Relationship of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic with the 5G network
by Diana Wojtkowiak
Gdansk, 7 May 2020
This article was originally published in Polish at the following website: Dr. Wojtkowiak holds a doctorate in biological sciences.
Due to the great interest in the topic, we publish an article by Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak showing the relationship between radiation and virus activity. It is also worth noting that the following article is an attachment to the notice of the crime of genocide. This notification was submitted to the National Prosecutor's Office.
This paper is devoted to clarifying the issue, currently the subject of heated public debate, whether the coincidence of the place of introduction of a new 5G telecommunications network system with the largest outbreaks of Covid-19 in the first months of 2020 is coincidental. The paper shows that the kinase pathways used by the predecessor of SARS CoV-2, namely SARS CoV, in virus infection and aggressiveness are the same ones that are activated by microwaves in healthy animal and human cells. This knowledge based on experimental studies was reported in the scientific literature many years ago and by many researchers.
Introduction - why viruses adapt to solar cycles
The number of reports on the relationship of the Covid-19 2020 pandemic avalanche with the deployment of 5G networks in certain locations is enormous, unfortunately, at the moment we do not have scientific publications on this topic and it is not known whether such will be accepted for publication at all. I leave the analysis of these reports to other authors. The very fact of their existence, however, obliges persons skilled in the art of analysis, from the point of view of molecular biology, the possible mechanisms of such an impact. Only by understanding these mechanisms can we in some way try to limit the catastrophe.
We know that viruses, as well as other organisms which parasitize humans or animals, have in their destiny both unlimited survival and expansion. These two approaches, as in the case of human military operations, are realized in different ways. Long-term survival is accomplished by embedding the virus genome into the host genome, or by creating an episome that the chromatin proteins treat as their own DNA. This is known as the latency state, in which only one to a few viral genes are expressed. From this state, every long period of time, the virus should wake up to expand into new hosts. Here we run into the serious problem of a clock that counts down the long time.
In living organisms, so far, no clock has been discovered that would independently count down long periods of time. Living organisms rely on interactions from outside. There are in inanimate nature very stable long-term clocks based on the movement of celestial bodies. For human civilization the first clock was a sundial, only after millennia was a clock based on cog gears counting the cycles of a pendulum or balance and electronic counters counting the vibrations of quartz or caesium atoms. Somewhere along the way there was also a clock based on the flow of large volumes of water from vessel to vessel. And that basically exhausts the concepts of clocks.
The idea, popularized in the literature, that time in living cells is counted down by the complete cycle of protein production is as much of a joke as the current interpretation of seasonal flu, which says that in the spring viruses crawl out of the snow and cause an epidemic. After all, we can't depend on the time flowing on a construction site on the supply of bricks and the aura allowing or not allowing workers to work. Our biological cycles are quite precise; people with orderly lifestyles wake up to within five minutes, much like a lark singing at the same time every day to within five minutes. It is the acupuncture clock associated with the Earth's rotation relative to the Sun which causes the activation of each of the twelve meridians every two hours, starting at astronomical noon (very often the wrong diagrams are posted shifted backward by 1h, this error comes from some Chinese sources), each 2 hours is also divided into 12 weaker signals. This relationship has nothing to do with the electromagnetic field, which does not have such a wide capacity to carry information. The signal is in our environment; it comes from the so-called planetary fractal of the Earth, whose known manifestation is the divining grid. Perceptive people notice in their psyche the differences between these two-hour periods. A separate publication will be devoted to this subject. Even the short-term 24-minute clock is a cosmic clock. CNOX oxidase is responsible for the 24-minute oxidation/reduction cycle in cells, thus alternately breaking and binding the disulfide bridges of the cytoskeleton, which in general enables the growth of cytoskeleton-stiffened animal cells. As reported by D. J. Moore et al. the isolated protein counts stably for a 24-minute period regardless of temperature and does not drop out of phase when frozen in liquid nitrogen. This means that it receives signals from the outside. This 24-minute signal is abundant in our environment. These are just two examples of our organisms' use of space cycles, available everywhere on Earth for millennia.
