Naturally Supporting Your Health in a Time of Crisis
excerpts from the
Investigative Report On The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Relationship To SARS-COV-2 And Other Factors
Full report downloadable in English here
Rapport en français téléchargeable ici
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the original authors nor the translator of this content take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All readers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle programme.

Publicly available natural health care
A balanced diet
Fight inflammation by eating well
Nutrient-based method to prevent and minimize symptoms of viral infection
Strengthening immunity
Activated Charcoal
Chia seeds
Colloidal Silver
Green clay
Essential oils usable against "Covid-19"
Anti-viral properties of essential oils
Essential oils in massages
Blood thinners
Fact sheets on essential oils
Chinese cinnamon
Cistus Ladanifer
Eucalyptus Radiata
Ho Wood
Lavander aspic
Noble Laurel
Scots Pine
Tea tree
Magnesium Chloride
Nigella Seeds
Silicon, organic
The psychological dimension
Watch out for anxiety
Psychological impacts of the epidemic and quarantine
Lockdown as opportunity
In the absence of an official preventative or curative treatment, the individual left to his own devices could usefully turn to natural therapies and put his or her trust once more in nature and life.
Natural medicines, which are more readily available to the public, are still generally available (in pharmacies, in wholefood stores, on the Internet or in nature).
Further information on many of the nautral products listed in this document may be found at
These therapies are therefore especially useful in the event of a "breakdown of normality".
In this situation, when conventional treatments are unavailable to the public
- Either due to a disruption in supply chains (out of stock)
- Or in the case of a sudden administrative ban, one can turn to the following as alternatives:
- Aromatherapy (the most powerful form of phytotherapy)
- Homeopathy
- Phytotherapy
- Nutritional supplements and healthy living practices
- A healthy diet
- Meditation
- Sport
- Etc.
Let us emphasize that our way of life and our inner attitude greatly influence our immune system.
It should be noted that in naturopathy, fever is considered a defence mechanism of the body: by naturally increasing its temperature, the body destroys most pathogenic micro-organisms.
Inflammation is also a normal response of the body. However, as we have emphasized, nothing about this virus is natural or accidental.
When turning to nature to heal us, it is important to continue to ensure maximum hygiene.
Prevention is better than cure.
And also let’s remember that fear and anger – however legitimate – distract us from our true strength.
balanced diet helps to stimulate immunity ·
in vitamins and minerals ·
D (fatty fish, dairy products) or dietary supplements ·
D3 2000 IU per day in winter and in influenza prevention. ·
vitamin C 1000 mg 1 per day ·
actimag 1 tablet / day ·
Children: o Vitamin C: for children
under 3 years of age, the dose is a quarter of that for adults. o Children over 15 kg in
weight may take half the adult dose during the entire period of the epidemic. o Magnesium: for children of
30 kg in weight: 100 mg x 2 times a day. |
Very hot drinks Hot showers and baths Saunas Sunbathing |
What do cardiovascular
disease, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, irritable
bowel syndrome, “Covid-19”, cancers and autoimmune diseases have in common? Answer: inflammation – all new diseases
are no longer infectious diseases, as in the nineteenth century, but are
becoming about the inevitable degradation of cellular tissues. ·
Dr. Catherine Kousmine sees the importance of
inflammation related to the intake of bad fatty acids and thus an abnormal
production of pro-inflammatory molecules (cytokines and prostaglandins PGE2) as a result of over-consumption of denatured fats, meats
and dairy products. She named the molecules thus generated "war
prostaglandins" as opposed to "peace prostaglandins" (PGE1 and
PGE3), generated by intake of oils such as borage, evening primrose or fish. ·
the mechanisms of action of prostaglandins and leukotrienes,
cellular messengers that regulate immune
and inflammatory processes, were known, no one would have suspected that fish and borage oils could help relieve
diseases such as arthritis and asthma. So how can one explain the
exceptional anti-inflammatory activity obtained by the regular intake of a
product like Lyprinol,
if not by the presence of really effective fatty acids? ·
multitude of foods such as fish and borage oils can also act on war
prostaglandins and curb their actions through leukotrienes,
which are rapidly destructive and ignite tissues. ·
meat and denatured oils are on the menu, there is a risk of stimulating the
production of the bad arachidonic acid, which
invariably leads to a series of chain reactions leading to the formation of leukotrienes, wich are all
pro-inflammatory. So what should
we eat? ·
The discovery of a measurable marker of inflammation in the
blood, C-reactive protein, made it possible to make direct links between the
intake of certain nutrients, including omega-3,
turmeric, ginger, blackcurrant, and especially klamath and the rate of
inflammation. Subsequently, several authors have proposed diets with
anti-inflammatory potential, including Dr. Andrew Weil, who is one
of the biggest promoters of this diet and, more recently, Dr.
Serfaty-Lacrosnière. ·
The anti-inflammatory
diet puts the emphasis on vegetables such as whole grains, pulses and cold pressed virgin oils, with an
emphasis on linseed, rapeseed, walnut, borage, evening primrose and possibly
all oils from cold sea fish. ·
Significantly reduce the consumption of meat, which should not
exceed more than 10% of the plate. ·
Prefer fatty fish, but not too much. ·
Soy derivatives are welcome: tofu, miso, tempeh, all generators of excellent vegetable proteins. · And don’t
forget the excellent balance provided by the combination of cereals +
legumes, guaranteeing a good coverage of amino acids. |
thousand phytonutrients have been discovered in the plant world and several
hundred are found in edible plants. They are called polyphenols. Some of
them, such as quercetin
(the food that contains the most is the onion), are found in all vegetables:
fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, tea and others. Others are more specific
to certain fruits and vegetables, including, for example, anthocyanins,
which are found mainly in small coloured fruits (blueberries, blackcurrants
and others), as well as indoles in cabbage
varieties. ·
antioxidant activity of phytonutrients against free radicals (to which we are
increasingly exposed) is now recognized. But, their biological effects,
although still poorly understood, go beyond this antioxidant effect. ·
phytonutrients have, among other things, the ability to reduce inflammatory
reactions. This is what the anti-inflammatory diet aims at, recommending a
very wide variety of fruits and vegetables and, more specifically, small
fruits, oranges, tomatoes, leafy greens (and even soy), tea, red wine and
dark chocolate. ·
the anti-inflammatory diet, sunflower, corn and safflower oil are never used,
but olive oil is fine. ·
refined and "junk food" must
be avoided. ·
refined foods, such as white bread, pastries, white rice, and other types of
junk food generally have a high glycemic index.
They cause a dramatic increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia).
Hyperglycemia is related to inflammation. ·
the anti-inflammatory diet, it is recommended to consume foods with a low glycemic index, as
they cause less inflammation. Whole
grain cereal products (rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa) usually have a relatively low
glycemic index, as do al dente cooked pasta and
pulses. ·
Here is an overview of the glycemic index
of some foods.
It is recommended to emphasize foods with a glycemic index of less than 50. Montignac bread
is remarkable for this. ·
rich in solanine such as eggplants, potatoes,
peppers and even tomatoes are not recommended at all. ·
same applies to foods that are sources of allergy, such as sometimes wheat,
dairy products, peanuts, beef and pork. So make sure you have a multitude of
"ancient" plants such as purslane,
rutabaga, Jerusalem artichokes and many "wild" plants such as
dandelion on your plate. ·
it must be stressed that sugar is a dangerous trouble-maker.
We invite you to read or reread this article on sugar, by Dr.
Andrew Weil: “Heart Disease: Is Sugar A
Killer?” ·
foods with a high glycemic index promote
inflammation. Animal proteins, sugar and its derivatives produce
pro-inflammatory compounds that accelerate tissue aging. In a study published
in 2006, it is explained that a pro-inflammatory diet (including many refined
starches, sugars, saturated and trans fats and few antioxidants and omega-3)
could cause excessive activation of the innate immune system. ·
Doctors from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine recommend a nutrient-based method to prevent and minimize the symptoms of viral infection. The following inexpensive additional levels are recommended for adults, for children they should be reduced proportional to body weight.
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) per day, in divided doses.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 international units per day (start with 5,000 IUs/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
Magnesium: 400 mg per day (in the form of citrate, malate, chelate or chloride)
Zinc: 20 mg per day
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) per day.
