If Pfizer and the FDA do not release the data on their clinical trials, former Blackrock & Hedge Fund Guru Edward Dowd says he is assuming fraud, and Fraud Eviscerates all Contracts, that’s case-law. Dowd says that big pharma is supposed to be one of the most regulated industries, particularly with the Food and drug administration (FDA) however, after touting that the jabs are safe and also effective, their blanket immunity from liability may no longer apply if fraud is found to have occurred.
This could be game over for companies such as Moderna and other mRNA manufacturers, as big insurance is prepping to “square off” with big pharma over life insurance pay-outs linked to the COVID gene therapy jab, according to the Equity Investment Executive Edward Dowd. |
Blackrock manager Ed Dowd says deaths caused by Pfizer jab will result in a financial scandanl - Enron 2.0, |
Austrians being stopped randomly by authorities & forced to prove they are vaxxenated, 8.2.22 |
British teenager, Sophie Corcoran, breaks down on GB News, 19.1.22 |
UK’s Royal Society study says social platforms shouldn’t censor “misinformation”, 20.1.22 |
Now is the time to oppose tyranny: Yeadon, Malone, Kennedy, Bhakdi, etc., 20.1.22 |
Stew Peters: US hospitals killing patients for organ harvesting industry, 19.1.22 |
![]() Paul Schreyer: Pandemic Simulation Games, 10.3.21
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research ... Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: "Dark Winter" (2001), "Global Mercury" (2003), "Atlantic Storm" (2005) or "Clade X" (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at "Event 201" in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally. Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: "The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (...) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?" In the event of a pandemic, "basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel" could no longer „taken for granted". Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games. This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown? Table of contents: 0:00:00 Pandemic exercisces - Preparation for a new era? 0:02:23 Era of the Cold War 1945 - 1990 0:05:05 The USA without an enemy 0:17:05 Bioterror exercises 1990 - 2005 0:23:51 The Exercise “Dark Winter” 0:30:44 Emergency plans for bioterror and flu pandemics 0:35:40 Interim conclusion 0:38:40 “Lock Step-Scenario” 2010 0:44:38 “MARS” and the G20 Health Minister meeting in Berlin 0:50:35 Why the Corona Pandemic startet in 2020 0:58:19 “Event 201“ - Training with a Corona pandemic Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era? |
Resurrect dead on Saturn: surrogates in the Metaverse future, 20.12.22 |
The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2, Nov 2020 |
Texas high school teacher charged after locking COVID-positive 13-year-old child in trunk to 'quarantine', 7.1.22 |
When you are deathswabbed, you enter an eternal system of control called the vaxx passport, 7.1.22 |
UAE bans unvaxxed citizens from leaving the country, 2.1.22 |
Little boy traumatized as a dozen armed agents swarm & harass him for eating without showing vaccine papers, 28.12.21 |
Song: No Muzzle- Patryk Vlod |
MAD science: "Bacteria, viruses and bacteriophages (viruses that attack bacteria), are also being trialled as potential cancer treatments." |
Evil prat Prince Charles: “We must now put ourselves on a warlike footing, approaching our action from the perspective of a military-style campaign,” he said, arguing that human activity has pushed the earth “beyond its planetary boundaries,” while those in positions of power have “decried, denigrated and denied” the problem." 2.11.21 |
The real aims of Extinction Rebellion, 7.11.21 |
The 5 basic laws of human stupidity, according to Cipolla, 2.11.21: 1. Always and inevitably, each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in the world; 2. The probability that a certain person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic of the same person; 3. A stupid person is one who causes harm to another person or group without at the same time obtaining a benefit for himself or even damaging himself; 4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the harmful potential of stupid people; 5. The stupid person is the most dangerous person that exists. |
New US Digital Driver's License to include vaccine status, credit score, travel records, 1.11.21 |
Google is using AI to manipulate users psychologically, 31.10.21 |
Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity, 15.10.21 |
First time in history a medicine's ineffectiveness is being blamed on those who have not taken it |
- AUS: hospitals directed to replace ‘unborn baby’ terminology with ‘parasite’ to avoid abortion offence, 18.10.21 When discussing the healthcare of women, it is important to avoid inflammatory and harmful language such as baby, life, or pregnant,” Attorney-General Chapman explained. |
5 MEPs express dissent over compulsory Digital Vaxxine Certificates - where are the others?? 22.10.21 |
Florida Surgeon General & DeSantis destroy the case for masking kids in under 3 minutes [video], 21.10.21 |
Poisoned tap water in the UK, 8.10.21 |
Eating babies? Georgia school has teens 'solve' hunger with cannibalism, 14.10.21 |
Vaccine mandate threatens Massachusetts Dept. of Corrections, about to lose 50% of its prison guards, 15.10.21 |