Viruses have only a dozen to twenty-some proteins; they do not receive signals directly from the environment, but use signals that host cells receive. Alexander Czyzhevsky wrote a book before the war showing on dozens of charts the correlation of various epidemics (cholera, typhus, diphtheria, influenza) with high solar activity. This book was published in the Soviet Union, for ideological reasons, only in the 1970s. Similarly, Edgar Hope-Simpson shows, on the basis of more precise data, the coincidence of seasonal influenza with the Wolf number of solar staining. Over a wide range of latitudes in our hemisphere, influenza strikes roughly in November and later in March. As early as the eighteenth century, it was shown that this was not a matter of weather changes, but of a more stable factor. However, there is no doubt that here the Sun is the source of radiation that activates the aggressiveness of the virus. My research shows that the Sun provides a whole group of clock cycles in the form of torsion field particle radiation with specific information. For example, the annual cycle is associated with the information of the element uranium sequentially in twelve categories. And the period of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius 22.11 - 21.12 and Pisces 19.02 - 20.03 is associated with the activation of the histaminergic neurotransmission system, and therefore with increased levels of histamine enhancing inflammatory processes. Eleven-year cycles of solar activity have not been the subject of my research, but the expected informational range from this activity, stimulated by the grouping together of major planets like Jupiter and Saturn, may be similar. It is well known that the 11-year cycle of solar activity is reflected in the annual growth of trees, as anyone can see in the rings of felled pine trees. As you can see from the graphs comparing the flu epidemic and the Sun's 11-year cycle, the initiating element is the overlay of the 11-year cycle and the annual cycle. However, there is a fly in the ointment in this rather simple picture. Although flu epidemics occur simultaneously in all of Europe from the southern to the northern extremes, there is a six-month shift in the southern hemisphere within the maximum of the 11-year cycle, which remains to be explained in a deeper analysis. The example of influenza, however, serves here only to show that the specific radiation of the Sun independently of the temperatures in both Italy and Scandinavia set in motion the process of almost simultaneous epidemics described long ago by Homer, who represented that throughout Greece the epidemic broke out unexpectedly and simultaneously, and similarly ended simultaneously. Hope-Simpson has shown many analogous reports over the centuries.
SARS CoV viruses
Now let's move on to the SARS coronavirus CoV-2. Since there is very little concrete data from molecular studies so far, I will use a 2010 book on the SARS virus, specifically SARS CoV, which is a very similar coronavirus that has been thoroughly studied. The new version of the virus differs primarily in the adhesion of the virus envelope proteins to host cells. Even a cursory perusal of the book throws up the involvement of two kinase pathways in the infection and virulence of SARS virus. These are p38 MAPK and PI3K/AKT. Both pathways are well known to be activated by microwaves and electromagnetic field generating devices in general. This is described in numerous publications, for example for p38 MAPK and PI3K/AKT. We also know that the PI3K/AKT pathway acting via cell survival is involved in tumorigenesis.
The p38 MAPK kinase is expressed under stressors such as ultraviolet, oxidative shock, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and viral infection in general. Treatment of infected Vero E6 cells with a p38 MAPK inhibitor reduced apoptosis induced by virus structural protein 3a. Inhibitors of p38 MAPK inhibit viral mRNA transcription and viral protein production. This is just one example. So we see that we are able to pharmacologically affect the processes induced by the virus. And probably also on the microwave-induced effect.
The activation of PI3K serves the virus to block the apoptosis of the cells in which it is located, this allows the permanent infection of these cells. This phenomenon occurs in intestinal cells. Alternatively the virus, using its structural proteins, turns on apoptosis on its own with a delay. With the time gained for multiplication, it can attack in a more massive manner. Stimulation of PI3K by both virus and microwaves consequently makes the virus more aggressive.
The structural N protein of the SARS virus CoV together with TGF-β signalling, of which there is a lot during infection, on the one hand inhibit apoptosis but on the other hand increase the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) which causes fibrosis, the formation of thrombi in small pulmonary vessels and leads to lung damage. Pulmonary fibrosis is, of course, a broader issue that also involves excessive production of collagen and other intercellular matrix proteins, as well as the conversion of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, but as it turns out, the formation of microclots is probably critical in the onset of respiratory failure.
With 50 autopsies performed by Italians in Bergamo and 20 in Milan, it has been shown that we are not dealing with pneumonia but with disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis). [21] To prevent clots in blood vessels we traditionally use aspirin, which acetylates fibrinogen to prevent clots.