It has been shown that vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and selenium strengthen the immune system against viruses.
2 grams of quality vitamin C daily. One possibility is Dr. Mercola
Liposomal Vitamin C ·
ginger infusions (e.g. black tea with piece of fresh ginger covered with
boiling water), thyme, stinging nettle ·
one clove of raw garlic every morning ·
for 2 days and drink only liquids such as water, or squeezed orange and
lemon (Note: no juice with sugar
added to the fruit) ·
is important to hydrate well (drink water) ·
drops of essential oils ·
well: it is during your sleep that your body builds its immune defences. |
Available at
pharmacies or in organic stores (effective against bloating): one spoon in a
glass of water, 3 hours away from meals and other medicines. Microporous so it traps the
virus and evacuates it. Research
precautions for use. [Top 10 Activated Charcoal Uses, Plus Potential
Side Effects:] |
We are told that we are dealing with a virus.
The official thesis of "pneumonia" does not seem to be validated by observation.
The viral infection results in a number of symptoms varying from case to case, which can cause cytokine shock and inflammation degenerating into generalized thromboembolism, particularly pulmonary, with the possibility of multiple organ failure.
- It’s a question then of:
- Viral infection
- Inflammation (cytokine shock)
- Cardiovascular problems (vascularity)
- Even neuropathy (which is inflammation of the nerve endings)
In all logic, therefore, action should be taken:
- By anti-inflammatory action (while ensuring a good immune system)
- Complementing possibly with antibacterial action (in case of co-infection)
- While decreasing the viral load (antiviral action)
- And ensuring good blood circulation.
In this context, several studies show that essential oils have great antiviral power against RNA and DNA viruses. They can be used to disinfect hands, clean the environment and support the immune system:
Feedback tends to confirm the efficacy of antiviral essential oils on SARS-CoV-2 CORONAVIRUS, especially orally and in the form of inhalations (associated with heat).
The emergence of cytokine shocks implies that anti-inflammatory essential oils (such as Scots pine and wintergreen) are likely to be included in the protocol.
The existence of cardiovascular disorders (generalized thromboembolism mainly pulmonary) suggests that essential oils preventing the formation of clots (such as Italian Helichrysum or "Immortelle") could also be combined with antiviral treatment.
of vegetable protein, chia seeds regulate the bowel. They contain 9 essential
amino acids. On
contact with water, they swell and form a viscous gel. They can absorb up to
15 times their weight in water. They
are rich in fibre and promote bowel movement. They
regulate the blood pressure of people with hypertension (contribute to the
prevention of cardiovascular disorders). They provide gradual energy to the
body. They
contain omega-3 and omega-6 and have antioxidant properties. |
Contraindications According
to the European Advisory Committee for Novel Foods and Processes, chia has an
allergenic potential that has not yet been clearly determined. People who are
allergic to other seeds (such as sesame or flax seeds) should therefore
exercise caution because of a possible cross-allergy. Chia
is not recommended for people with prostate cancer or at risk of prostate
cancer due to high levels of alphalinolenic acid. |
Drug interactions Theoretically,
the effects of chia seeds could be in addition to those of antihypertensive
or anticoagulant drugs. |
· Comes in boxes of 21 ampoules. · Christocyanin – Phycocyanin is a dietary
supplement based on spirulina and is highly
concentrated in phycocyanin (20.5 mg). · It strengthens the body's natural defences and resistance. · In addition to Phycocyanin, the
extract contains part of the water-soluble fraction of spirulina:
proteins, amino acids, enzymes, sugars, water-soluble vitamins and mineral salts. |
Colloidal silver (solute of
silver particles) is effective in eliminating more than 600 species of
bacteria, viruses and microbes. It
heals the most minor wounds up to more complex problems such as ulcers, heart problems or malaria. Thanks to
its tissue-regenerating property which
has been discovered, this miraculous solution could even cure some cancers.
Colloidal silver has no side effects, but should be used in accordance with
the dosage in order to complete the treatment in the best conditions.
Insufficient and excessive dosage may make it less effective or unresponsive
to viruses, bacteria, microbes and fungi. Oral intake of colloidal
silver This is the most common
method of using colloidal silver. It is recommended for the treatment of pneumonia and various infections.
Dosage varies according to body weight. Of course, the dosage should be reduced by half for children compared to
that for an adult. For prevention, 10-15 ml of
solution taken 3 times a day is usually enough. As a
remedy, this dose should be multiplied by 3 (i.e., 30 ml, 3 times a
day). Taking this product for two
weeks strengthens the immune system. For best results and for
the solution to act quickly, colloidal silver should be kept in the mouth
under the tongue. Oral colloidal silver is
used both as a preventive and curative method. Local application of
colloidal silver In local application it can
be used as a spray, by use of a dropper or on a dressing (impregnated gauze),
as a powerful disinfectant and bactericidal for an infinite number of
ailments: shingles, burns, warts, chickenpox, scabies, conjunctivitis,
allergies, mycosis, scalp care, acne, etc. Silver particles act very
quickly, deactivating bacteria on contact with them. The spray method can be
used against sinusitis, wounds, burns, external infections and more, using 1
to 3 sprays about 3 or 4 times a day. People suffering from conjunctivitis,
eye irritation, otitis and other ailments resort to 1-3 drops per application
at a frequency of 2-3 times a day. Colloidal silver by
inhalation The inhalation technique of
this product can treat certain infections such as respiratory tract
infections and sinusitis, as well as combat toothache, aphthae, angina,
tonsillitis and even chronic bad breath. Using a nebulizer, the
treatment consists of a 5-minute session three times a day. |
The approach of Doctor Jade ALLEGRE |
Dr. Jade Allegre advocates
a treatment intended to treat the intestines and says that in Chinese
medicine, the lungs and intestines are linked: Dr. Jade ALLEGRE video: Green clay is a traditional
treatment yet is at the cutting edge of scientific research. Dr. Allegre cites the case
of the three first people cured of “Covid-19” by green clay. She speaks of
miraculous effects. Of
all the cases that followed the first three, 80% of patients were put right
in two hours and 100% in 48 hours. The clay must not be
stopped as soon as one feels better. One should continue to take it for a month and a half,
otherwise there is a resurgence. Unheated clay, which is not denatured, should be taken. Quarry Clay (35 kg for 7.50
euros) is very good. Website: CORONAVIRUS: TWO CURATIVE TREATMENTS TO CHOOSE FROM You already have signs
compatible with “Covid” – difficulty getting air into your lungs, dry
cough, loss of taste and/or smell, fever, pallor, exhaustion. 1.
Green clay powder USE A WOODEN OR PLASTIC
SPOON (not metal). 2-3 times a day: put 2-3 tablespoons in a
glass of water, take a minimum of two hours apart from any other medication,
four if possible. (1/2 dose under 5 years,
1/4 dose under 1 year). Preparation: sprinkle in a glass of
spring water if possible. Let stand for 5 minutes and then swirl and swallow
all the contents (do not use metal container or utensil with clay). Side effect: possible transient constipation,
in this case ABSOLUTELY NO LAXATIVE, because the clay is healing your
intestines. Stop the clay until the stool resumes naturally, then resume the
clay. Drink at least two hours
apart from any other medication, ideally 4 hours. 2. Magnesium chloride (over-the-counter at the pharmacy) Dilute 1 sachet of 20 grams
in 1 litre of water, to drink within 24 hours, for as many days as necessary
to stop the symptoms. (1/2 litre under 10 years,
1/4 litre under 3 years). It is possible to mitigate
the unpleasant taste by putting in the refrigerator for a few hours and
adding some lemon. Side effect: diarrhoea,
which is necessary – do not interrupt it. SURVIVING IN THE CITY WHEN
by Doctor Jade ALLEGRE Get ALL the GREEN CLAYS
available in your local stores and pharmacies. Prepare a test dose of each
(1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water), the same day, and choose for your cure
the one you prefer ... Listen to your body, rediscover your animal instincts!