WHO issues clinical case definition of long Covid - how about getting rid of the cell phone that is giving you "Covid"?? 13/10.21 |
As the energy crisis explodes, they are warning that heating bills will be extremely painful this winter, 15.10.21 |
Plastic bag put over teen Covid patient’s head at TX hospital, 12.10.21 |
Firefox starts monitoring keystrokes, adding adverts to address bar, 10.10.21 |
Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to suspend laws & put you in one of their Covid isolation camps located across the US, 10.10.21 |
Globalist Strong Cities' extensive list of member cities designed to crush dissent |
The secrets behind Victoria’s police state: "Strong Cities", 7.10.21 |
Almost 2 million Israelis lose their green pass because they didn’t get booster shot, 4.10.21 |
Australia- Commonwealth employees, court workers & police granted exemptions from vaxxine mandate, 10.10.21
Rothschilds take the piss out of the cattle |
Analysis of Covid test swabs by surface testing in the Slovak Republic - confirmation of genocide (DARPA hydrogel, etc.), 2021 |
New York Times overstated child COVID-19 hospitalizations by 800K+ or 14 times, 9.10.21 |
Act of War: ca. 350K US military dishonorably discharged for refusing vax, 8.10.21
Beijing unleashes sweeping bid to remold society, 21.9.21 |
George Orwell: Some ideas are so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe them |
Pot calls kettle black: Fed economist bemoans ‘criminally oppressive’ social order, 24.9.21 |
Pot calls kettle black: UN finds governments in breach of international law, 17.12.20 |
One of world’s largest port operators warns global supply chain ‘crisis’ will last two years, 4.10.21 |
School boards ask Biden admin to treat parents’ protests as ‘domestic terrorism’, 1.10.21 |
Norway reclassifies Covid-19: No more dangerous than ordinary flu, 23.9.21 |
Excellent summary article on plandemic, genocide, nanoparticles, extermination camps, mercenaries, 14.11.20 |
Covid-19 - It's just ..., 15.9.21 |
Italy to mandate vaccine passports for state employees, then eventually to private sector workers, 16.9.21 |
FROM A CORRESPONDENT: The UK government's actions caused a huge spike in deaths and created panic in order to usher in controls over the population.
The table shows latest data from PHE on cases of the "Delta variant". It shows that 23% of all cases have been in those who have been double vaccinated and had the required 14 days to become “fully vaccinated”. In addition it shows that 61% of all deaths from the Delta variant have been in the “fully vaccinated”. Link to the report here:
Some good information to share with those who still believe that the govt has been supporting the health of the nation and doing their very best to save lives since April and May 2020. The tables show how the govt took a deliberate step to reduce the supply of available hospital beds in the quarter to the end of June 2020 and even with this reduced level of supply hospitals were still only at 65% occupancy levels. This, we were told, was to prepare hospitals to support an influx of sick people with Covid-19. Hospitals were deliberately emptied of sick people, particularly the elderly (25k per NAO) in order we are told to prepare to help the sick and vulnerable!
Why empty hospitals of the most vulnerable in order to make them more vulnerable in care homes with inadequate facilities, equipment and space and then not even utilise the hospital space to help save the lives of these very same people? Is there any coincidence that “out of hospital” prescriptions of end of life drugs sky rocketed , wide spread DNR orders were put in place and the most vulnerable in care homes were denied medical care and the oversight and attention of family members?
The government's plans were indeed just what were needed if you wanted to cause a huge spike in deaths and create panic in order to usher in all sorts of controls over the population.
The suffering of course continues with extended NHS waiting lists for all sorts of treatment which will result in the early deaths and suffering of many more. These waiting lists will not of course be eased through govt spending in the way billions and billions has been spent on testing, masking, furlough, etc The reason for this – because it was never about the govt supporting the nation’s health. Link to data:
The table shows latest data from PHE on cases of the "Delta variant". It shows that 23% of all cases have been in those who have been double vaccinated and had the required 14 days to become “fully vaccinated”. In addition it shows that 61% of all deaths from the Delta variant have been in the “fully vaccinated”. Link to the report here:
Some good information to share with those who still believe that the govt has been supporting the health of the nation and doing their very best to save lives since April and May 2020. The tables show how the govt took a deliberate step to reduce the supply of available hospital beds in the quarter to the end of June 2020 and even with this reduced level of supply hospitals were still only at 65% occupancy levels. This, we were told, was to prepare hospitals to support an influx of sick people with Covid-19. Hospitals were deliberately emptied of sick people, particularly the elderly (25k per NAO) in order we are told to prepare to help the sick and vulnerable!
