics code issued based on laws under which the Nazi criminals were judged for conducting horrible medical experiments during the Second World War, in the physicians' trial known by the name Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg Code later constituted the base for the Helsinki Declaration Legislation as well as the base for the Patient's Rights Law in Israel.
It is our intention to present to you and detail how in the State of Israel this year, the Government of Israel with its ministers and its Knesset members, heads of cities, and additional senior factors, violate the Nuremberg Code in an unlawful manner, blatant and extreme, and to our regret, not only in a single aspect but many, too many!
a. Informed consent to participate in a medical experiment – a first principle of the Nuremberg Code is a willingness and informed consent by the person to receive treatment and participate in an experiment. The person is supposed to activate freedom of choice without the intervention of a factor employing force, deceit, fraud, threat, solicitation, or any other type of binding or coercion.
When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the Prime Minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code, and only when it became apparent that indeed the Prime Minister signed an agreement with the Pfizer Company (the manufacturer), it was first published and also stated by the Prime Minister, that it is indeed a medical experiment, and that this was the essence of the agreement. This, as a matter of fact, is a genetic medical experiment on human beings, performed without informed consent and under a severe and blatant offense of the Nuremberg Code.
b. The Bibi-Pfizer Agreement. Post factum it became clear that the Prime Minister of Israel signed an agreement with the Pfizer Company (the manufacturing company), under which he will receive a huge quantity of millions of vaccine portions, and with a preference over other countries, and in consideration, the vaccinated (residents of Israel) will serve as "Experimenters" for the pharmaceutical company. It was agreed that the pharmaceutical company would receive from Israel all their medical, personal secret information without their knowledge or consent in advance. Additionally, we must state that until this moment, the contents of the agreement related to most of the State of Israel residents, was not published, which is the transparency obligating under the law, and it was published with "blackout" / concealment of a great deal of information included in this agreement. It is worthy to state and recall that we do not live in a dictatorship country so that clearly, such an agreement must be subject to total transparency towards the wide public.
c. Alternative treatments – On the subject of informed consent for medical treatment, and based on the Nuremberg Code principles, an obligation exists to detail and suggest to a patient several treatment alternatives, detailing the medical process (and all that is included in it) as well as the advantages and the disadvantages/benefits and risks, existing in every treatment, to enable him to make an intelligent personal decision regarding the treatment he prefers. As stated, this must be done without exerting any pressures and freely, as a free person. Despite all the above-stated, the State of Israel and the Ministry of Health fail to present to the citizens of Israel the currently existing alternatives for treating the Corona disease, proven to be efficient and with few side effects, and not dangerous. They solicit the citizens and pressuring them (while blatantly violating the informed consent process), concealing the information regarding the immunizations, and creating a severe atmosphere of fear and coercion.
d. A fourth principle is that the experiment will be conducted to prevent suffering or physical injury. It is known that the treatment caused the death of many, injury, and severe damages (including disablement and paralysis) after the vaccine was administered. Despite this fact, the Government did not instruct the initiation of an investigation on the matter. It is of interest to state that the Ministry of Health openly admitted that 41% of police persons, military, education, and medical personnel, who were vaccinated, suffered severe side effects and life-endangering. It is also a wonder that there are no full reports of the numbers of dead or injured, as may be expected in such a medical process for the benefit of the participating public in the experiment.
e. A fifth principle states that the experiment must not be conducted when there is reason to assume that death or real injury will occur. Regarding the violation of this principle, see above. As stated, regarding the data on cases of death, we the citizens hear only by word of mouth on the social networks (by friends, neighbors, or relatives) and not on the central media.
f. An additional principle is that the experiment's responsible factor will be ready to stop it at any stage if there is a reasonable cause to assume that it will cause injury, disability, or death of the experiment participant. It has already been proven that many and good died from the treatment, were injured, became disabled, and paralyzed; however, the Government of Israel continues to compel this dangerous experiment on Israel's citizens.
g. The following are recent publications, which demonstrate the blatant and criminal violations of the Nuremberg Code on behalf of the Government, the Ministers and the Members of the Knesset, heads of cities, and senior public factors, as well as employers:
Below are some examples (out of many) of the Nuremberg Code violations (As shall be enclosed as Appendix 2 of my letter)
Exert economic pressure:
1. The Manufacturers' Association, backed by a legal opinion, threatens to send on unpaid leave every employee who will not be vaccinated.