And keep the other clays for your external use … IF TAKING CLAY MAKES YOU
CONSTIPATED, it means that your intestines were sick before the cure, and
that the clay has stuck on your bowel wall to heal it: take absolutely no
laxative! Stop taking the clay cure, and calmly wait for the transit to
resume, then resume your cure. You
could possibly follow up with a probiotic cure to strengthen your intestinal
flora even more. Clay
is a natural anti-poison, it has a strong absorbing power: it attracts
poisons and it
cleans the digestive system and clears the intestine. It cleans the digestive
system and gets rid of toxins, germs, worms and pathogenic bacteria, without
destroying the intestinal flora like antibiotics would. It
repairs the mucous membranes thanks to its healing and regenerating
properties. It's an ally. It’s
powerful against ulcers, inflammations and even intestinal porosity. The
syndrome of
the permeable intestine arises from a damaged bowel wall, which is no longer
capable of correctly filtering the assimilated molecules. This potentially
results in immune
problems, various allergies, thyroid and skin problems. Clay is a key step in
stopping this process and restoring the intestine. "Its
antiseptic properties optimize the regenerative functions of clay in
purification and cellular reconstitution of damaged tissues until total
healing takes place through an entirely natural process", explains
Bernard Baudouin in his book “Clay and its Virtues". Clay
acts as an anti-inflammatory: bone, muscle, joints. Clay is also an asset in
case of sciatica even internally, to unclog toxins on the targeted nerve. |
! = see precautions for use
NOTE: Prohibited in all cases for women up to 3 months pregnant.
NB. The applicable protocol will need to be adapted to the stage of progress of the disease. Essential oils that have interesting properties but are haemostatic have been excluded for use in the present case, taking into account the risks of thrombosis (such as Geranium (Egypt), which is an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory but which has haemostatic properties, or Geranium Rosat cv Bourbon).
NOTE: Essential oil does not dissolve in water, but only in oil. In case of incident, dilute with oil!
See websites: and
ANTI-VIRAL PROPERTIES OF ESSENTIAL OILS (see Essential oils usable against "Covid-19", p. 10)
Among antivirals and immunostimulants, the leader is the essential oil Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora).
It has a clearly established antiviral activity thanks to active ingredients, of which the main ones are terpene oxides (1,8-cineole), terpene alcohols (alpha-terpineol) and terpenes (pinenes).
It also has molecules similar to those of eucalyptus, which explains that added to its antiviral action is an anti-catarrhal action that is very useful in case of digestive or ENT viruses, which trigger catarrh.
Ravintsara has also been found to have a welcome antibacterial action since viruses and bacteria are often associated (the virus opens the door to bacterial infections). The virus has the possibility of getting in due to weakened immune defences. The essential oil will act by increasing these defences, in this case, immunoglobulins A and M (IgA and IgM). The underlying mechanisms of this life-saving plant are not yet understood, but their effects have been measured.
We now have the biological and clinical evidence, through numerous studies, of its formidable effectiveness.
Ravintsara therefore has all-risk coverage in infectious diseases.
Essential oils are now widely studied in research centres around the world: there is practically no university that does not have a unit devoted to this study.
Some areas are of particular interest to today's researchers.
A research centre in Australia has measured the virucidal activity of tea tree essential oil on the H1N virus, with promising results.
Other studies have been conducted on the action of peppermint essential oil on the herpes virus (HSV1 and HSV2): a contact of less than 24 hours between these viruses and peppermint essential oil eliminates them.
Other research is under way on coronaviruses, coxsackievirus, mononucleosis virus and hepatitis B virus (HBV). The action of the Ceylon cinnamon (bark) essential oil on the tuberculosis mycobacterium (Koch Bacillus) and the effects of the eucalyptus polybractea CT cryptone essential oil on the human papillomavirus (HPV) are also being studied.
In the field of immunity, fighting cold infections [as opposed to hot infections] with aromatherapy needs to be explored. For chemical treatments are virtually powerless against these because they do not manifest themselves clearly and undermine silently, whereas we had previously been used to bacteria which give clear symptoms, hot infections with fevers and catarrh, calling for known immune reactions.
We harbour a lot of bacteria in us, E. Coli, Klebsielle, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Borrelia, etc... which are essential to our metabolism in which they actively participate.
In excess, however, they turn against us and put us at their mercy.
Food, stress and environmental pollution are responsible for these imbalances, with essential oils coming to our rescue if we can listen to and trust them, while we are only now beginning to decipher them.
Fungi, bacteria, viruses: essential oils have the means to fight them all. Not to mention the value of a lighter, more flexible, more individual management of the specificities of the patient.
- For aromatherapy, refer to the authoritative booklet:
- HUILES ESSENTIELLES CHEMOTYPEES aromathérapie scientifique, by A. ZHIRI Docteur ès sciences, D. BAUDOUX, pharmacist & aromatologist, ML BREDA ISBN 2-919905-27-9. [or similar in English]
- [See also the website of the Australian College of Aromatherapy (ACOA) and its glossary of essential oils:]
- Caution: most chemotyped essential oils (CTEOs) are to be avoided for pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy, and for children under 6 years.
- For young children, it is preferable to use Ho Wood or Rosewood CTEOs as antivirals: 2 drops 3 times a day in honey, olive oil or on a sugar cube under the tongue.
- Some oils are abortive (Wintergreen), can cause burns (Chinese cinnamon) or hypothermia if used on large areas (Peppermint). a test for an allergic reaction must always be carried out before use, for example by putting a drop of diluted CTEO on the wrist before use.
- Before using essential oils, it is indispensable to check the precautions for use.
- It would be ideal, of course, to undergo training in aromatherapy.
- The CTEOs Laurus nobilis, Juniperus oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus, Thuja orientalis, Cupressus sempervirens ssp. pyramidalis, Pistacia palaestina, Salvia officinalis, and Satureja thymbra have been found to have an inhibitory action on SARS‐CoV and HSV-1 activity. These CTEOs are characterized by the presence of β-ocimene, 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, and β‐pinene as essential constituents. (Phytochemical Analysis and in vitro Antiviral Activities of tht Essential Oils of Seven Lebanon Species. Monica R. Loizzo, Antoine M. Saab, Rosa Tundis, Giancarlo A. Statti, Francesco Menichinin Ilaria lampronti, Roberto Gambari, Jindrich Cinati, Hans Wilhelm Doerr).
- In an interview conducted on 16 March 2020, Dr. Pierre Franchomme, father of aromatherapy, states that "’Covid-19’ is the same type of virus as SARS which has undergone some modifications. Both belong to the same family, with a different kind of serotype. The epidemic is in full development and information is gradually feeding back. But in general a virus still has a very specific tropism. For some it will be the respiratory mucosa, for others it will be the hepatic parenchyma, in principle each virus has its own target of choice. There are small mutations between, for example, the coronavirus of China and that of Saudi Arabia, each time giving slightly different pathologies. It is a virus that nevertheless seems relatively stable, from what I have been able to understand it has a fairly long RNA, or nucleic acid, not allowing it to mutate too much. Although other viruses have the ability to mutate enormously, the coronaviruses found in China or South America are very similar. By contrast, there are things that we do not know yet, are there small mutations that make it more virulent in some people, or are these people more vulnerable? We don't have all the answers yet. It’s still being studied.
- Initially it is a pseudo-influenza syndrome, although obviously it is not at all the same virus as the flu. The coronavirus is contracted through the respiratory tract, so the upper mucosa is affected, then it quickly falls on the bronchi and lower lungs, attacking the alveoli and quickly causing a form of pneumonia. Note that a simple flu can also lead to these kinds of consequences and cause low infections, but less typically than coronavirus.
- Magnesium, which is really indispensable in the fight against viral diseases, whatever they are.
- Viruses are simply genetic material, in this case RNA (10), and this one, I mean the coronavirus, is contained in a membrane, that is to say it is encased.
- Now this envelope is composed of phospholipids, which are extremely vulnerable to the volatile organic components of essential oils. Which means that all essential oils are going to have an action against this type of encased virus, with obviously differences in the intensity of this action according to the oils used.
The less specific ones will be weaker, while the more specific ones will be stronger.