Current therapy in Italy includes anti-inflammatory drugs and specifics such as for influenza. Unfortunately, in the scientific literature, especially Chinese, it was reported until mid-March that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. No need for ventilators, which kill more than 50% of Covid-19 patients connected to them. According to information from Italian pathologists, ventilators are not needed at all.
Polish doctors do not know all this, they do not read publications in English, because they have everything in Polish put on a plate by one German publishing house sponsored by pharmaceutical corporations. For many years, there has been extensive research on obtaining PI3K kinase pathway inhibitors useful for cancer treatment, among other things, both synthetic and plant-derived, mainly from Traditional Chinese Medicine plants. [22-24] Inhibitors of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway include, for example, caffeine [25], or the quercitin contained in onions. [26] So we cannot say that there is nothing that potentially affects the aggressiveness of SARS CoV-2.
It is not a matter of conjecture whether subsequent versions of the SARS CoV virus respond to microwave radiation. We know precisely the two signalling pathways described widely in the scientific literature as stimulated by microwaves that independently stimulate these viruses to infection and aggression.
The characteristics of the signal transmitted by the transmitters have a significant impact on the biological effects. A pure carrier wave with frequencies of tens of gigahertz has an effect only in certain ranges. Amplitude modulated acoustic waves or digitally modulated acoustic waves also have an effect in ranges where the carrier wave itself does not operate. An amplitude-modulated carrier wave with a frequency of hundreds of megahertz also has an effect. [27, 28, 29] The cell phone signal is thus sufficient to have a strong biological effect.
From the experimental data presented, we can conclude that SARS CoV, SARS CoV-2 and their derivatives, which we will learn more about in the future, meet the requirements of a biological weapon, and more exorbitantly than in classical definitions. High virulence, and therefore lethality, can be confined to an area or even a person subjected to strong microwave radiation. The aggressiveness of the virus is subject to programming by the intensity of microwave radiation. So far, however, we do not know the LD50 value of a microwave beam, or a similar factor. In today's field conditions of warfare, although this virus would bring death or incapacitation to the enemy after only a few days, such warfare is now minimal, and the main theatre of war is cities and civilian populations.
Thus, we can see a certain rationality in Minister Lukasz Szumowski's decision to raise the radiation standard, not two or five times, but one hundred times to the highest value which does not raise international objections. Rationality from which, however, the purpose it is supposed to serve does not follow.
Seeing how quickly our country is being fascistised, where members of parliament at attention approve dozens of laws in one night, at least some of them directed against their own citizens, such as for example, implanting in everyone by force something about which they will learn nothing, I would not be so much afraid of putting up new masts as new chimneys.
1. J. M. Hurley, J. J. Loros, J. C. Dunlap; Circadian oscillators: around the transcription-translation feedback loop and on to output; Trends in Biochemical Sciences (2016) 41(10): 834-846.
2. by Ying Xia; Translational Acupuncture Research; Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland 2019.
3. Diana Wojtkowiak; Systematic Anthropology; Author's Scientific Series DETERMINISM Volume II, Gdansk 2009;
4. S. Wang, R. Pogue, D. M. Morre, D. J. Morre; NADH oxidase activity (NOX) and enlargement of HeLa cells oscillate with two different temperature-compensated period lengths of 22 and 24 minutes corresponding to different NOX forms; Biochimica and Biphysica Acta (2001) 1539: 192-204.
5. D. J. Morre, J. Lawler, S. Wang, T. W. Keenan, D. M. Morre; Entrainment in solution of an oscillating NADH oxidase activity from the bovine milk fat globule membrane with a temperature-compensated period length suggestive of an ultradian time-keeping (clock) function; Biochimica and Biophysica Acta (2002) 1559: 10-20.
6. А. Л. Чижевский; Земное эхо солнечных бурь; Издательство "Мысль" Москва 1976.
7. R. Edgar Hope-Simpson; The transmission of epidemic influenza; Springer Science Business Media LLC, New York 1992.
8. Медленно меняющиеся биологические часы, использующие торсионные поля
Д. Войтковяк, Б. Глембицка, К. Радушкевич, М. Скурковска, А. Фрыдрыховски; Торсионные поля и и информационные взаимодействия - 2016: Материалы V-й международной научно-практической конференции. Москва, 10-11 сентября 2016 г. c. 153-167 (Slowly changing biological clock using torsion fields D. Wojtkowiak, B. Glembicka, K. Raduszkiewicz, M. Skurkowska, A. Frydrychowski; Torsion Fields and Information Interactions - 2016: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, September 10-11.)
