Complete and utter bollocks
How safe is your electric car? (on spontaneous combustion of lithium batteries) 24.2.22 |
VOLVO has published a study that shows the manufacture of electric vehicles (EVs) creates 70% more emissions than conventional internal combustion engines, Jan 2022 |
First-ever felony charges filed against driver in fatal autopilot-involved crash, 18.1.22 |
Biosludged: it's no longer you are what you eat, but you are who you eat, 14.1.22 |
Agenda 21 explained in 2 minutes, 7.1.22 |
Decarbonization means turning the clock back to the 1800s, 7.1.22 |
Wind turbines once again demonstrate their unreliability, 7.1.22 |
Finland man blows up his Tesla after claiming to face $22,000 replacement battery bill, 24.12.21 |
Electrifying the UK and the want of engineering - The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 2020 |
Hundreds of electric cars have been left to rust in a French field for three years after a failed experiment, 7.4.21
Here is the hidden $150 trillion agenda behind the "crusade" against climate change, 13.10.21 |
Emergency responders still can’t safely and quickly extinguish electric vehicle fires, 3.10.21 |
Solve climate change by giving more money to the government |
Dr Vernon Coleman – “Not believing the Covid hoax but still believing the global warming hoax is like not believing in Santa but still believing in the tooth fairy”, 25.8.21 |
Magical thinking about green energy, 7.9.21 |
GM tells some Bolt owners to park 50 feet away from other cars The new advice is likely to rankle owners who are already limiting their use of the Bolt to avoid overheating the battery and risking a fire. 15.9.21 |