In the current state of knowledge, we can already advocate Eucalyptus Globulus, which is active against this type of virus. (…)
I am recommending Laurus Nobilis and Eucalyptus Globulus. It is just important to choose an unrectified Eucalyptus oil. Because most of the time Eucalyptus oils are rectified to increase the level of eucalyptols, which is absurd because other molecules present are also very active on viruses. It is therefore important to opt for non-denatured or artisanal oils. As well as the Laurus Nobilis essential oil, which is extremely active in the pathology of coronavirus, as in many other viral diseases.
It is necessary to reach the place where the virus develops. To reach the lower part of the lungs, where capillary contact with the alveolar mucosa is located, one can act through the blood, and through the intravenous route in particular. Therefore, it will be necessary to massage the essential oil in places where a large venous network is located.
The first is the soles of the feet, it seems paradoxical but under the soles of the feet is a venous network called the Lejars venous sole of the foot, which permits the almost instantaneous passage of oils that will circulate on protein vehicles in the blood, pass into the systemic circulation, reach the heart, and from the heart go directly to the lungs.
A second important location is through the haemorrhoidal vein, either with suppositories, or simply with the help of rectal oils. In this second case it can be said that in a few minutes the essential oils will already be present at the level of the lungs.
A final option would be to apply them at the wrists, where the visible veins are located. But when the pathology is established, I would say that the rectal route is the safest strategy, especially in severe cases.”
Jean-Baptiste Loin: "Does the international scientific discourse on coronavirus seem to you limited solely to the avenues of conventional medicine?” "Yes, completely.” “(...) "The obligation is to remain within the official protocols. But in terms of the case that we are concerned with now, the problem is that there is no protocol since there is no approved therapy. (...) The huge difference between vaccines and essential oils: the vaccine focuses on a given strain, while essential oils can act on all strains to the extent that they pass by another channel. That is, by means of deconstruction, among other things, of the envelope of the virus.
There are a large number of antiviral CTEOs, of which some better known than others will go out of stock more quickly: see the list below.
These oils are to be taken orally only in diluted form: 3 or 4 drops on a sugar cube or in a spoon of olive oil or honey.
They can also be taken in inhalation (3 drops in the hottest water possible - the virus does not like heat, for example 2 drops of an antiviral CTEO below and 1 drop of PEPPERMINT to decongest the nasal cavities).
They can also be taken percutaneously (3 drops on the wrists and rub the wrists together – they quickly pass into the blood), but according to experts this method of administration is somewhat less effective.
- They are to be taken orally or by inhalation (Scots pine)
- They can also be taken transdermally, on the wrists as indicated above or by massage on the back (e.g. Scots pine and wintergreen, diluted in a dab of LLR-G5 GEL or vegetable oil). Do not exceed the prescribed doses.
- It is of note that LLR-G5, in addition to its anti-cancer properties, potentiates the action of essential oils while diluting them.
CTEOs as preventative treatment for thrombosis:
- To be taken transdermally (Italian Helichrysum or "Immortelle").
- HELICHRYSUM ITALICUM (SSP SEROTINUM): a plant from south-western Europe that grows in sandy, dry, sun-exposed soils. The yellow flowers produce through distillation a rare and exceptional essential oil that exhibits the most powerful anti-haematoma activity in the plant kingdom. It is also antiphlebitic, antispasmodic, astringent and wound-healing. It is used against varicose veins, rosacia and thrombosis.
Adults: every day, in the morning (and evening in the case of an epidemic) massage the chest, neck and between the shoulder blades with 5/6 drops of the mixture: CTEO Ravintsara 3ml / Eucalyptus Radiata 3ml / Niaouli 3ml / Clove 3ml calendula vegetable oil QS [“QS” not found – connected with quality certification?] one bottle 30ml
Children: CTEO = Rosewood 2ml / Niaouli 2ml / Eucalyptus Radiata 2ml / Lemon 2ml hazelnut vegetable oil QS [“QS” not found – connected with quality certification?] 30ml (1 fl)
CTEOs can be taken as a preventive measure, to prevent the virus from clinging to the trachea, for the duration of the epidemic, or as a curative measure, when the infection is declared.
(children) |
(children) |
SARO (Mandravasarotra) |
! BLACK SPRUCE (cortisone mimetic) |
- |
[! EUCALYPTUS MENTHOL – translation not found] |
(selective anti-bacterial) |
LAVENDER ASPIC (average) |
SUPER (variable, calming) |
TEA TREE (powerful
broad-spectrum antibacterial radioprotective for
the skin) |
! PEPPERMINT (hypertensive, vasoconstrictive) !! |
with broad-spectrum action) |
ORANGE (average anti-bacterial) |
SCOTS PINE (average
anti-bacterial) |
[! THYME CT THYMOL OIL – exact translation not
found] (antibacterial with
broad-spectrum action) |
CINEOLE (average anti-bacterial) |
! JAVA CITRONELLA (percutaneous
anti-inflammatory) |
(cortisone mimetic) |
! BLACK SPRUCE (cortisone mimetic) |
(may be taken internally with 30% dilution) |
found] |
(anti-histamine effects) |
! PEPPERMINT (hypertensive, vasoconstrictive) !! |
(children) |
! EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS (recommended by Dr.
Pierre Franchomme)! |
(children) |
SARO (Mandravasarotra) |
CISTUS LADANIFER !! haemostatic !! |
! PEPPERMINT (hypertensive, vasoconstrictive) !! |
! [THYMOL? – translation not found] |
(Italian Helichrysum) (!
Internal use solely as advised by therapist !) |
(venous decongestant, radioprotective
for the skin) |
!! CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) |
VULGARIS CT THUJANOL (warms circulation) |
! MARJORAM CT THUJANOL (warms circulation) |
! HIMALAYAN SPIKENARD (phlebotonic) |
(peel) |
SAGE (Salvia sclarea) (circulatory regulator) |
SARO (Mandravasarotra) (immunomodulating) |
CISTUS LADANIFER !! (haemostatic, immunoregulating) !! |
! MARJORAM CT THUJANOL (immunostimulant) |
! THYME-LEAVED SAVORY (immunoregulating) |
VULGARIS CT THUJANOL (immunostimulant) |
exact translation not found] |
Below you will find the fact sheets on some of the most useful essential oils.
The most interesting properties for the current case are highlighted in bold font.
Those that may be problematic are underlined.
CTEOs that are radioprotective for the skin are highlighted in bold, due to the propensity of 5G (mobile phone antennas whose development coincides with the pandemic) to severely weaken the immune system.
To use essential oils, it is indispensable to refer to [a reputable manual such as the following or similar:
Essential Oils Pocket Guide (17 Dec. 2019) by Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin and Ty Bollinger.]
To follow a course in aromatherapy [seek a professional body in your country such as the following:
The Aromatherapy Council (The Lead Body for the UK Aromatherapy Profession)
Aromatherapy Institute, Inc.]