2. The Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein, wishes to enact a law that will prevent the arrival of unimmunized to a place of work.
3. A threat to deny unemployment fees.
The exertion of social pressure:
1. A Threat to prevent entrance to entertainment, leisure, and receipt of services from the community
2. Artists, opinion leaders, and public representatives, who in every corner elect to make propaganda, and aggressively and insulting manner even propose punishment and sanctions. (Member of Knesset Ayelet Shaked, member of Knesset Smotrich, the Minister of Health Edelstein, Member of Knesset Benet, Avri Gilad morning program host, the singer Yoram Gaon, Judy Nir Moses and others)
3. Vehicles with public address systems roaming on the streets urging people to arrive for vaccinations, conversations and aggressive notices by the health insurance companies, and even setting appointments for vaccinations without the insurants' wish, and more.
Forbidden incentives for the vaccinated:
1. Receiving a free night in a hotel, vacation days and more, offered by various companies' owners to their employees.
2. Discounts in various business establishments, private and public, as well as a benefits card promoted by the Government
The Prime Minister of Israel stated more than once that the Israeli citizens take part in that innovative medical experiment for the benefit of all world citizens, who for some reason do not rush to obtain the above-stated medical treatment, and they are looking forwards to see the Israeli experimenters. The same is true regarding the agreement signed by the Government with the Pfizer Company, blacked-out in many places, raising questions regarding the agreements reached by the Government with the Pfizer Company.
It shall be hereby emphasized that the means currently activated against citizens, including legislation proposal against whoever was not vaccinated, contradict not only the Nuremberg Code and the individual's autonomy over his body but also the existing legislation in Israel, including the Persons Dignity and Freedom Basic Law, the Freedom of Occupation Law, the Patient's Rights Law, the Work Equal Opportunities Law, the Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services, and Entrance to Entertainment and Public Places Law, and other laws.
Therefore, and considering the stated above, we address your honor with two main demands:
1. To discontinue the medical experiment and the administration of vaccinations to the public of Israeli citizens immediately.
2. To instruct the Government to step all the legislative proceedings which infringe on the principle of Informed Consent by a person to receive the above-described medical treatment, and which negates the legal status in Israel and the Israeli democracy, including the avoidance to legislate the Green Passport, delivery of names of those who are not vaccinated to the local authorities, or any other harming legislature.
3. To act in the most required severity against any public/business/employment entity, which violates the laws of the State on subjects of employment or the other subjects required to prevent compulsion, coercion or solicitation to vaccinate, as well as the subject of discrimination, against those who made a choice not to receive the above- stated innovative medical treatment.
4. We ask to bring to your attention that a copy of this document will also be forwarded to the media channels worldwide because the Nuremberg Code violation is relevant in all countries of the free world.
5. And as a final note, it shall be stated that only recently a decision was reached in the European Parliament on 77/1/21, instructing all the authorities not to activate any pressure or solicitation on persons to take the Corona vaccine in any way. Therefore, whatever is good for the advanced European States certainly is also good for Israel – and the balance is self-explanatory.
Legal representation and election of domicile
The applicants will be represented for the purposes of this procedure by
Tel-Aviv 6579119
TEL: 03-5663222
FAX: 03-5604914
E-Mail: [email protected]
DATE: 01/03/21
To: International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Subject of complaint: Violation of the Nuremberg Code by the
Government of Israel and additional factors
We address you in the name of the "Anshei Emet" Fellowship, a fellowship under establishment, in which the members are attorneys, physicians, public and general activists, who made a choice to exercise their democratic right not to receive the experimental medical treatment (Corona Immunization), and who feel that great pressures, hard and illegal, are exerted upon them on behalf of the Government of Israel, members of the Knesset, ministers, senior public elected representatives, heads of cities and more.