Why empty hospitals of the most vulnerable in order to make them more vulnerable in care homes with inadequate facilities, equipment and space and then not even utilise the hospital space to help save the lives of these very same people? Is there any coincidence that “out of hospital” prescriptions of end of life drugs sky rocketed , wide spread DNR orders were put in place and the most vulnerable in care homes were denied medical care and the oversight and attention of family members?
The government's plans were indeed just what were needed if you wanted to cause a huge spike in deaths and create panic in order to usher in all sorts of controls over the population.
The suffering of course continues with extended NHS waiting lists for all sorts of treatment which will result in the early deaths and suffering of many more. These waiting lists will not of course be eased through govt spending in the way billions and billions has been spent on testing, masking, furlough, etc The reason for this – because it was never about the govt supporting the nation’s health. Link to data:
The last word on masks - many links in comprehensive letter drafted by a Californian, 5.9.21 |
Attention to all New Zealanders - parliament is busy getting a new bill in place to override the Bill of Rights. According to the speech by David Seymour (ACT), they plan to limit business transactions only with individuals who have been injected with the experimental emergency-authorized mRNA injections (not a vaccine) designed by the criminal pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer. The new bill will give them legal standing to do that... watch this video from today’s session which is part one of the new bill, there is more to come.
New Zealand bill: no business with the unvaxxed! 5.9.21 |
Mike Yeadon: "We're standing at the gates of hell", 2.9.21 |
The Monotti Protocol: "At the peak of coronavirus season at least two thirds of Covid19 cases which led to severe disease or mortality were in people who were in or had visited a hospital", 23.3.21 |
Dr Bryan Ardis - more Americans died in 2020 from "Covid" than in any other country - because they were murdered, 6.9.21 |
So many laws broken on so many levels - with senior lawyer Anna De Buisseret, 12.8.21 |
This is how people should be: police officers respond to elderly woman in need, pitch in to buy her a new fridge, groceries, 6.8.21 |
Bill Gates Patent: Blockchain Will Track Vaxx Status, Prohibit Purchasing, Travel to Unvaxxed, 31.8.21 |
Patents filed by CDC, 24.8.21 (2 mins) |
Who Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers? (no date given) |
10 Current Trends of Operation Coronavirus as of August 2021:
1. Vaccines mandates and segregation of the vaxxenated & unvaxxenated 2. Blaming the unvaxxenated 3. Punishing the unvaxxenated 4. Tyrants pushing it to the extreme 5. Masking children 6. Vaxxing children 7. Forcing mental assessments & psych evaluations on those who don't buy the narrative 8. Heartless rules & heartless rule-followers 9 . Inventing scary-sounding variants out of thin air 10. Vaxxine injuries & deaths mount sky high |
10 current trends of Operation Coronavirus as of August 2021 |
Richard A Rothschild patent: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19, 13.10.15
Australia has Fallen – Covid-19 concentration camps being built in Australia in the name of public health, 27.8.21 |
Denmark will scrap ALL Covid restrictions in two weeks and stop classifying it as 'a critical threat to society', 27.8.21 |
Australian psychologist makes mandatory report on the risk of serious harm to Australian children, 26.8.21 |
New York union members protest medical mandates violating "fundamental rights", 26.8.21 |
"Aggression against science" or rejection of the use of unethical scientism for tyranny & genocide? 28.7.21 |
Next step in the plan: blame the genocide on the unvaxxed and target them for death, too, 18.8.21 |
Insight into the WEF's view of the dystopian future they want for us, 11.8.21 |
The real dirty disinformation dozen |
Irrefutable evidence that will send all who knowingly cooperated to prison? 20.8.21 |
Australian tyranny latest: 8 months jail for a social media post, 22.8.21 |
Corona Enquiry: Reiner Fuellmich, Mike Adams & Viviane Fischer, 17.8.21 - "The whole vaxxine hysteria is a cover story to convince people to subject themselves to euthanasia" |
AUS: He gave the order to shoot into the crowd, 21.8.21 |
Fed-up unarmed Australians hit the streets in protest of medical police state: police fire on crowds, 21.8.21 |
I weep for what is happening to my Australia |
Aussie lawyer reports to police that over 70 New South Wales police blow the whistle on Covid-19 fraud and global tyranny, 26.7.21 |
Tyranny in Australia: summary, 21.8.21 |
Stew Peters: tyranny grips Australia & 3 kids dead by vaxxine, 21.8.21 |
Health Minister: If it's over 16 and it's got a pulse, it's going to be vaccinated |
Australian police fire rubber bullets, pepper spray on Melbourne crowd, 22.8.21 |
Australia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children (WARNING: GRAPHIC), 19.8.21 |
VICTORY! The first police domino has fallen - in Switzerland, 13.8.21

The worldwide revolution of the French-speaking resistance is well underway, as the first police station has switched to our side; 500 Swiss police officers are officially calling on their troops to engage in civil disobedience if the measures go against the silent majority of the population. This is the victory of peace. Victory not only over tyranny, but over mass slavery by the richest, ever richer people on the planet! The French-speaking world is beginning to open up, to become progressively more aware and the seeds are beginning to germinate! Thank you to all these alerters who are doing a great job on each of their platforms, the journalists you will see, will gradually join our camp because it starts to kick off seriously in the Editorials, as much as in the police stations of France today! This first victory of the Swiss Police already has the taste of the final victory because it is the first domino which will make all the others fall!