nobile |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Anti-inflammatory Antipruritic
[anti-itching], antiphlogistic, antiallergic Digestive
tonic, carminative, cholagogic Sedative,
pre-anaesthetic, calms central nervous system, Analgesic |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 (…)
insomnia, intestinal parasitosis, nervous asthma [asthma precipitated
by psychic stress] (...) |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO in honey,
olive oil or on a sugar cube under the tongue, 3 times per day for nervous
disorders or intestinal parasitosis External use: 2 drops CTEO + 2 drops
hazelnut oil on the solar plexus or either side of the spine, twice per day
for nervous disorders, or directly on the skin condition [sic] |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
cassia !! Always dilute – risk of burning !! |
molecules |
E-cinnamaldehyde |
Properties |
Powerfully antibacterial
with a wide spectrum of action, antiviral,
immunostimulant, antifungal, parasiticidal, anti-parasite,
antifermentary, uterine and emmenagogic tonic sexual
and aphrodisiac tonic nervous and respiratory
stimulant hyperemic anticoagulant, blood
thinning |
Indications |
infections from diverse causes: diarrhoeas, amoebiasis,
typhus, dysenteries ++++ Bronchitis,
severe flu +++ Cystitis,
urethritis, leucorrhoea (vaginitis) +++ Sexual
impotence +++ Tropical
infections +++ Exhaustion,
depression ++ Acne,
anthrax +++ |
Dosage |
Internal use: Always dilute: 1 drop CTEO
+ 10 drops hazelnut (vegetable oil) 4 times per day for bacterial and
parasitic infections External treatment: always
dilute: 2 drops CTEO + 50 drops nut oil for tonic action |
for use |
external use diluted 1 to 20% maximum CTEO in a hazelnut or sesame vegetable
oil Not
to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In
pure state, frequent dermal irritation (dermocaustic (skin sensitive)) |
ladaniferus CT pinene |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
and immunoregulating astringent
et haemostatic neurotonic
et regulates the parasympathetic nervous system wound
healing |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
Internal use: For nervous and immune
conditions, 2 drops from 1 to 3 times per day, in honey, olive oil or on a
sugar cube under the tongue External use: 2-3 drops twice per day
locally above the organ to be treated |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
caryophyllus (Syzygium aromaticum) ! Always dilute: corrosive |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Very powerful antibacterial
with a wide spectrum of action: antifungal,
parasiticidal, deworming, stomachic, carminative Antiviral and
immunostimulant Uterine,
nervous, sexual tonic Hypertensive Anaesthetizing
and cauterizing [pulp chamber ? –
translation not found] |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO 3 times per
day in honey, olive oil or on a sugar cube under the tongue for all
infections and to benefit from its tonic action. External use: 2 drops CTEO + 10 drops
hazelnut vegetable oil, 3 times per day on the area relevant to the target
organ to be treated. |
for use |
use solely under the supervision of a therapist, External use possible by
diluting up to maximum 20% in a hazelnut or sesame vegetable oil Not
to be administered to children less than 6 years old. Not
to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Not
to be used over extended periods unless under the supervision of an
aromatherapist. |
radiata ssp radiata |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
camphora CT linalool |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Antiseptic Skin
tonic and astringent Antibacterial Antifungal Antiviral Skin-firming |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO in honey,
olive oil or on a sugar cube under the tongue, 3 times per day for
respiratory infections (…) External use: 2 à 3 drops CTEO + 2 drops
hazelnut vegetable oil applied locally (...) |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
italicum ssp serotinum |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
spica |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
quinquenervia CT cineole |
molecules |
cinéole, viridiflorol |
Properties |
Selective antibacterial Antifungal Antimycobacterial Anticatarrhal,
expectorant, balsamic Venous decongestant Skin radioprotective Antiviral Skin
tonic, topical |
Indications |
bacterial or viral respiratory infections: bronchitis,
colds, sinusitis, pharyngitis +++ Herpes
zoster, chicken pox, oral herpes ++++ Gynaecological
infections: genital herpes, cervical dysplasia, Condyloma
acuminata (genital warts), leucorrhoea +++ Varicose
veins, venous stases, haemorrhoids +++ Prevention
of radiation therapy burns +++ Sores,
psoriasis, acne +++ |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO 3 times per
day in honey, olive oil or on a sugar cube, under the tongue for respiratory
infections External use: Rub affected area with 4
drops CTEO, 3 times per day for all the cited indications |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
nobilis |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
x piperita |
molecules |
menthone |
Properties |
analgesic, antipruritic [anti-itching] Urinary
et intestinal anti-inflammatory Antibacterial,
antiviral Cholagogic
[promotes flow of bile] et choleretic, genral toner and stimulant: hypertensive,
vasoconstrictrive |
Indications |
sciatica, arthritis, rheumatisms, tendinitis +++ otalgia,
rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, halitosis +++ Hypotension
+++ Hepatopancreatic
fatigue +++ Physical
or mental asthenia +++ Nausea,
vomiting, dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence +++ Herpes
zoster, migraine, dizziness, neuritis ++++ Urticaria,
eczema, acne, chicken pox +++ Shock,
trauma ++++ |
Dosage |
CTEO drops, 3-4 times per
day in honey, olive oil or on a sugar cube, under the tongue, for digestive
or urinary disorders. External treatment: 3-4
drops CTEO applied very locally, 3 times per day, for pour les pains of all
sorts. Dilute for larger areas or repeated applications. |
for use |
to be administered to children less than 6 years old. Not
to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. |
camphora ct cineole (Warning: not to be
confused with Ravensare) |
molecules |
1,8-cineole, alpha-terpineol |
Properties |
Antiviral and
immunostimulant antibacterial,
anticatarrhal, expectorant neurotonic
(powerfully stimulating) |
Indications |
infections of all types: influenza, mononucleosis, herpes zoster, herpes,
hepatitis et viral enteritis +++++ Serious
immune efficiency [sic] +++ Bronchitis,
nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, cold ++++ Lymphatic
drainage et water retention +++ Insomnia,
depression, anxiety +++ Extreme
nervous and physical fatigue ++++ |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO,
3 times per day, in synergy with Niaouli or Eucalyptus Radiata, in honey,
olive oil or on a cube of sugar, under the tongue for all viral states and
nervous disorders. External use: 5 drops CTEO,
3 times per day, en massage on both sides of the spine or on the chest,
according to the conditions to be treated. |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
rosaeodora |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
fragrans |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Antiviral Antibacterial Antifungal,
antiparasitic, anticatarrhal, expectorant Immunomodulating Antispasmodic,
neurotonic, astringent skin tonic |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 (…)
respiratory tract viral and bacterial infections
(...) |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2 drops CTEO in honey,
olive oil or on a sugar cube under the tongue, 3 times per day for
respiratory, urinary, oral and gynaecological infections External use: 3 drops CTEO on the
forehead 3-4 times per day for problems of sinusitis and rhinitis, 8 drops on
the chest 6 times per day in the event of flu or respiratory symptoms |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
sylvestris |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
for use |
dracunculus ! Dermocaustic
(skin sensitive) – always dilute |
molecules |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Properties |
Antiviral Powerful
antispasmodic Stomachic,
carminative Antiallergic Anti-inflammatory Antifermentary,
mental tonic |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
Internal use: 2-3 drops CTEO after each
meal in a little olive oil, honey or on a sugar cube under the tongue External use: 5 drops CTEO + 5 drops
hazelnut oil and massage over the painful area |
for use |
External use possible when
diluted in a hazelnut or sesame vegetable oil. Do
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. May
cause skin irritation when used undiluted, in its
pure state (dermocaustic). |
alternifolia |
molecules |
gamma-terpinene |
Properties |
antibacterial with a wide spectrum of action, antifungal, parasiticidal, antiviral
and immunostimulant Radioprotective
for the skin |
Indications |
infection: aphthosis, stomatitis, abscess, gingivitis +++ Bacterial
or viral infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts
: sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis ++ Urinary
and gynaecological infections +++ Ungual
and subungual cutaneous mycosis +++ Lymph
oedema ++ Varicose
veins, heaviness in the legs, haemorrhoids ++ Prevention
of skin burning by radiotherapy ++++ Parasitic
infections affecting the skin (scabies, ringworm, etc.) or intestinal
infections (lamblia, roundworm, etc.) +++ |
Dosage |
For all conditions, external
treatment is ideal. Very often, 3-4 drops of CTEO
massaged onto the skin, repeated 3 times per day for 5-6 days, suffiront à eliminate
the condition. External treatment may be
supplemented with 3 drops taken orally, in honey, olive oil or on a sugar
cube, under the tongue, for 5-7 days. |
for use |
not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy. |
Gaultheria procumbens ! Dermocaustic
(skin sensitive) – always dilute ! NEVER to be taken during pregnancy: ABORTIVE |
molecules |
salicylate |
Properties |
regenerative/wound-healing Antispasmodic,
antirheumatic Hepatocytic
stimulant Antitussive Anti-inflammatory |
Indications |
Aromatherapie Scientifique Huiles
Essentielles Chemotypees (Scientific Aromatherapy: Chemotyped Essential
Oils) by A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L.