We wish to begin with basic knowledge on the subject matter:
The Corona Virus [vaccine] is an innovative medical treatment, which has only recently obtained FDA approval in the United States (in an emergency procedure only), an approval that is not final, and with details of 22 side effects to the vaccine. Additionally, it is clear to all the medical factors that the subject of the long-range influence of the treatment was not scientifically tested (testing and research), and the long-range effect and safety of the treatment on its recipients are unknown. It is important to state that never until now were administered in the entire world immunizations by this medical technology of introduction of a synthetic M-RNA to the body, and all the previous immunizations operated in a totally different manner, by the introduction of a deactivated or weakened virus and natural arousal of the immunity system against it. As detailed by a senior virologist, the risks anticipated by this innovative medical treatment are hereby enclosed as Appendix 1 to my letter.
"Nuremberg Code" – A medical ethics code issued based on laws under which the Nazi criminals were judged for conducting horrible medical experiments during the Second World War, in the physicians' trial known by the name Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg Code later constituted the base for the Helsinki Declaration Legislation as well as the base for the Patient's Rights Law in Israel.
It is our intention to present to you and detail how in the State of Israel this year, the Government of Israel with its ministers and its Knesset members, heads of cities, and additional senior factors, violate the Nuremberg Code in an unlawful manner, blatant and extreme, and to our regret, not only in a single aspect but many, too many!
a. Informed consent to participate in a medical experiment – a first principle of the Nuremberg Code is a willingness and informed consent by the person to receive treatment and participate in an experiment. The person is supposed to activate freedom of choice without the intervention of a factor employing force, deceit, fraud, threat, solicitation, or any other type of binding or coercion.
When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the Prime Minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code, and only when it became apparent that indeed the Prime Minister signed an agreement with the Pfizer Company (the manufacturer), it was first published and also stated by the Prime Minister, that it is indeed a medical experiment, and that this was the essence of the agreement. This, as a matter of fact, is a genetic medical experiment on human beings, performed without informed consent and under a severe and blatant offense of the Nuremberg Code.
b. The Bibi-Pfizer Agreement. Post factum it became clear that the Prime Minister of Israel signed an agreement with the Pfizer Company (the manufacturing company), under which he will receive a huge quantity of millions of vaccine portions, and with a preference over other countries, and in consideration, the vaccinated (residents of Israel) will serve as "Experimenters" for the pharmaceutical company. It was agreed that the pharmaceutical company would receive from Israel all their medical, personal secret information without their knowledge or consent in advance. Additionally, we must state that until this moment, the contents of the agreement related to most of the State of Israel residents, was not published, which is the transparency obligating under the law, and it was published with "blackout" / concealment of a great deal of information included in this agreement. It is worthy to state and recall that we do not live in a dictatorship country so that clearly, such an agreement must be subject to total transparency towards the wide public.
c. Alternative treatments – On the subject of informed consent for medical treatment, and based on the Nuremberg Code principles, an obligation exists to detail and suggest to a patient several treatment alternatives, detailing the medical process (and all that is included in it) as well as the advantages and the disadvantages/benefits and risks, existing in every treatment, to enable him to make an intelligent personal decision regarding the treatment he prefers. As stated, this must be done without exerting any pressures and freely, as a free person. Despite all the above-stated, the State of Israel and the Ministry of Health fail to present to the citizens of Israel the currently existing alternatives for treating the Corona disease, proven to be efficient and with few side effects, and not dangerous. They solicit the citizens and pressuring them (while blatantly violating the informed consent process), concealing the information regarding the immunizations, and creating a severe atmosphere of fear and coercion.
d. A fourth principle is that the experiment will be conducted to prevent suffering or physical injury. It is known that the treatment caused the death of many, injury, and severe damages (including disablement and paralysis) after the vaccine was administered. Despite this fact, the Government did not instruct the initiation of an investigation on the matter. It is of interest to state that the Ministry of Health openly admitted that 41% of police persons, military, education, and medical personnel, who were vaccinated, suffered severe side effects and life-endangering. It is also a wonder that there are no full reports of the numbers of dead or injured, as may be expected in such a medical process for the benefit of the participating public in the experiment.
e. A fifth principle states that the experiment must not be conducted when there is reason to assume that death or real injury will occur. Regarding the violation of this principle, see above. As stated, regarding the data on cases of death, we the citizens hear only by word of mouth on the social networks (by friends, neighbors, or relatives) and not on the central media.