9. Diana Wojtkowiak; Psychopathology according to universal categories; Author's Scientific Series DETERMINIZM Volume I, Gdańsk 2008;
10. Sunil K. Lal; Molecular biology of the SARS-coronavirus; Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
11. O. V. Glushkova, M. O. Khrenov, E. V. Vinogradova, S. M. Lunin, E. E. Fesenko, E.G. Novoselova; The role of p38 protein kinase in mouse responses to low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of centimeter range; Biophysics (2016) 61(4): 675-681.
12. K. K. Kesari, R. Meena, J. Nirala, J. Kumar, H. N. Verma; Effect of 3G cell phone exposure with computer controlled 2-D stepper motor on non-thermal activation of the hsp27/p38MAPK stress pathway in rat brain; Cell Biochem Biophys (2014) 68: 347-358; DOI 10.1007/s12013-013-9715-4 .
13. D. Leszczynski, S. Joenvaara, J. Reivinen, R. Kuokka; Non-thermal activation of the hsp27/p38MAPK stress pathway by mobile phone radiation in human endothelial cells: Molecular mechanism for cancer- and blood-brain barrier-related effects; Differentiation (2002) 70: 120-129.
14. S. Inoue, H. Motodaa, Y. Koike, K. Kawamura, F. Hiragami, Y. Kanob; Microwave irradiation induces neurite outgrowth in PC12m3 cells via the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway; Neuroscience Letters (2008) 432; 35-39.
15. S. Ehnert, K. Falldorf, A. K. Fentz, P. Ziegler, S. Schroter, T. Freude, B. G. Ochs, Ch. Stacke, M. Ronniger, J. Sachtlebenb, A. K. Nussler; Primary human osteoblasts with reduced alkaline phosphatase and matrix mineralization baseline capacity are responsive to extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field exposure - Clinical implication possible; Bone Reports (2015) 3: 48-56; .08.002 .
16. A. Patruno, A. Ferrone, E. Costantini, S. Franceschelli, M. Pesce, L. Speranza, P. Amerio, C. D'Angelo, M. Felaco, A. Grilli, M. Reale; Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields accelerates wound healing modulating MMP-9 and inflammatory cytokines; Cell Proliferation (2018) 51:e12432: 1-9; DOI 10.1111/cpr12432.
17. A. Patruno, M. Pesce, A. Grilli, L. Speranza, S. Franceschelli, M. A. De Lutiis, G. Vianale, E. Costantini, P. Amerio, R. Muraro, M. Felaco, M. Reale; mTOR activation by PI3K/Akt and ERK signaling in short ELF-EMF exposed human keratinocytes; PLOS ONE (2015) 10(10):e0139644; DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0139644.
18. E. Urnukhsaikhan, H. Cho, T. Mishig-Ochir. Y. K. Seo, J. K. Park; Pulsed electromagnetic fields promote survival and neuronal differentiation of human BM-MSCs; Life Sciences (2016) 151:130-138.
19. M. Caraglia, M. Marra, F. Mancinelli, G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, A. Giordano, A. Budillon, A. Abbruzzese, E. Bismuto; Electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequency induce apoptosis and inactivation of the multi-chaperone complex in human eidermoid cancer cells; Journal of Cellular Physiology (2005) 204: 539-548.
20. L. Zhao, Y. F. Yang, Y. B. Gao, S. M. Wang, L. F. Wang, H. Y. Zuo, J. Dong, X. P. Xu, Z. T. Su, H. M. Zhou, L. L. Zhou, R. Y. Peng; Upregulation of HIF-1α via activation of ERK and PI3K pathway mediated protective response to microwave-induced mitochondrial injury in neuron-like cells; Mol. Neurobiol. (2014); DOI 10.1007/s12035-014-8667-z.
21. Informacja uzyskana dzięki uprzejmości dr n. med. Jacka Norkowskiego OP.
22. A. K. Stark, S. Sriskantharajah, E. M. Hessel, K. Okkenhaug; PI3K inhibitors in inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer; Current Opinion in Pharmacology (2015) 23: 82-91.
23. J. S. O’Donnell, D. Massi, M. W. Teng, M. Mandala; PI3K-AKT-mTOR inhibition in cancer immunotherapy, redux; Seminars in Cancer Biology (2018) 48: 91-103.