The Highwire:
Dr. Zelenko on the global genocidal conspiracy to suppress Covid treatments so as to make money from vaxxines, 7.7.21 |
CDC announces Covid internment camps for every US city, will separate families (also in UK), 12.8.21 |
Dr. Peter McCullough – 5 things about Covid that they don’t want you to hear, 12.8.21 |
Wayne Smith, the man investigating Midazolam murders murders of old people, found dead, 4.8.21 |
Did Governor Lee of Tennessee really approve Covid camps? - Yes , (no date) |
Coincidence? Three presidents dead after blocking distribution of Covid vaccines, 17.7.21 |
Abrien Aguirre Hawaii Covid whistleblower: it's all fake, 8.8.21 |
Dr Vernon Coleman – “It’s not difficult to argue that the NHS now kills more people than it saves”, 9.8.21 |
Spain: officials kidnapping children from parents who refuse the death vaxx, 9.8.21 |
Mercola: What will segregated society look like for the unvaxxed? |
CDC publishes ‘Green Zone’ concentration camp protocol, preparing mass imprisonment, 6.8.21 |
Australian MP Malcom Roberts attacks Covid scam, 4.8.21 |
FOIA: No one in UK successfully prosecuted under the Coronavirus Act up to Feb 2021, 10.5.21 |
15 signs you might be in an abusive relationship (with your government) |
MUST-WATCH: "We are dealing with megalomaniacs, psychopaths & sociopaths intent on genocide", 3.8.21 |
Dr Peter McCullough - doctors are hypnotised & doing unthinkable things, 4.8.21
As health officials, media ramp up vaccine coercion, they scapegoat the unvaccinated, 4.8.21 |
Canada admits SARS-Cov-2 never isolated, 3.8.21 (new link to dox) |
Updated: Proof the SARS-COV-2 virus does not exist: worldwide FOIA requests
Fury over 'misleading' Covid hospital figures as it's revealed half of patients only test positive AFTER admission for another illness, 27.7.21 |
The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest health scam of the 21st century.” report by 1500 United Health Professionals, 23.7.21 |
All the Covid info that the presstitute media suppress, 26.7.21 |
What’s Up with the Great Reset? 27.6.21 |
'LOCKDOWN FRAUD' British and US spies urged to probe claims China ‘tricked the world into lockdown to trigger economic crash’, 13.1.21 |
Andrey Ilnitsky: "Covid is a project of globalists", 18.12.20 |
Belarusian President claims IMF & World Bank offered him a bribe to impose Covid restrictions, 7.9.20 |
Why you should never get tested for Covid-19, 27.7.21 |
The Approching Storm - Globocap is fomenting a war on the unvaccinated, 24.7.21
Covidiocracy = rule by psychopathic bean counter |
Thou shalt not covid thy neighbour's conversation, 23/7/21 |
Johns Hopkins Researchers Engineer Tiny, Shape-Changing Machines That Deliver Medicine Efficiently to the GI Tract, 11.3.20 |
Covidiots greet |
Thousands of UK independent shops set to disappear from the High Street after debt soars five-fold to £2bn in pandemic, 15.7.21 |
USA deaths from drug overdose increased by almost 30% in 2020, likely related to lockdowns, 14.7.21 |
Pres. John Magufuli of Tanzania: confronted Big Pharma & the corrupt Covid cabal, 19.3.21 |
End of the Road for the Germ Theory by Fergus Frank, 9.5.21 |
Covid-19 delta variant poses greater risk to the vaccinated than the non-vaccinated, 22.6.21 |
Dr. Vernon Coleman: The gates of hell are wide open, 21.5.21 |
So who got the science correct? Sweden or other countries? by Ivor Cummins, 6.6.21 |
How Covid-19 school guidelines are harming kids, 14.6.21 |
Dr. Richard M Fleming warning that the 'spike protein' is about to create a catastrophic wave of 'mad cow'/ prion disease and mass deaths, 16.6.21 |
The magnetofection conspiracy unravels, 17.6.21 |