Breda ISBN 2-919905-2-79 |
Dosage |
Internal use: Never ingest. External use: 3 drops CTEO + 3 drops
hazelnut oil (or with a dab of LLR G5 colloidal silica), 3 times per day |
for use |
dilute. Not
to be administered to children less than 6 years old. Not
to be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. May
cause skin irritation when used undiluted, in its
pure state (dermocaustic). |
Influenzinum 15 CH 10 gr 1st
Wednesday Yersin serum 15 cH 10 gr 3rd
Wednesday Thymusine D15 10 gr on the 2nd and
4th Wednesday Morning and evening except Wednesday,
10 drops of: Ferrum phosphoricum D6 / ferrum sidereum D10 / prunus spinosa
fructus D1 (a bottle of 60 ml Weleda) Homeopathy should be taken throughout
the period of the epidemic, as well as for other preventative treatments. [Translator’s note: These products may not be available in
Anglophone countries. Readers should consult a qualified homeopath for
equivalent products and appropriate dosages.] |
Available at pharmacies and
organic shops, it is sold under the name “Sel de Nigari”. One sachet in a litre of
water. Keep the day free. Drink
divided into 4 doses over 1 hour. Stay close to the toilet. Detoxes and strengthens the
immune system. Do not eat until evening. Not suitable for those with
renal impairment. Doses for children should be adapted appropriately!!! Information on use and
precautions for use: |
Nigella (or black cumin) seeds are edible and have medicinal
properties. |
Nigella seeds cleanse the body of toxins, stimulate cell
regeneration, strengthen the immune system and destroy bacteria. |
NIgella is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory (in essential
oil), antiallergic, antiviral, antibacterial and analgesic. It prevents high blood pressure. It is found in the form of Nigella oil, capsules and
essential oil. Adults Take
1-3 teaspoons, pure or with honey, milk or any other food, during meals or
1 tablespoon at bedtime, for three-month cures. Children under 12 Half
a teaspoon per day. Children over 12 1
teaspoon per day. Nigella
can be mixed with fruit juices, milk, water, olive oil, etc. For example, one
can consume a mixture of a tablespoon of essential oil of Nigella with a
yogurt, to calm diarrhoea. External use Nigella
oil is usually used pure, in local application and several times a day. It is
also possible to integrate it with its cosmetic products. Nigella oil can
also be added to boiling water before inhalation. Crushed seeds can be used
in poultices, to treat certain skin problems. And it can be used to help asthma. Precautions for use When
consumed in too large quantities, Nigella may be slightly toxic. Contraindications None. Adverse reactions None. Interactions with medicinal plants or
supplements None. Drug interactions None. Doctor's opinion of the recognized benefits: Nigella is
anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant,
antiviral, anti-diabetic, hypotensive, stimulating, digestive and diuretic.
For whatever use, it is necessary to consult your doctor in case of
persistent disorders. Warnings Cultivated
Nigella should be used in small amounts as it is
slightly toxic. What
Is This Tiny Black Seed and What Is It Good For? |
A therapeutic gem |
Phycocyanin is the noblest
element of spirulina and klamath. It is a blue pigment that captures (solar)
light energy, which is then transformed into biochemical energy in our cell
factory. It is this ability to capture light photons that explains the
remarkable qualities of Phycocyanin. Condensed
solar energy. The sun's rays reaching our
planet turn into heat and light. The retained portion of this energy falls on
living chlorophyll surfaces (leaves of trees, plants, grasses, etc.). This
small portion of energy is then used to build organic substances that can
feed plants, bacteria, animals and man. So we see the paramount
importance of the phenomenon of photosynthesis. It helps us understand what
the presence of plant chlorophyll brings to man: the energy of the sun. Spirulina has this
particular feature: in addition to the chlorophyll it has in abundance, it
makes phycocyanin, a unique protein complex that absorbs a very large part of
the solar light spectrum, something other plants cannot do. Phycocyanin
"captures" photons and turns them into energy. It is the source of
life. |
· Phycocyanin was administered
to 270 Chernobyl children whose bone marrow had been damaged by radiation and
enabled them to recover within six weeks, even though their bodies could no
longer produce red blood cells. Phycocyanin normalizes the number of white
blood cells and prevents the development of leukaemia. An optimized immune system ·
as an immunomodulator energizes the functions of the thymus (the latter plays
an important role in cellular immunity). Phycocyanin activates the stem cells
of bone marrow that are responsible for the production of all white blood
cells. It strengthens the mucosal immune system – we find mucous
membranes within the digestive tract; the respiratory, urinary and genital
systems; as well as in the eye. It also plays a part
in resistance to stress. |
A potent antiviral ·
In 1996, the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard
University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute were able to demonstrate that
phycocyanin can inhibit the replication of HIV (AIDS virus) in T-lymphocytes
and peripheral mononuclear blood cells at a concentration of 5 to 10 microns
per ml. At higher doses, it stopped viral replication. ·
Other studies demonstrate the ability of
phycocyanin and associated spirulina elements to inhibit other viruses such
as influenza, mumps, measles, herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus. ·
Phycocyanin protects the cell by preventing
the penetration of the virus through the membrane. The virus then cannot
multiply and is then eliminated. |
Cancer · A study conducted by Professor Madhawa Raj, a researcher at the
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans, found that a
cocktail of six natural compounds of vegetables, fruits, spices and roots
eradicated 100% of breast cancer cells in a sample of patients without toxic
side effects on healthy cells: o Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric. o Soy isoflavones. o Indole-3-Carbinol from cruciferous plants (such as broccoli). o Phycocyanin from spirulina. o Resveratrol from grapes (the active ingredient of a good French
wine). o Quercetin, a flavonoid found in fruits, vegetables and tea. |
The most powerful antioxidant ever known Free
radicals cause chain reactions that damage the phospholipids in the membranes
of all our cells. The consequence is aging and degenerative diseases. In
order to counter this phenomenon, our body itself produces powerful
antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalase and glutathione
peroxidase. Antioxidants
are found in a natural diet. Among the best known are beta-carotene and
vitamins C and E. Additional
studies show that phycocyanin has an antioxidant activity 70 times greater
than SOD and 20 times more efficient than vitamins C and E. |
Important liver protection Phycocyanin is detoxifying and
protects the liver. It reduces the hepatotoxicity generated by chemotherapies
and, in fact, any chemical. Indications: liver disease,
chronic heavy metal poisoning, chemotherapy, hypercholesterolemia.... |
Why phycocyanin is so valuable This
active ingredient fully promotes the production of stem cells and thus
promotes the production of white and red blood cells, and platelets. It
significantly improves immunity and blood count. Phycocyanin treats leukaemia
and radioactivity damage. It inhibits the breakdown of the DNA strand. As
mentioned above, it can be said that phycocyanin is perhaps the most powerful
antioxidant known to date and also an anti-free radical, even at low doses. As
a powerful detoxifying agent of the liver and kidneys, phycocyanin promotes
the synthesis of bile salts and faecal evacuation of cholesterol. In
addition, it plays a preventative and curative role on atherosclerotic
plaque, which is responsible for a third of deaths in Europe. It
always acts in cases of physical fatigue (production of
erythropoietin (EPO), but not that taken by doped runners) and mental
fatigue (because of antioxidant factors). It detoxifies the body and also
calms hyperactive children. Phycocyanin
is also a fabulous anti-inflammatory and behaves as a powerful cellular
oxygenator. In photosynthesis, this substance captures all the wavelengths of
the photons of the sun. Phycocyanin
is one of those substances that, at the centre of the cyanobacteria
(spirulina or klamath), were responsible for the presence of oxygen in the
atmosphere. It
has unique cell-regeneration power and counteracts the development of cancer. For
optimal effect: the French manufacturer Raimond Reymondier offers phycocyanin
extracted from fresh spirulina. A team of French researchers offer a highly
concentrated phycocyanin (3g
per litre) in "native" form and it is in this form that
shows therapeutic results a hundred times higher than those found in other
forms. |
Decoction of boxwood (available at pharmacies, organic
shops, forests in Corsica, in the Hautes-Alpes and in Savoy, in hedges or
ornamental garden beds): 40g of Centaurea (leaves and small stems)
in a litre of water, boil until reduced by half, let it brew and drink
lukewarm in three parts: provokes abundant sweating.[*] Used by some alpine villagers to protect themselves from
the "Spanish Flu" of 1918. Described as spectacular. Pay attention to precautions for
use: [*Translator’s
note: The instructions for this decoction are not clear. Readers should seek
advice from a qualified phytotherapist.] [Pandey,
Mukeshwar & Debnath, Mousumi & Gupta, Shobit & Chikara, Surendra.