24. M. Mc Kenna, S. McGarrigle, G. P. Pidgeon; The next generation of PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway inhibitors in breast cancer cohorts; BBA – Reviews on Cancer (2018) 1870: 185-197.
25. L. Wang, X. Li, Z. Yang, X. Pan, X. Liu, M. Zhu, J. Xie; Crotonaldehyde induces autophagy-mediated cytotoxicity in human bronchial epithelial cells via PI3K, AMPK, and MAPK pathways; Environmental Pollution (2017) 228: 287-296.
26. S. Sun, F. Gong, P. Liu, Q. Miao; Metformin combined with quercetin synergistically repressed prostate cancer cells via inhibition of VEGF/PI3K/Akt signaling pathway; Gene (2018) 664: 50-57.
27. A. B. Gapeyev, E. N. Mikhailik, N. K. Chemeris; Features of anti-inflammatory effects of modulated extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation; Bioelectromagnetics (2009) 30: 454-461.
28. K. V. Lushnikov, Yu. V. Shumilina, V. S. Yakushina, A. B. Gapeev, V. B. Sadovnikov, N. K. Chemeris; Effects of low-intensity ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic radiation on inflammatory processes; Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (2004) 4:364-366.
29. J. M. Mullins, L. M. Penafiel, J. Juutilainen, T. A. Litovitz; Dose–response of electromagnetic field-enhanced ornithine decarboxylase activity; Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (1999) 48: 193–199.
This paper is devoted to clarifying the issue, currently the subject of heated public debate, whether the coincidence of the place of introduction of a new 5G telecommunications network system with the largest outbreaks of Covid-19 in the first months of 2020 is coincidental. The paper shows that the kinase pathways used by the predecessor of SARS CoV-2, namely SARS CoV, in virus infection and aggressiveness are the same ones that are activated by microwaves in healthy animal and human cells. This knowledge based on experimental studies was reported in the scientific literature many years ago and by many researchers.
Introduction - why viruses adapt to solar cycles
The number of reports on the relationship of the Covid-19 2020 pandemic avalanche with the deployment of 5G networks in certain locations is enormous, unfortunately, at the moment we do not have scientific publications on this topic and it is not known whether such will be accepted for publication at all. I leave the analysis of these reports to other authors. The very fact of their existence, however, obliges persons skilled in the art of analysis, from the point of view of molecular biology, the possible mechanisms of such an impact. Only by understanding these mechanisms can we in some way try to limit the catastrophe.
We know that viruses, as well as other organisms which parasitize humans or animals, have in their destiny both unlimited survival and expansion. These two approaches, as in the case of human military operations, are realized in different ways. Long-term survival is accomplished by embedding the virus genome into the host genome, or by creating an episome that the chromatin proteins treat as their own DNA. This is known as the latency state, in which only one to a few viral genes are expressed. From this state, every long period of time, the virus should wake up to expand into new hosts. Here we run into the serious problem of a clock that counts down the long time.
In living organisms, so far, no clock has been discovered that would independently count down long periods of time. Living organisms rely on interactions from outside. There are in inanimate nature very stable long-term clocks based on the movement of celestial bodies. For human civilization the first clock was a sundial, only after millennia was a clock based on cog gears counting the cycles of a pendulum or balance and electronic counters counting the vibrations of quartz or caesium atoms. Somewhere along the way there was also a clock based on the flow of large volumes of water from vessel to vessel. And that basically exhausts the concepts of clocks.
The idea, popularized in the literature, that time in living cells is counted down by the complete cycle of protein production is as much of a joke as the current interpretation of seasonal flu, which says that in the spring viruses crawl out of the snow and cause an epidemic. After all, we can't depend on the time flowing on a construction site on the supply of bricks and the aura allowing or not allowing workers to work. Our biological cycles are quite precise; people with orderly lifestyles wake up to within five minutes, much like a lark singing at the same time every day to within five minutes. It is the acupuncture clock associated with the Earth's rotation relative to the Sun which causes the activation of each of the twelve meridians every two hours, starting at astronomical noon (very often the wrong diagrams are posted shifted backward by 1h, this error comes from some Chinese sources), each 2 hours is also divided into 12 weaker signals. This relationship has nothing to do with the electromagnetic field, which does not have such a wide capacity to carry information. The signal is in our environment; it comes from the so-called planetary fractal of the Earth, whose known manifestation is the divining grid. Perceptive people notice in their psyche the differences between these two-hour periods. A separate publication will be devoted to this subject. Even the short-term 24-minute clock is a cosmic clock. CNOX oxidase is responsible for the 24-minute oxidation/reduction cycle in cells, thus alternately breaking and binding the disulfide bridges of the cytoskeleton, which in general enables the growth of cytoskeleton-stiffened animal cells. As reported by D. J. Moore et al. the isolated protein counts stably for a 24-minute period regardless of temperature and does not drop out of phase when frozen in liquid nitrogen. This means that it receives signals from the outside. This 24-minute signal is abundant in our environment. These are just two examples of our organisms' use of space cycles, available everywhere on Earth for millennia.