f. An additional principle is that the experiment's responsible factor will be ready to stop it at any stage if there is a reasonable cause to assume that it will cause injury, disability, or death of the experiment participant. It has already been proven that many and good died from the treatment, were injured, became disabled, and paralyzed; however, the Government of Israel continues to compel this dangerous experiment on Israel's citizens.
g. The following are recent publications, which demonstrate the blatant and criminal violations of the Nuremberg Code on behalf of the Government, the Ministers and the Members of the Knesset, heads of cities, and senior public factors, as well as employers:
Below are some examples (out of many) of the Nuremberg Code violations (As shall be enclosed as Appendix 2 of my letter)
Exert economic pressure:
1. The Manufacturers' Association, backed by a legal opinion, threatens to send on unpaid leave every employee who will not be vaccinated.
2. The Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein, wishes to enact a law that will prevent the arrival of unimmunized to a place of work.
3. A threat to deny unemployment fees.
The exertion of social pressure:
1. A Threat to prevent entrance to entertainment, leisure, and receipt of services from the community
2. Artists, opinion leaders, and public representatives, who in every corner elect to make propaganda, and aggressively and insulting manner even propose punishment and sanctions. (Member of Knesset Ayelet Shaked, member of Knesset Smotrich, the Minister of Health Edelstein, Member of Knesset Benet, Avri Gilad morning program host, the singer Yoram Gaon, Judy Nir Moses and others)
3. Vehicles with public address systems roaming on the streets urging people to arrive for vaccinations, conversations and aggressive notices by the health insurance companies, and even setting appointments for vaccinations without the insurants' wish, and more.
Forbidden incentives for the vaccinated:
1. Receiving a free night in a hotel, vacation days and more, offered by various companies' owners to their employees.
2. Discounts in various business establishments, private and public, as well as a benefits card promoted by the Government
The Prime Minister of Israel stated more than once that the Israeli citizens take part in that innovative medical experiment for the benefit of all world citizens, who for some reason do not rush to obtain the above-stated medical treatment, and they are looking forwards to see the Israeli experimenters. The same is true regarding the agreement signed by the Government with the Pfizer Company, blacked-out in many places, raising questions regarding the agreements reached by the Government with the Pfizer Company.
It shall be hereby emphasized that the means currently activated against citizens, including legislation proposal against whoever was not vaccinated, contradict not only the Nuremberg Code and the individual's autonomy over his body but also the existing legislation in Israel, including the Persons Dignity and Freedom Basic Law, the Freedom of Occupation Law, the Patient's Rights Law, the Work Equal Opportunities Law, the Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services, and Entrance to Entertainment and Public Places Law, and other laws.
Therefore, and considering the stated above, we address your honor with two main demands:
1. To discontinue the medical experiment and the administration of vaccinations to the public of Israeli citizens immediately.
2. To instruct the Government to step all the legislative proceedings which infringe on the principle of Informed Consent by a person to receive the above-described medical treatment, and which negates the legal status in Israel and the Israeli democracy, including the avoidance to legislate the Green Passport, delivery of names of those who are not vaccinated to the local authorities, or any other harming legislature.
3. To act in the most required severity against any public/business/employment entity, which violates the laws of the State on subjects of employment or the other subjects required to prevent compulsion, coercion or solicitation to vaccinate, as well as the subject of discrimination, against those who made a choice not to receive the above- stated innovative medical treatment.
4. We ask to bring to your attention that a copy of this document will also be forwarded to the media channels worldwide because the Nuremberg Code violation is relevant in all countries of the free world.
5. And as a final note, it shall be stated that only recently a decision was reached in the European Parliament on 77/1/21, instructing all the authorities not to activate any pressure or solicitation on persons to take the Corona vaccine in any way. Therefore, whatever is good for the advanced European States certainly is also good for Israel – and the balance is self-explanatory.
Legal representation and election of domicile
The applicants will be represented for the purposes of this procedure by
Consequently, all subsequent correspondence should be sent only to the mailing and/or e-mail addresses given above. Any notification within the meaning of the Statute of the Court addressed in this way will be considered valid.