(2011). Phytomedicine: An ancient approach turning into future potential
source of therapeutics. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 3. 27-37. Download
PDF] |
Propolis (harvested from beehives) is
not only anti-bacterial and anti-viral but also anti-inflammatory. It is used for immune weaknesses. It is particularly interesting in
this case. |
natural bronchodilator antiviral super nutrient, antioxidant, antihistamine,
and anti-inflammatory, which reduces allergies and the risk of asthma, and
prevents cardiovascular diseases (decrease in blood pressure). ·
is also antimutagenic (anti-cancer). ·
effectiveness is proven as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, especially
for allergic rhinitis, prostatitis. ·
from 100 mg to 200 mg, 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. ·
(prostatitis): from 200 mg to 400 mg, 3 times a day between meals. ·
the absorption of Vitamin C in the body and delays its elimination. ·
is a bitter flavonoid found in plants such as capers or lovage (mountain
celery). ·
Reduces inflammation and associated pain. Slows
down the effects of age. Protects the brain and nervous system from
neuro-degenerative diseases. Decreases hypertension. ·
the aggregation of atheroma plaques in the arteries, responsible for
infarcts, thrombosis and strokes. ·
immunity while regulating the response
of the immune system. ·
antihistamine, reduces allergic reactions such as eczema and hay fever, and
decreases the severity of asthma attacks. Precautions for use ·
doses should not exceed 1,200 mg. ·
not take more than 500 mg in prolonged use (more than 2/3 months) without a
therapist's recommendation: few data are available on long-term use. Does not
produce negative effects when taken over a period of 3 months. ·
For pregnant women and
children under 12 years of age, there are no known contraindications. However, in the absence
of exact pharmacological data, it is advisable not to consume more than 500
mg over a maximum period of up to 1 month. ·
not take quercetin if you have a thyroid imbalance. ·
long-term and large intake can cause kidney problems. ·
is therefore not recommended to use it continuously. ·
administered at prescribed doses, quercetin does not cause any adverse
effects. ·
most common side-effects of overdose are stomach and
headache. ·
substance is prohibited in individuals with kidney problems. Drug
Interactions ·
may interact with the following treatments : ·
anticoagulants, as it can exert an anticoagulant effect. ·
Corticosteroids ·
interact with Cyclosporin (an anti-rejection drug used mostly for transplant
patients). ·
Can inhibit the action of
antibiotics of the quinolone family. Do not take in case of chemotherapy, especially with
Taxol. ·
Avoid in case of treatment
with antibiotics of the family of fluoroquinolones. ·
Michel Chrétien in Canada (Clinical Research Institute of Montreal) indicates
that quercetin may act on coronavirus, in a preventive and curative manner. Montreal researchers propose
a treatment for "COVID-19" [Quercetin
and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and
Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19). Frontiers in Immunology.
Vol 11. 2020. P. 1451.] |
Loïc Ribault |
Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and cell-regenerating. In gel dilution, potentiates the action of essential oils. In its liquid form, can be taken orally, decreases the
toxicity of aluminium on the nervous system (heavy metal spread by chemtrails
and present in vaccines) Silicon is a trace element
found in the body and in certain foods of plant origin. Although it is not
one of the so-called essential trace elements, it is an important element for
the immune system and for maintaining good bone health. ·
is an important trace element for the body ·
is found in mineral water and in foods of plant origin ·
calcium, combats bone demineralization and is used to relieve various
disorders, mainly of the bones, joints and skin ·
plays a role in the fixation of calcium; in particular silicon is found in
the osteoid border where the bone is formed ·
is a high concentration of silicon in the thymus, an essential organ of the
immune system. It also plays a role in the manufacture of antibodies. In
addition to a balanced diet, silicon has a positive effect on people with
osteoarthritis. Foods
naturally rich in silicon:
Organic silicon LLR G5 Silicon G5 is the form of
organic silicon best assimilated by the body. It minimizes the risk of
crystallization in the kidneys since it is the form naturally present in the
tissues: bones, skin, hair, tendons, etc. Food supplements based on
organic silicon are often found in the form of gel, capsules or oral
solution. They are usually recommended for use in people with bone and joint diseases
(osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.). They are also advised in
some elderly people to prevent bone demineralization. Before taking silicon,
ask your doctor for advice. There are certain contraindications to the use of
organic silicon. Side effects in case of excess silicon Excess silicon is
eliminated directly by the kidneys. It does not pose a risk to the body
except in cases of renal failure. Interaction of silicon with aluminium Silicon reduces the
assimilation and accumulation of aluminium. It could thus contribute to the
prevention of certain neurodegenerative diseases by reducing the toxicity of
aluminum on the cells of the nervous system. The heavy metals aluminium
and barium have been identified after analysis in the spraying of aerial
chemical applications that have affected populations for years (chemtrails),
particularly in the Var region of France (ANALITIKA laboratory). These are endocrine
disruptors, which weaken the immune system and cause neurological diseases. |
Spirulina is a nutrient-dense, freshwater algae.
It grows naturally in the warm waters of lakes in India, Chad and Mexico. · We do not consume spirulina as is but dried. You will find
spirulina available commercially in the form of powder to be added to the
diet (in beverages or foods), capsules or tablets. You should pay attention
to what you buy as there are very large disparities
in quality. Some products are not really spirulina in its pure form. In
addition, spirulina accumulates heavy metals when the culture medium is
polluted. So pay attention to the geographical origin of spirulina. · Spirulina is extremely rich in beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B12,
vitamin E (powerful antioxidant), proteins, minerals and trace elements
(calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper). It also contains
chlorophyll and phycocyanin, a pigment with antioxidant properties. · It is possible that spirulina is immunostimulating but this has
not been demonstrated in humans. So far, only animal trials have shown an
effect of spirulina on the immune system. The same applies to its antiviral,
anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative and anti-cancer
properties. It is known that spirulina contains a lot of antioxidants that
fight free radicals. · Spirulina is rich in protein, with all the essential amino
acids, but there are factors limiting their assimilation – some amino
acids are present in small quantities. To potentiate the assimilation of
spirulina proteins, it should be combined with cereals :
rice, millet, etc. However, it is necessary to balance this protein intake:
if we compare the protein intake of 5 g of spirulina to the need for 60 g of
protein of a 60-kg woman, we see that it remains marginal. · What is interesting with spirulina is that it is a natural
product. It is therefore possible that the vitamins and minerals contained in
it have a better availability than chemical dietary supplements. Its
incredible wealth of beta-carotene is interesting for those who lack vitamin
A. And since beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, it will turn into
vitamin A according to the needs of the body without the risk of overdose as
with vitamin A supplements. Its wealth of iron and vitamin B12 could make it
a good ally for the athlete or the anaemic or tired person. Who should not take spirulina? · Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their doctor for
advice. People suffering from gout should not consume it. Spirulina is also
not recommended for those who suffer from phenylketonuria. Note: spirulina can have adverse effects, especially nausea,
which is why it is advised to those who want to consume it to increase the
amounts ingested gradually. Warning: when starting a course of spirulina, it is advisable to
start gradually. · In practice, this means taking 1 gram per day for a week, then
increasing the daily dose by 1 gram each week until generally reaching 3
grams per day (daily amount commonly recommended and sufficient for most
consumers). · The ideal quantity varies according to each individual, his or
her goals, metabolism, lifestyle and diet. · It is important to listen to your body so as to better define
your own optimal dosage with the help of a therapist. It is also recommended
to consume spirulina during the day (morning/noon) before or during meals
preferably, in order to make the most of its stimulating effect. Daily DOSE that could be RECOMMENDED for an adult: · Healthy person: 1.5 g to 2.5 g /day · Unfit 40-year-old: 2.5 g to 3 g /day · To treat temporary tiredness: 3 g /day · To combat exhaustion or weakness: 3.5 g /day · When ill: 4 g/ day · During convalescence: 4 g /day · People doing sport: 4 g to 10 g /day. |
Emotions such as anger can literally poison the environment of their author and rebound on him or her loaded with the potential for self-destruction.
It is the same with emotions of fear. This is what folk wisdom calls "making bad blood". And so it is also with anger, which also opens the door to disease.