Viruses have only a dozen to twenty-some proteins; they do not receive signals directly from the environment, but use signals that host cells receive. Alexander Czyzhevsky wrote a book before the war showing on dozens of charts the correlation of various epidemics (cholera, typhus, diphtheria, influenza) with high solar activity. This book was published in the Soviet Union, for ideological reasons, only in the 1970s. Similarly, Edgar Hope-Simpson shows, on the basis of more precise data, the coincidence of seasonal influenza with the Wolf number of solar staining. Over a wide range of latitudes in our hemisphere, influenza strikes roughly in November and later in March. As early as the eighteenth century, it was shown that this was not a matter of weather changes, but of a more stable factor. However, there is no doubt that here the Sun is the source of radiation that activates the aggressiveness of the virus. My research shows that the Sun provides a whole group of clock cycles in the form of torsion field particle radiation with specific information. For example, the annual cycle is associated with the information of the element uranium sequentially in twelve categories. And the period of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius 22.11 - 21.12 and Pisces 19.02 - 20.03 is associated with the activation of the histaminergic neurotransmission system, and therefore with increased levels of histamine enhancing inflammatory processes. Eleven-year cycles of solar activity have not been the subject of my research, but the expected informational range from this activity, stimulated by the grouping together of major planets like Jupiter and Saturn, may be similar. It is well known that the 11-year cycle of solar activity is reflected in the annual growth of trees, as anyone can see in the rings of felled pine trees. As you can see from the graphs comparing the flu epidemic and the Sun's 11-year cycle, the initiating element is the overlay of the 11-year cycle and the annual cycle. However, there is a fly in the ointment in this rather simple picture. Although flu epidemics occur simultaneously in all of Europe from the southern to the northern extremes, there is a six-month shift in the southern hemisphere within the maximum of the 11-year cycle, which remains to be explained in a deeper analysis. The example of influenza, however, serves here only to show that the specific radiation of the Sun independently of the temperatures in both Italy and Scandinavia set in motion the process of almost simultaneous epidemics described long ago by Homer, who represented that throughout Greece the epidemic broke out unexpectedly and simultaneously, and similarly ended simultaneously. Hope-Simpson has shown many analogous reports over the centuries.
SARS CoV viruses
Now let's move on to the SARS coronavirus CoV-2. Since there is very little concrete data from molecular studies so far, I will use a 2010 book on the SARS virus, specifically SARS CoV, which is a very similar coronavirus that has been thoroughly studied. The new version of the virus differs primarily in the adhesion of the virus envelope proteins to host cells. Even a cursory perusal of the book throws up the involvement of two kinase pathways in the infection and virulence of SARS virus. These are p38 MAPK and PI3K/AKT. Both pathways are well known to be activated by microwaves and electromagnetic field generating devices in general. This is described in numerous publications, for example for p38 MAPK and PI3K/AKT. We also know that the PI3K/AKT pathway acting via cell survival is involved in tumorigenesis.
The p38 MAPK kinase is expressed under stressors such as ultraviolet, oxidative shock, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and viral infection in general. Treatment of infected Vero E6 cells with a p38 MAPK inhibitor reduced apoptosis induced by virus structural protein 3a. Inhibitors of p38 MAPK inhibit viral mRNA transcription and viral protein production. This is just one example. So we see that we are able to pharmacologically affect the processes induced by the virus. And probably also on the microwave-induced effect.
The activation of PI3K serves the virus to block the apoptosis of the cells in which it is located, this allows the permanent infection of these cells. This phenomenon occurs in intestinal cells. Alternatively the virus, using its structural proteins, turns on apoptosis on its own with a delay. With the time gained for multiplication, it can attack in a more massive manner. Stimulation of PI3K by both virus and microwaves consequently makes the virus more aggressive.
The structural N protein of the SARS virus CoV together with TGF-β signalling, of which there is a lot during infection, on the one hand inhibit apoptosis but on the other hand increase the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) which causes fibrosis, the formation of thrombi in small pulmonary vessels and leads to lung damage. Pulmonary fibrosis is, of course, a broader issue that also involves excessive production of collagen and other intercellular matrix proteins, as well as the conversion of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, but as it turns out, the formation of microclots is probably critical in the onset of respiratory failure.
With 50 autopsies performed by Italians in Bergamo and 20 in Milan, it has been shown that we are not dealing with pneumonia but with disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis). [21] To prevent clots in blood vessels we traditionally use aspirin, which acetylates fibrinogen to prevent clots.
Current therapy in Italy includes anti-inflammatory drugs and specifics such as for influenza. Unfortunately, in the scientific literature, especially Chinese, it was reported until mid-March that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. No need for ventilators, which kill more than 50% of Covid-19 patients connected to them. According to information from Italian pathologists, ventilators are not needed at all.
Polish doctors do not know all this, they do not read publications in English, because they have everything in Polish put on a plate by one German publishing house sponsored by pharmaceutical corporations. For many years, there has been extensive research on obtaining PI3K kinase pathway inhibitors useful for cancer treatment, among other things, both synthetic and plant-derived, mainly from Traditional Chinese Medicine plants. [22-24] Inhibitors of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway include, for example, caffeine [25], or the quercitin contained in onions. [26] So we cannot say that there is nothing that potentially affects the aggressiveness of SARS CoV-2.
It is not a matter of conjecture whether subsequent versions of the SARS CoV virus respond to microwave radiation. We know precisely the two signalling pathways described widely in the scientific literature as stimulated by microwaves that independently stimulate these viruses to infection and aggression.
The characteristics of the signal transmitted by the transmitters have a significant impact on the biological effects. A pure carrier wave with frequencies of tens of gigahertz has an effect only in certain ranges. Amplitude modulated acoustic waves or digitally modulated acoustic waves also have an effect in ranges where the carrier wave itself does not operate. An amplitude-modulated carrier wave with a frequency of hundreds of megahertz also has an effect. [27, 28, 29] The cell phone signal is thus sufficient to have a strong biological effect.
From the experimental data presented, we can conclude that SARS CoV, SARS CoV-2 and their derivatives, which we will learn more about in the future, meet the requirements of a biological weapon, and more exorbitantly than in classical definitions. High virulence, and therefore lethality, can be confined to an area or even a person subjected to strong microwave radiation. The aggressiveness of the virus is subject to programming by the intensity of microwave radiation. So far, however, we do not know the LD50 value of a microwave beam, or a similar factor. In today's field conditions of warfare, although this virus would bring death or incapacitation to the enemy after only a few days, such warfare is now minimal, and the main theatre of war is cities and civilian populations.
Thus, we can see a certain rationality in Minister Lukasz Szumowski's decision to raise the radiation standard, not two or five times, but one hundred times to the highest value which does not raise international objections. Rationality from which, however, the purpose it is supposed to serve does not follow.
Seeing how quickly our country is being fascistised, where members of parliament at attention approve dozens of laws in one night, at least some of them directed against their own citizens, such as for example, implanting in everyone by force something about which they will learn nothing, I would not be so much afraid of putting up new masts as new chimneys.
1. J. M. Hurley, J. J. Loros, J. C. Dunlap; Circadian oscillators: around the transcription-translation feedback loop and on to output; Trends in Biochemical Sciences (2016) 41(10): 834-846.
2. by Ying Xia; Translational Acupuncture Research; Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland 2019.
3. Diana Wojtkowiak; Systematic Anthropology; Author's Scientific Series DETERMINISM Volume II, Gdansk 2009;
4. S. Wang, R. Pogue, D. M. Morre, D. J. Morre; NADH oxidase activity (NOX) and enlargement of HeLa cells oscillate with two different temperature-compensated period lengths of 22 and 24 minutes corresponding to different NOX forms; Biochimica and Biphysica Acta (2001) 1539: 192-204.
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