Stress results in a constantly high level of cortisol and a leakage of minerals.
In addition to the usual psychosomatic disorders (depression, migraines, blood pressure, skin diseases – eczema, psoriasis – heart problems, respiratory disorders, gastric disorders, some liver disorders), oxidative stress represents a real danger to health. It promotes the aging of cells. Cancer is an emotional disease; it often appears as a result of an "intense and permanent conflict" or as a result of emotional shock (grief, separation, loss of employment).
That is why it is essential to be alert to what these events arouse in us.
In addition, anti-oxidants help to combat free radicals generated by stress. The main antioxidants are: bioflavonoids (quercetin), carotenoids, vitamins C and E, and selenium.
Whatever the scale of our challenges, let us remember that a small flame is enough to dispel the darkness of a room. And that little flame is in us.
In the darkest hours of human history, hope has always stood as a bulwark against defeatism. Today, this hope is called trust in life.
Our body is more resilient than we think, and we are full of unexpected strength, provided we keep a positive mindset.
Anxiety (chronic
fear) weakens your immune system. Stay away from
anxiety-provoking " News" with constant repetition of death
tallies, and live in the present moment, in joy, with your loved ones. It bears repeating
that being happy is good for our health. Stress is pathogenic. |
stress, distrust, trauma ... Living in the context of an epidemic like
coronavirus can have psychological repercussions. What
psychological effects? Living
in an epidemic context is obviously not neutral from a psychological point of
view; we must understand that a global epidemic is a traumatizing event
whether we are directly or indirectly concerned: IT DIRECTLY CONFRONTS US
WITH DEATH, or at least with the threat of death. This
type of event can generate a strong emotional load that is very difficult to
control, which can have many psychological repercussions: emotional fatigue,
sleep disorders, ceaseless worrying about the future, fear of others,
impaired judgment, mood disorders, tendency to hypochondria ... It is this
battery of psychological repercussions that we find has affected us since the
beginning of “COVID-19”. This epidemic situation can affect everyone's mental
health in one way or another and we each have our own way of reacting. Some
people may feel overwhelmed by events and do not understand what is
happening, while others may experience fear or anxiety on a daily basis. Some
have measured and thoughtful reactions, while others react more extremely. Reactions
therefore depend on many factors, such as our exposure to the epidemic, our
previous experience of stressful events, the support of the people around us,
our physical health, our age, our personal history of mental health
challenges. Isolation,
quarantine: what psychological consequences do they have? First
consequence: stigmatization or the sense of being a person to be avoided. Quarantine
or forced isolation is not a trivial experience. The
first consequence of isolation is stigmatization, in other words, the feeling
of being pointed at, constantly raising suspicion, being the plague-ridden
person to be avoided or the person through whom the disease occurs. In
addition to this impression of being rejected, some quarantined people may
also have the feeling of guilt for not taking the necessary measures and
having potentially infected the people around them. Quarantine
is a potentially traumatizing experience. Quarantine
is therefore a potentially traumatizing experience for some and, like any
trauma, symptoms (such as sleep disorders, mood disorders, generalized
anxiety, up to depression or even post traumatic stress disorder) can
manifest themselves much later, even months or years later "in the form
of flashbacks, panic attacks, pathological alertness or
hyper-vigilance". Are
there people at risk? There
is no typology of the person who would present more risks of psychological
decompensation than another. If
someone has a tendency to hyper-anxiety, if someone is a hypochondriac or
going through a depressive episode, what support is available? Psychological
support is essential to help overcome these impacts on mental well-being.
Whether or not someone is directly concerned by the epidemic or not, he or
she should not hesitate to talk about it to a health professional, even if
the taking that action seems difficult, whether he or she wants to avoid the
subject or feels ashamed at not managing to carry on as normal, depending on
the symptoms and the level of trauma, the adult or the child can resort to a "CRISIS
CELL", a mechanism that practises psychological medicine. The
purpose of this psychological or moral support cell is to identify the most
vulnerable people and to refer them as soon as possible to specialists for a
more individualized follow-up. Short
therapies such as cognitive and behavioural therapies (CBT) seem well suited
to this kind of situation, but there are other methods such as hypnosis, Eye
Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) ... How
not to give in to psychosis. Above
all, one must protect oneself and the people around one by adopting simple
behaviours recommended by the health organization. The
spread of “COVID-19” is certainly very worrying, but in order not to give in
to excessive anxiety, one must avoid imagining catastrophic scenarios and do
everything possible to put aside negative thoughts while remaining alert and
vigilant. The
best way of distancing oneself from worries is to limit the sources of
information. Spending
one’s time reading terrifying warning notices, listening to the radio or
watching 24-hour news channels are anxiety-provoking activities that promote
panic. One must continue living a normal life while taking the necessary
precautions to avoid contamination. |
Meditation decreases
anxiety, raises your vibratory rate and strengthens the immune system. |
in half-lotus position on a cushion (zafu)
[or on a chair if more comfortable],
knees in contact with the floor, back straight if possible, and stretch the
spine as if pushing the sky with the head and the floor with the knees. ·
the eyes half-closed, seeing everything. ·
the back upright, but relax the rest of the body, especially the shoulders. ·
your hands together, the left hand in the right, with the edge of the hands
against the lower abdomen and the thumbs gently touching each other,
"neither mountain nor valley". ·
back to the body and the present moment, focusing on your breathing. ·
completely. Let your breathing happen
automatically, naturally, without thinking about it. ·
the thoughts that arise naturally pass by, without challenging them, without
holding anything back, without thinking about “I”, without generating
thoughts. ·
in stillness. ·
be. ·
go. Leave beliefs and thoughts behind. Just sit, with no aim in mind, without
focusing on any reason for sitting. Sit without purpose. Stretch the back and
release the shoulders. Focus on the posture, on
breathing, and let thoughts pass by, holding a slight inner smile. ·
moment to moment always fresh, always available to a new present moment. ·
thoughts drift by: "The vast sky is not disturbed by the flight of white
clouds". |
There are many tutorials on
the Internet explaining Zen meditation, which was practised by samurai. The
samurai who practised Zen meditation were renowned for their power. Meditation brings balance,
relaxation, provides peaceful strength and restores you to an inner peace
that enables clearer perception. This can make our actions much more
effective. · · |
Testimony of a Hindu who
contracted cholera and who explains that all Hindus would test positive for
tuberculosis, but that they have simply learned to live with it, to harmonize
and not show the symptoms. The bacterium is present but it is not pathogenic: Corona doesn't want to kill
you - Sadhguru answers critics: |
Raising your vibration can
place you beyond the fear of the virus. |
The work of Professor
Masaru EMOTO demonstrated the influence of emotions and thoughts on the state
of matter (water structure): The highest
vibration is gratitude. Staying in a state of gratitude for life is the
highest of protections. |
For your children
to get to know and spend time with their parents. ·
To learn to say
thank you – even in a whisper or even in our thoughts – to the
people providing care to you or to one of your loved ones. ·
To stay quiet and
listen to the intensity of silence. You will see how good it feels to
discover the beauty of the music of life. ·
To see grandparents
again, so dear to your little ones. ·
To remember the
delicious smell of those dishes that your mother – now in intensive
care – used to make, the fragrance of lily of the valley in spring, and
sitting in the garden of your favourite country pub savouring a pint of real
ale. With a little practice you will discover how to do this. ·
To observe nature
renewing itself in this spring of 2020 and to look forward to the same
rebirth in 2021. ·
To love and love
again, but better. ·
To fear for one’s
loved ones, and to tell yourself that you at least will not put them in
danger. ·
To think of your
own death, to remember your loved ones who have passed on before you and to
remember their presence at your side, and to restore them to their place
beside you. ·
To understand the
invisible bond that was so lovingly forged by our mothers and grandmothers to
help us recreate that sort of reassuring protection around us, that family
nest, which shields and sometimes stifles us a bit. ·
To look forward to
freedom from quarantine and any further quarantine, and above all, to look
forward to you and yours being present at the dawn of a new era for humanity. ·
To learn the
meaning of important words such as solidarity, caring, empathy, humility and
humanity; they will be useful to you for your coming new life. |